Source code for

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import NuRadioReco.framework.base_trace
import NuRadioReco.framework.parameters as parameters
import NuRadioReco.framework.parameter_storage

import pickle
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('NuRadioReco.Channel')

[docs] class Channel(NuRadioReco.framework.base_trace.BaseTrace, NuRadioReco.framework.parameter_storage.ParameterStorage): def __init__(self, channel_id, channel_group_id=None): """ Parameters ---------- channel_id: int the id of the channel channel_group_id: int (default None) optionally, several channels can belong to a "channel group". Use case is to identify the channels of a single dual or triple polarized antenna as common in air shower arrays. """ NuRadioReco.framework.base_trace.BaseTrace.__init__(self) NuRadioReco.framework.parameter_storage.ParameterStorage.__init__( self, parameters.channelParameters) self._id = channel_id self._group_id = channel_group_id self._trigger_channel = None
[docs] def set_trigger_channel(self, trigger_channel): """ Sets an extra trigger channel of this channel. """ if not type(trigger_channel) == Channel: logger.error("trigger_channel needs to be of type NuRadioReco.framework.Channel") raise ValueError("trigger_channel needs to be of type NuRadioReco.framework.Channel") if trigger_channel.get_id() != self.get_id(): msg = (f"channel id of trigger channel {trigger_channel.get_id()} is different " f"from the channel id {self.get_id()}") logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) self._trigger_channel = trigger_channel
[docs] def get_trigger_channel(self): """ Returns the trigger channel of this channel. Not all channels/detectors make use of additional trigger channels. If no trigger channel is set, this just returns ``self``, i.e. the Channel object itself. """ if self._trigger_channel is None: return self return self._trigger_channel
[docs] def has_extra_trigger_channel(self): """ Returns True if an extra trigger channel is set, i.e., if `self._trigger_channel` is not None. """ return self._trigger_channel is not None
[docs] def get_id(self): return self._id
[docs] def get_group_id(self): """ channel group id If no group id is specified, the channel id is returned. This allows using modules that use the `group_id` feature also on detector setups that don't use this feature. """ if self._group_id is None: return self._id else: return self._group_id
[docs] def serialize(self, save_trace): base_trace_pkl = None if save_trace: base_trace_pkl = NuRadioReco.framework.base_trace.BaseTrace.serialize(self) data = NuRadioReco.framework.parameter_storage.ParameterStorage.serialize(self) if self._trigger_channel is not None: trigger_channel_pkl = self._trigger_channel.serialize(save_trace) else: trigger_channel_pkl = None data.update({ 'id': self.get_id(), 'group_id': self._group_id, 'base_trace': base_trace_pkl, 'trigger_channel_pkl': trigger_channel_pkl, }) return pickle.dumps(data, protocol=4)
[docs] def deserialize(self, data_pkl): data = pickle.loads(data_pkl) if data['base_trace'] is not None: NuRadioReco.framework.base_trace.BaseTrace.deserialize(self, data['base_trace']) NuRadioReco.framework.parameter_storage.ParameterStorage.deserialize(self, data) self._id = data['id'] self._group_id = data.get('group_id') # Attempts to load group_id, returns None if not found trigger_channel_pkl = data.get("trigger_channel_pkl", None) if trigger_channel_pkl is not None: trigger_channel = Channel(None) trigger_channel.deserialize(trigger_channel_pkl) self._trigger_channel = trigger_channel else: self._trigger_channel = None