Source code for

This module reads in calibration metadata from file in the early phases of LOFAR. In the future this should be replaced
by reading the metadata from the files.

.. moduleauthor:: Sander ter Veen <>

Modified by Brian Hare for use with LOFAR for Lightning Imaging.

import logging
import numpy as np

from import SId_to_Sname

logger = logging.getLogger('NuRadioReco.LOFAR.rawTBBio_metadata')

[docs] def make_antennaID_filter(antenna_ids): """ For a list of antennaIDs, return a filter to filter data by antenna. Examples -------- >>> getStationPhaseCalibration("CS001","LBA_OUTER",) [ make_antennaID_filter(["002000001"]) ] Notes ----- Only works for one station at a time. Assumes that the array you want to filter includes ALL antennas in the appropriate antenna set. """ RCU_id = np.array([int(ID[-3:]) for ID in antenna_ids]) return RCU_id
[docs] def mapAntennasetKeyword(antenna_set): """ Ugly fix to map correct antenna names in input to wrong antenna names for metadata module. """ # Strip whitespace antenna_set = antenna_set.strip() allowed = ["LBA_OUTER", "LBA_INNER", "LBA_SPARSE_EVEN", "LBA_SPARSE_ODD", "LBA_X", "LBA_Y", "HBA", "HBA_0", "HBA_1"] incorrect = { "LBA_INNER": "LBA_INNER", "LBA_OUTER": "LBA_OUTER", "LBA_SPARSE0": "LBA_SPARSE_EVEN", "LBA_SPARSE1": "LBA_SPARSE_ODD", "HBA_ZERO": "HBA_0", "HBA_ONE": "HBA_1", "HBA_DUAL": "HBA", "HBA_JOINED": "HBA", "HBA_ZERO_INNER": "HBA_0", # Only true for core stations "HBA_ONE_INNER": "HBA_1", # Only true for core stations "HBA_DUAL_INNER": "HBA", # Only true for core stations "HBA_JOINED_INNER": "HBA", } # Only true for core stations if antenna_set in incorrect: antenna_set = incorrect[antenna_set] elif antenna_set == "HBA_BOTH": # This keyword is also wrong but present in file headers print("Keyword " + antenna_set + " does not comply with ICD, mapping...") antenna_set = "HBA" assert antenna_set in allowed, f"Antenna set {antenna_set} is not allowed!" return antenna_set
[docs] def getItrfAntennaPosition(station, antenna_set, metadata_dir): """ Returns the antenna positions of all the antennas in the station in ITRF coordinates for the specified antennaset. station can be the name or id of the station. Parameters ---------- station : int or str Name or id of the station. e.g. "CS302" or 142 antenna_set : {LBA_INNER, LBA_OUTER, LBA_X, LBA_Y, LBA_SPARSE0, LBA_SPARSE1, HBA_0, HBA_1, HBA} Antenna set used for this station metadata_dir: str Path to the directory containing the LOFAR static metadata. """ # Check station id type if isinstance(station, int): # Convert a station id to a station name station = SId_to_Sname[station] antenna_set = mapAntennasetKeyword(antenna_set) if "LBA" in antenna_set: antennatype = "LBA" elif "HBA" in antenna_set: antennatype = "HBA" # Obtain filename of antenna positions filename = ( metadata_dir + "/lofar/StaticMetaData/AntennaFields/" + station + "-AntennaField.conf" ) # Open file f = open(filename, "r") if station[0:2] != "CS": if "HBA" in antenna_set: antenna_set = "HBA" # Find position of antennaset in file str_line = "" while antennatype != str_line.strip(): str_line = f.readline() if len(str_line) == 0: # end of file reached, no data available assert False # Find the location of the station. Antenna locations are relative to this str_line = f.readline() str_split = str_line.split() stationX = float(str_split[2]) stationY = float(str_split[3]) stationZ = float(str_split[4]) str_line = f.readline() # Get number of antennas and the number of directions nrantennas = int(str_line.split()[0]) nrdir = int(str_line.split()[4]) antenna_positions = np.empty((2 * nrantennas, nrdir), dtype=np.double) for i in range(nrantennas): line = f.readline().split() antenna_positions[2 * i, 0] = float(line[0]) + stationX antenna_positions[2 * i, 1] = float(line[1]) + stationY antenna_positions[2 * i, 2] = float(line[2]) + stationZ antenna_positions[2 * i + 1, 0] = float(line[3]) + stationX antenna_positions[2 * i + 1, 1] = float(line[4]) + stationY antenna_positions[2 * i + 1, 2] = float(line[5]) + stationZ if antennatype == "LBA": # There are three types of feed # H for HBA # h for lbh # l for lbl feed = {"CS": {}, "RS": {}, "DE": {}} feed["CS"]["LBA_SPARSE_EVEN"] = "24hhll" feed["CS"]["LBA_SPARSE_ODD"] = "24llhh" feed["CS"]["LBA_X"] = "48hl" feed["CS"]["LBA_Y"] = "48lh" feed["CS"]["LBA_INNER"] = "96h" feed["CS"]["LBA_OUTER"] = "96l" feed["RS"]["LBA_SPARSE_EVEN"] = "24hhll" feed["RS"]["LBA_SPARSE_ODD"] = "24llhh" feed["RS"]["LBA_X"] = "48hl" feed["RS"]["LBA_Y"] = "48lh" feed["RS"]["LBA_INNER"] = "96h" feed["RS"]["LBA_OUTER"] = "96l" feed["DE"]["LBA"] = "192h" if station[0:2] == "CS" or "RS": feedsel = feed[station[0:2]][antenna_set] nrset = int(feedsel.split("l")[0].split("h")[0].split("H")[0]) feeds = "" feedsel = feedsel[len(str(nrset)) :] for i in range(nrset): feeds += feedsel indexselection = [] for i in range(len(feeds)): if feeds[i] == "l": # The 'l' feeds are the last 96 numbers of the total list indexselection.append(i + 96) elif feeds[i] == "h": # The 'h' feeds are the first 96 numbers of the total list indexselection.append(i) else: # This selection is not yet supported assert False antenna_positions = antenna_positions[indexselection] return antenna_positions
[docs] def getStationPositions(station, antenna_set, coordinate_system, metadata_dir): """ Returns the antenna positions of all the antennas in the station relative to the station center for the specified antenna set. station can be the name or id of the station. Parameters ---------- station : int or str Name or id of the station. e.g. "CS302" or 142 antenna_set : {LBA_INNER, LBA_OUTER, LBA_X, LBA_Y, LBA_SPARSE0, LBA_SPARSE1, HBA_0, HBA_1, HBA} Antenna set used for this station coordinate_system : {WGS84, ITRF} The coordinate system to use when returning antenna positions (see also Notes section).\ metadata_dir : str Path to the directory containing the LOFAR static metadata. Notes ----- For the coordinate system, when using "WGS84", the function returns the postions as a Numpy array containing [lat, lon, alt] of antenna positions. Else, when using the ITRF coordinate system, is return the positions as [X, Y, Z]. """ # Check if requested antennaset is known assert coordinate_system in ["WGS84", "ITRF"] # Check station id type if isinstance(station, int): # Convert a station id to a station name station = SId_to_Sname[station] antenna_set = mapAntennasetKeyword(antenna_set) # Obtain filename of antenna positions if "WGS84" in coordinate_system: filename = ( metadata_dir + "/lofar/StaticMetaData/AntennaArrays/" + station + "-AntennaArrays.conf" ) else: filename = ( metadata_dir + "/lofar/StaticMetaData/AntennaFields/" + station + "-AntennaField.conf" ) # Open file f = open(filename, "r") if "LBA" in antenna_set: antenna_set = "LBA" if station[0:2] != "CS": if "HBA" in antenna_set: antenna_set = "HBA" # Find position of antennaset in file str_line = "" while antenna_set != str_line.strip(): str_line = f.readline() if len(str_line) == 0: # end of file reached, no data available print("Antenna set not found in calibration file", filename) return None # Skip name and station reference position str_line = f.readline().split() A = float(str_line[2]) # lon in WGS84, X in ITRF B = float(str_line[3]) # lat in WGS84, Y in ITRF C = float(str_line[4]) # alt in WGS84, Z in ITRF return np.array([A, B, C])
