NuRadioReco.framework.parameters module

Provides an interface to store simulated and reconstructed quantities

The parameters module provides access to store and read simulated or reconstructed quantities in the different custom classes used in NuRadioMC.

class NuRadioReco.framework.parameters.stationParameters(value=<no_arg>, names=None, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Bases: Enum

An enumeration.

nu_zenith = 1

the zenith angle of the incoming neutrino direction

nu_azimuth = 2

the azimuth angle of the incoming neutrino direction

nu_energy = 3

the energy of the neutrino

nu_flavor = 4

the flavor of the neutrino

ccnc = 5

neutral current of charged current interaction

nu_vertex = 6

the neutrino vertex position

inelasticity = 7

inelasticity ot neutrino interaction

triggered = 8

flag if station was triggered or not

cr_energy = 9

the cosmic-ray energy

cr_zenith = 10

zenith angle of the cosmic-ray incoming direction

cr_azimuth = 11

azimuth angle of the cosmic-ray incoming direction

channels_max_amplitude = 12

the maximum amplitude of all channels (considered in the trigger module)

zenith = 13

the zenith angle of the incoming signal direction (WARNING: this parameter is not well defined as the incoming signal direction might be different for different channels)

azimuth = 14

the azimuth angle of the incoming signal direction (WARNING: this parameter is not well defined as the incoming signal direction might be different for different channels)

zenith_cr_templatefit = 15
zenith_nu_templatefit = 16
cr_xcorrelations = 19

dict of result of crosscorrelations with cr templates

nu_xcorrelations = 20

dict of result of crosscorrelations with nu templates

station_time = 21
cr_energy_em = 24

the electromagnetic shower energy (the cosmic ray energy that ends up in electrons, positrons and gammas)

nu_inttype = 25

interaction type, e.g., cc, nc, tau_em, tau_had

chi2_efield_time_direction_fit = 26

the chi2 of the direction fitter that used the maximum pulse times of the efields

ndf_efield_time_direction_fit = 27

the number of degrees of freedom of the direction fitter that used the maximum pulse times of the efields

cr_xmax = 28

Depth of shower maximum of the air shower

vertex_2D_fit = 29

horizontal distance and z coordinate of the reconstructed vertex of the neutrino

distance_correlations = 30
shower_energy = 31

the energy of the shower

viewing_angles = 32

reconstructed viewing angles. A nested map structure. First key is channel id, second key is ray tracing solution id. Value is a float

flagged_channels = 60

a defaultdict of flagged NRR channel ids with as value a list of the reason(s) for flagging (used in readLOFARData, stationRFIFilter)

cr_dominant_polarisation = 61

the channel orientation containing the dominant cosmic ray signal (calculated by stationPulseFinder)

dirty_fft_channels = 62

a list of FFT channels flagged as RFI (calculated by stationRFIFilter)

class NuRadioReco.framework.parameters.channelParameters(value=<no_arg>, names=None, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Bases: Enum

An enumeration.

zenith = 1

zenith angle of the incoming signal direction

azimuth = 2

azimuth angle of the incoming signal direction

maximum_amplitude = 4

the maximum ampliude of the magnitude of the trace

SNR = 5

an dictionary of various signal-to-noise ratio definitions

maximum_amplitude_envelope = 6

the maximum ampliude of the hilbert envelope of the trace

P2P_amplitude = 7

the peak to peak amplitude

cr_xcorrelations = 8

dict of result of crosscorrelations with cr templates

nu_xcorrelations = 9

dict of result of crosscorrelations with nu templates

signal_time = 10

the time of the maximum amplitude of the envelope

noise_rms = 11

the root mean square of the noise

signal_regions = 12

list of start and end times of regions that likely contain a signal

noise_regions = 13

list of start and end times of regions that likel do not contain any signals

signal_time_offset = 14

the relative timing differences of the signal arrival times between channels

signal_receiving_zenith = 15

the zenith angle of direction at which the radio signal arrived at the antenna

signal_ray_type = 16

type of the ray propagation path of the signal received by this channel. Options are direct, reflected and refracted

signal_receiving_azimuth = 17

the azimuth angle of direction at which the radio signal arrived at the antenna

block_offsets = 18

‘block’ or pedestal offsets. See NuRadioReco.modules.RNO_G.channelBlockOffsetFitter

Vrms_NuRadioMC_simulation = 19

the noise rms used in the MC simulation

bandwidth_NuRadioMC_simulation = 20

the integrated channel response (=bandwidth for signal chains without amplification) used in the MC simulation

Vrms_trigger_NuRadioMC_simulation = 21

the noise rms of the trigger channels (optional) used in the MC simulation

class NuRadioReco.framework.parameters.electricFieldParameters(value=<no_arg>, names=None, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Bases: Enum

