NuRadioReco.modules.channelStopFilter module

class NuRadioReco.modules.channelStopFilter.channelStopFilter[source]

Bases: object

Apply tapering towards zero to channel traces

This class applies a Tukey window to the ends of the traces to gradually taper them towards zero, and appends zeros at either end. This prevents unphysical features that can result from applying transformations to the data in the frequency domain (see additional explanation here)

For ARIANNA data, this module should always be used to remove the glitch around the beginning and end of the trace (around the ‘stop’).


run(evt, station, det[, filter_size, ...])



run(evt, station, det, filter_size=0.1, prepend=128, append=128)[source]
evt: Event

The event to run the module on

station: Station

The station to run the module on

det: Detector

The detector description

filter_size: size of tukey window (float)

specifies the percentage of the trace where the filter is active. default is 0.1, i.e. the first 5% and the last 5% of the trace are filtered

prepend: time interval to prepend

the time span that is filled with zeros and prepended to the trace

append: time interval to append

the time span that is filled with zeros and appended to the trace
