Source code for NuRadioMC.SignalGen.HCRB2017

import numpy as np
from NuRadioReco.utilities import units, fft
from scipy import constants
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger("HCRB2017")

Implementation of J. Hanson and A. Conolly "Complex analysis of Askaryan radiation: A fully analytic treatment
including the LPM effect and Cascade Form Factor." Astropart. Phys. 91, 75-89 (2017) which is based on
Buniy, R. V., Ralston, J. P.  "Radio detection of high energy particles: Coherence versus multiple scales"
Physical Review D, 65 016003 (2001)

This module uses a Gaisser Hillas shower profile for hadronic showers and a Greisen profile for EM showers. When
the LPM effect is activated (default) instead of a Greisen profile, a parameterization from [1] is used. Please not that
these two parameterization (with/without LPM) do not give consistent results at energies where the LPM effect is
negligible. Use the model prediction with caution.

Please also note that the timing is not properly implemented (see

speed_of_light = constants.c * units.m / units.s

_strictLowFreqLimit = True

NORM = 1.0

ICE_DENSITY = 0.9167  * units.g /**3
ICE_RAD_LENGTH = 36.08 * units.g /**2

[docs]def get_time_trace(energy, theta, N, dt, is_em_shower, n_index, R, LPM=True, a=None): """ returns the Askaryan pulse in the time domain Parameters ---------- energy : float energy of the shower theta: float viewangle: angle between shower axis (neutrino direction) and the line of sight between interaction and detector N : int number of samples in the time domain dt: float time bin width, i.e. the inverse of the sampling rate is_em_shower: bool true if EM shower, false otherwise n: float index of refraction at interaction vertex R: float distance from vertex to observer LPM: bool (default True) enable/disable LPD effect a: float or None (default Nont) if variable set, the shower width is manually set to this value """ freqs = np.fft.rfftfreq(N, dt) eR, eTheta = _get_E_omega(freqs, energy, R, theta, n_index, is_em_shower, LPM, a=a) traceR = np.fft.irfft(eR) / dt traceTheta = np.fft.irfft(eTheta) / dt return np.array([traceR, traceTheta, np.zeros_like(traceTheta)])
[docs]def get_frequency_spectrum(energy, theta, N, dt, is_em_shower, n, R, LPM=True, a=None): """ returns the complex amplitudes of the frequency spectrum of the neutrino radio signal Parameters ---------- energy : float energy of the shower theta: float viewangle: angle between shower axis (neutrino direction) and the line of sight between interaction and detector N : int number of samples in the time domain dt: float time bin width, i.e. the inverse of the sampling rate is_em_shower: bool true if EM shower, false otherwise n: float index of refraction at interaction vertex R: float distance from vertex to observer LPM: bool (default True) enable/disable LPD effect a: float or None (default Nont) if variable set, the shower width is manually set to this value """ eR, eTheta, ePhi = get_time_trace(energy, theta, N, dt, is_em_shower, n, R, LPM, a=a) return np.array([fft.time2freq(eR, 1./dt), fft.time2freq(eTheta, 1./dt), fft.time2freq(ePhi, 1./dt)])
