NuRadioMC.utilities.inelasticities module

NuRadioMC.utilities.inelasticities.get_neutrino_inelasticity(n_events, rnd=None)[source]

Standard inelasticity for deep inelastic scattering used so far. Ported from ShelfMC

n_events: int

Number of events to be returned

rnd: random generator object

if None is provided, a new default random generator object is initialized

inelasticies: array

Array with the inelasticities

NuRadioMC.utilities.inelasticities.get_ccnc(n_events, rnd=None)[source]

Get the nature of the interaction current: cc or nc Ported from Shelf MC

n_events: int

Number of events to be returned

rnd: random generator object

if None is provided, a new default random generator object is initialized

ccnc: array

Array with ‘cc’ or ‘nc’


Calculates a random tau branch decay See

rnd: random generator object

if None is provided, a new default random generator object is initialized

branch: string

The corresponding decay branch

NuRadioMC.utilities.inelasticities.inelasticity_tau_decay(tau_energy, branch, rnd=None)[source]

Returns the hadronic or electromagnetic inelasticity for the tau decay See and

tau_energy: float

Tau energy at the moment of decay

branch: string

Type of tau decay: ‘tau_mu’, ‘tau_e’, ‘tau_had’

rnd: random generator object

if None is provided, a new default random generator object is initialized

inelasticity: float

The fraction of energy carried by the leptonic or hadronic products

NuRadioMC.utilities.inelasticities.rejection_sampling(f, xmin, xmax, ymax, rnd=None)[source]

Draws a random number following a given distribution using a rejection sampling algorithm.

f: function

Random distribution

xmin: float

Minimum value of the argument

xmax: float

Maximum value of the argument

ymax: float

Maximum function value to use for the rejection sample (e.g., the maximum of the function)

rnd: random generator object

if None is provided, a new default random generator object is initialized

x: float

Random value from the distribution