Source code for NuRadioMC.utilities.merge_hdf5

import glob
import os
import sys
import numpy as np
from collections import OrderedDict
import h5py
import argparse
import os
import logging
import math
logger = logging.getLogger("HDF5-merger")
logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s:%(name)s:%(message)s')

[docs]def merge2(filenames, output_filename): logger.warning(f"merging {len(filenames)} files into {os.path.basename(output_filename)}") data = OrderedDict() attrs = OrderedDict() groups = OrderedDict() group_attrs = OrderedDict() n_data = {} n_groups = {} non_empty_filenames = [] n_events_total = 0 for f in filenames:"adding file {}".format(f)) fin = h5py.File(f, 'r') n_events_total += fin.attrs['n_events'] logger.debug(f"increasing total number of events by {fin.attrs['n_events']:d} to {n_events_total:d} ") # empty files might not have the triggered object at all if('triggered' not in fin.keys() or ('triggered' in fin.keys() and np.sum(np.array(fin['triggered'])) == 0)):"file {f} contains no events") else: non_empty_filenames.append(f) logger.debug(f"file {f} contains {np.sum(np.array(fin['triggered']))} triggered events.") data[f] = {} groups[f] = {} for key in fin: if isinstance(fin[key], # loop through station groups groups[f][key] = {} if(key not in n_groups): n_groups[key] = {} for key2 in fin[key]: groups[f][key][key2] = fin[key][key2][...] if(key2 not in n_groups[key]): n_groups[key][key2] = 0 n_groups[key][key2] += len(groups[f][key][key2]) if(key not in group_attrs): group_attrs[key] = {} for key2 in fin[key].attrs: group_attrs[key][key2] = fin[key].attrs[key2] else: for key2 in fin[key].attrs: if(not np.all(group_attrs[key][key2] == fin[key].attrs[key2])): logger.warning(f"attribute {key2} of group {key} of file {filenames[0]} and {f} are different ({group_attrs[key][key2]} vs. {fin[key].attrs[key2]}. Using attribute value of first file, but you have been warned!") else: data[f][key] = fin[key][...] if(key not in n_data): n_data[key] = 0 n_data[key] += len(data[f][key]) for key in fin.attrs: if(key not in attrs): attrs[key] = fin.attrs[key] else: if(key != 'trigger_names'): if(not np.all(np.nan_to_num(attrs[key]) == np.nan_to_num(fin.attrs[key]))): if(key == "n_events"): logger.warning(f"number of events in file {filenames[0]} and {f} are different ({attrs[key]} vs. {fin.attrs[key]}. We keep track of the total number of events, but in case the simulation was performed with different settings per file (e.g. different zenith angle bins), the averaging might be effected.") elif(key == "start_event_id"): continue else: logger.warning(f"attribute {key} of file {filenames[0]} and {f} are different ({attrs[key]} vs. {fin.attrs[key]}. Using attribute value of first file, but you have been warned!") else: if(len(attrs[key]) != len(fin.attrs[key]) or np.all(attrs[key] != fin.attrs[key])): logger.error(f"attribute {key} of file {filenames[0]} and {f} are different ({attrs[key]} vs. {fin.attrs[key]}. ") raise AttributeError(f"attribute {key} of file {filenames[0]} and {f} are different ({attrs[key]} vs. {fin.attrs[key]}. ") if((('trigger_names' not in attrs) or (len(attrs['trigger_names']) == 0)) and 'trigger_names' in fin.attrs): attrs['trigger_names'] = fin.attrs['trigger_names'] fin.close() # create data sets"creating data sets") fout = h5py.File(output_filename, 'w') if(len(non_empty_filenames)): # check event group ids for uniqueness (this is important because effective volume/area calculation uses the event # group id to determine if a multi station coincidence exists # to start, get the 'event_group_ids' for the first file name only # then, loop over all the other files (iF-th file) in the set, and check to see if there # is any overlap (intersection) between the iF-th file and the first file # if so, then identify what the overlap is, and increment the id