NuRadioReco.modules.phasedarray.triggerSimulator module

class NuRadioReco.modules.phasedarray.triggerSimulator.triggerSimulator(log_level=0)[source]

Bases: object

Calculates the trigger for a phased array with a primary beam.

The channels that participate in both beams and the pointing angle for each subbeam can be specified.



calculate_time_delays(station, det, ...[, ...])

Calculates the delays needed for phasing the array.

check_vertical_string(station, det, ...)

Checks if the triggering antennas lie in a straight vertical line Throws error if not.

get_antenna_positions(station, det[, ...])

Calculates the vertical coordinates of the antennas of the detector

get_channel_trace_start_time(station, ...)

Finds the start time of the desired traces.

phase_signals(traces, beam_rolls)

Phase signals together given the rolls

phased_trigger(station, det[, Vrms, ...])

simulates phased array trigger for each event

power_sum(coh_sum, window, step[, adc_output])

Calculate power summed over a length defined by 'window', overlapping at intervals defined by 'step'

run(evt, station, det[, Vrms, threshold, ...])

Simulates phased array trigger for each event.



begin(debug=False, pre_trigger_time=100)[source]
get_antenna_positions(station, det, triggered_channels=None, component=2)[source]

Calculates the vertical coordinates of the antennas of the detector

station: Station object

Description of the current station

det: Detector object

Description of the current detector

triggered_channels: array of ints

channels ids of the channels that form the primary phasing array if None, all channels are taken

component: int

Which cartesian coordinate to return

ant_pos: array of floatss

Desired antenna position in requested coordinate

calculate_time_delays(station, det, triggered_channels, phasing_angles=array([-9.59931089e-01, -7.14608352e-01, -5.13801244e-01, -3.33826648e-01, -1.64572284e-01, 1.11022302e-16, 1.64572284e-01, 3.33826648e-01, 5.13801244e-01, 7.14608352e-01, 9.59931089e-01]), ref_index=1.75, sampling_frequency=None)[source]

Calculates the delays needed for phasing the array.

station: Station object

Description of the current station

det: Detector object

Description of the current detector

triggered_channels: array of ints

channels ids of the channels that form the primary phasing array if None, all channels are taken

phasing_angles: array of float

pointing angles for the primary beam

ref_index: float

refractive index for beam forming

sampling_frequency: float

Rate of the ADC used

beam_rolls: array of dicts of keys=antenna and content=delay
get_channel_trace_start_time(station, triggered_channels)[source]

Finds the start time of the desired traces. Throws an error if all the channels dont have the same start time.

station: Station object

Description of the current station

triggered_channels: array of ints

channels ids of the channels that form the primary phasing array if None, all channels are taken

channel_trace_start_time: float

Channel start time

check_vertical_string(station, det, triggered_channels)[source]

Checks if the triggering antennas lie in a straight vertical line Throws error if not.

station: Station object

Description of the current station

det: Detector object

Description of the current detector

triggered_channels: array of ints

channels ids of the channels that form the primary phasing array if None, all channels are taken

power_sum(coh_sum, window, step, adc_output='voltage')[source]

Calculate power summed over a length defined by ‘window’, overlapping at intervals defined by ‘step’

coh_sum: array of floats

Phased signal to be integrated over

window: int

Power integral window Units of ADC time ticks

step: int

Time step in power integral. If equal to window, there is no time overlap in between neighboring integration windows Units of ADC time ticks.

adc_output: string
  • ‘voltage’ to store the ADC output as discretised voltage trace

  • ‘counts’ to store the ADC output in ADC counts


Integrated power in each integration window


Number of integration windows calculated

phase_signals(traces, beam_rolls)[source]

Phase signals together given the rolls

traces: 2D array of floats

Signals from the antennas to be phased together.

beam_rolls: 2D array of floats

The amount to shift each signal before phasing the traces together

phased_traces: array of arrays
phased_trigger(station, det, Vrms=None, threshold=0.06, triggered_channels=None, phasing_angles=array([-9.59931089e-01, -7.14608352e-01, -5.13801244e-01, -3.33826648e-01, -1.64572284e-01, 1.11022302e-16, 1.64572284e-01, 3.33826648e-01, 5.13801244e-01, 7.14608352e-01, 9.59931089e-01]), ref_index=1.75, trigger_adc=False, clock_offset=0, adc_output='voltage', trigger_filter=None, upsampling_factor=1, window=32, step=16, apply_digitization=True)[source]

simulates phased array trigger for each event

Several channels are phased by delaying their signals by an amount given by a pointing angle. Several pointing angles are possible in order to cover the sky. The array triggered_channels controls the channels that are phased, according to the angles phasing_angles.

