Source code for NuRadioReco.framework.base_trace

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import numpy as np
import logging
import fractions
import decimal
import numbers
from NuRadioReco.utilities import fft, bandpass_filter
import NuRadioReco.detector.response
import scipy.signal
import copy
    import cPickle as pickle
except ImportError:
    import pickle
logger = logging.getLogger("BaseTrace")

[docs]class BaseTrace: def __init__(self): self._sampling_rate = None self._time_trace = None self._frequency_spectrum = None self.__time_domain_up_to_date = True self._trace_start_time = 0
[docs] def get_trace(self): """ returns the time trace. If the frequency spectrum was modified before, an ifft is performed automatically to have the time domain representation up to date. Returns ------- trace: np.array of floats the time trace """ if not self.__time_domain_up_to_date: self._time_trace = fft.freq2time(self._frequency_spectrum, self._sampling_rate) self.__time_domain_up_to_date = True self._frequency_spectrum = None return np.copy(self._time_trace)
[docs] def get_filtered_trace(self, passband, filter_type='butter', order=10, rp=None): """ Returns the trace after applying a filter to it. This does not change the stored trace. Parameters ---------- passband: list of floats lower and upper bound of the filter passband filter_type: string type of the applied filter. Options are rectangular, butter and butterabs order: int Order of the Butterworth filter, if the filter types butter or butterabs are chosen """ spec = copy.copy(self.get_frequency_spectrum()) freq = self.get_frequencies() filter_response = bandpass_filter.get_filter_response(freq, passband, filter_type, order, rp) spec *= filter_response return fft.freq2time(spec, self.get_sampling_rate())
[docs] def get_frequency_spectrum(self): if self.__time_domain_up_to_date: self._frequency_spectrum = fft.time2freq(self._time_trace, self._sampling_rate) self._time_trace = None # logger.debug("frequency spectrum has shape {}".format(self._frequency_spectrum.shape)) self.__time_domain_up_to_date = False return np.copy(self._frequency_spectrum)
[docs] def set_trace(self, trace, sampling_rate): """ Sets the time trace Parameters ---------- trace : np.array of floats The time series sampling_rate : float or str The sampling rate of the trace, i.e., the inverse of the bin width. If `sampling_rate="same"`, sampling rate is not changed (requires previous initialisation). """ if trace is not None: if trace.shape[trace.ndim - 1] % 2 != 0: raise ValueError(f'Attempted to set trace with an uneven number ({trace.shape[trace.ndim - 1]}) ' 'of samples. Only traces with an even number of samples are allowed.') self.__time_domain_up_to_date = True self._time_trace = np.copy(trace) self._frequency_spectrum = None if isinstance(sampling_rate, str) and sampling_rate.lower() == "same": if self._sampling_rate is None: raise ValueError("You specified to keep the sampling rate " "but no value have been set previously.") pass # keep value of self._sampling_rate elif sampling_rate is not None: self._sampling_rate = sampling_rate else: raise ValueError("You have to specify a sampling rate for `BaseTrace.set_trace(...)`")
[docs] def set_frequency_spectrum(self, frequency_spectrum, sampling_rate): """ Sets the frequency spectrum Parameters ---------- frequency_spectrum : np.array of floats The frequency spectrum sampling_rate : float or str The sampling rate of the trace, i.e., the inverse of the bin width. If `sampling_rate="same"`, sampling rate is not changed (requires previous initialisation). """ self.__time_domain_up_to_date = False self._frequency_spectrum = np.copy(frequency_spectrum) self._time_trace = None if isinstance(sampling_rate, str) and sampling_rate.lower() == "same": if self._sampling_rate is None: raise ValueError("You specified to keep the sampling rate " "but no value have been set previously.") pass # keep value of self._sampling_rate elif sampling_rate is not None: self._sampling_rate = sampling_rate else: raise ValueError("You have to specify a sampling rate for `BaseTrace.set_frequency_spectrum(...)`")
[docs] def get_sampling_rate(self): """ returns the sampling rate of the trace Returns ------- sampling_rate: float sampling rate, i.e., the inverse of the bin width """ return self._sampling_rate
