Source code for NuRadioReco.utilities.io_utilities

IO utilities for NuRadioReco/NuRadioMC

This module provides some pickling functions to allow
for faster, numpy 2 cross-compatible pickled numpy arrays. This mostly happens
'internally', so end users normally do not need to use this module.


import pickle
import numpy as np
from ._fastnumpyio import pack, unpack # these are essentially faster alternatives for np.load/save
import logging
import datetime
import astropy.time

logger = logging.getLogger('NuRadioReco.utilities.io_utilities')

# we overwrite the default pickling mechanism for numpy arrays
# and scalars. We store arrays using / np.load,
# and scalars by explicit casting to built-in Python types
# (note that this upcasts some types, e.g. np.float32 to float)
# This allows to maintain compatibility across numpy 2.0

def _pickle_numpy_array(arr):
    return _unpickle_numpy_array, (pack(arr),)

def _unpickle_numpy_array(data):
    return unpack(data)

def _pickle_numpy_scalar(i):
    """Convert a numpy scalar to its pure Python equivalent"""
    if isinstance(i, np.floating):
        return float, (float(i),)
    elif isinstance(i, np.integer):
        return int, (int(i),)
    elif isinstance(i, np.complexfloating):
        return complex, (complex(i),)
    elif isinstance(i, np.bool_):
        return bool, (bool(i),)
    elif isinstance(i, np.str_):
        return str, (str(i),)
    elif isinstance(i, np.bytes_):
        return bytes, (bytes(i),)
        raise TypeError(f"Unsupported type of numpy scalar {i} (type {type(i)})")

[docs] def read_pickle(filename, encoding='latin1'): """ Read in a pickle file and return the result This utility is supposed to provide compatibility for pickles created with different python versions. If a simple pickle.load fails, it will try to load the file with a specific encoding. Parameters ---------- filename: string Name of the pickle file to be opened encoding: string Encoding to be used if the first attempt to open the pickle fails """ try: with open(filename, 'rb') as file: return pickle.load(file) except: with open(filename, 'rb') as file: return pickle.load(file, encoding=encoding)
def _astropy_to_dict(time): """ Convert an astropy object to a dictionary. Parameters ---------- time: astropy.time.Time Time object to be converted to a dictionary """ if time is None: return None if not isinstance(time, astropy.time.Time): logger.error(f'Input is not an astropy object: {time}') raise ValueError(f'Input is not an astropy object: {time}') # Internally, astropy stores the time in the julian date (jd) fornat with a tuple of two double-precision floats. # The first float has an integer value and represents the number of days since the epoch (12:00 at January 1, 4713 BC) # and the second float gives the fraction of the day. That means we can reach a precision of (number of nanoseconds in a day) / 2^52: # 3600 * 24 * 1e9 / 2^52 = 0.02 ns. We choose to store the time object in its native format. data = { "val": time.jd1, "val2": time.jd2, "scale": time.scale, "format": "jd", } return data def _time_object_to_astropy(time_object): """ Convert a time_object to an astropy object. This function tries to encompases all the different possible ways a time object might have been stored inside a nur file. Parameters ---------- time_object: dict or float or datetime.datetime or astropy.time.Time The time object to be converted to an astropy object Returns ------- time: astropy.time.Time The time object """ if time_object is None: return None if isinstance(time_object, (int, float)) and time_object == 0: # 0 was an old default value for the event time. It was replaced by None. return None if isinstance(time_object, astropy.time.Time): # For backward compatibility, we also keep supporting station times stored as astropy.time objects return time_object if isinstance(time_object, datetime.datetime): # For backward compatibility, we also keep supporting station times stored as datetime objects logger.warning( "Time object created from a `datetime` object. " "Nanosecond accuracy is not ensured.") return astropy.time.Time(time_object) if isinstance(time_object, dict): if 'value' in time_object and 'format' in time_object: logger.warning( "Time object created from a dictionary which does not store the nano second separately. " "Nanosecond accuracy is not ensured.") return astropy.time.Time(time_object['value'], format=time_object['format']) elif 'val' in time_object and 'val2' in time_object: if "format" not in time_object or time_object["format"] != "jd": logger.error(f"Time object is a dictionary but the format is wrong: {time_object}") raise ValueError(f"Time object is a dictionary but the format is wrong: {time_object}") return astropy.time.Time(**time_object) else: logger.error(f"Time object dictionary not recognized: {time_object}") raise ValueError(f"Time object dictionary not recognized: {time_object}") logger.error(f"Time object not recognized: {time_object}") raise ValueError(f"Time object not recognized: {time_object}")