[docs] def convertITRFToLocal(itrfpos, metadata_dir, phase_center=None, ref_lat_lon=None, out=None): """ Parameters ---------- itrfpos : list or np.ndarray The ITRF positions as 1D numpy array, or list of positions as a 2D array metadata_dir: str Path to the directory containing the LOFAR static metadata. phase_center: list or np.ndarray, default=None The origin of the coordinate system, in ITRF. Default is the coordinates of station CS002. ref_lat_lon: list or np.ndarray, default=None The rotation of the coordinate system, i.e. the [lat, lon] (in degrees) on the Earth which defines "UP". If not specified, the coordinates of CS002 will be used. out: np.ndarray, default=None If given, the output will be stored in this array. Otherwise, a new array will be created and returned. Cannot be same array as itrfpos Notes ----- Function returns a 2D numpy array (even if input is 1D). """ if ref_lat_lon is None: ref_lat_lon = [52.91512249, 6.869837540] if phase_center is None: phase_center = getStationPositions("CS002", "LBA_OUTER", coordinate_system="ITRF", metadata_dir=metadata_dir) # ($LOFARSOFT/data/lofar/StaticMetaData/AntennaFields/CS002-AntennaField.conf) if out is itrfpos: logger.error( "The `out` array cannot be same as `itrfpos` in convertITRFToLocal." ) raise ValueError lat = np.deg2rad(ref_lat_lon[0]) lon = np.deg2rad(ref_lat_lon[1]) arg0 = np.array( [-np.sin(lon), -np.sin(lat) * np.cos(lon), np.cos(lat) * np.cos(lon)] ) arg1 = np.array( [np.cos(lon), -np.sin(lat) * np.sin(lon), np.cos(lat) * np.sin(lon)] ) arg2 = np.array([0.0, np.cos(lat), np.sin(lat)]) if out is None: ret = np.empty(itrfpos.shape, dtype=np.double) else: ret = out ret[:] = np.outer(itrfpos[..., 0] - phase_center[0], arg0) ret += np.outer(itrfpos[..., 1] - phase_center[1], arg1) ret += np.outer(itrfpos[..., 2] - phase_center[2], arg2) return ret
[docs] def getStationPhaseCalibration( station, antenna_set, metadata_dir, file_location=None ): """ Read phase calibration data for a station. Parameters ---------- station : int or str Name or id of the station. e.g. "CS302" or 142 antenna_set : {LBA_INNER, LBA_OUTER, LBA_X, LBA_Y, LBA_SPARSE0, LBA_SPARSE1, HBA_0, HBA_1, HBA} Antenna set used for this station metadata_dir : str Path to the directory containing the LOFAR static metadata. file_location : str, default=None The path to the LOFAR calibration tables. If None, it is assumed to be in the /lofar/StaticMetaData/CalTables directory relative to `xMetaData_directory`. Returns ------- The weights for 512 subbands. Examples -------- >>> getStationPhaseCalibration("CS002","LBA_OUTER",) array([[ 1.14260161 -6.07397622e-18j, 1.14260161 -6.05283530e-18j, 1.14260161 -6.03169438e-18j, ..., 1.14260161 +4.68675289e-18j, 1.14260161 +4.70789381e-18j, 1.14260161 +4.72903474e-18j], [ 0.95669876 +2.41800591e-18j, 0.95669876 +2.41278190e-18j, 0.95669876 +2.40755789e-18j, ..., 0.95669876 -2.41017232e-19j, 0.95669876 -2.46241246e-19j, 0.95669876 -2.51465260e-19j], [ 0.98463207 +6.80081617e-03j, 0.98463138 +6.89975906e-03j, 0.98463069 +6.99870187e-03j, ..., 0.98299670 +5.71319125e-02j, 0.98299096 +5.72306908e-02j, 0.98298520 +5.73294686e-02j], ..., [ 1.03201290 +7.39535744e-02j, 1.03144532 +8.14880844e-02j, 1.03082273 +8.90182487e-02j, ..., -0.82551740 -6.23731331e-01j, -0.82094046 -6.29743206e-01j, -0.81631975 -6.35721497e-01j], [ 1.12370332 -1.15296909e-01j, 1.12428451 -1.09484545e-01j, 1.12483564 -1.03669252e-01j, ..., -0.92476286 +6.48703460e-01j, -0.92810503 +6.43912711e-01j, -0.93142239 +6.39104744e-01j], [ 1.10043006 -6.18995646e-02j, 1.10075250 -5.58731668e-02j, 1.10104193 -4.98450938e-02j, ..., -1.01051042 +4.40052904e-01j, -1.01290481 +4.34513198e-01j, -1.01526883 +4.28960464e-01j]]) >>> getStationPhaseCalibration(122,"LBA_OUTER",) Calibration data not yet available. Returning 1 array([[ 1.+0.j, 1.+0.j, 1.+0.j, ..., 1.+0.j, 1.+0.j, 1.+0.j], [ 1.+0.j, 1.+0.j, 1.+0.j, ..., 1.+0.j, 1.+0.j, 1.+0.j], [ 1.+0.j, 1.+0.j, 1.+0.j, ..., 1.+0.j, 1.+0.j, 1.+0.j], ..., [ 1.+0.j, 1.+0.j, 1.+0.j, ..., 1.+0.j, 1.+0.j, 1.+0.j], [ 1.+0.j, 1.+0.j, 1.+0.j, ..., 1.+0.j, 1.+0.j, 1.+0.j], [ 1.+0.j, 1.+0.j, 1.+0.j, ..., 1.+0.j, 1.+0.j, 1.+0.j]]) """ # Return mode nr depending on observation mode antennasetToMode = { "LBA_OUTER": "LBA_OUTER-10_90", "LBA_INNER": "LBA_INNER-10_90", "HBA": "HBA-110_190", "HBA_0": "HBA-110_190", "HBA_1": "HBA-110_190", } antenna_set = mapAntennasetKeyword(antenna_set) if antenna_set not in antennasetToMode.keys(): raise KeyError("Not a valid antennaset " + antenna_set) mode_name = antennasetToMode[antenna_set] if not isinstance(station, str): # Convert a station id to a station name station = SId_to_Sname[station] stationNr = station[2:] # filename if file_location is None: file_location = metadata_dir + "/lofar/StaticMetaData/CalTables" filename = file_location + "/CalTable-" + stationNr + "-" + mode_name + ".dat" with open(filename, "rb") as fin: # Test for header record above raw data - present in newer caltables (starting 2012) line = fin.readline().decode() if "HeaderStart" in line: while not "HeaderStop" in line: line = fin.readline().decode() else: # no header present, seek to starting position data = np.fromfile(fin, dtype=np.double) data.resize(512, 96, 2) complexdata = np.empty(shape=(512, 96), dtype=complex) complexdata.real = data[:, :, 0] complexdata.imag = data[:, :, 1] return complexdata.transpose()
[docs] def convertPhase_to_Timing(phase_calibration, sample_time=5.0e-9): """ Given the phase calibration of the 512 LOFAR subbands, such as the output of getStationPhaseCalibration, return the timing callibration of each antenna. Not sure how well this works with HBA antennas. Sample time should be seconds per sample. Default is 5 ns """ phases = np.angle(phase_calibration) delays = (phases[:, 1] - phases[:, 0]) * (1024 / (2 * np.pi)) * sample_time return delays
# Functions for previously known clock offsets. Only used for compatibility with past data!
[docs] def getClockCorrectionFromParsetAddition(metadata_dir): parsetFilename = ( metadata_dir + "/lofar/station_clock_offsets/StationCalibration.parset" ) offsetDictX = {} offsetDictY = {} infile = open(parsetFilename, "r") for line in infile: s = line.split("=") value = s[1] params = s[0].split(".") thisStation = params[2][0:5] thisAntennaSet = params[3] thisFilter = params[4] thisValueType = params[5] thisPolarization = params[6][0] if ( thisAntennaSet == "LBA_OUTER" and thisFilter == "LBA_30_90" and thisValueType == "delay" ): if thisPolarization == "X": offsetDictX[thisStation] = float(value) elif thisPolarization == "Y": offsetDictY[thisStation] = float(value) else: raise ValueError("Wrong!") infile.close() offsetDictCombined = {} for key in offsetDictX.keys(): combined = 0.5 * (offsetDictX[key] + offsetDictY[key]) offsetDictCombined[key] = combined return offsetDictCombined
