Source code for NuRadioReco.modules.LOFAR.stationGalacticCalibrator

import os
import logging

import numpy as np

from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from astropy.coordinates import EarthLocation
from astropy.time import Time
from astropy import units as u

from NuRadioReco.modules.base.module import register_run
from NuRadioReco.utilities import units
from import LOFAR_event_id_to_unix

[docs] def fourier_series(x, p): """ Evaluates the partial Fourier series: .. math:: F(x) \\approx \\frac{a_{0}}{2} + \\sum_{n=1}^{\\mathrm{order}} a_{n} \\sin(nx) + b_{n} \\cos(nx) Here the coefficients :math:`a_{n}` are assumed to be the even elements of `p` and the :math:`b_{n}` coefficients the odd elements. """ r = p[0] / 2 order = int((len(p) - 1) / 2) for i in range(order): n = i + 1 r += p[2 * i + 1] * np.sin(n * x) + p[2 * i + 2] * np.cos(n * x) return r
[docs] class stationGalacticCalibrator: """ Apply the galactic calibration to all the channels, to each dipole polarization separately. This function assumes the traces have already been cleaned from any RFI. Both the absolute calibration using Galactic noise and the relative calibration between antenna's is applied. Parameters ---------- experiment: str Reference to the antenna set parameters to use. Notes ----- The absolute calibration makes use of a measured calibration curve, which encodes #. The conversion from ADC to Volts, #. As well as the gains and losses in the amplifiers and coax cables. The relative calibration makes sure all the antennas are calibrated to the same reference value. On the other hand, the calibration correlates this reference value to the Galactic noise in order to make the units physically meaningful. Further details are described in this `overview <>`_, and also this `paper <>`_ . """ def __init__(self, experiment='LOFAR_LBA'): self.logger = logging.getLogger('NuRadioReco.LOFAR.stationGalacticCalibrator') self.__experiment = experiment self.__abs_calibration_curve = None self.__rel_calibration_coefficients = None
[docs] def begin(self, logger_level=logging.NOTSET): """ Loads the experimental parameters (such as longitude and latitude) as well as the Galactic calibration curves and Fourier coefficients from the directory `NuRadioReco/utilities/data/`. Parameters ---------- logger_level : int, default=logging.NOTSET Use this parameter to override the logging level for this module. """ self.logger.setLevel(logger_level) # The files are stored in the data folder of the utilities module, which sits 3 folders up data_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))), 'utilities', 'data') # Get absolute calibration curve self.__abs_calibration_curve = np.genfromtxt( os.path.join( data_dir, "galactic_calibration", f"{self.__experiment}_abs_calibration_curve.txt" ), ) # Get fitted Fourier coefficients for relative calibration and store them based on polarisation rel_calibration_file = np.genfromtxt( os.path.join( data_dir, "galactic_calibration", f"{self.__experiment}_Fourier_coefficients.txt", ), dtype=str, delimiter=', ' ) self.__rel_calibration_coefficients = {} for col in rel_calibration_file.T: group_id = str(col[0].split(" ")[1]) coefficients = col[1:].astype('f8') self.__rel_calibration_coefficients[group_id] = coefficients
def _get_absolute_calibration(self, frequencies): """ Calculate the absolute calibration for a single trace, using the loaded calibration curve. The curve should be a 1-D array, containing the calibration values for frequencies from 0 MHz up to `len(calibration_curve)` MHz, in steps of 1 MHz. Parameters ---------- frequencies: array-like The frequencies sampled in the trace. Returns ------- ndarray The coefficient with which to multiply each frequency channel listed in `frequencies`. """ # Set the calibration curve frequencies calibration_frequencies = np.arange(len(self.__abs_calibration_curve)) * units.MHz # Interpolate the curve between the frequency positions f = interp1d(calibration_frequencies, self.__abs_calibration_curve) # Apply the interpolation to the sampled frequencies and return return f(frequencies) def _get_relative_calibration(self, local_sidereal_time, channel, channel_polarisation): """ Calculate the relative calibration correction factor for a channel, given the Fourier coefficients for the curve of the galactic noise power they observe as a function of the local sidereal time. This makes sure all channels are calibrated to the same reference power. It is not frequency dependent, unlike the absolute calibration. Parameters ---------- local_sidereal_time : float The local sidereal time of the observation. channel : Channel object The channel for which to calculate the correction factor. channel_polarisation : str The key of the channel polarisation, as used in the `self.