An enumeration.

ray_path_type = 1

the type of the ray tracing solution (‘direct’, ‘refracted’ or ‘reflected’)

polarization_angle = 2

electric field polarization in onsky-coordinates. 0 corresponds to polarization in e_theta, 90deg is polarization in e_phi

polarization_angle_expectation = 3

expected polarization based on shower geometry. Defined analogous to polarization_angle

signal_energy_fluence = 4

Energy/area in the radio signal

cr_spectrum_slope = 5

Slope of the radio signal’s spectrum as reconstructed by the voltageToAnalyticEfieldConverter

zenith = 7

zenith angle of the signal. Note that refraction at the air/ice boundary is not taken into account

azimuth = 8

azimuth angle of the signal. Note that refraction at the air/ice boundary is not taken into account

signal_time = 9
nu_vertex_distance = 10

the distance along the ray path from the vertex to the channel

nu_viewing_angle = 11

the angle between shower axis and launch vector

max_amp_antenna = 12

the maximum amplitude of the signal after convolution with the antenna response pattern, dict with channelid as key

max_amp_antenna_envelope = 13

the maximum amplitude of the signal envelope after convolution with the antenna response pattern, dict with channelid as key

reflection_coefficient_theta = 14

for reflected rays: the complex Fresnel reflection coefficient of the eTheta component

reflection_coefficient_phi = 15

for reflected rays: the complex Fresnel reflection coefficient of the ePhi component

cr_spectrum_quadratic_term = 16

result of the second order correction to the spectrum fitted by the voltageToAnalyticEfieldConverter

energy_fluence_ratios = 17

Ratios of the energy fluences in different passbands

nu_vertex_propagation_time = 18

the time it takes for the signal to propagate from the vertex to the channel

raytracing_solution = 19

the ray tracing solution (the dictionary returned by get_raytracing_output(i_solution))

launch_vector = 20

the launch vector of the ray from which this efield originates (only available for in-ice simulations)

class NuRadioReco.framework.parameters.ARIANNAParameters(value=<no_arg>, names=None, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Bases: Enum

An enumeration.

seq_start_time = 1

the start time of a sequence

seq_stop_time = 2

the stop time of a sequence

seq_num = 3

the sequence number of the current event

comm_period = 4

length of data taking window

comm_duration = 5

maximum diration of communication window

trigger_thresholds = 6

trigger thresholds converted to voltage

l1_supression_value = 7

This provieds the L1 supression value for given event

internal_clock_time = 8

time since last trigger with ms precision

class NuRadioReco.framework.parameters.showerParameters(value=<no_arg>, names=None, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Bases: Enum

An enumeration.

zenith = 1

zenith angle of the shower axis pointing towards xmax

azimuth = 2

azimuth angle of the shower axis pointing towards xmax

core = 3

position of the intersection between shower axis and an observer plane

energy = 4

total energy of the primary particle, or shower energy for in-ice particle showers

electromagnetic_energy = 5

energy of the electromagnetic shower component

radiation_energy = 6

totally emitted radiation energy

electromagnetic_radiation_energy = 7

radiation energy originated from the electromagnetic emission

primary_particle = 8

particle id of the primary particle

shower_maximum = 9

position of shower maximum in slant depth, e.g., Xmax

distance_shower_maximum_geometric = 10

distance to xmax in meter

distance_shower_maximum_grammage = 11

distance to xmax in g / cm^2

parent_id = 12

id of parent in sim particles

refractive_index_at_ground = 100

refractivity at sea level

atmospheric_model = 101

atmospheric model used in simulation

magnetic_field_rotation = 102

offset between magnetic field and north in reconstruction corrdinatesystem

magnetic_field_vector = 103

magnetic field used in simulation in local coordinate system

observation_level = 104

altitude a.s.l where the particles are stored

charge_excess_profile_id = 105

the id of the charge-excess profile used in the ARZ Askaryan calculation

type = 106

for neutrino induces showers in ice: can be “HAD” or “EM”

vertex = 107

the interaction vertex (for air showers this corresponds to the point of X0)

vertex_time = 108

the propagation time relative to the first interactions

interaction_type = 109

the interaction type, e.g. cc or nc

k_L = 110

the k_L parameter of the Alvarez2009 parameter that controls the longitudional width of the charge excess profile

flavor = 111

the flavor of the particle initiating the shower

n_interaction = 112

Hierarchical counter for the number of showers per event group (also accounts for showers which did not trigger and might not be saved)

interferometric_shower_maximum = 120

depth of the maximum of the longitudinal profile of the beam-formed signal

interferometric_shower_axis = 121

shower axis (direction) derived from beam-formed signal

interferometric_core = 122

core (intersection of shower axis with obs plane) derived from beam-formed signal

class NuRadioReco.framework.parameters.emitterParameters(value=<no_arg>, names=None, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Bases: Enum

