NuRadioReco.modules.LOFAR.pipelineVisualizer_LOFAR module
This module contains the pipelineVisualizer class for LOFAR.
- NuRadioReco.modules.LOFAR.pipelineVisualizer_LOFAR.check_for_good_ant(event, detector)[source]
Create a dictionary which for every station in the event contains a list of antennas which have not been flagged.
- class NuRadioReco.modules.LOFAR.pipelineVisualizer_LOFAR.pipelineVisualizer[source]
Creates debug plots from the LOFAR pipeline - This is the pipelineVisualizerTM for LOFAR.
Any significant plots resulting from the pipeline should be added here by creating a function for them, and calling all functions sequentially.
(event, detector)Plot the polarization of the electric field.
(event, detector[, save_dir, ...])Produce pipeline plots for the given event.
(event)Make a comparison of the reconstructed direction per station with the LORA direction.
(event, detector[, ...])Plot the antenna positions, marking arrival time by color and pseudofluence by markersize.
- plot_polarization(event, detector)[source]
Plot the polarization of the electric field. This method calculates the stokes parameters of the pulse using get_stokes from framework.electric_field, and determines the polarization angle and degree, plotting them as arrows in the vxB and vxvxB plane. It estimates uncertainties by picking a pure noise value of stokes parameters, propagating through the angle and degree formulas and plotting them as arrows with reduced opacity. Author: Karen Terveer
- Parameters:
- eventEvent object
The event containing the stations and electric fields.
- detectorDetector object
The detector object containing information about the detector.
- Returns:
- fig_polmatplotlib Figure object
The generated figure object containing the polarization plot.
- show_direction_plot(event)[source]
Make a comparison of the reconstructed direction per station with the LORA direction.
Author: Philipp Laub
- Parameters:
- eventEvent object
The event for which to show the final plots.
- Returns:
- fig_dirmatplotlib Figure object
The generated figure object containing the direction plot.
- show_time_fluence_plot(event, detector, min_number_good_antennas=4)[source]
Plot the antenna positions, marking arrival time by color and pseudofluence by markersize. The reconstructed arrival direction per station is indicated with an arrow.
Author: Philipp Laub
- Parameters:
- eventEvent object
The event for which to show the final plots.
- detectorDetector object
The detector for which to show the final plots.
- min_number_good_antennasint, default=4
The minimum number of good antennas that should be present in a station to consider it for the fit.
- Returns:
- fig_polmatplotlib Figure object
The generated figure object containing the polarization plot.
- run(event, detector, save_dir='.', polarization=False, direction=False)[source]
Produce pipeline plots for the given event.
- Parameters:
- eventEvent object
The event for which to visualize the pipeline.
- detectorDetector object
The detector for which to visualize the pipeline.
- save_dirstr, optional
The directory to save the plots to. Default is the current directory.