number in the iF-th file by 1 # so that it again becomes unique; then use a np mask to replace the overlapping # number with the new unique number in the iF-th file # then, append the now totally unique list of id's from the iF-th file # to the list from the first file, and so on unique_uegids = np.unique(data[non_empty_filenames[0]]['event_group_ids']) for iF, f in enumerate(non_empty_filenames): if(iF == 0): continue current_uegids = np.unique(data[f]['event_group_ids']) intersect = np.intersect1d(unique_uegids, current_uegids, assume_unique=True) if(np.sum(intersect)): current_egids = data[f]['event_group_ids'] new_egid = max(unique_uegids.max(), current_uegids.max()) + 1 for gid in intersect: mask = gid == current_egids # there can be multiple entries per unique event group id, we need to change all of them to the new id current_egids[mask] = new_egid # also change the event_group_id arrays of the station groups if f in non_empty_filenames: for key in groups[f]: # loop through all groups if 'event_group_ids' in groups[f][key]: g_egids = groups[f][key]['event_group_ids'] mask_g = gid == g_egids if(np.sum(mask_g)): # station might not have this event group id, so skip stations where this egid is not present g_egids[mask_g] = new_egid new_egid += 1 logger.warning(f"event group ids are not unique per file, current file is {f}, new unique ids have been generated.") logger.debug(f"non-unique event ids: {intersect}") current_uegids = np.unique(data[f]['event_group_ids']) # get the updated list of unique event group ids. Now there should be no intersection with the ids of the previous files # test again for uniqueness intersect = np.intersect1d(unique_uegids, current_uegids, assume_unique=True) if(np.sum(intersect)): raise IndexError(f"event group ids are not unique per file, current file is {f}") unique_uegids = np.append(unique_uegids, current_uegids) keys = data[non_empty_filenames[0]] for key in keys:"merging key {key}") all_files_have_key = True for f in non_empty_filenames: if(not key in data[f]): logger.debug(f"key {key} not in {f}") all_files_have_key = False if(not all_files_have_key): logger.warning(f"not all files have the key {key}. This key will not be present in the merged file.") continue shape = list(data[non_empty_filenames[0]][key].shape) shape[0] = n_data[key] tmp = np.zeros(shape, dtype=data[non_empty_filenames[0]][key].dtype) i = 0 for f in non_empty_filenames: tmp[i:(i + len(data[f][key]))] = data[f][key] i += len(data[f][key]) fout.create_dataset(key, tmp.shape, dtype=tmp.dtype, compression='gzip')[...] = tmp keys = groups[non_empty_filenames[0]] for key in keys: # loop through all groups"writing group {}".format(key)) # first loop through all keys of this group(station) to find all available entries (necessary because some # of the files might be empty list_of_keys = list(groups[non_empty_filenames[0]][key].keys()) list_of_dtypes = {} list_of_shapes = {} for f in non_empty_filenames: for key2 in groups[f][key]: # loop through all datasets of this group if(key2 not in list_of_dtypes): list_of_dtypes[key2] = groups[f][key][key2].dtype list_of_shapes[key2] = list(groups[f][key][key2].shape) groups[f][key][key2].dtype if(key2 not in list_of_keys): list_of_keys.append(key2) g = fout.create_group(key) for key2 in list_of_keys: # loop through all datasets of this group shape = list_of_shapes[key2] shape[0] = n_groups[key][key2] tmp = np.zeros(shape, dtype=list_of_dtypes[key2]) i = 0 for f in non_empty_filenames: if(key2 in groups[f][key]): tmp[i:(i + len(groups[f][key][key2]))] = groups[f][key][key2] i += len(groups[f][key][key2]) else:"data set {key2} not in file {f} of station {key}") g.create_dataset(key2, shape, dtype=list_of_dtypes[key2], compression='gzip')[...] = tmp # save group attributes for key2 in group_attrs[key]: fout[key].attrs[key2] = group_attrs[key][key2] # save