NuRadioReco.utilities.noise module
- NuRadioReco.utilities.noise.rolled_sum_roll(traces, rolling)[source]
calculates rolled sum via np.roll
- Parameters:
- traces: list
list containing 1D traces
- rolling: list
list of offsets per trace for rolling
- Returns:
- sumtr: np.array
1D array of summed traces
- NuRadioReco.utilities.noise.rolling_indices(traces, rolling)[source]
pre calculates rolling index array for rolled sum via take
- Parameters:
- traces: list
list containing (at least one) 1D trace
- rolling: list
list of offsets per trace for rolling
- NuRadioReco.utilities.noise.rolled_sum_take(traces, rolling_indices)[source]
calculates rolled sum via np.take
- Parameters:
- traces: list
list containing 1D traces
- rolling_indices: list
list of pre-calculated 1D index arrays for rolled sum
- Returns:
- sumtr: np.array
1D array of summed traces
- NuRadioReco.utilities.noise.rolled_sum_slicing(traces, rolling)[source]
calculates rolled sum via slicing
- Parameters:
- traces: list
list containing 1D traces
- rolling: list
list of offsets per trace for rolling
- Returns:
- sumtr: np.array
1D array of summed traces
- class NuRadioReco.utilities.noise.thermalNoiseGenerator(n_samples, sampling_rate, Vrms, threshold, time_coincidence, n_majority, time_coincidence_majority, n_channels, trigger_time, filt, noise_type='rayleigh', keep_full_band=False)[source]
Efficient algorithms to generate thermal noise fluctuations that fulfill a high/low trigger + a majority coincidence logic (as used by ARIANNA)
- Parameters:
- n_samples: int
the number of samples of the trace
- sampling_rate: float
the sampling rate
- Vrms: float
the RMS noise
- threshold: float
the trigger threshold (assuming a symmetric high and low threshold)
- time_coincidence: float
the high/low coincidence time
- n_majority: int
specifies how many channels need to have a trigger
- time_coincidence_majority: float
multi channel coincidence window
- n_channels: int
number of channels to generate
- trigger_time: float
the trigger time (time when the trigger completes)
- filt: array of floats
the filter that should be applied after noise generation (needs to match frequency binning)
- noise_type: string
the type of the noise, can be * “rayleigh” (default) * “noise”
- keep_full_band: bool
Flag to keep the full-band waveform instead of the one with the filter applied. Allows for triggering on a different (i.e. filt) band than what is returned, (default is False)
generates noise traces for all channels that will cause a high/low majority logic trigger
- class NuRadioReco.utilities.noise.thermalNoiseGeneratorPhasedArray(detector_filename, station_id, triggered_channels, Vrms, threshold, ref_index, noise_type='rayleigh', log_level=0, pre_trigger_time=100, trace_length=512, filt=None, upsampling=2, window_length=16, step_size=8, main_low_angle=np.float64(-1.039338088856046), main_high_angle=np.float64(1.039338088856046), n_beams=11, quantize=True)[source]
Efficient algorithms to generate thermal noise fluctuations that fulfill a phased array trigger
- Parameters:
- detector_filename: string
the filename to the detector description
- station_id: int
the station id of the station from the detector file
- triggered_channels: array of ints
list of channel ids that are part of the trigger
- Vrms: float
the RMS noise
- threshold: float
the trigger threshold (assuming a symmetric high and low threshold)
- ref_index: float
reference refractive index for calculating time delays of the beams
([phasing_mode, trigger_mode, ...])generates noise traces for all channels that will cause a high/low majority logic trigger
([debug])generates noise traces for all channels that will cause a high/low majority logic trigger This implementation is slow due to nested python loops each rolling the trace over and over again
- Other Parameters:
- noise_type: string
the type of the noise, can be * “rayleigh” (default) * “noise”
- log_level: logging enum, default warn
the print level for this module
- pre_trigger_time: float, default 100 ns
the time in the trace before the trigger happens
- trace_length: float, default 512 ns
the total trace length
- filt: array of complex values, default None
the filter that should be applied after noise generation (needs to match frequency binning in upsampled domain) if None, a default filter is calculated from 96 to 220 MHz
- upsampling: int, default 2
factor by which the waveforms will be upsampled before calculating time delays and beamforming
- window_length: float, default 16 ns
time interval of the integration window
- step_size: float, default 8 ns
duration of a stride between window calcuations
- main_low_angle: float, default -59.5 deg
angle (radians) of the lowest beam
- main_high_angle: float 59.5 deg
angle (radians) of the highest beam
- n_beams: int, default 11
number of beams to calculate
- quantize: bool, default True
If set to true, the conversion to and from ADC will be performed to mimic digitizations
- generate_noise(phasing_mode='slice', trigger_mode='binned_sum', debug=False)[source]
generates noise traces for all channels that will cause a high/low majority logic trigger
- Parameters:
- phasing_mode: string (default: “slice”)
“slice” or “roll”, two implementations for phasing by either slicing the array or using np.roll. The default shows better performance, but “roll” is kept as an alternative
- trigger_mode: string (default: “binned_sum”)
“binned_sum” or “stride”, two implementations for triggering The default shows better performance, but “stride” is kept as an alternative
- debug:
generate debug plot
- Returns
- ——-
- np.array of shape (n_channels, n_samples), index of triggered bin, index of triggered beam