
Bases: object

save events to file


begin(filename[, max_file_size, ...])

begin method

run(evt[, det, mode])

writes NuRadioReco event into a file


begin(filename, max_file_size=1024, check_for_duplicates=False, events_per_file=None, log_level=30)[source]

begin method

filename: string

Name of the file into which events shall be written

max_file_size: maximum file size in Mbytes

(if the file exceeds the maximum file the output will be split into another file)

check_for_duplicates: bool (default False)

if True, the event writer raises an exception when an event with a (run,eventid) pair is written that is already present in the data file

events_per_file: int

Maximum number of events to be written into the same file. After more than events_per_file have been written into the same file, the output will be split into another file. If max_file_size and events_per_file are both set, the file will be split whenever any of the two conditions is fullfilled.

log_level: int

The logging level to use.

run(evt, det=None, mode=None)[source]

writes NuRadioReco event into a file

evt: NuRadioReco event object
det: detector object

If a detector object is passed, the detector description for the events is written in the file as well

mode: dictionary, optional

Specifies what will be saved into the *.nur output file. Can contain the following keys:

  • ‘Channels’: if True channel traces of Stations will be saved

  • ‘ElectricFields’: if True (reconstructed) electric field traces of Stations will be saved

  • ‘SimChannels’: if True SimChannels of SimStations will be saved

  • ‘SimElectricFields’: if True electric field traces of SimStations will be saved

if no dictionary is passed, the default option is to save all of the above
