Source code for NuRadioReco.utilities.noise

import numpy as np
from NuRadioReco.modules import channelGenericNoiseAdder
from NuRadioReco.utilities import units, fft
from NuRadioReco.modules.trigger.highLowThreshold import get_high_low_triggers
from NuRadioReco.detector import generic_detector as detector
from scipy import constants
import datetime
import scipy
import scipy.signal
import copy
import time

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('noiseTriggerSimulation')

[docs] def rolled_sum_roll(traces, rolling): """ calculates rolled sum via np.roll Parameters ---------- traces: list list containing 1D traces rolling: list list of offsets per trace for rolling Returns ------- sumtr: np.array 1D array of summed traces """ # assume first trace always has no rolling sumtr = traces[0].copy() for i in range(1, len(traces)): sumtr += np.roll(traces[i], rolling[i]) return sumtr
[docs] def rolling_indices(traces, rolling): """ pre calculates rolling index array for rolled sum via take Parameters ---------- traces: list list containing (at least one) 1D trace rolling: list list of offsets per trace for rolling """ rolling_indices = [] idx = np.arange(len(traces[0])) for roll in rolling: rolling_indices.append(np.roll(idx, roll)) return np.array(rolling_indices).astype(int)
[docs] def rolled_sum_take(traces, rolling_indices): """ calculates rolled sum via np.take Parameters ---------- traces: list list containing 1D traces rolling_indices: list list of pre-calculated 1D index arrays for rolled sum Returns ------- sumtr: np.array 1D array of summed traces """ # assume first trace always has no rolling sumtr = traces[0].copy() for i in range(1, len(traces)): sumtr += np.take(traces[i], rolling_indices[i]) return sumtr
[docs] def rolled_sum_slicing(traces, rolling): """ calculates rolled sum via slicing Parameters ---------- traces: list list containing 1D traces rolling: list list of offsets per trace for rolling Returns ------- sumtr: np.array 1D array of summed traces """ if rolling[0]: raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot have a roll value of {rolling[0]}!=0 for channel 0") # assume first trace always has no rolling sumtr = traces[0].copy() for i in range(1, len(traces)): r = rolling[i] if r != 0: sumtr[:r] += traces[i][-r:] sumtr[r:] += traces[i][:-r] else: sumtr += traces[i] return sumtr
[docs] class thermalNoiseGenerator(): def __init__(self, n_samples, sampling_rate, Vrms, threshold, time_coincidence, n_majority, time_coincidence_majority, n_channels, trigger_time, filt, noise_type="rayleigh", keep_full_band=False): """ Efficient algorithms to generate thermal noise fluctuations that fulfill a high/low trigger + a majority coincidence logic (as used by ARIANNA) Parameters ---------- n_samples: int the number of samples of the trace sampling_rate: float the sampling rate Vrms: float the RMS noise threshold: float the trigger threshold (assuming a symmetric high and low threshold) time_coincidence: float the high/low coincidence time n_majority: int specifies how many channels need to have a trigger time_coincidence_majority: float multi channel coincidence window n_channels: int number of channels to generate trigger_time: float the trigger time (time when the trigger completes) filt: array of floats the filter that should be applied after noise generation (needs to match frequency binning) noise_type: string the type of the noise, can be * "rayleigh" (default) * "noise" keep_full_band: bool Flag to keep the full-band waveform instead of the one with the filter applied. Allows for triggering on a different (i.e. `filt`) band than what is returned, (default is False) """ self.n_samples = n_samples self.sampling_rate = sampling_rate self.Vrms = Vrms self.threshold = threshold self.time_coincidence = time_coincidence self.n_majority = n_majority self.time_coincidence_majority = time_coincidence_majority