NuRadioReco.utilities.units module

standard system of units

You should use the units defined in this file whenever you have a dimensional quantity in your code. For example, write:

s = 1.5 *

instead of:

s = 1.5   # don't forget this is in km!

The conversion factors defined in this file convert your data into Auger base units, so that all dimensional quantities in the code are in a single system of units! You can also use the conversions defined here to, for example, display data with the unit of your choice. For example:

print "s = " , s /, " mm"

The base units are:

  • meter (meter)

  • nanosecond (nanosecond)

  • electron Volt (eV)

  • positron charge (eplus)

  • degree Kelvin (kelvin)

  • the amount of substance (mole)

  • luminous intensity (candela)

  • radian (radian)

  • steradian (steradian)

The SI numerical value of the positron charge is defined here, as it is needed for conversion factor : positron charge = eSI (coulomb)

Adapted from Offline, the reconstruction Framework of the Pierre Auger Collaboration. This is a slightly modified version of the units definitions written by the Geant4 collaboration