def _get_k(ff, n_index): return 2 * np.pi * ff / speed_of_light * n_index def _get_eta(k, _askaryanDepthA, _askaryanR, _askaryanTheta): return k * _askaryanDepthA**2 / _askaryanR * np.sin(_askaryanTheta)**2 def _get_Iff(ff, n_index, _askaryanDepthA, _askaryanR, _askaryanTheta): COS_THETA_C = 1. / n_index k = _get_k(ff, n_index) eta = _get_eta(k, _askaryanDepthA, _askaryanR, _askaryanTheta) re_d = 1 - 3 * eta**2 * np.cos(_askaryanTheta) / np.sin(_askaryanTheta)**2 * \ (np.cos(_askaryanTheta) - COS_THETA_C) / (1 + eta**2) im_d = -eta - 3 * eta**3 * np.cos(_askaryanTheta) / np.sin(_askaryanTheta)**2 * \ (np.cos(_askaryanTheta) - COS_THETA_C) / (1 + eta**2) denom = re_d + 1j * im_d re_power = -0.5 * (k * _askaryanDepthA)**2 * (np.cos(_askaryanTheta) - COS_THETA_C)**2 / (1 + eta**2) im_power = -eta * 0.5 * (k * _askaryanDepthA)**2 * (np.cos(_askaryanTheta) - COS_THETA_C)**2 / (1 + eta**2) power = re_power + 1j * im_power return np.exp(power) / denom**0.5 def _get_E_omega(ff, E, R, theta, n_index, EM=True, LPM=True, use_form_factor=True, _rho0=1. / (np.sqrt(2.0 * np.pi) * 0.03 * units.m), a=None, fudge_LPM=False): """ calculates the frequncy spectrum of an Askaryan pulse. Do not use this function directly, use get_frequency_spectrum() instead Parameters ---------- ff: np.array of floats array of frequencies E: float shower energy R: float distance from vertex to observer theta: float viewing angle n_index: float index of refraction at the shower EM: bool (default True) switch between EM and had. showers LPM: bool (default True) enable/disable LPD effect use_form_factor: bool (default True) use form factor _rho0: float the value of rho0 a: float or None (default Nont) if variable set, the shower width is manually set to this value fudge_LPM: bool (default False) if True, the shower width parameterization of LPM showers is rescaled to match the Greisen parameterization at energies below the E_LPM, i.e., at energies where the LPM effect is negligible Returns ------- eR: array of floats eR component of electric field in frequency domain eTheta: array of floats eTheta component of electric field in frequency domain """ _Nmax, _askaryanDepthA = get_N_AskDepthA(E, EM, LPM, fudge_LPM=fudge_LPM) if(a is not None): _askaryanDepthA = a COS_THETA_C = 1. / n_index k = _get_k(ff, n_index) eta = _get_eta(k, _askaryanDepthA, R, theta) I_FF = _get_Iff(ff, n_index, _askaryanDepthA, R, theta) nu = speed_of_light * k / (2.0 * np.pi) logger.debug("a {}, nmax {}, R {}".format(_askaryanDepthA, _Nmax, R)) norm = 2.52e-7 * 1e3 * _askaryanDepthA * _Nmax * nu / R / NORM # the additional *1e3 comes from putting all the units in the constant of Eq. (10). The left side of the equation is in MHz, whereas the right side is in GHz # Kinematic factor, psi...checked JCH March 8th, 2016...fixed missing sin(theta) psi = np.sin(theta) * np.sin(k * R) + 1j * (-np.sin(theta) * np.cos(k * R)) # radial component (imaginary part is zero)...checked JCH March 8th, 2016 rComp_num = -(np.cos(theta) - COS_THETA_C) / np.sin(theta) rComp = I_FF * norm * psi * rComp_num # theta component (has real and imaginary parts)...checked JCH March 8th, 2016 thetaComp_num = 1 + eta**2 / (1 + eta)**2 * COS_THETA_C / np.sin(theta)**2 * (np.cos(theta) - COS_THETA_C) + \ 1j * (-eta / (1 + eta)**2 * COS_THETA_C / np.sin(theta)**2 * (np.cos(theta) - COS_THETA_C)) thetaComp = I_FF * norm * psi * thetaComp_num logger.debug("IFF[0] {:.2g}, norm {:.2g}, psi[0] {:.2g}, thetaComp_num {:.2g}".format(I_FF[1], norm[1], psi[1], thetaComp_num[1])) if use_form_factor: a = k / _rho0 b = np.sin(theta) / (2.0 * np.pi)**0.5 atten = (1 + a**2 * b**2)**-1.5 rComp *= atten thetaComp *= atten return rComp, thetaComp
[docs]def gauss(x, A, mu, sigma): return A * np.exp(-(x-mu)**2/2/sigma**2)