self.trigger_time = trigger_time self.n_channels = n_channels self.noise_type = noise_type self.min_freq = 0 * units.MHz self.max_freq = 0.5 * self.sampling_rate self.dt = 1. / self.sampling_rate self.ff = np.fft.rfftfreq(self.n_samples, 1. / self.sampling_rate) self.filt = filt self.trigger_bin = int(self.trigger_time / self.dt) self.trigger_bin_low = int((self.trigger_time - self.time_coincidence_majority) / self.dt) self.norm = np.trapz(np.abs(self.filt) ** 2, self.ff) self.amplitude = (self.max_freq - self.min_freq) ** 0.5 / self.norm ** 0.5 * self.Vrms self.noise = channelGenericNoiseAdder.channelGenericNoiseAdder() self.keep_full_band = keep_full_band
[docs] def generate_noise(self): """ generates noise traces for all channels that will cause a high/low majority logic trigger Returns np.array of shape (n_channels, n_samples) """ n_traces = [None] * self.n_majority t_bins = [None] * self.n_majority for iCh in range(self.n_majority): while n_traces[iCh] is None: spec = self.noise.bandlimited_noise(self.min_freq, self.max_freq, self.n_samples, self.sampling_rate, self.amplitude, self.noise_type, time_domain=False) if self.keep_full_band: trace_copy = fft.freq2time(spec, self.sampling_rate) spec *= self.filt trace = fft.freq2time(spec, self.sampling_rate) if np.any(trace > self.threshold) and np.any(trace < -self.threshold): triggered_bins = get_high_low_triggers(trace, self.threshold, -self.threshold, self.time_coincidence, self.dt) if np.any(triggered_bins): t_bins[iCh] = triggered_bins trace_to_keep = trace if not self.keep_full_band else trace_copy if iCh == 0: n_traces[iCh] = np.roll(trace_to_keep, self.trigger_bin - np.argwhere(triggered_bins == True)[0]) else: tmp = np.random.randint(self.trigger_bin_low, self.trigger_bin) n_traces[iCh] = np.roll(trace_to_keep, tmp - np.argwhere(triggered_bins == True)[0]) traces = np.zeros((self.n_channels, self.n_samples)) rnd_iterator = list(range(self.n_channels)) np.random.shuffle(rnd_iterator) for i, iCh in enumerate(rnd_iterator): if(i < self.n_majority): traces[iCh] = n_traces[i] else: spec = self.noise.bandlimited_noise(self.min_freq, self.max_freq, self.n_samples, self.sampling_rate, self.amplitude, type=self.noise_type, time_domain=False) if self.keep_full_band: traces[iCh] = fft.freq2time(spec, self.sampling_rate) else: traces[iCh] = fft.freq2time(spec * self.filt, self.sampling_rate) return traces
from NuRadioReco.modules.analogToDigitalConverter import perfect_floor_comparator
[docs] class thermalNoiseGeneratorPhasedArray(): def __init__(self, detector_filename, station_id, triggered_channels, Vrms, threshold, ref_index, noise_type="rayleigh", log_level=logging.NOTSET, pre_trigger_time=100 * units.ns, trace_length=512 * units.ns, filt=None, upsampling=2, window_length=16 * units.ns, step_size=8 * units.ns, main_low_angle=np.deg2rad(-59.54968597864437), main_high_angle=np.deg2rad(59.54968597864437), n_beams=11, quantize=True): """ Efficient algorithms to generate thermal noise fluctuations that fulfill a phased array trigger Parameters ---------- detector_filename: string the filename to the detector description station_id: int the station id of the station from the detector file triggered_channels: array of ints list of channel ids that are part of the trigger Vrms: float the RMS noise threshold: float the trigger threshold (assuming a symmetric high and low threshold) ref_index: float reference refractive index for calculating time delays of the beams Other Parameters ---------------- noise_type: string the type of the noise, can be * "rayleigh" (default) * "noise" log_level: logging enum, default warn the print level for this module pre_trigger_time: float, default 100 ns the time in the trace before the trigger happens trace_length: float, default 512 ns the total trace length filt: array of complex values, default None the filter that should be applied after noise generation (needs to