Source code for NuRadioReco.modules.cosmicRayEnergyReconstructor

Module to reconstruct the energy of an air shower from its radio signal

To reconstruct the air-shower energy, the radio signals should be bandpass filtered
between 80 to 300 MHz with a 10th order Butterworth filter, and both the cosmic ray
direction and the unfolded electric field should be present. The latter can be obtained
(after the signal direction has been reconstructed) by running the
`NuRadioReco.modules.voltageToAnalyticEfieldConverter` module.

For more details on this algorithm, see


import numpy as np
from NuRadioReco.modules.base.module import register_run
from NuRadioReco.framework.parameters import stationParameters as stnp
from NuRadioReco.framework.parameters import electricFieldParameters as efp
from NuRadioReco.utilities import units
import NuRadioReco.utilities.trace_utilities
import logging
import radiotools.helper as hp
import radiotools.coordinatesystems
import radiotools.atmosphere.models

[docs] class cosmicRayEnergyReconstructor: """ Reconstructs the energy of an air shower from its radio signal Requires the following modules to be run beforehand: * a 10th order Butterworth bandpass filter with passband 80-300 MHz * a direction reconstruction * the voltageToAnalyticEfieldConverter """ def __init__(self): self.logger = logging.getLogger('NuRadioReco.cosmicRayEnergyReconstructor') self.__atmosphere = radiotools.atmosphere.models.Atmosphere() self.__parametrizations = { 'mooresbay': { 'scale': np.array([(442.46, -281.75, 324.96), (394.08, -308.36, 436.30)]), 'falloff': np.array([(-.1584, -.07943), (.8070, -1.4098)]) }, 'southpole': { 'scale': np.array([(976.30, -1213.43, 626.98), (643.39, -667.08, 478.06)]), 'falloff': np.array([(-.2273, .05627), (1.3372, -2.1653)]) }, 'auger': { 'scale': np.array([(229.96, -123.75, 110.51), (214.46, -111.01, 119.18)]), 'falloff': np.array([(-.1445, -.09820), (.5936, -1.1763)]) }, 'summit': { 'scale': np.array([[ 404.5 , -131.56, 11.7 ], [ 428.97, -92.11, 5.94]]), 'falloff': np.array([[-0.3391, 0.1738], [ 0.9543, -1.6967]]) } } self.__elevations = { # TODO: This should be changed once we have implemented a proper coordinate system 'mooresbay': 30., 'southpole': 2800., 'auger': 1560., 'summit': 3216. } self.__site = None
[docs] def begin(self, site=None): """ Initialize the cosmicRayEnergyReconstructor (optional) Parameters ---------- site : string | None (default: None) Specifies the site of the station. The parameterization of the cosmic ray energy depends on the site of the detector. If None, the site will be determined from the detector passed to the `run` function. """ self.__site = site if site not in self.__parametrizations.keys(): self.logger.error('Unsupported site. Please select one of the following: {}'.format(self.__parametrizations.keys())) raise ValueError
[docs] @register_run() def run(self, event, station, detector, electric_field=None): """ Determine the cosmic ray energy from the electric field fluence. The reconstructed cosmic ray energy will be stored in the station in the :obj:`cr_energy_em <NuRadioReco.framework.parameters.stationParameters.cr_energy_em>` parameter. Parameters ---------- event : Event station : Station The station containing the reconstructed electric field. If it contains multiple electric fields, only the last electric field will be used, unless another electric field is passed as a keyword-argument detector : Detector electric_field : ElectricField | None (default: None) If not None, reconstruct the energy for this electric field. Otherwise, reconstruct the last electric field in the station. Useful if a station contains multiple reconstructed electric fields. Returns ------- rec_energy : float The reconstructed cosmic ray energy """ if not station.is_cosmic_ray(): self.logger.warning('Event is not a cosmic ray!') if not station.has_parameter(stnp.zenith) or not station.has_parameter(stnp.azimuth): self.logger.error('No incoming direction available. Energy can not be reconstructed!') return zenith = station.get_parameter(stnp.zenith) azimuth = station.get_parameter(stnp.azimuth) site = self.__site if site is None: site = detector.get_site(station.get_id()) if site not in self.__parametrizations.keys(): self.logger.error('Unsupported site. Please select one of the following: {}'.format(self.__parametrizations.keys())) raise ValueError parametrization_for_site = self.__parametrizations[site] elevation = self.__elevations[site] if zenith < 30. * units.deg: self.logger.warning('Zenith angle is smaller than 30deg. Energy reconstruction is likely to be inaccurate!') if electric_field is None: n_efields = len(station.get_electric_fields()) if n_efields == 0: self.logger.error('No E-field found. Please run the voltageToAnalyticEfieldConverter beforehand!') return if n_efields > 1: self.logger.warning('Multiple E-fields were found. Only the last E-field will be used.') electric_field = station.get_electric_fields()[-1] spectrum_slope = electric_field.get_parameter(efp.cr_spectrum_slope) alpha = hp.get_angle_to_magnetic_field_vector(zenith, azimuth, site) cs = radiotools.coordinatesystems.cstrafo(zenith, azimuth, site=site) efield_trace_vxB_vxvxB = cs.transform_to_vxB_vxvxB(cs.transform_from_onsky_to_ground(electric_field.get_trace())) efield_trace_vxB_vxvxB[0] /= np.sin(alpha) # correct energy fluence for effect of angle to magnetic field energy_fluence = NuRadioReco.utilities.trace_utilities.get_electric_field_energy_fluence(efield_trace_vxB_vxvxB, electric_field.get_times()) energy_fluence = np.abs(energy_fluence[0]) + np.abs(energy_fluence[1]) xmax_distance = self.__atmosphere.get_distance_xmax_geometric(zenith, 750., elevation) # parametrization is for Xmax of 750g/cm^2 if np.any(xmax_distance) < 0: self.logger.warning( f"Estimated distance to Xmax is negative for zenith {zenith/units.deg:.0f} and elevation {elevation}. " "This means Xmax may be below the detector elevation. The absolute value " "of the distance will be used instead, but note that the resulting energy estimates may be inaccurate" ) xmax_distance = np.abs(xmax_distance) # for some zeniths and altitudes the parameterization can become negative # find out if we are inside or outside of the Cherenkov ring second_order_spectrum_parameter = electric_field.get_parameter(efp.cr_spectrum_quadratic_term) if second_order_spectrum_parameter <= spectrum_slope * .1: scale_parameter = parametrization_for_site['scale'][0][0] * zenith ** 2 + parametrization_for_site['scale'][0][1] * zenith + parametrization_for_site['scale'][0][2] falloff_parameter = parametrization_for_site['falloff'][0][0] * zenith + parametrization_for_site['falloff'][0][1] else: scale_parameter = parametrization_for_site['scale'][1][0] * zenith ** 2 + parametrization_for_site['scale'][1][1] * zenith + parametrization_for_site['scale'][1][2] falloff_parameter = parametrization_for_site['falloff'][1][0] * zenith + parametrization_for_site['falloff'][1][1] rec_energy = 1.e18 * np.sqrt(energy_fluence) * (xmax_distance / / (scale_parameter * np.exp(falloff_parameter * np.abs(spectrum_slope) ** 0.8)) station.set_parameter(stnp.cr_energy_em, rec_energy) return rec_energy