[docs] def get_times(self): try: length = self.get_number_of_samples() times = np.arange(0, length / self._sampling_rate - 0.1 / self._sampling_rate, 1. / self._sampling_rate) + self._trace_start_time if len(times) != length: err = ("time array does not have the same length as the trace. " f"n_samples = {length:d}, sampling rate = {self._sampling_rate:.5g}") logger.error(err) raise ValueError(err) except (ValueError, AttributeError): times = np.array([]) return times
[docs] def set_trace_start_time(self, start_time): self._trace_start_time = start_time
[docs] def add_trace_start_time(self, start_time): self._trace_start_time += start_time
[docs] def get_trace_start_time(self): return self._trace_start_time
[docs] def get_frequencies(self): length = self.get_number_of_samples() return np.fft.rfftfreq(length, d=(1. / self._sampling_rate))
[docs] def get_hilbert_envelope(self): from scipy import signal # get hilbert envelope for either 1D (N) analytic trace or (3,N) E-field h = signal.hilbert(self.get_trace()) return np.abs(h)
[docs] def get_hilbert_envelope_mag(self): # ensure taking axis 0 of a 2D trace (trace might be (N) for analytic trace or (3,N) for E-field return np.linalg.norm(np.atleast_2d(self.get_hilbert_envelope()), axis=0)
[docs] def get_number_of_samples(self): """ returns the number of samples in the time domain Returns ------- n_samples: int number of samples in time domain """ if self.__time_domain_up_to_date: length = self._time_trace.shape[-1] # returns the correct length independent of the dimension of the array (channels are 1dim, efields are 3dim) else: length = (self._frequency_spectrum.shape[-1] - 1) * 2 return length
[docs] def apply_time_shift(self, delta_t, silent=False): """ Uses the fourier shift theorem to apply a time shift to the trace Note that this is a cyclic shift, which means the trace will wrap around, which might lead to problems, especially for large time shifts. Parameters ---------- delta_t: float Time by which the trace should be shifted silent: boolean (default:False) Turn off warnings if time shift is larger than 10% of trace length Only use this option if you are sure that your trace is long enough to acommodate the time shift """ if delta_t > .1 * self.get_number_of_samples() / self.get_sampling_rate() and not silent: logger.warning('Trace is shifted by more than 10% of its length') spec = self.get_frequency_spectrum() spec *= np.exp(-2.j * np.pi * delta_t * self.get_frequencies()) self.set_frequency_spectrum(spec, self._sampling_rate)
[docs] def resample(self, sampling_rate): if sampling_rate == self.get_sampling_rate(): return resampling_factor = fractions.Fraction(decimal.Decimal(sampling_rate / self.get_sampling_rate())).limit_denominator(5000) resampled_trace = self.get_trace() if resampling_factor.numerator != 1: # resample and use axis -1 since trace might be either shape (N) for analytic trace or shape (3,N) for E-field resampled_trace = scipy.signal.resample(resampled_trace, resampling_factor.numerator * self.get_number_of_samples(), axis=-1) if resampling_factor.denominator != 1: # resample and use axis -1 since trace might be either shape (N) for analytic trace or shape (3,N) for E-field resampled_trace = scipy.signal.resample(resampled_trace, np.shape(resampled_trace)[-1] // resampling_factor.denominator, axis=-1) if resampled_trace.shape[-1] % 2 != 0: resampled_trace = resampled_trace.T[:-1].T self.set_trace(resampled_trace, sampling_rate)
[docs] def serialize(self): time_trace = self.get_trace() # if there is no trace, the above will return np.array(None). if not time_trace.shape: return None data = {'sampling_rate': self.get_sampling_rate(), 'time_trace': time_trace, 'trace_start_time': self.get_trace_start_time()} return pickle.dumps(data, protocol=4)
[docs] def deserialize(self, data_pkl): data = pickle.loads(data_pkl) self.set_trace(data['time_trace'], data['sampling_rate']) if 'trace_start_time' in data.keys(): self.set_trace_start_time(data['trace_start_time'])