match frequency binning in upsampled domain) if `None`, a default filter is calculated from 96 to 220 MHz upsampling: int, default 2 factor by which the waveforms will be upsampled before calculating time delays and beamforming window_length: float, default 16 ns time interval of the integration window step_size: float, default 8 ns duration of a stride between window calcuations main_low_angle: float, default -59.5 deg angle (radians) of the lowest beam main_high_angle: float 59.5 deg angle (radians) of the highest beam n_beams: int, default 11 number of beams to calculate quantize: bool, default True If set to true, the conversion to and from ADC will be performed to mimic digitizations """ logger.setLevel(log_level) self.debug = False self.max_amp = 0 self.upsampling = upsampling self.det = detector.GenericDetector(json_filename=detector_filename) self.det.update(datetime.datetime(2018, 10, 1)) self.n_samples = self.det.get_number_of_samples(station_id, triggered_channels[0]) # assuming same settings for all channels self.sampling_rate = self.det.get_sampling_frequency(station_id, triggered_channels[0]) self.pre_trigger_bins = int(pre_trigger_time * self.sampling_rate) self.n_samples_trigger = int(trace_length * self.sampling_rate) if self.n_samples_trigger > self.n_samples: raise ValueError(f"Requested `trace_length` of {trace_length/units.ns:.1f}ns ({self.n_samples_trigger} bins)" + f" is longer than the number of samples specified in the detector file ({self.n_samples} bins)") self.quantize = quantize if self.quantize: det_channel = self.det.get_channel(station_id, triggered_channels[0]) self.adc_n_bits = det_channel["trigger_adc_nbits"] self.adc_noise_count = det_channel["trigger_adc_noise_count"] self.n_channels = len(triggered_channels) self.triggered_channels = triggered_channels self.ant_z = {} for i, channel_id in enumerate(self.triggered_channels): self.ant_z[channel_id] = self.det.get_relative_position(station_id, channel_id)[2] ref_z = np.max(np.fromiter(self.ant_z.values(), dtype=float)) # Need to add in delay for trigger delay cable_delays = {} for channel_id in triggered_channels: cable_delays[channel_id] = self.det.get_cable_delay(station_id, channel_id) phasing_angles = np.arcsin(np.linspace(np.sin(main_low_angle), np.sin(main_high_angle), n_beams)) cspeed = constants.c * units.m / units.s self.beam_time_delays = np.zeros((len(phasing_angles), self.n_channels), for iBeam, angle in enumerate(phasing_angles): delays = [] for key in self.ant_z: delays += [-(self.ant_z[key] - ref_z) / cspeed * ref_index * np.sin(angle) - cable_delays[key]] delays -= np.max(delays) roll = np.array(np.round(np.array(delays) * self.sampling_rate * self.upsampling)).astype(int) # subtract off the delay of antenna 0 because `rolled_sum_slicing` assumes this is the case self.beam_time_delays[iBeam] = roll - roll[0] self.Vrms = Vrms self.threshold = threshold self.noise_type = noise_type self.min_freq = 0 * units.MHz self.max_freq = 0.5 * self.sampling_rate * self.upsampling self.dt = 1. / self.sampling_rate self.ff = np.fft.rfftfreq(self.n_samples * self.upsampling, 1. / (self.sampling_rate * self.upsampling)) # Construct a default filter if one is not supplied if filt is None: import NuRadioReco.modules.channelBandPassFilter channelBandPassFilter = NuRadioReco.modules.channelBandPassFilter.channelBandPassFilter() self.filt = channelBandPassFilter.get_filter(self.ff, station_id, channel_id, self.det, passband=[96 * units.MHz, 100 * units.GHz], filter_type='cheby1', order=4, rp=0.1) self.filt *= channelBandPassFilter.get_filter(self.ff, station_id, channel_id, self.det, passband=[1 * units.MHz, 220 * units.MHz], filter_type='cheby1', order=7, rp=0.1) else: if len(filt) != len(self.ff): raise ValueError(f"Frequency filter supplied has {len(filt)} bins. It should match the upsampled" + f" frequency binning of {len(self.ff)} bins from {self.ff[0] / units.MHz:.0f} to {self.ff[-1] / units.MHz:.0f} MHz") self.filt = np.array(filt) self.norm = np.trapz(np.abs(self.filt) ** 2, self.ff) self.amplitude = (self.max_freq - self.min_freq) ** 0.5 / self.norm ** 0.5 * self.Vrms"Vrms = {self.Vrms:.3g}V, noise amplitude = {self.amplitude:.3g}V, bandwidth = {self.norm / units.MHz:.0f}MHz")"frequency range {self.min_freq / units.MHz}MHz - {self.max_freq / units.MHz}MHz") if self.quantize: self.adc_ref_voltage = self.Vrms * (2 ** self.adc_n_bits - 1) / self.adc_noise_count self.window = int(window_length * self.sampling_rate * self.upsampling) self.step = int(step_size * self.sampling_rate * self.upsampling) if self.window >= self.pre_trigger_bins: logger.warning(f"Pre-trigger time ({pre_trigger_time / units.ns:0.2} ns, {self.pre_trigger_bins} bins)" + f" is within one window ({self.window} bins) of the beginning of the waveform" + " it is recommended to choose a larger value to avoid clipping effects") self.noise = channelGenericNoiseAdder.channelGenericNoiseAdder() # pre-calculate all parameters which will be used to simulate each triggered noise event to avoid re-calculation self.noise.precalculate_bandlimited_noise_parameters(self.min_freq, self.max_freq, self.n_samples * self.upsampling, self.sampling_rate * self.upsampling, self.amplitude, self.noise_type) def __generation(self): """ separated trace generation part for PA noise trigger """ for iCh in range(self.n_channels): # spec = self.noise.bandlimited_noise(self.min_freq, self.max_freq, self.n_samples * self.upsampling, # self.sampling_rate * self.upsampling, # self.amplitude, self.noise_type, time_domain=False) # function that does not re-calculate parameters in each simulated trace spec = self.noise.bandlimited_noise_from_precalculated_parameters(self.noise_type, time_domain=False) spec *= self.filt trace = fft.freq2time(spec, self.sampling_rate * self.upsampling) if self.quantize: self._traces[iCh] = perfect_floor_comparator(trace, self.adc_n_bits, self.adc_ref_voltage) else: self._traces[iCh] = trace def __phasing(self): """ separated phasing part for PA noise trigger """ self._phased_traces = np.zeros((len(self.beam_time_delays), self.n_samples * self.upsampling)) for iBeam, beam_time_delay in enumerate(self.beam_time_delays): self._phased_traces[iBeam] += rolled_sum_slicing(self._traces, beam_time_delay) def __phasing_roll(self): """ separated phasing part for PA noise trigger via np.roll """ self._phased_traces = np.zeros((len(self.beam_time_delays), self.n_samples * self.upsampling)) for iBeam, beam_time_delay in enumerate(self.beam_time_delays): for iCh in range(self.n_channels): self._phased_traces[iBeam] += np.roll(self._traces[iCh], beam_time_delay[iCh]) def __triggering(self): """ separated trigger part for PA noise trigger """ self.max_amp = 0 # take square over entire array coh_sum_squared = self._phased_traces ** 2 # bin the data into windows of length self.step and normalise to step length reduced_array = np.add.reduceat(coh_sum_squared.T, np.arange(0, np.shape(coh_sum_squared)[1], self.step)).T / self.step sliding_windows = [] # self.window can extend over multiple steps, # assuming self.window being an integer multiple of self.step the reduction sums over subsequent steps steps_per_window = self.window // self.step # better extend the array in order to also trigger on sum of last/first (matching a previous implementation) extended_reduced_array = np.column_stack([reduced_array, reduced_array[:, 0:steps_per_window]]) for offset in range(steps_per_window): # sum over steps_per_window adjacent steps window_sum = np.add.reduceat(extended_reduced_array.T, np.arange(offset, np.shape(extended_reduced_array)[1], steps_per_window)).T / steps_per_window sliding_windows.append(window_sum) # self.max_amp = max(np.array(sliding_windows).max(), self.max_amp) self.max_amp = np.array(sliding_windows).max() # check if trigger condition is