__rel_calibration_coefficients` dictionary. Returns ------- scale : float The correction factor to be multiplied with the trace. Notes ----- The idea here is that most of the trace contains noise, therefore the power of the trace should be dominated by the Galactic noise. The Fourier coefficients are fitted to the variation of the observed sky noise as a function of sidereal time. Normalising the trace with respect to this curve ensures all the antennas are calibrated to observe the same value of the Galactic noise. """ # Get channel parameters channel_bandwidth = channel.get_sampling_rate() / channel.get_number_of_samples() channel_power = np.sum(np.abs(channel.get_frequency_spectrum()) ** 2) * channel_bandwidth # The NRR frequency spectrum has a factor of sampling rate in the denominator, which after squaring and # multiplying with the channel_bandwidth leaves a 1 / sampling_rate in the channel_power calculation. # To properly match the Fourier series evaluation, the sampling_rate should be in Hz, so we multiply # (as the sampling rate is in the denominator) with the unit here. channel_power *= units.Hz self.logger.debug(f"Channel power of channel {channel.get_id()} is {channel_power}") # Calculate Galactic power noise # the local sidereal time runs from 0 to 24 (it is calculated from the Earth angle), so normalise it to 2 * pi galactic_noise_power = fourier_series(local_sidereal_time / 24.0 * 2 * np.pi, self.__rel_calibration_coefficients[channel_polarisation]) # Calculate the correction factor per antenna scale = galactic_noise_power / channel_power if scale == np.inf: scale = 0.0 # A channel without a signal will have 0 channel power, and result in np.inf return np.sqrt(scale) # Correction is applied in time domain def _calibrate_channel(self, channel, polarisation, timestamp, observing_location): """ Convenience function to apply the absolute and relative calibration to a single channel. Parameters ---------- channel : Channel object The channel to be calibrated. polarisation : str The polarisation of the channel, as used in the Fourier coefficients file. timestamp : int The UNIX timestamp corresponding to the observation. observing_location : EarthLocation The location of the observation, used to calculate the local sidereal time. """ # Find the sidereal time for the experiment observing_time = Time(timestamp, format="unix", location=observing_location) local_time = observing_time.sidereal_time("apparent").hour # Load the trace from the channel trace_fft = channel.get_frequency_spectrum() trace_frequencies = channel.get_frequencies() trace_sampling_rate = channel.get_sampling_rate() # Calibrate trace_fft *= self._get_absolute_calibration(trace_frequencies) trace_fft *= self._get_relative_calibration(local_time, channel, polarisation) # Set the calibrated trace back in the channel channel.set_frequency_spectrum(trace_fft, trace_sampling_rate) def __get_channel_polarisation(self, detector, station, channel): """ Check the channel orientation in the Detector and return the polarisation key to retrieve the corresponding Fourier coefficients. Parameters ---------- detector : Detector object station : Station object channel : Channel object Returns ------- str The channel polarisation key """ orientation_rad = detector.get_antenna_orientation( station.get_id(), channel.get_id() )[1] # takes the phi orientation in rad of the specific channel orientation = orientation_rad / units.deg # get value in degrees if orientation == 225.0: channel_polarisation = 1 # for X dipoles, channel_polarisation is set to 1 elif orientation == 135.0: channel_polarisation = 0 # for Y dipoles, channel_polarisation is set to 0 else: self.logger.error(f"Antenna orientation of {orientation} does not correspond to either X or Y dipole.") raise ValueError return str(channel_polarisation)
[docs] @register_run() def run(self, event, det): """ Run the calibration on all stations in `event`. Parameters ---------- event : Event object The event on which to apply the Galactic calibration. det : Detector object The Detector related to the `event` """ timestamp = LOFAR_event_id_to_unix(event.get_id()) for station in event.get_stations(): site_latitude, site_longitude = det.get_site_coordinates(station.get_id()) site_location = EarthLocation(lat=site_latitude * u.deg, lon=site_longitude * u.deg) for channel in station.iter_channels(): channel_pol = self.__get_channel_polarisation(det, station, channel) self._calibrate_channel(channel, channel_pol, timestamp, site_location)
[docs] def end(self): pass