
Mapping the offset between trace start time and trigger time (~ signal time). Temporary use hard-coded values for each trigger type. In the future this information might be time, station, and channel dependent and should come from a database (or is already calibrated in mattak)

Current values motivated by figures posted in PR

trigger_type: str

Trigger type encoded as string from Mattak

time_offset: float

trace_start_time = trigger_time - time_offset

class, load_run_table=True, log_level=20)[source]

Bases: object

Reader for RNO-G .root files

This class provides read access to RNO-G .root files and converts them to NuRadioMC Events. Requires mattak ( to be installed.

run_table_path: str | None

Path to a run_table.csv file. If None, the run table is queried from the DB. (Default: None)

load_run_table: bool

If True, try to load the run_table from run_table_path. Otherwise, skip this.

log_level: enum

Set verbosity level of logger. If logging.DEBUG, set mattak to verbose (unless specified in mattak_kwargs). (Default: logging.INFO)


reader = readRNOGDataMattak.readRNOGData() # initialize reader

evt = reader.get_event_by_index(0) # returns the first event in the file
# OR
evt = reader.get_event(run_nr=1100, event_id=679) # returns the event with run_number 1100 and event_id 679
# OR
for evt in # loop over all events in file
    # perform some analysis


begin(dirs_files[, read_calibrated_data, ...])


get_event(run_nr, event_id)

Allows to read a specific event identifed by run number and event id


Allows to read a specific event identifed by its index


Return information of all events from the EventInfo


Loop over all events.

set_selectors(selectors[, select_triggers])



begin(dirs_files, read_calibrated_data=False, select_triggers=None, select_runs=False, apply_baseline_correction='approximate', convert_to_voltage=True, selectors=[], run_types=['physics'], run_time_range=None, max_trigger_rate=0.0, mattak_kwargs={}, overwrite_sampling_rate=None)[source]
dirs_files: str, list(str)

Path to run directories (i.e. “…/stationXX/runXXX/”) or path to root files (have to be “combined” mattak files).

read_calibrated_data: bool

If True, read calibrated waveforms from Mattak.Dataset. If False, read “raw” ADC traces. (temp. Default: False, this can/should be switched once the calibration in incorp. into Mattak)

select_triggers: str or list(str)

Names of triggers which should be selected. Convinence interface instead of passing a selector (see “selectors” below). (Default: None)

select_runs: bool

If True, use information in run_table to select runs (based on run_type, run_time, trigger_rate, …). If the run_table is not available no selection is performed (and the programm is not interrupted, only an error message is raised). See parameters to configure run selection. (Default: False)

Other Parameters:
apply_baseline_correction: ‘approximate’ | ‘fit’ | ‘none’

Only applies when non-calibrated data are read. Removes the DC (baseline) block offsets (pedestals). Options are:

  • ‘approximate’ (default) - estimate block offsets by looking at the low-pass filtered trace

  • ‘fit’ - do a full out-of-band fit to determine the block offsets; for more details, see NuRadioReco.modules.RNO_G.channelBlockOffsetFitter

  • ‘none’ - do not apply a baseline correction (faster)

convert_to_voltage: bool

Only applies when non-calibrated data are read. If true, convert ADC to voltage. (Default: True)

selectors: list of lambdas

List of lambda(eventInfo) -> bool to pass to mattak.Dataset.iterate to select events. Example: trigger_selector = lambda eventInfo: eventInfo.triggerType == “FORCE”

run_types: list

Used to select/reject runs from information in the RNO-G RunTable. List of run_types to be used. (Default: [‘physics’])

run_time_range: tuple

Specify a time range to select runs (it is sufficient that runs cover the time range partially). Each value of the tuple has to be in a format which astropy.time.Time understands. A value can be None which means that the lower or upper bound is unconstrained. If run_time_range is None no time selection is applied. (Default: None)

max_trigger_rate: float

Used to select/reject runs from information in the RNO-G RunTable. Maximum allowed trigger rate (per run) in Hz. If 0, no cut is applied. (Default: 1 Hz)

mattak_kwargs: dict

Dictionary of arguments for mattak.Dataset.Dataset. (Default: {}) Example: Select a mattak “backend”. Options are “auto”, “pyroot”, “uproot”. If “auto” is selected, pyroot is used if available otherwise a “fallback” to uproot is used. (Default: “auto”)

overwrite_sampling_rate: float

Set sampling rate of the imported waveforms. This overwrites what is read out from runinfo (i.e., stored in the mattak files) only when the stored sampling rate is invalid (i.e. 0 or None). If None, nothing is overwritten and the sampling rate from the mattak file is used. (Default: None) NOTE: This option might be necessary when old mattak files are read which have this not set.

set_selectors(selectors, select_triggers=None)[source]
selectors: list of lambdas

List of lambda(eventInfo) -> bool to pass to mattak.Dataset.iterate to select events. Example: trigger_selector = lambda eventInfo: eventInfo.triggerType == “FORCE”

select_triggers: str or list(str)

Names of triggers which should be selected. Convinence interface instead of passing a selector. (Default: None)

get_events_information(keys=['station', 'run', 'eventNumber'])[source]

Return information of all events from the EventInfo

This function is useful to make a pre-selection of events before actually reading them in combination with self.read_event().

keys: list(str)

List of the information to receive from each event. Have to match the attributes (member variables) of the mattak.Dataset.EventInfo class (examples are “station”, “run”, “triggerTime”, “triggerType”, “eventNumber”, …). (Default: [“station”, “run”, “eventNumber”])

data: dict

Keys of the dict are the event indecies (as used in self.read_event(event_index)). The values are dictinaries them self containing the information specified with “keys” parameter.


Loop over all events.

evt: NuRadioReco.framework.event.Event

Allows to read a specific event identifed by its index

event_index: int

The index of a particluar event. The index is the chronological number from 0 to number of total events (across all datasets).

evt: NuRadioReco.framework.event.Event
get_event(run_nr, event_id)[source]

Allows to read a specific event identifed by run number and event id

run_nr: int

Run number

event_id: int

Event Id

evt: NuRadioReco.framework.event.Event