fulfilled anywhere if self.max_amp > self.threshold: sliding_windows = np.array(sliding_windows) tmp = np.argwhere(sliding_windows > self.threshold) triggered_step, triggered_beam, triggered_bin = tmp[0] triggered_bin *= (self.window + triggered_step * steps_per_window) if(self.debug): # check in which beam the trigger condition was fulfilled sliding_windows = np.concatenate(sliding_windows, axis=1) triggered_beams = np.amax(sliding_windows, axis=1) > self.threshold for iBeam, is_triggered in enumerate(triggered_beams): # print out each beam that has triggered if is_triggered:"triggered at beam {iBeam}") import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, ax = plt.subplots(self.n_channels + 1, 1, sharex=True) for iCh in range(self.n_channels): ax[iCh].plot(self._traces[iCh])"{self._traces[iCh].std():.2f}") ax[self.n_channels].plot(self._phased_traces[iBeam]) fig.tight_layout() return True, triggered_bin, triggered_beam return False, None, None def __triggering_strided(self): """ separated trigger part for PA noise trigger using np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided """ self.max_amp = 0 for iBeam, phased_trace in enumerate(self._phased_traces): # Create a sliding window coh_sum_squared = phased_trace ** 2 num_frames = int(np.floor((len(phased_trace) - self.window) / self.step)) coh_sum_windowed = np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(coh_sum_squared, (num_frames, self.window), (coh_sum_squared.strides[0] * self.step, coh_sum_squared.strides[0])) squared_mean = np.sum(coh_sum_windowed, axis=1) / self.window # self.max_amp = max(squared_mean.max(), self.max_amp) self.max_amp = max(squared_mean.max(), self.max_amp) if True in (squared_mean > self.threshold): triggered_bin = np.where(squared_mean > self.threshold)[0,0] logger.debug(f"triggered at beam {iBeam}") if(self.debug): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, ax = plt.subplots(self.n_channels+1, 1, sharex=True) for iCh in range(self.n_channels): ax[iCh].plot(self._traces[iCh])"{self._traces[iCh].std():.2f}") ax[self.n_channels].plot(self._phased_traces[iBeam]) fig.tight_layout() return True, triggered_bin, iBeam return False, None, None
[docs] def generate_noise(self, phasing_mode="slice", trigger_mode="binned_sum", debug=False): """ generates noise traces for all channels that will cause a high/low majority logic trigger Parameters ---------- phasing_mode: string (default: "slice") "slice" or "roll", two implementations for phasing by either slicing the array or using np.roll. The default shows better performance, but "roll" is kept as an alternative trigger_mode: string (default: "binned_sum") "binned_sum" or "stride", two implementations for triggering The default shows better performance, but "stride" is kept as an alternative debug: generate debug plot Returns ------- np.array of shape (n_channels, n_samples), index of triggered bin, index of triggered beam """ self.debug = debug # some variables for profiling code dt_generation = 0 dt_phasing = 0 dt_triggering = 0 # generate empty trace array self._traces = np.zeros((self.n_channels, self.n_samples * self.upsampling)) counter = 0 while True: counter += 1 if(counter % 1000 == 0):"{counter:d}, {self.max_amp:.2g}, threshold = {self.threshold:.2g}") # some printout for profiling"Time consumption: GENERATION: {dt_generation:.4f}, PHASING: {dt_phasing:.4f}, TRIGGER: {dt_triggering:.4f}") tstart = time.process_time() self.__generation() # time profiling generation dt_generation += time.process_time() - tstart tstart = time.process_time() if phasing_mode == "slice": self.__phasing() elif phasing_mode == "roll": # more time consuming attempt to do phasing compared to slicing the array self.