NuRadioMC.EvtGen.generate_unforced module

NuRadioMC.EvtGen.generate_unforced.generate_eventlist_cylinder(filename, n_events, Emin, Emax, full_rmin=None, full_rmax=None, full_zmin=None, full_zmax=None, thetamin=0.0, thetamax=3.141592653589793, phimin=0.0, phimax=6.283185307179586, start_event_id=1, flavor=[12, -12, 14, -14, 16, -16], n_events_per_file=None, spectrum='log_uniform', start_file_id=0)[source]

Event generator

Generates neutrino interactions, i.e., vertex positions, neutrino directions, neutrino flavor, charged currend/neutral current and inelastiviy distributions. All events are saved in an hdf5 file.

filename: string

the output filename of the hdf5 file

n_events: int

number of events to generate

Emin: float

the minimum neutrino energy (energies are randomly chosen assuming a uniform distribution in the logarithm of the energy)

Emax: float

the maximum neutrino energy (energies are randomly chosen assuming a uniform distribution in the logarithm of the energy)

full_rmin: float (default None)

lower r coordinate of simulated volume (if None it is set to 1/3 of the fiducial volume, if second vertices are not activated it is set to the fiducial volume)

full_rmax: float (default None)

upper r coordinate of simulated volume (if None it is set to 5x the fiducial volume, if second vertices are not activated it is set to the fiducial volume)

full_zmin: float (default None)

lower z coordinate of simulated volume (if None it is set to 1/3 of the fiducial volume, if second vertices are not activated it is set to the fiducial volume)

full_zmax: float (default None)

upper z coordinate of simulated volume (if None it is set to 5x the fiducial volume, if second vertices are not activated it is set to the fiducial volume)

thetamin: float

lower zenith angle for neutrino arrival direction

thetamax: float

upper zenith angle for neutrino arrival direction

phimin: float

lower azimuth angle for neutrino arrival direction

phimax: float

upper azimuth angle for neutrino arrival direction

start_event: int

default: 1 event number of first event

flavor: array of ints

default: [12, -12, 14, -14, 16, -16] specify which neutrino flavors to generate. A uniform distribution of all specified flavors is assumed. The neutrino flavor (integer) encoded as using PDF numbering scheme, particles have positive sign, anti-particles have negative sign, relevant for us are: * 12: electron neutrino * 14: muon neutrino * 16: tau neutrino

n_events_per_file: int or None

the maximum number of events per output files. Default is None, which means that all events are saved in one file. If ‘n_events_per_file’ is smaller than ‘n_events’ the event list is split up into multiple files. This is useful to split up the computing on multiple cores.

spectrum: string

defines the probability distribution for which the neutrino energies are generated * ‘log_uniform’: uniformly distributed in the logarithm of energy

start_file_id: int (default 0)

in case the data set is distributed over several files, this number specifies the id of the first file (useful if an existing data set is extended) if True, generate deposited energies instead of primary neutrino energies