An enumeration.

position = 1

the interaction vertex (for air showers this corresponds to the point of X0)

model = 2

the emitter model used to simulate the emission (as defined in NuRadioMC/SignalGen/

amplitude = 3

the amplitude of the signal

polarization = 4

the polarization of the signal

half_width = 5

the width of square and tone_burst signal

frequency = 6

the frequency of a signal (for cw and tone_burst model)

orientation_phi = 7

the orientation of the emiting antenna, defined via two vectors that are defined with two angles each

orientation_theta = 8

the orientation of the emiting antenna, defined via two vectors that are defined with two angles each

rotation_phi = 9

the orientation of the emiting antenna, defined via two vectors that are defined with two angles each

rotation_theta = 10

the orientation of the emiting antenna, defined via two vectors that are defined with two angles each

realization_id = 11

the id of the measurement of the emitted electric field

antenna_type = 12

the type of the antenna used to simulate the emission

time = 13

the time when the signal was emitted

class NuRadioReco.framework.parameters.particleParameters(value=<no_arg>, names=None, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Bases: Enum

An enumeration.

parent_id = 1

the entry number of the parent particle, None if primary.

zenith = 2

the zenith angle of the incoming neutrino direction

azimuth = 3

the azimuth angle of the incoming neutrino direction

energy = 4

the energy of the neutrino

flavor = 5

the flavor of the neutrino, more generally the PDG code

vertex = 6

the neutrino vertex position (x,y,z)

vertex_time = 9
weight = 10
inelasticity = 11

inelasticity ot neutrino interaction

interaction_type = 12

interaction type, e.g., cc, nc

n_interaction = 13

number of interaction

shower_id = 14

the shower id associated with this particle. This is needed to generate HDF5 files that contain the primary particle

cr_energy = 101

the cosmic-ray energy

cr_zenith = 102

zenith angle of the cosmic-ray incoming direction

cr_azimuth = 103

azimuth angle of the cosmic-ray incoming direction

cr_energy_em = 104

the electromagnetic shower energy (the cosmic ray energy that ends up in electrons, positrons and gammas)

class NuRadioReco.framework.parameters.generatorAttributes(value=<no_arg>, names=None, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Bases: Enum

An enumeration.

Emax = 1

maximum simulated energy

Emin = 2

minimum simulated energy

deposited = 3

deposited energies or neutrino energies?

fiducial_rmin = 4

fiducial volume parameter (if cylindrical footprint used)

fiducial_rmax = 5

fiducial volume parameter (if cylindrical footprint used)

fiducial_xmin = 6

fiducial volume parameter (if rectangular footprint used)

fiducial_xmax = 7

fiducial volume parameter (if rectangular footprint used)

fiducial_ymin = 8

fiducial volume parameter (if rectangular footprint used)

fiducial_ymax = 9

fiducial volume parameter (if rectangular footprint used)

fiducial_zmin = 10
fiducial_zmax = 11
rmin = 12

volume parameter (if cylindrical)

rmax = 13

volume parameter (if cylindrical)

xmin = 14

volume parameter (if rectangular)

xmax = 15

volume parameter (if rectangular)

ymin = 16

volume parameter (if rectangular)

ymax = 17

volume parameter (if rectangular)

zmin = 18
zmax = 19
volume = 20
area = 21
phimax = 22

simulated space angle range

phimin = 23

simulated space angle range

thetamax = 24

simulated space angle range

thetamin = 25

simulated space angle range

flavors = 26

list of simulated event flavours

dt = 27

inverse of sampling rate used in the simulation

Tnoise = 28

noise temperature used in the simulation

Vrms = 29

noise rms used in the simulation,

bandwidth = 30

integrated channel response used in the simulation

n_events = 100
n_samples = 101
start_event_id = 102
total_number_of_events = 103
NuRadioMC_EvtGen_version = 200
NuRadioMC_EvtGen_version_hash = 201
NuRadioMC_version = 202
NuRadioMC_version_hash = 203
class NuRadioReco.framework.parameters.eventParameters(value=<no_arg>, names=None, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Bases: Enum

An enumeration.

sim_config = 1

contents of the config file that the NuRadioMC simulation was run with

hash_NuRadioReco = 2

deprecated, since NuRadioReco is no longer its own repository

hash_NuRadioMC = 3

git hash of the NuRadioMC commit that the file was created with