__phasing_roll() else: logger.error(f"Requested phasing_mode {phasing_mode}. Only 'slice' and 'roll' are allowed") raise NotImplementedError(f"Requested phasing_mode {phasing_mode}. Only 'slice' and 'roll' are allowed") # time profiling phasing dt_phasing += time.process_time() - tstart tstart = time.process_time() if trigger_mode == "binned_sum": is_triggered, triggered_bin, triggered_beam = self.__triggering() elif trigger_mode == "stride": # more time consuming attempt to do triggering compared to taking binned sums is_triggered, triggered_bin, triggered_beam = self.__triggering_strided() else: logger.error(f"Requested trigger_mode {trigger_mode}. Only 'binned_sum' and 'stride' are allowed") raise NotImplementedError(f"Requested trigger_mode {trigger_mode}. Only 'binned_sum' and 'stride' are supported") # time profiling trigger dt_triggering += time.process_time() - tstart if is_triggered: triggered_bin = triggered_bin // self.upsampling # the trace is cut in the downsampled version. Therefore, triggered bin is factor of two smaller. i_low = triggered_bin - self.pre_trigger_bins i_high = i_low + self.n_samples_trigger # traces need to be downsampled # resample and use axis -1 since trace might be either shape (N) for analytic trace or shape (3,N) for E-field self._traces = scipy.signal.resample(self._traces, np.shape(self._traces)[-1] // self.upsampling, axis=-1) if (i_low >= 0) and (i_high < self.n_samples): # If range is directly a subset of the waveform return self._traces[:, i_low:i_high], self._phased_traces, triggered_beam # Otherwise, roll the waveforms. Safe as long as noise is generated in the freq domain self._phased_traces = np.roll(self._phased_traces, -i_low * self.upsampling, axis=-1) self._traces = np.roll(self._traces, -i_low, axis=-1) return self._traces[:, :self.n_samples_trigger], self._phased_traces, triggered_beam
[docs] def generate_noise2(self, debug=False): """ generates noise traces for all channels that will cause a high/low majority logic trigger This implementation is slow due to nested python loops each rolling the trace over and over again Returns np.array of shape (n_channels, n_samples) """ traces = np.zeros((self.n_channels, self.n_samples * self.upsampling)) counter = 0 max_amp = 0 while True: counter += 1 if(counter % 1000 == 0): print(f"{counter:d}, {max_amp:.3g}, threshold = {self.threshold:.3g}") for iCh in range(self.n_channels): spec = self.noise.bandlimited_noise(self.min_freq, self.max_freq, self.n_samples * self.upsampling, self.sampling_rate * self.upsampling, self.amplitude, self.noise_type, time_domain=False) spec *= self.filt trace = fft.freq2time(spec, self.sampling_rate * self.upsampling) if self.quantize: self._traces[iCh] = perfect_floor_comparator(trace, self.adc_n_bits, self.adc_ref_voltage) else: self._traces[iCh] = trace shifts = np.zeros(self.n_channels, shifted_traces = copy.copy(traces) for shift1 in np.arange(-100, 100, 4, shifted_traces[1] = np.roll(traces[1], shift1) shifts[1] = shift1 for shift2 in np.arange(-100, 100, 4, shifts[2] = shift2 shifted_traces[2] = np.roll(traces[2], shift2) for shift3 in np.arange(-100, 100, 4, shifts[3] = shift3 shifted_traces[3] = np.roll(traces[3], shift3) phased_trace = np.zeros(self.n_samples * self.upsampling) for iCh in range(self.n_channels): phased_trace += shifted_traces[iCh] # Create a sliding window coh_sum_squared = phased_trace ** 2 num_frames = int(np.floor((len(phased_trace) - self.window) / self.step)) coh_sum_windowed = np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(coh_sum_squared, (num_frames, self.window), (coh_sum_squared.strides[0] * self.step, coh_sum_squared.strides[0])) squared_mean = np.sum(coh_sum_windowed, axis=1) / self.window max_amp = max(squared_mean.max(), max_amp) if True in (squared_mean > self.threshold):"triggered at beam {shifts}") if(debug): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, ax = plt.subplots(5, 1, sharex=True) for iCh in range(self.n_channels): ax[iCh].plot(traces[iCh])"{traces[iCh].std():.2f}") ax[4].plot(phased_trace) fig.tight_layout() return traces, phased_trace