NuRadioReco.modules.trigger.powerIntegration module

NuRadioReco.modules.trigger.powerIntegration.get_power_int_triggers(trace, threshold, window=10, dt=1, full_output=False)[source]

calculats a power integration trigger

trace: array of floats

the signal trace

threshold: float

the threshold

window: float

the integration window

dt: float

the time binning of the trace

full_output: bool (default False)

if True, the integrated power is returned as second argument

triggered bins: array of bools

the bins where the trigger condition is satisfied

class NuRadioReco.modules.trigger.powerIntegration.triggerSimulator[source]

Bases: object

Calculates a power integration trigger.


run(evt, station, det, threshold, ...[, ...])

simulates a power integration trigger.



run(evt, station, det, threshold, integration_window, number_concidences=1, triggered_channels=None, coinc_window=200, trigger_name='default_powerint')[source]

simulates a power integration trigger. The squared voltages are integrated over a sliding window

evt: Event

The event to run the module on

station: Station

The station to run the module on

det: Detector

The detector description

number_concidences: int

number of channels that are requried in coincidence to trigger a station

threshold: float or dict of floats
threshold in units of integrated power (V^2*time)

a dict can be used to specify a different threshold per channel where the key is the channel id

integration_window: float

the integration window

triggered_channels: array of ints or None

channels ids that are triggered on, if None trigger will run on all channels

coinc_window: float

time window in which number_concidences channels need to trigger

trigger_name: string

a unique name of this particular trigger
