from NuRadioReco.modules.base.module import register_run
from NuRadioReco.utilities import units
from NuRadioReco.framework.parameters import stationParameters as stnp
from NuRadioReco.framework.trigger import HighLowTrigger
from NuRadioReco.modules.analogToDigitalConverter import analogToDigitalConverter
import numpy as np
import time
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('NuRadioReco.HighLowTriggerSimulator')
def get_high_low_triggers(trace, high_threshold, low_threshold,
time_coincidence=5 * units.ns, dt=1 * units.ns):
calculates a high low trigger in a time coincidence window
trace: array of floats
the signal trace
high_threshold: float
the high threshold
low_threshold: float
the low threshold
time_coincidence: float
the time coincidence window between a high + low
dt: float
the width of a time bin (inverse of sampling rate)
triggered bins: array of bools
the bins where the trigger condition is satisfied
n_bins_coincidence = int(np.round(time_coincidence / dt)) + 1
c = np.ones(n_bins_coincidence, dtype=bool)
logger.debug("length of trace {} bins, coincidence window {} bins".format(len(trace), len(c)))
if trace.dtype != type(high_threshold):
logger.error(f"The trace ({trace.dtype}) and the threshold ({type(high_threshold)}) must have the same type")
raise TypeError(f"The trace ({trace.dtype}) and the threshold ({type(high_threshold)}) must have the same type")
c2 = np.array([1, -1])
m1 = np.convolve(trace >= high_threshold, c, mode='full')[:-(n_bins_coincidence - 1)]
m2 = np.convolve(trace <= low_threshold, c, mode='full')[:-(n_bins_coincidence - 1)]
return np.convolve(m1 & m2, c2, mode='same') > 0
def get_majority_logic(tts, number_of_coincidences=2, time_coincidence=32 * units.ns, dt=1 * units.ns):
calculates a majority logic trigger
tts: array/list of array of bools
an array of bools that indicate a single channel trigger per channel
number_of_coincidences: int (default: 2)
the number of coincidences between channels
time_coincidence: float
the time coincidence window between channels
dt: float
the width of a time bin (inverse of sampling rate)
triggerd: bool
returns True if majority logic is fulfilled
triggerd_bins: array of ints
the bins that fulfilled the trigger
triggered_times: array of floats
the trigger times
n = len(tts[0])
n_bins_coincidence = int(np.round(time_coincidence / dt)) + 1
if(n_bins_coincidence > n): # reduce coincidence window to maximum trace length
n_bins_coincidence = n
logger.debug("specified coincidence window longer than tracelenght, reducing coincidence window to trace length")
c = np.ones(n_bins_coincidence, dtype=bool)
for i in range(len(tts)):
logger.debug("get_majority_logic() length of trace {} bins, coincidence window {} bins".format(len(tts[i]), len(c)))
tts[i] = np.convolve(tts[i], c, mode='full')[:-(n_bins_coincidence - 1)]
tts = np.sum(tts, axis=0)
ttt = tts >= number_of_coincidences
triggered_bins = np.atleast_1d(np.squeeze(np.argwhere(tts >= number_of_coincidences)))
return np.any(ttt), triggered_bins, triggered_bins * dt
class triggerSimulator:
Calculates the trigger of an event.
Uses the ARIANNA trigger logic, that a single antenna needs to cross a high and a low threshold value,
and then coincidences between antennas can be required.
