
NuRadioReco provides a number of utilities to make life easier, the most important of which shall be introduced here.

Unit System

To keep track of the units of the calculated event properties, NuRadioReco offers its own units system. The usage is simple: For every input, the number is multiplied by its units, for every output it is divided by it.

from NuRadioReco.utilities import units
time = 132. * units.ms  # define 132 milli seconds
d = 5. * units.mm   # define 5 mm
v = d / time  # calculate speed
print('The speed is {..2f} km/h'.format(v / (units.km / units.hour)))
# the speed is 0.14 m / h

The advantage of this approach is, that the user does not need to worry about (or even know) the units NuRadioReco uses internally. As long as all inputs and outputs are multiplied and divided by the correct units, things will stay consistent.

Fourier Transformation

Helper functions to perform fast Fourier Transform between time and frequency domain. The functions are wrappers around the the numpy real Fourier transform (since we know that signals are real in the time domain we can omit the negative frequencies). The spectrum is defined in volt/GHz instead of volt/bin, so that the values are independent of the sampling rate.


Always use these helper functions when doing Fourier transformations.