NuRadioReco.modules.analogToDigitalConverter module

NuRadioReco.modules.analogToDigitalConverter.perfect_comparator(trace, adc_n_bits, adc_ref_voltage, mode='floor', output='voltage')[source]

Simulates a perfect comparator flash ADC that compares the voltage to the voltage for the least significative bit and takes the floor or the ceiling of their ratio as a digitised value of the trace.

trace: array of floats

Trace containing the voltage to be digitised

adc_n_bits: int

Number of bits of the ADC

adc_ref_voltage: float

Voltage corresponding to the maximum number of counts given by the ADC: 2**adc_n_bits - 1

mode: string

‘floor’ or ‘ceiling’

output: {‘voltage’, ‘counts’}, default ‘voltage’


  • ‘voltage’ to store the ADC output as discretised voltage trace

  • ‘counts’ to store the ADC output in ADC counts

digital_trace: array of floats

Digitised voltage trace in volts or ADC counts

NuRadioReco.modules.analogToDigitalConverter.perfect_floor_comparator(trace, adc_n_bits, adc_ref_voltage, output='voltage')[source]

Perfect comparator ADC that takes the floor value of the comparison. See perfect_comparator

NuRadioReco.modules.analogToDigitalConverter.perfect_ceiling_comparator(trace, adc_n_bits, adc_ref_voltage, output='voltage')[source]

Perfect comparator ADC that takes the floor value of the comparison. See perfect_floor.

NuRadioReco.modules.analogToDigitalConverter.apply_saturation(adc_counts_trace, adc_n_bits, adc_ref_voltage)[source]

Takes a digitised trace in ADC counts and clips the parts of the trace with values higher than 2**(adc_n_bits-1)-1 or lower than -2**(adc_n_bits-1).

adc_counts_trace: array of floats

Voltage in ADC counts, unclipped

adc_n_bits: int

Number of bits of the ADC

adc_ref_voltage: float

Voltage corresponding to the maximum number of counts given by the ADC: 2**(adc_n_bits-1) - 1

saturated_trace: array of floats

The clipped or saturated voltage trace

class NuRadioReco.modules.analogToDigitalConverter.analogToDigitalConverter[source]

Bases: object

This class simulates an analog to digital converter. The steps followed by this module to achieve the conversion are:

  1. The following properties of the channel are read. They must be in the

    detector configuration file:

    • “adc_nbits”, the number of bits of the ADC

    • “adc_reference_voltage”, the reference voltage in volts, that is, the

      maximum voltage the ADC can convert without saturating

    • “adc_sampling_frequency”, the sampling frequency in GHz

  2. A random clock offset (jitter) can be added, as it would happen in

    a real experiment. Choose random_clock_offset = True to do so. A time delay can also be fixed if the field “adc_time_delay” is specified in ns. The channel trace is interpolated to get the trace values at the clock times displaced from the channel times. This is fine as long as the input channel traces have been simulated with a sampling rate greater than the ADC sampling rate, which should be the case. Upsampling is also possible, and recommended for phased array simulations.


    Upsampling after digitisation is performed by the FPGA, which means that the digitised trace is no longer discretised after being upsampled. The FPGA uses fixed point arithmetic, which in practice can be approximated as floats for our simulation purposes.

  3. A type of ADC converter is chosen, which transforms the trace in ADC

    counts (discrete values). The available types are listed in the list _adc_types, which are (see functions with the same names for documentation):

    • ‘perfect_floor_comparator’

    • ‘perfect_ceiling_comparator’


Since this module already performs a downsampling, there is no need to use the channelResampler in those channels that possess an ADC. The chosen method for resampling is interpolation, since filtering only the spectrum below half the sampling frequency would eliminate the higher Nyquist zones.

Note that after this module the traces are still expressed in voltage units, only the possible values are discretised.

If the ADC is used for triggering and the user does not want to modify the trace, the function get_digital_trace can be used. If there are two different ADCs for the same channel, one for triggering and another one for storing, one can define a trigger ADC adding “trigger_” to every relevant ADC field in the detector configuration, and use them setting trigger_adc to True in get_digital_trace.


get_digital_trace(station, det, channel[, ...])

Returns the digital trace for a channel, without setting it.

run(evt, station, det[, clock_offset, ...])

Runs the analogToDigitalConverter and transforms the traces from all the channels of an input station to digital voltage values.


get_digital_trace(station, det, channel, Vrms=None, trigger_adc=False, clock_offset=0.0, adc_type='perfect_floor_comparator', return_sampling_frequency=False, adc_output='voltage', trigger_filter=None)[source]

Returns the digital trace for a channel, without setting it. This allows the creation of a digital trace that can be used for triggering purposes without removing the original information on the channel.

station: framework.station.Station object
det: detector.detector.Detector object
channel: object
Vrms: float

If supplied, overrides adc_reference_voltage as supplied in the detector description file

trigger_adc: bool

If True, the relevant ADC parameters in the config file are the ones that start with ‘trigger_’

random_clock_offset: bool

If True, a random clock offset between -1 and 1 clock cycles is added

adc_type: string

The type of ADC used. The following are available:

  • perfect_floor_comparator

  • perfect_ceiling_comparator

See functions with the same name on this module for documentation

return_sampling_frequency: bool

If True, returns the trace and the ADC sampling frequency

adc_output: string


  • ‘voltage’ to store the ADC output as discretised voltage trace

  • ‘counts’ to store the ADC output in ADC counts

trigger_filter: array floats

Freq. domain of the response to be applied to post-ADC traces Must be length for “MC freq”

digital_trace: array of floats

Digitised voltage trace

adc_sampling_frequency: float

ADC sampling frequency for the channel

run(evt, station, det, clock_offset=0.0, adc_type='perfect_floor_comparator', adc_output='voltage', trigger_filter=None)[source]

Runs the analogToDigitalConverter and transforms the traces from all the channels of an input station to digital voltage values.

evt: framework.event.Event object
station: framework.station.Station object
det: detector.detector.Detector object
clock_offset: float
adc_type: string

The type of ADC used. The following are available:

  • ‘perfect_floor_comparator’

See functions with the same name on this module for documentation

adc_output: string


  • ‘voltage’ to store the ADC output as discretised voltage trace

  • ‘counts’ to store the ADC output in ADC counts

upsampling_factor: integer

Upsampling factor. The digital trace will be a upsampled to a sampling frequency int_factor times higher than the original one