[docs]def get_N_AskDepthA(E, EM=True, LPM=True, fudge_LPM=False): """ calculates the Gaussian width (sigma) of the shower profile using the Greisen profile for EM showers and the Gaisser-Hillas profile for HAD showers. If the LPM flag is activated, for EM shower of the shower width of 10.1103/PhysRevD.82.074017 is used. Please note that the parameterization of the shower width for LPM showers is not compatible with the Greisen parameterization event at regimes where the LPM effect is negligible!!! Parameters ---------- E: float the energy of the shower EM: bool (default True) switch between EM and had. showers LPM: bool (default True) enable/disable LPD effect fudge_LPM: bool (default False) if True, the shower width parameterization of LPM showers is rescaled to match the Greisen parameterization at energies below the E_LPM, i.e., at energies where the LPM effect is negligible """ if EM: E_CRIT = 0.073 * units.GeV # GeV max_x = 5000.0 # maximum number of radiation lengths dx = 0.01 # small enough bin in depth for our purposes. x_start = 0.01 # starting radiation length # Greissen EM shower profile from Energy E in GeV. x = np.arange(x_start, max_x, dx) a = 0.31 / (np.log(E / E_CRIT))**0.5 b = x c = 1.5 * x d = np.log((3 * x) / (x + 2 * np.log(E / E_CRIT))) nx = a * np.exp(b - c * d) else: # hadronic shower profile # Gaisser-Hillas hadronic shower parameterization max_x = 200000.0 * units.g /**2 # maximum depth in g/cm^2 dx = 1.0 * units.g /**2 # small enough bin in depth for our purposes. x_start = dx # depth in g/cm^2 S0 = 0.11842 X0 = 39.562 * units.g /**2 # g/cm^2 l = 113.03 * units.g /**2# g/cm^2 Ec = 0.17006 * units.GeV # GeV Xmax = X0 * np.log(E / Ec) x = np.arange(x_start, max_x, dx) a = S0 * E / Ec * (Xmax - l) / Xmax * np.exp(Xmax / l - 1) b = pow(x / (Xmax - l), Xmax / l) c = np.exp(-x / l) nx = a * b * c # find location of maximum, and charge excess from Fig. 5.9, compare in cm not m. n_max_position = np.argmax(nx) n_max = np.max(nx) if EM: excess = 0.09 + dx * n_max_position * ICE_RAD_LENGTH / ICE_DENSITY / 100. else: excess = 0.09 + dx * n_max_position / ICE_DENSITY * 1.0e-2 Nmax = excess * n_max / 1000.0 logger.debug("Nmax {}, excess {}, n_max {}".format(Nmax, excess, n_max)) # We want to perform a fit for the regions with an excess charge 10% close to the maximum fit_region_cut = 0.95 cut_left = np.argwhere((nx[:n_max_position] / nx[n_max_position]) > fit_region_cut)[0][0] cut_right = np.argwhere((nx[n_max_position:] / nx[n_max_position]) < fit_region_cut)[0][0]+n_max_position fit_width = cut_right-cut_left max_vicinity = nx[n_max_position-fit_width:n_max_position+fit_width]/nx[n_max_position] x_fit = np.arange(0, len(max_vicinity), 1) sigma = curve_fit(gauss, x_fit, max_vicinity)[0] if EM: _askaryanDepthA = dx * sigma[2] / ICE_DENSITY * ICE_RAD_LENGTH else: _askaryanDepthA = dx * sigma[2]/ ICE_DENSITY logger.debug("a (before LPM = {}".format(_askaryanDepthA)) E_LPM = 3e14 * units.eV if(EM and LPM): if((E > E_LPM) or not fudge_LPM): # only apply LPM correction in regimes where it is relevant p1 = -2.8564e2 p2 = 7.8140e1 p3 = -8.3893 p4 = 4.4175e-1 p5 = -1.1382e-2 p6 = 1.1493e-4 e = np.log10(E/units.eV) # log_10 of Energy in eV log10_shower_depth = p1 + p2 * e + p3 * e**2 + p4 * e**3 + p5 * e**4 + p6 * e**5 a = 10.0**log10_shower_depth * 0.5 # adjust shower wiedth to be just the sigma parameter of a Gaussian if(fudge_LPM): # normalize to Greisen parameterization at LPM energy a_Greisen = get_N_AskDepthA(E_LPM, EM=True, LPM=False)[1] a /= a_Greisen # Right here, record the reduction in n_max_position that I don't believe in. if _strictLowFreqLimit: logger.debug("strict_lowfeq Nmax = {:.2g}, a= {} priora = {}".format(Nmax, a, _askaryanDepthA/units.m, Nmax)) Nmax = Nmax / (a / _askaryanDepthA) _askaryanDepthA = a logger.debug("a = {:.2f}m, Nmax = {}".format(_askaryanDepthA/units.m, Nmax)) return Nmax, _askaryanDepthA