NuRadioMC.simulation.simulation module

NuRadioMC.simulation.simulation.merge_config(user, default)[source]
class NuRadioMC.simulation.simulation.simulation(inputfilename, outputfilename, detectorfile=None, det=None, det_kwargs={}, outputfilenameNuRadioReco=None, debug=False, evt_time=datetime.datetime(2018, 1, 1, 0, 0), config_file=None, log_level=25, default_detector_station=None, default_detector_channel=None, file_overwrite=False, write_detector=True, event_list=None, log_level_propagation=30, ice_model=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

initialize the NuRadioMC end-to-end simulation

inputfilename: string, or pair

the path to the hdf5 file containing the list of neutrino events alternatively, the data and attributes dictionary can be passed directly to the method

outputfilename: string

specify hdf5 output filename.

detectorfile: string

path to the json file containing the detector description

det: detector object

Pass a detector class object

det_kwargs: dict

Pass arguments to the detector (only used when det == None)

station_id: int

the station id for which the simulation is performed. Must match a station deself._fined in the detector description

outputfilenameNuRadioReco: string or None

outputfilename of NuRadioReco detector sim file, this file contains all waveforms of the triggered events default: None, i.e., no output file will be written which is useful for effective volume calculations

debug: bool

True activates debug mode, default False

evt_time: datetime object

the time of the events, default 1/1/2018

config_file: string

path to config file

log_level: logging.LEVEL

the log level

default_detector_station: int or None

DEPRECATED: Define reference stations in the detector JSON file instead

default_detector_channel: int or None

DEPRECATED: Define reference channels in the detector JSON file instead

file_overwrite: bool

True allows overwriting of existing files, default False

write_detector: bool

If true, the detector description is written into the .nur files along with the events default True

event_list: None or list of ints

if provided, only the event listed in this list are being simulated

log_level_propagation: logging.LEVEL

the log level of the propagation module

ice_model: medium object (default None)

allows to specify a custom ice model. This model is used if the config file specifies the ice model as “custom”.




run the NuRadioMC simulation






run the NuRadioMC simulation

property integrated_channel_response