from NuRadioReco.modules.base.module import register_run
from NuRadioReco.modules.trigger.highLowThreshold import get_majority_logic
from NuRadioReco.framework.trigger import RNOGSurfaceTrigger
from NuRadioReco.utilities import units
import NuRadioReco.framework.base_trace as base_trace
import NuRadioReco.utilities.fft
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal
import copy
import time
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('NuRadioReco.rnog_surface_trigger')
def schottky_diode(trace, threshold, temperature=250*units.kelvin, Vbias=2*units.volt):
Returns the absolute maximum of the diode response depending on the maximum input signal.
Options for temperature are [300K, 273K, 250K], for the bias voltages [2, 1.5, 1, 0.5]V.
The triggerpath reduces the voltage by -10dB, hence the threshold is small. The linear fit is obtained from
measurements stored in rnog_surface_trigger_measurements.
trace: array of floats
the signal trace
threshold: float
the threshold
temperature: float
temperature of the board with diode
Vbias: float
applied bias voltage to the diode board
trigger: list of booleans
trigger evaluation for each entry of the trace
if temperature == 300 *units.kelvin: #measurements taken at 300K
if Vbias == 2*units.volt:
a = 38.10032
b = -9.19654194e-08
if Vbias == 1.5*units.volt: #measurements taken at 1.6V
a = 34.6274877
b = -8.45140238e-05
if Vbias == 1*units.volt:
a = 24.6683322
b = -1.03679002e-03
if Vbias == 0.5*units.volt: #measurements taken at 0.6V
a = 16.0005295
b = -5.83972425e-04
if temperature == 273*units.kelvin: #measurements taken at 273K
if Vbias == 2*units.volt:
a = 45.9684369
b = -6.15792586e-06
if Vbias == 1.5*units.volt:
a = 38.80661
b = -3.01491791e-04
if Vbias == 1*units.volt:
a = 29.45406
b = -7.71227505e-04
if Vbias == 0.5*units.volt:
a = 15.4192195
b = -5.10530795e-04
if temperature == 250*units.kelvin: #measurements taken at 248K
if Vbias == 2*units.volt:
a = 55.0380132
b = -2.13447979e-05
if Vbias == 1.5*units.volt:
a = 49.3192486
b = -1.67121000e-03
if Vbias == 1*units.volt:
a = 37.4351427
b = -9.76368002e-04
if Vbias == 0.5*units.volt:
a = 17.4574667
b = -5.90216182e-04
v_in = (trace)**2
v_out = a * v_in + b
return v_out > threshold
class triggerSimulator:
Calculates the RNO_G surface trigger with a bandpass filter, a -10db attenuator and a schottky_diode.
def __init__(self):
self.__t = 0
def begin(self):
def run(self, evt, station, det, threshold, coinc_window=60*units.ns, number_coincidences=1, triggered_channels=[13, 16, 19], temperature=250*units.kelvin, Vbias=2*units.volt, trigger_name='rnog_surface_trigger'):
Run the surface trigger module and write trigger status into station.
evt: Event
Event to run the module on
station: Station
Station to run the module on
det: Detector
The detector description
threshold: float or dict of floats
threshold above (or below) a trigger is issued, absolute amplitude
a dict can be used to specify a different threshold per channel where the key is the channel id
number_coincidences: int
number of channels that are required in coincidence to trigger a station
triggered_channels: array of ints or None
channels ids that are triggered on, if None trigger will run on all channels
coinc_window: float
time window in which number_coincidences channels need to trigger
temperature: float
temperature of the board with diode in Kelvin
Vbias: float
applied bias voltage to the diode board in Volt
trigger_name: string
a unique name of this particular trigger
t = time.time() # absolute time of system
if triggered_channels is None:
tmp_channel = station.get_trigger_channel(station.get_channel_ids()[0])
tmp_channel = station.get_trigger_channel(triggered_channels[0])
channel_trace_start_time = tmp_channel.get_trace_start_time()
sampling_rate = tmp_channel.get_sampling_rate()
dt = 1. / sampling_rate
triggered_bins_channels = []
channels_that_passed_trigger = []
for channel in station.iter_trigger_channels():
channel_id = channel.get_id()
logger.debug(f'channel id {channel_id}')
if triggered_channels is not None and channel_id not in triggered_channels:
logger.debug("skipping channel {}".format(channel_id))
if channel.get_trace_start_time() != channel_trace_start_time:
logger.warning('Channel has a trace_start_time that differs from '
' the other channels. The trigger simulator may not work properly')
frequencies = channel.get_frequencies()
logger.debug(f'trace before trigger {np.abs(np.max(channel.get_trace()))}')
trace_filtered = channel.base_trace.get_filtered_trace([80 * units.MHz, 180 * units.MHz], 'cheby1', order=3, rp=5)
logger.debug(f'trace after bandpass {np.abs(np.max(trace_filtered))}')
# apply -10dB attenuator of signal chain
trace_filtered *= 10**(-10/20)
logger.debug(f'trace after attenuator {np.abs(np.max(trace_filtered))}')
trace = trace_filtered
if(isinstance(threshold, dict)):
threshold_tmp = threshold[channel_id]
threshold_tmp = threshold
triggered_bins = schottky_diode(trace, threshold_tmp)
if True in triggered_bins:
# check for coincidences with get_majority_logic(tts, number_of_coincidences, time_coincidence, dt)
# returns:
# triggered: bool; returns True if majority logic is fulfilled --> has_triggered
# triggered_bins: array of ints; the bins that fulfilled the trigger --> triggered_bins
# triggered_times = triggered_bins * dt: array of floats;
# the trigger times relative to the trace --> triggered_times
has_triggered, triggered_bins, triggered_times = get_majority_logic(triggered_bins_channels,
number_coincidences, coinc_window, dt)
trigger = RNOGSurfaceTrigger(trigger_name, threshold, number_coincidences, coinc_window, triggered_channels)
if has_triggered:
trigger.set_trigger_time(triggered_times.min()+channel_trace_start_time) # trigger_time = time from moment of first interaction
logger.debug("station has triggered")
logger.debug("station has NOT triggered")
self.__t += time.time() - t
def end(self):
from datetime import timedelta
dt = timedelta(seconds=self.__t)"total time used by this module is {}".format(dt))
return dt