def __add__(self, x): """ Redefine the "+" operator for BaseTrace objects. The operation will return a new BaseTrace object containing the sum of the two traces. If the two traces have different sampling rates, one of them is upsampled to the higher sampling rate. """ # Some sanity checks if not isinstance(x, BaseTrace): raise TypeError('+ operator is only defined for 2 BaseTrace objects') if self.get_trace() is None or x.get_trace() is None: raise ValueError('One of the trace objects has no trace set') if self.get_trace().ndim != x.get_trace().ndim: raise ValueError('Traces have different dimensions') if self.get_sampling_rate() != x.get_sampling_rate(): # Upsample trace with lower sampling rate # Create new baseTrace object for the resampling so we don't change the originals if self.get_sampling_rate() > x.get_sampling_rate(): upsampled_trace = BaseTrace() upsampled_trace.set_trace(x.get_trace(), x.get_sampling_rate()) upsampled_trace.resample(self.get_sampling_rate()) trace_1 = copy.copy(self.get_trace()) trace_2 = upsampled_trace.get_trace() sampling_rate = self.get_sampling_rate() else: upsampled_trace = BaseTrace() upsampled_trace.set_trace(self.get_trace(), self.get_sampling_rate()) upsampled_trace.resample(x.get_sampling_rate()) trace_1 = upsampled_trace.get_trace() trace_2 = copy.copy(x.get_trace()) sampling_rate = x.get_sampling_rate() else: trace_1 = copy.copy(self.get_trace()) trace_2 = copy.copy(x.get_trace()) sampling_rate = self.get_sampling_rate() # Figure out which of the traces has the earlier trace start time if self.get_trace_start_time() <= x.get_trace_start_time(): first_trace = trace_1 second_trace = trace_2 trace_start = self.get_trace_start_time() else: first_trace = trace_2 second_trace = trace_1 trace_start = x.get_trace_start_time() # Calculate the difference in the trace start time between the traces and the number of # samples that time difference corresponds to time_offset = np.abs(x.get_trace_start_time() - self.get_trace_start_time()) i_start = int(round(time_offset * sampling_rate)) # We have to distinguish 2 cases: Trace is 1D (channel) or 2D(E-field) # and treat them differently if trace_1.ndim == 1: # Calculate length the new trace needs to hold both input traces trace_length = max(first_trace.shape[0], i_start + second_trace.shape[0]) # Make sure trace has an even number of samples trace_length += trace_length % 2 # Put both pulses at the start of their own traces for now. We correct for different start times later early_trace = np.zeros(trace_length) early_trace[:first_trace.shape[0]] = first_trace late_trace = np.zeros(trace_length) late_trace[:second_trace.shape[0]] = second_trace else: # Same as in the if bracket, but for a 2D trace (like an E-field) trace_length = max(first_trace.shape[1], i_start + second_trace.shape[1]) trace_length += trace_length % 2 early_trace = np.zeros((first_trace.shape[0], trace_length)) early_trace[:, :first_trace.shape[1]] = first_trace late_trace = np.zeros((second_trace.shape[0], trace_length)) late_trace[:, :second_trace.shape[1]] = second_trace # Correct for different trace start times by using fourier shift theorem to # shift the later trace backwards. late_trace_object = BaseTrace() late_trace_object.set_trace(late_trace, sampling_rate) late_trace_object.apply_time_shift(time_offset, True) # Create new BaseTrace object holding the summed traces new_trace = BaseTrace() new_trace.set_trace(early_trace + late_trace_object.get_trace(), sampling_rate) new_trace.set_trace_start_time(trace_start) return new_trace def __mul__(self, x): if isinstance(x, numbers.Number): if self._time_trace is not None: self._time_trace *= x return self if self._frequency_spectrum is not None: self._frequency_spectrum *= x return self raise ValueError('Cant multiply baseTrace with number because no value is set for trace.') elif isinstance(x, NuRadioReco.detector.response.Response): return x * self # operation defined in detector.response.Response else: raise TypeError('Multiplication of baseTrace object with object of type {} is not defined'.format(type(x))) def __rmul__(self, x): return self.__mul__(x) def __truediv__(self, x): if isinstance(x, numbers.Number): if self._time_trace is not None: self._time_trace = self._time_trace / x return self if self._frequency_spectrum is not None: self._frequency_spectrum = self._frequency_spectrum / x return self raise ValueError('Cant divide baseTrace by number because no value is set for trace.') else: raise TypeError('Division of baseTrace object with object of type {} is not defined'.format(type(x)))