all atrributes attrs['n_events'] = n_events_total for key in attrs: fout.attrs[key] = attrs[key] else: # now handle the case logger.warning("All files are empty. Copying content of first file to output file and keeping track of total number of simulated events.") # all files are empty, so just copy the content of the first file (attributes and empyt data sets) to the output file # update n_events attribute with the total number of events fin = h5py.File(filenames[0], 'r') for key in fin.attrs: if(key == "n_events"): fout.attrs[key] = n_events_total else: fout.attrs[key] = fin.attrs[key] for key in fin: if isinstance(fin[key], g = fout.create_group(key) for key2 in fin[key]: g.create_dataset(key2, fin[key][key2].shape, dtype=fin[key][key2].dtype, compression='gzip')[...] = fin[key][key2] for key2 in fin[key].attrs: g.attrs[key2] = fin[key].attrs[key2] else: fout.create_dataset(key, fin[key].shape, dtype=fin[key].dtype, compression='gzip')[...] = fin[key] fout.close()
if __name__ == "__main__": """ merges multiple hdf5 output files into one single files. The merger module automatically keeps track of the total number of simulated events (which are needed to correctly calculate the effective volume). The script expects that the folder structure is ../output/energy/*.hdf5.part???? Optional log level setting to either set DEBUG, INFO, or WARNING to the readout. Example: add --loglevel DEBUG when calling script to set loglevel to DEBUG. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Merge hdf5 files') parser.add_argument('files', nargs='+', help='input file or files') parser.add_argument('--loglevel', metavar='level', help='loglevel set to either DEBUG, INFO, or WARNING') parser.add_argument('--cores', default=1, type=int, help='number of cores to use') args = parser.parse_args() if args.loglevel is not None: log_val = eval(f'logging.{args.loglevel}') logger.setLevel(log_val) if(len(args.files) < 1): print("usage: python /path/to/simulation/output/folder\nor python outputfilename input1 input2 ...") elif(len(args.files) == 1): filenames = glob.glob("{}/*/*.hdf5.part????".format(args.files[0])) filenames = np.append(filenames, glob.glob("{}/*/*.hdf5.part??????".format(args.files[0]))) filenames = sorted(filenames) filenames2 = [] for i, filename in enumerate(filenames): filename, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) if(ext != '.hdf5'): if(filename not in filenames2): d = os.path.split(filename) a, b = os.path.split(d[0]) filenames2.append(filename) input_args = [] for filename in sorted(filenames2): if(os.path.splitext(filename)[1] == '.hdf5'): d = os.path.split(filename) a, b = os.path.split(d[0]) output_filename = os.path.join(a, d[1]) # remove subfolder from filename if(os.path.exists(output_filename)): logger.error('file {} already exists, skipping'.format(output_filename)) else: # try: input_files = np.array(sorted(glob.glob(filename + '.part????'))) input_files = np.append(input_files, np.array(sorted(glob.glob(filename + '.part??????')))) mask = np.array([os.path.getsize(x) > 1000 for x in input_files], dtype=bool) if(np.sum(~mask)): logger.warning("{:d} files were deselected because their filesize was to small".format(np.sum(~mask))) input_args.append({'filenames': input_files[mask], 'output_filename': output_filename}) if(args.cores == 1): for i in range(len(input_args)): merge2(input_args[i]['filenames'], input_args[i]['output_filename']) else: from multiprocessing import Pool logger.warning(f"running {len(input_args)} job on {args.cores} cores") def tmp(kwargs): merge2(**kwargs) with Pool(args.cores) as p:, input_args) elif(len(args.files) > 1): output_filename = args.files[0] if(os.path.exists(output_filename)): logger.error('file {} already exists, skipping'.format(output_filename)) else: input_files = args.files[1:] merge2(input_files, output_filename)