Source code for NuRadioMC.EvtGen.generator

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import logging
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import Generator, Philox
import copy
from six import iterkeys, iteritems
from scipy import constants, interpolate
import h5py
import time

import NuRadioMC
from NuRadioReco.utilities import units, version, particle_names
from NuRadioMC.utilities import inelasticities
from NuRadioMC.simulation.simulation import pretty_time_delta

logger = logging.getLogger("NuRadioMC.EvtGen")


HEADER = """
# all quantities are in the default NuRadioMC units (i.e., meters, radians and eV)
# all geometry quantities are in the NuRadioMC default local coordinate system:
#     coordinate origin is at the surface
#     x axis is towards Easting, y axis towards Northing, z axis upwards
#     zenith/theta angle is defined with respect to z axis, i.e. 0deg = upwards, 90deg = towards horizon, 180deg = downwards
#     azimuth/phi angle counting northwards from East
# the collumns are defined as follows
# 1. event id (integer)
# 2. neutrino flavor (integer) encoded as using PDG numbering scheme, particles have positive sign, anti-particles have negative sign, relevant for us are:
#       12: electron neutrino
#       14: muon neutrino
#       16: tau neutrino
# 3. energy of neutrino (double)
# 4. charge or neutral current interaction (string, one of ['cc', 'nc']
# 5./6./7. position of neutrino interaction vertex in cartesian coordinates (x, y, z) (in default NuRadioMC local coordinate system)
# 8. zenith/theta angle of neutrino direction (pointing to where it came from, i.e. opposite to the direction of propagation)
# 9. azimuth/phi angle of neutrino direction (pointing to where it came from, i.e. opposite to the direction of propagation)
# 10. inelasticity (the fraction of neutrino energy that goes into the hadronic part)
# Mass energy equivalent of the tau lepton
tau_mass = constants.physical_constants['tau mass energy equivalent in MeV'][0] * units.MeV
# Lifetime of the tau (rest frame). Taken from PDG
tau_rest_lifetime = 290.3 * units.fs
density_ice = 0.9167 * units.g / ** 3
cspeed = constants.c * units.m / units.s

