import numpy as np
from scipy import constants
from NuRadioReco.utilities import units
from numpy.lib import scimath as SM
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('NuRadioReco.geometryUtilities')
def get_time_delay_from_direction(zenith, azimuth, positions, n=1.000293):
Calculate the time delay between given positions for an arrival direction
zenith: float [rad]
Zenith angle in convention up = 0
azimuth: float [rad]
Azimuth angle in convention East = 0, counter-clock-wise
positions: array[N x 3]
Positions on ground
n: float (default: 1.000293)
Index of reflection of propagation medium. By default, air is assumed
shower_axis = np.array([np.sin(zenith) * np.cos(azimuth), np.sin(zenith) * np.sin(azimuth), np.cos(zenith)])
if positions.ndim == 1:
times = -(1 / (constants.c / n)) *, positions) * units.s
times = np.zeros(positions.shape[0])
for i in range(positions.shape[0]):
times[i] = -(1 / (constants.c / n)) *, positions[i, :]) * units.s
return times
def rot_z(angle):
"""Angle helper function"""
m = np.array(
[np.cos(angle), -1 * np.sin(angle), 0],
[np.sin(angle), np.cos(angle), 0],
[0, 0, 1]
return m
def rot_x(angle):
"""Angle helper function"""
m = np.array(
[1, 0, 0],
[0, np.cos(angle), -1 * np.sin(angle)],
[0, np.sin(angle), np.cos(angle)]
return m
def rot_y(angle):
"""Angle helper function"""
m = np.array(
[np.cos(angle), 0, np.sin(angle)],
[0, 1, 0],
[-1 * np.sin(angle), 0, np.cos(angle)]
return m
def get_efield_in_spherical_coords(efield, theta, phi):
Get 3D electric field from cartesian coordinates in spherical coordinates,
using the arrival directions theta and phi
ct = np.cos(theta)
st = np.sin(theta)
cp = np.cos(phi)
sp = np.sin(phi)
e1 = np.array([st * cp, st * sp, ct])
e2 = np.array([ct * cp, ct * sp, -st])
e3 = np.array([-sp, cp, 0])
# e1 /= linalg.norm(e1)
# e2 /= linalg.norm(e2)
# e3 /= linalg.norm(e3)
transformation_matrix = np.matrix([e1, e2, e3])
# inverse_transformation_matrix = np.linalg.inv(transformation_matrix)
efield_2 = np.squeeze(np.asarray(, efield)))
return efield_2
def get_fresnel_angle(zenith_incoming, n_2=1.3, n_1=1.):
""" Apply Snell's law for given zenith angle, when a signal travels from n1 to n2 """
t = n_1 / n_2 * np.sin(zenith_incoming)
if t > 1:
logger.debug('Fresnel refraction results in unphysical values, refraction from {n1} to {n2} with incoming angle {zenith:.1f}, returning None'.format(n1=n_1, n2=n_2, zenith=np.rad2deg(zenith_incoming)))
return None
if(zenith_incoming > 0.5 * np.pi):
return np.pi - np.arcsin(t)
return np.arcsin(t)
def get_fresnel_t_p(zenith_incoming, n_2=1.3, n_1=1.):
""" returns the coefficient t which is the ratio of the transmitted wave's
electric field amplitude to that of the incident wave for parallel polarization (p-wave)
this polarization corresponds to the eTheta polarization
parallel and perpendicular refers to the signal's polarization with respect
to the 'plane of incident' which is defindes as: "the plane of incidence
is the plane which contains the surface normal and the propagation vector
of the incoming radiation."
zenith_outgoing = get_fresnel_angle(zenith_incoming, n_2, n_1)
if(zenith_outgoing is None): #check for total internal reflection
return 0
t = 2 * n_1 * np.cos(zenith_incoming) / (n_1 * np.cos(zenith_outgoing) + n_2 * np.cos(zenith_incoming))
return t
def get_fresnel_t_s(zenith_incoming, n_2=1.3, n_1=1.):
""" returns the coefficient t which is the ratio of the transmitted wave's
electric field amplitude to that of the incident wave for perpendicular polarization (s-wave)
this polarization corresponds to the ePhi polarization
parallel and perpendicular refers to the signal's polarization with respect
to the 'plane of incident' which is defindes as: "the plane of incidence
is the plane which contains the surface normal and the propagation vector
of the incoming radiation."
zenith_outgoing = get_fresnel_angle(zenith_incoming, n_2, n_1)
if(zenith_outgoing is None): #check for total internal reflection
return 0
t = 2 * n_1 * np.cos(zenith_incoming) / (n_1 * np.cos(zenith_incoming) + n_2 * np.cos(zenith_outgoing))
return t
def get_fresnel_r_p(zenith_incoming, n_2=1.3, n_1=1.):
""" returns the coefficient r which is the ratio of the reflected wave's
electric field amplitude to that of the incident wave for parallel polarization (p-wave)
this polarization corresponds to the eTheta polarization
parallel and perpendicular refers to the signal's polarization with respect
to the 'plane of incident' which is defindes as: "the plane of incidence
is the plane which contains the surface normal and the propagation vector
of the incoming radiation."
n = n_2 / n_1
return (-n**2 * np.cos(zenith_incoming) + SM.sqrt(n**2 - np.sin(zenith_incoming)**2)) / \
(n**2 * np.cos(zenith_incoming) + SM.sqrt(n**2 - np.sin(zenith_incoming)**2))
def get_fresnel_r_s(zenith_incoming, n_2=1.3, n_1=1.):
""" returns the coefficient r which is the ratio of the reflected wave's
electric field amplitude to that of the incident wave for perpendicular polarization (s-wave)
this polarization corresponds to the ePhi polarization
parallel and perpendicular refers to the signal's polarization with respect
to the 'plane of incident' which is defindes as: "the plane of incidence
is the plane which contains the surface normal and the propagation vector
of the incoming radiation."
n = n_2 / n_1
return (np.cos(zenith_incoming) - SM.sqrt(n**2 - np.sin(zenith_incoming)**2)) / \
(np.cos(zenith_incoming) + SM.sqrt(n**2 - np.sin(zenith_incoming)**2))