station: Station object

Description of the current station

det: Detector object

Description of the current detector

Vrms: float

RMS of the noise on a channel, used to automatically create the digitizer reference voltage. If set to None, tries to use reference voltage as defined int the detector description file.

threshold: float

threshold above (or below) a trigger is issued, absolute amplitude

triggered_channels: array of ints

channels ids of the channels that form the primary phasing array if None, all channels are taken

phasing_angles: array of float

pointing angles for the primary beam

ref_index: float (default 1.75)

refractive index for beam forming

trigger_adc: bool (default True)

If True, uses the ADC settings from the trigger. It must be specified in the detector file. See analogToDigitalConverter module for information (see option apply_digitization)

clock_offset: float (default 0)

Overall clock offset, for adc clock jitter reasons (see apply_digitization)

adc_output: string (default ‘voltage’)
  • ‘voltage’ to store the ADC output as discretised voltage trace

  • ‘counts’ to store the ADC output in ADC counts

trigger_filter: array floats (default None)

Freq. domain of the response to be applied to post-ADC traces Must be length for “MC freq”

upsampling_factor: integer (default 1)

Upsampling factor. The trace will be a upsampled to a sampling frequency int_factor times higher than the original one after conversion to digital

window: int (default 32)

Power integral window Units of ADC time ticks

step: int (default 16)

Time step in power integral. If equal to window, there is no time overlap in between neighboring integration windows. Units of ADC time ticks

apply_digitization: bool (default True)

Perform the quantization of the ADC. If set to true, should also set options trigger_adc, adc_output, clock_offset

is_triggered: bool

True if the triggering condition is met

trigger_delays: dictionary

the delays for the primary channels that have caused a trigger. If there is no trigger, it’s an empty dictionary

trigger_time: float

the earliest trigger time with respect to first interaction time.

trigger_times: dictionary

all time bins that fulfil the trigger condition per beam. The key is the beam number. Time with respect to first interaction time.

maximum_amps: list of floats (length equal to that of phasing_angles)

the maximum value of all the integration windows for each of the phased waveforms

run(evt, station, det, Vrms=None, threshold=0.06, triggered_channels=None, trigger_name='simple_phased_threshold', phasing_angles=array([-9.59931089e-01, -7.14608352e-01, -5.13801244e-01, -3.33826648e-01, -1.64572284e-01, 1.11022302e-16, 1.64572284e-01, 3.33826648e-01, 5.13801244e-01, 7.14608352e-01, 9.59931089e-01]), set_not_triggered=False, ref_index=1.75, trigger_adc=False, clock_offset=0, adc_output='voltage', trigger_filter=None, upsampling_factor=1, window=32, step=16, apply_digitization=True)[source]

Simulates phased array trigger for each event.

Several channels are phased by delaying their signals by an amount given by a pointing angle. Several pointing angles are possible in order to cover the sky. The array triggered_channels controls the channels that are phased, according to the angles phasing_angles.

evt: Event object

Description of the current event

station: Station object

Description of the current station

det: Detector object

Description of the current detector

Vrms: float

RMS of the noise on a channel, used to automatically create the digitizer reference voltage. If set to None, tries to use reference voltage as defined int the detector description file.

threshold: float

threshold above (or below) a trigger is issued, absolute amplitude

triggered_channels: array of ints

channels ids of the channels that form the primary phasing array if None, all channels are taken

trigger_name: string

name for the trigger

phasing_angles: array of float

pointing angles for the primary beam

set_not_triggered: bool (default False)

If True, no trigger simulation will be performed and this trigger will be set to not_triggered

ref_index: float (default 1.75)

refractive index for beam forming

trigger_adc: bool, (default True)

If True, uses the ADC settings from the trigger. It must be specified in the detector file. See analogToDigitalConverter module for information

clock_offset: float (default 0)

Overall clock offset, for adc clock jitter reasons

adc_output: string (default ‘voltage’)
  • ‘voltage’ to store the ADC output as discretised voltage trace

  • ‘counts’ to store the ADC output in ADC counts

trigger_filter: array floats (default None)

Freq. domain of the response to be applied to post-ADC traces Must be length for “MC freq”

upsampling_factor: integer (default 1)

Upsampling factor. The trace will be a upsampled to a sampling frequency int_factor times higher than the original one after conversion to digital

window: int (default 32)

Power integral window Units of ADC time ticks

step: int (default 16)

Time step in power integral. If equal to window, there is no time overlap in between neighboring integration windows. Units of ADC time ticks

apply_digitization: bool (default True)

Perform the quantization of the ADC. If set to true, should also set options trigger_adc, adc_output, clock_offset

is_triggered: bool

True if the triggering condition is met