[docs]def load_input_hdf5(filename): """ reads input file into memory Parameters ---------- filename: string Name of the file Returns ------- fin: dictionary Dictionary containing the elements in filename """ h5fin = h5py.File(filename, 'r') fin = {} for key, value in iteritems(h5fin): fin[key] = np.array(value) h5fin.close() return fin
[docs]def get_tau_95_length(energies): """ Returns a fit to the 95% percentile of the tau track length calculated with PROPOSAL. We calculate the 95% percentile for the largest energy. """ coeffs = [6.80016451e+02, -1.61902120e+02, 1.42383021e+01, -5.47388025e-01, 7.79239697e-03] log_length = 0 log_energy_eV = np.log10(np.max(energies) / units.eV) for ipow, coeff in enumerate(coeffs): log_length += coeff * (log_energy_eV) ** ipow return 10 ** log_length * units.m
[docs]def write_events_to_hdf5(filename, data_sets, attributes, n_events_per_file=None, start_file_id=0): """ writes NuRadioMC input parameters to hdf5 file this function can automatically split the dataset up into multiple files for easy multiprocessing Parameters ---------- filename: string the desired output filename (if multiple files are generated, a 'part000x' is appended to the filename data_sets: dict a dictionary with the data sets attributes: dict a dictionary containing the meta attributes n_events_per_file: int (optional, default None) the number of events per file additional_interactions: dict or None (default) a dictionary containing potential additional interactions, such as the second tau interaction vertex. """ n_events = attributes['n_events']"saving {} events in total".format(n_events)) total_number_of_events = attributes['n_events'] if "start_event_id" not in attributes: attributes["start_event_id"] = 0 # backward compatibility if(n_events_per_file is None): n_events_per_file = n_events else: n_events_per_file = int(n_events_per_file) iFile = -1 evt_id_first = data_sets["event_group_ids"][0] evt_id_last_previous = 0 # save the last event id of the previous file start_index = 0 n_events_total = 0 while True: iFile += 1 filename2 = filename evt_ids_this_file = np.unique(data_sets["event_group_ids"])[iFile * n_events_per_file: (iFile + 1) * n_events_per_file] if(len(evt_ids_this_file) == 0):"no more events to write in file {}".format(iFile)) break if((iFile > 0) or (n_events_per_file < n_events)): filename2 = filename + ".part{:04}".format(iFile + start_file_id) fout = h5py.File(filename2, 'w') fout.attrs['VERSION_MAJOR'] = VERSION_MAJOR fout.attrs['VERSION_MINOR'] = VERSION_MINOR fout.attrs['header'] = HEADER for key, value in attributes.items(): fout.attrs[key] = value fout.attrs['total_number_of_events'] = total_number_of_events evt_id_first = evt_ids_this_file[0] evt_id_last = evt_ids_this_file[-1] tmp = np.squeeze(np.argwhere(data_sets["event_group_ids"] == evt_id_last)) # set stop index such that last event is competely in file if(tmp.size == 1): stop_index = tmp + 1 else: stop_index = tmp[-1] + 1 # if(evt_id_last >= n_events): # evt_id_last = n_events # stop_index = len(data_sets["event_group_ids"]) # else: # tmp = np.squeeze(np.argwhere(data_sets["event_group_ids"] > evt_id_last)) # set stop index such that last event is competely in file # if(tmp.size == 1): # stop_index = tmp # else: # stop_index = tmp[0] for key in data_sets: data_sets[key] = np.array(data_sets[key]) for key, value in data_sets.items(): if value.dtype.kind == 'U': fout[key] = np.array(value, dtype=h5py.string_dtype(encoding='utf-8'))[start_index:stop_index] else: fout[key] = value[start_index:stop_index] # determine the number of events in this file (which is NOT the same as the entries in the file) # case 1) this is not the last file -> number of events is difference between last event id of the current and previous file + 1 # case 2) it is the last file -> total number of simulated events - last event id of previous file # case 3) it is the first file -> last event id + 1 - start_event_id # case 4) it is the first and last file -> total number of simulated events evt_ids_next_file = np.unique(data_sets["event_group_ids"])[(iFile + 1) * n_events_per_file: (iFile + 2) * n_events_per_file] n_events_this_file = None if(iFile == 0 and len(evt_ids_next_file) == 0): # case 4 n_events_this_file = total_number_of_events elif(len(evt_ids_next_file) == 0): # last file -> case 2 n_events_this_file = total_number_of_events - (evt_id_last_previous + 1) + attributes['start_event_id'] elif(iFile == 0): # case 3 n_events_this_file = evt_id_last - attributes['start_event_id'] + 1 else: # case 1 n_events_this_file = evt_id_last - evt_id_last_previous logger.status('writing file {} with {} events (id {} - {}) and {} entries'.format(filename2, n_events_this_file, evt_id_first, evt_id_last, stop_index - start_index)) fout.attrs['n_events'] = n_events_this_file fout.close() n_events_total += n_events_this_file start_index = stop_index evt_id_last_previous = evt_id_last if(evt_id_last == n_events): # break while loop if all events are saved break"wrote {} events in total".format(n_events_total))
