import numpy as np
import scipy.signal
from NuRadioReco.detector import filterresponse
def get_filter_response(frequencies, passband, filter_type, order, rp=None, roll_width=None):
Convenience function to obtain a bandpass filter response
frequencies: array of floats
the frequencies the filter is requested for
passband: list
passband[0]: lower boundary of filter, passband[1]: upper boundary of filter
filter_type: string or dict
* 'rectangular': perfect straight line filter
* 'butter': butterworth filter from scipy
* 'butterabs': absolute of butterworth filter from scipy
* 'gaussian_tapered' : a rectangular bandpass filter convolved with a Gaussian
or any filter that is implemented in :mod:`NuRadioReco.detector.filterresponse`.
In this case the passband parameter is ignored
order: int
for a butterworth filter: specifies the order of the filter
rp: float
The maximum ripple allowed below unity gain in the passband.
Specified in decibels, as a positive number.
(Relevant for chebyshev filter)
roll_width : float, default=None
Determines the sigma of the Gaussian to be used in the convolution of the rectangular filter.
(Relevant for the Gaussian tapered filter)
f: array of floats
The bandpass filter response. Has the same shape as ``frequencies``.
if filter_type == 'rectangular':
mask = np.all([passband[0] <= frequencies, frequencies <= passband[1]], axis=0)
return np.where(mask, 1, 0)
# we need to specify if we have a lowpass filter
# otherwise scipy>=1.8.0 raises an error
if passband[0] == 0:
scipy_args = [passband[1], 'lowpass']
scipy_args = [passband, 'bandpass']
if filter_type == 'butter':
f = np.zeros_like(frequencies, dtype=complex)
mask = frequencies > 0
b, a = scipy.signal.butter(order, *scipy_args, analog=True)
w, h = scipy.signal.freqs(b, a, frequencies[mask])
f[mask] = h
return f
elif filter_type == 'butterabs':
f = np.zeros_like(frequencies, dtype=complex)
mask = frequencies > 0
b, a = scipy.signal.butter(order, *scipy_args, analog=True)
w, h = scipy.signal.freqs(b, a, frequencies[mask])
f[mask] = h
return np.abs(f)
elif filter_type == 'cheby1':
f = np.zeros_like(frequencies, dtype=complex)
mask = frequencies > 0
b, a = scipy.signal.cheby1(order, rp, *scipy_args, analog=True)
w, h = scipy.signal.freqs(b, a, frequencies[mask])
f[mask] = h
return f
elif filter_type == 'gaussian_tapered':
f = np.ones_like(frequencies, dtype=complex)
f[np.where(frequencies < passband[0])] = 0.
f[np.where(frequencies > passband[1])] = 0.
gaussian_weights =
len(frequencies), int(round(roll_width / (frequencies[1] - frequencies[0])))
f = scipy.signal.convolve(f, gaussian_weights, mode="same")
f /= np.max(f) # convolution changes peak value
return f
elif filter_type.find('FIR') >= 0:
raise NotImplementedError("FIR filter not yet implemented")
elif filter_type == 'hann_tapered':
raise NotImplementedError(
"'hann_tapered' is a time-domain filter, cannot return frequency response"
return filterresponse.get_filter_response(frequencies, filter_type)