[docs] def getClockCorrections(antenna_set="LBA", time=1383264000 - 1000, metadata_dir=None): """Get clock correction for superterp stations in seconds. Currently static values. *station* Station name or number for which to get the correction. *time* Optional. Linux time of observation. As clocks drift the value from the correct time should be given. Not yet implemented. """ clockcorrection = {} if "LBA" in antenna_set: if time < (1383264000): # Values before 1 Nov 2013, eventID-time 120960000, Unix time: add 1262304000. clockcorrection["CS002"] = 8.32233e-06 # definition, global offset # Addition is the finetuning using Smilde from 1 or 2 random events, to about +/- 0.2 ns. # TODO: Need to check constancy over time. clockcorrection["CS003"] = 6.921444e-06 + 0.35e-9 clockcorrection["CS004"] = 7.884847e-06 + 1.0e-9 clockcorrection["CS005"] = 8.537828e-06 + 0.14e-9 clockcorrection["CS006"] = 7.880705e-06 - 0.24e-9 clockcorrection["CS007"] = 7.916458e-06 - 0.22e-9 clockcorrection["CS001"] = 4.755947e-06 clockcorrection["CS011"] = 7.55500e-06 - 0.3e-9 clockcorrection["CS013"] = 9.47910e-06 clockcorrection["CS017"] = 1.540812e-05 - 0.87e-9 clockcorrection["CS021"] = 6.044335e-06 + 1.12e-9 clockcorrection["CS024"] = 4.66335e-06 - 1.24e-9 clockcorrection["CS026"] = 1.620482e-05 - 1.88e-9 clockcorrection["CS028"] = 1.6967048e-05 + 1.28e-9 clockcorrection["CS030"] = 9.7110576e-06 + 3.9e-9 clockcorrection["CS031"] = 6.375533e-06 + 1.87e-9 clockcorrection["CS032"] = 8.541675e-06 + 1.1e-9 clockcorrection["CS101"] = 1.5155471e-05 clockcorrection["CS103"] = 3.5503206e-05 clockcorrection["CS201"] = 1.745439e-05 clockcorrection["CS301"] = 7.685249e-06 clockcorrection["CS302"] = 1.2317004e-05 clockcorrection["CS401"] = 8.052200e-06 clockcorrection["CS501"] = 1.65797e-05 else: clockcorrection = getClockCorrectionFromParsetAddition(metadata_dir) clockcorrection["CS003"] = clockcorrection["CS003"] - 1.7e-9 + 2.0e-9 clockcorrection["CS004"] = clockcorrection["CS004"] - 9.5e-9 + 4.2e-9 clockcorrection["CS005"] = clockcorrection["CS005"] - 6.9e-9 + 0.4e-9 clockcorrection["CS006"] = clockcorrection["CS006"] - 8.3e-9 + 3.8e-9 clockcorrection["CS007"] = clockcorrection["CS007"] - 3.6e-9 + 3.4e-9 clockcorrection["CS011"] = clockcorrection["CS011"] - 18.7e-9 + 0.6e-9 # Old values were elif "HBA" in antenna_set: # Correct to 2013-03-26 values from parset L111421 clockcorrection["CS001"] = 4.759754e-06 clockcorrection["CS002"] = 8.318834e-06 clockcorrection["CS003"] = 6.917926e-06 clockcorrection["CS004"] = 7.889961e-06 clockcorrection["CS005"] = 8.542093e-06 clockcorrection["CS006"] = 7.882892e-06 clockcorrection["CS007"] = 7.913020e-06 clockcorrection["CS011"] = 7.55852e-06 clockcorrection["CS013"] = 9.47910e-06 clockcorrection["CS017"] = 1.541095e-05 clockcorrection["CS021"] = 6.04963e-06 clockcorrection["CS024"] = 4.65857e-06 clockcorrection["CS026"] = 1.619948e-05 clockcorrection["CS028"] = 1.6962571e-05 clockcorrection["CS030"] = 9.7160576e-06 clockcorrection["CS031"] = 6.370090e-06 clockcorrection["CS032"] = 8.546255e-06 clockcorrection["CS101"] = 1.5157971e-05 clockcorrection["CS103"] = 3.5500922e-05 clockcorrection["CS201"] = 1.744924e-05 clockcorrection["CS301"] = 7.690431e-06 clockcorrection["CS302"] = 1.2321604e-05 clockcorrection["CS401"] = 8.057504e-06 clockcorrection["CS501"] = 1.65842e-05 else: print("ERROR: no clock offsets available for this antennaset: ", antenna_set) return 0 return clockcorrection