Source code for NuRadioMC.utilities.inelasticities

import numpy as np
from NuRadioReco.utilities import units
from scipy import constants

e_mass = constants.physical_constants['electron mass energy equivalent in MeV'][0] * units.MeV
mu_mass = constants.physical_constants['muon mass energy equivalent in MeV'][0] * units.MeV
# Mass energy equivalent of the tau lepton
tau_mass = constants.physical_constants['tau mass energy equivalent in MeV'][0] * units.MeV
pi_mass = 139.57061 * units.MeV
rho770_mass = 775.49 * units.MeV
rho1450_mass = 1465 * units.MeV
a1_mass = 1230 * units.MeV
cspeed = constants.c * units.m / units.s
G_F = constants.physical_constants['Fermi coupling constant'][0] * units.GeV ** (-2)

[docs]def get_neutrino_inelasticity(n_events, rnd=None): """ Standard inelasticity for deep inelastic scattering used so far. Ported from ShelfMC Parameters ---------- n_events: int Number of events to be returned rnd: random generator object if None is provided, a new default random generator object is initialized Returns ------- inelasticies: array Array with the inelasticities """ if(rnd is None): rnd = np.random.default_rng() R1 = 0.36787944 R2 = 0.63212056 inelasticities = (-np.log(R1 + rnd.uniform(0., 1., n_events) * R2)) ** 2.5 return inelasticities
[docs]def get_ccnc(n_events, rnd=None): """ Get the nature of the interaction current: cc or nc Ported from Shelf MC Parameters ---------- n_events: int Number of events to be returned rnd: random generator object if None is provided, a new default random generator object is initialized Returns ------- ccnc: array Array with 'cc' or 'nc' """ if(rnd is None): rnd = np.random.default_rng() random_sequence = rnd.uniform(0., 1., n_events) ccnc = [] for i, r in enumerate(random_sequence): # if (r <= 0.6865254):#from AraSim if(r <= 0.7064): ccnc.append('cc') else: ccnc.append('nc') return np.array(ccnc)
[docs]def random_tau_branch(rnd=None): """ Calculates a random tau branch decay See rnd: random generator object if None is provided, a new default random generator object is initialized Returns ------- branch: string The corresponding decay branch """ if(rnd is None): rnd = np.random.default_rng() branching_ratios = np.array([0.18, 0.18]) branching = rnd.uniform(0, 1) if (branching < np.sum(branching_ratios[0:1])): # tau -> nu_tau + mu + nu_tau branch = 'tau_mu' elif (branching < np.sum(branching_ratios[0:2])): # tau -> nu_tau + e + nu_e branch = 'tau_e' else: # tau -> nu_tau + hadrons branch = 'tau_had' return branch
[docs]def inelasticity_tau_decay(tau_energy, branch, rnd=None): """ Returns the hadronic or electromagnetic inelasticity for the tau decay See and Parameters ---------- tau_energy: float Tau energy at the moment of decay branch: string Type of tau decay: 'tau_mu', 'tau_e', 'tau_had' rnd: random generator object if None is provided, a new default random generator object is initialized Returns ------- inelasticity: float The fraction of energy carried by the leptonic or hadronic products """ if(rnd is None): rnd = np.random.default_rng() if (branch == 'tau_had'): branching = np.array([0.12, 0.26, 0.13, 0.13]) rs = np.array([pi_mass, rho770_mass, a1_mass, rho1450_mass]) / tau_mass def g_pi(y, r): if (y < 0 or y > 1 - r ** 2): return 0. else: return -(2 * y - 1 + r) / (1 - r ** 2) ** 2 def g_1(y, r): if (y < 0 or y > 1 - r ** 2): return 0. else: return -(2 * y - 1 + r) * (1 - 2 * r) / (1 - r) ** 2 / (1 + 2 * r) def g_0(y, r): if (y < 0 or y > 1 - r ** 2): return 0. else: return 1 / (1 - r) def y_distribution(y): pi_term = branching[0] * (g_pi(y, rs[0]) + g_0(y, rs[0])) # rest_terms = branching[1:]*(g_1(y,rs)+g_0(y,rs)) rest_terms = [ branch * (g_1(y, r) + g_0(y, r)) for branch, r in zip(branching[1:], rs[1:]) ] return pi_term + np.sum(rest_terms) chosen_y = rejection_sampling(y_distribution, 0, 1, 3) return 1 - chosen_y elif (branch == 'tau_e' or branch == 'tau_mu'): mu = tau_mass if (branch == 'tau_e'): m_l = e_mass elif (branch == 'tau_mu'): m_l = mu_mass nu_min = m_l nu_max = (mu ** 2 + m_l ** 2) / 2 / mu # Fraction energy distibution in the decaying particle rest frame def x_distribution(x): if (x < m_l / nu_max or x > 1): return 0. else: factor = G_F ** 2 * mu ** 5 / 192 / np.pi ** 3 return factor * (3 - 2 * x) * x ** 2 chosen_x = rejection_sampling(x_distribution, 0, 1, x_distribution(1)) chosen_cos = rnd.uniform(-1, 1) y_rest = chosen_x * nu_max / tau_mass # Transforming the rest inelasticity to the lab inelasticity y_lab = y_rest - np.sqrt(y_rest ** 2 - (m_l / mu) ** 2) * chosen_cos return y_lab
[docs]def rejection_sampling(f, xmin, xmax, ymax, rnd=None): """ Draws a random number following a given distribution using a rejection sampling algorithm. Parameters ---------- f: function Random distribution xmin: float Minimum value of the argument xmax: float Maximum value of the argument ymax: float Maximum function value to use for the rejection sample (e.g., the maximum of the function) rnd: random generator object if None is provided, a new default random generator object is initialized Returns ------- x: float Random value from the distribution """ if(rnd is None): rnd = np.random.default_rng() reject = True while(reject): x = rnd.uniform(xmin, xmax) y = rnd.uniform(0, ymax) reject = f(x) < y return x