def __init__(self):
self.__t = 0
def begin(self, log_level=logging.NOTSET):
def run(self, evt, station, det,
use_digitization=False, # Only active if use_digitization is set to True
threshold_high=60 * units.mV,
threshold_low=-60 * units.mV,
high_low_window=5 * units.ns,
coinc_window=200 * units.ns,
simulate ARIANNA trigger logic
evt: Event
The event to run the module on
station: Station
The station to run the module on
det: Detector
The detector description
use_digitization: bool
If True, traces will be digitized
threshold_high: float or dict of floats
the threshold voltage that needs to be crossed on a single channel on the high side
a dict can be used to specify a different threshold per channel where the key is the channel id
threshold_low: float or dict of floats
the threshold voltage that needs to be crossed on a single channel on the low side
a dict can be used to specify a different threshold per channel where the key is the channel id
high_low_window: float
time window in which a high+low crossing needs to occur to trigger a channel
coinc_window: float
time window in which number_concidences channels need to trigger
number_concidences: int
number of channels that are requried in coincidence to trigger a station
triggered_channels: array of ints or None
channels ids that are triggered on, if None trigger will run on all channels
trigger_name: string
a unique name of this particular trigger
set_not_triggered: bool (default: False)
if True not trigger simulation will be performed and this trigger will be set to not_triggered
Vrms: float
If supplied, overrides adc_voltage_range as supplied in the detector description file
trigger_adc: bool
If True, the relevant ADC parameters in the config file are the ones
that start with `'trigger_'`
clock_offset: float
adc_output: string
* 'voltage' to store the ADC output as discretised voltage trace
* 'counts' to store the ADC output in ADC counts
t = time.time()
if use_digitization:
adcConverter = analogToDigitalConverter()
channels_that_passed_trigger = []
if not set_not_triggered:
triggerd_bins_channels = []
if triggered_channels is None:
for channel in station.iter_trigger_channels():
channel_trace_start_time = channel.get_trace_start_time()
channel_trace_start_time = station.get_trigger_channel(triggered_channels[0]).get_trace_start_time()
for channel in station.iter_trigger_channels():
channel_id = channel.get_id()
if triggered_channels is not None and channel_id not in triggered_channels:
if channel.get_trace_start_time() != channel_trace_start_time:
logger.warning('Channel has a trace_start_time that differs from the other channels. The trigger simulator may not work properly')
dt = 1. / channel.get_sampling_rate()
trace = np.array(channel.get_trace())
if use_digitization:
trace, trigger_sampling_rate = adcConverter.get_digital_trace(
station, det, channel,
# overwrite the dt defined for the original trace by the digitized one
dt = 1. / trigger_sampling_rate
triggerd_bins = get_high_low_triggers(
_get_threshold_channel(threshold_high, channel_id),
_get_threshold_channel(threshold_low, channel_id),
high_low_window, dt)
if np.any(triggerd_bins):
logger.debug("channel {}, len(triggerd_bins) = {}".format(channel_id, len(triggerd_bins)))
if len(triggerd_bins_channels):
has_triggered, triggered_bins, triggered_times = get_majority_logic(
triggerd_bins_channels, number_concidences, coinc_window, dt)
has_triggered = False
# set maximum signal aplitude
max_signal = 0
if has_triggered:
for channel in station.iter_trigger_channels():
max_signal = max(max_signal, np.abs(channel.get_trace()[triggered_bins]).max())
station.set_parameter(stnp.channels_max_amplitude, max_signal)
else:"set_not_triggered flag True, setting triggered to False.")
has_triggered = False
trigger = HighLowTrigger(trigger_name, threshold_high, threshold_low, high_low_window,
coinc_window, channels=triggered_channels, number_of_coincidences=number_concidences)
if not has_triggered:
trigger.set_triggered(False)"Station has NOT passed trigger")
# trigger_time= time from start of trace + start time of trace with respect to moment of first interaction = trigger time from moment of first interaction
trigger.set_trigger_time(triggered_times.min() + channel_trace_start_time)
trigger.set_trigger_times(triggered_times + channel_trace_start_time)"Station has passed trigger, trigger time is {:.1f} ns".format(
trigger.get_trigger_time() / units.ns))
self.__t += time.time() - t
def end(self):
from datetime import timedelta
dt = timedelta(seconds=self.__t)"total time used by this module is {}".format(dt))
return dt
def _get_threshold_channel(threshold, channel_id):
""" Returns channel specific threshold if threshold is a dict, otherwise returns threshold """
if isinstance(threshold, dict):
return threshold[channel_id]
elif isinstance(threshold, (int, float)):
return threshold
raise TypeError(f"Threshold must be a int/float or dict, not {type(threshold)}")