NuRadioMC.SignalGen.HCRB2017 module

NuRadioMC.SignalGen.HCRB2017.get_time_trace(energy, theta, N, dt, is_em_shower, n_index, R, LPM=True, a=None)[source]

returns the Askaryan pulse in the time domain


energy of the shower

theta: float

viewangle: angle between shower axis (neutrino direction) and the line of sight between interaction and detector


number of samples in the time domain

dt: float

time bin width, i.e. the inverse of the sampling rate

is_em_shower: bool

true if EM shower, false otherwise

n: float

index of refraction at interaction vertex

R: float

distance from vertex to observer

LPM: bool (default True)

enable/disable LPD effect

a: float or None (default Nont)

if variable set, the shower width is manually set to this value

NuRadioMC.SignalGen.HCRB2017.get_frequency_spectrum(energy, theta, N, dt, is_em_shower, n, R, LPM=True, a=None)[source]

returns the complex amplitudes of the frequency spectrum of the neutrino radio signal


energy of the shower

theta: float

viewangle: angle between shower axis (neutrino direction) and the line of sight between interaction and detector


number of samples in the time domain

dt: float

time bin width, i.e. the inverse of the sampling rate

is_em_shower: bool

true if EM shower, false otherwise

n: float

index of refraction at interaction vertex

R: float

distance from vertex to observer

LPM: bool (default True)

enable/disable LPD effect

a: float or None (default Nont)

if variable set, the shower width is manually set to this value

NuRadioMC.SignalGen.HCRB2017.gauss(x, A, mu, sigma)[source]
NuRadioMC.SignalGen.HCRB2017.get_N_AskDepthA(E, EM=True, LPM=True, fudge_LPM=False)[source]

calculates the Gaussian width (sigma) of the shower profile using the Greisen profile for EM showers and the Gaisser-Hillas profile for HAD showers. If the LPM flag is activated, for EM shower of the shower width of 10.1103/PhysRevD.82.074017 is used.

Please note that the parameterization of the shower width for LPM showers is not compatible with the Greisen parameterization event at regimes where the LPM effect is negligible!!!

E: float

the energy of the shower

EM: bool (default True)

switch between EM and had. showers

LPM: bool (default True)

enable/disable LPD effect

fudge_LPM: bool (default False)

if True, the shower width parameterization of LPM showers is rescaled to match the Greisen parameterization at energies below the E_LPM, i.e., at energies where the LPM effect is negligible