[docs]def primary_energy_from_deposited(Edep, ccnc, flavor, inelasticity): """ Calculates the primary energy of the neutrino from the deposited energy in the medium. Parameters ---------- Edep: float deposited energy ccnc: string indicates 'nc', neutral current; 'cc', charged current flavor: int neutrino flavor inelasticity: float inelasticity of the interaction """ if (ccnc == 'nc'): return Edep / inelasticity elif (ccnc == 'cc'): if (np.abs(flavor) == 12): return Edep elif (np.abs(flavor) == 14): return Edep / inelasticity elif (np.abs(flavor) == 16): return Edep / inelasticity # TODO: change this for taus
[docs]def ice_cube_nu_fit(energy, slope=-2.19, offset=1.01): # from # ApJ slope=-2.13, offset=0.9 flux = 3 * offset * (energy / (100 * units.TeV)) ** slope * 1e-18 * \ (units.GeV ** -1 * ** -2 * units.second ** -1 * ** -1) return flux
[docs]def ice_cube_nu_fit_2022(energy, slope=-2.37, offset=1.44): # 9.5 years analysis 2.37+0.09−0.09, offset 1.44 + 0.25 - 0.26, Astrophysical normalization @ 100TeV: 1.44+0.25−0.26 × 10−18 GeV−1cm−2s−1 sr−1 flux = 3 * offset * (energy / (100 * units.TeV)) ** slope * 1e-18 * \ (units.GeV ** -1 * ** -2 * units.second ** -1 * ** -1) return flux
[docs]def get_energy_from_flux(Emin, Emax, n_events, flux, rnd=None): """ returns randomly distribution of energy according to a flux Parameters ---------- Emin: float minumum energy Emax: float maximum energy n_event: int number of events to generate flux: function must return flux as function of energy in units of events per energy, time, solid angle and area rnd: random generator object if None is provided, a new default random generator object is initialized Returns ------- energies: array of floats array of energies """ if(rnd is None): rnd = np.random.default_rng() xx_edges = np.linspace(Emin, Emax, 10000000) xx = 0.5 * (xx_edges[1:] + xx_edges[:-1]) yy = flux(xx) cum_values = np.zeros(xx_edges.shape) cum_values[1:] = np.cumsum(yy * np.diff(xx_edges)) inv_cdf = interpolate.interp1d(cum_values, xx_edges) r = rnd.uniform(0, cum_values.max(), n_events) return inv_cdf(r)
[docs]def get_product_position_time(data_sets, product, iE): """ Calculates the position of a product particle given by the NuRadioProposal module that has been created by a PROPOSAL lepton propagation. Parameters ---------- data_sets: dictionary Dictionary with the data sets from the generating functions (generate_eventlist_cylinder and generate_surface_muons) product: secondary_properties class from NuRadioPROPOSAL Contains the properties of the shower-inducing particle given by PROPOSAL iE: int Number of the event in data_sets corresponding to the product particle Returns ------- x, y, z, time: tuple The 3-D position of the shower-inducing product particle and the time elapsed since the first interaction to the present interaction """ dist = product.distance prop_time = dist / cspeed x = data_sets["xx"][iE] - dist * np.sin(data_sets["zeniths"][iE]) * np.cos(data_sets["azimuths"][iE]) y = data_sets["yy"][iE] - dist * np.sin(data_sets["zeniths"][iE]) * np.sin(data_sets["azimuths"][iE]) z = data_sets["zz"][iE] - dist * np.cos(data_sets["zeniths"][iE]) return x, y, z, prop_time
[docs]def get_energies(n_events, Emin, Emax, spectrum_type, rnd=None): """ generates a random distribution of enrgies following a certain spectrum Parameters ---------- n_events: int the total number of events Emin: float the minimal energy Emax: float the maximum energy spectrum_type: string defines the probability distribution for which the neutrino energies are generated * 'log_uniform': uniformly distributed in the logarithm of energy * 'E-?': E to the -? spectrum where ? can be any float * 'IceCube-nu-2017': astrophysical neutrino flux measured with IceCube muon sample ( * 'GZK-1': GZK neutrino flux model from van Vliet et al., 2019, for 10% proton fraction (see get_proton_10 in examples/Sensitivities/ for details) * 'GZK-2': GZK neutrino flux model from fit to TA data ( * 'GZK-1+IceCube-nu-2017': a combination of the cosmogenic (GZK-1) and astrophysical (IceCube nu 2017) flux * 'GZK-1+IceCube-nu-2022': a combination of the cosmogenic (GZK-1) and astrophysical (IceCube nu 2022) flux * 'GZK-2+IceCube-nu-2022': a combination of the cosmogenic (GZK-2) and astrophysical (IceCube nu 2022) flux rnd: random generator object if None is provided, a new default random generator object is initialized """ if(rnd is None): rnd = np.random.default_rng() logger.debug("generating energies") if(spectrum_type == 'log_uniform'): energies = 10 ** rnd.uniform(np.log10(Emin), np.log10(Emax), n_events) elif(spectrum_type.startswith("E-")): # enerate an E^gamma spectrum. gamma = float(spectrum_type[1:]) gamma += 1 Nmin = (Emin) ** gamma Nmax = (Emax) ** gamma def get_inverse_spectrum(N, gamma): return np.exp(np.log(N) / gamma) energies = get_inverse_spectrum(rnd.uniform(Nmax, Nmin, size=n_events), gamma) elif(spectrum_type == "GZK-1"): """ model of (van Vliet et al., 2019, of the cosmogenic neutrino flux for a source evolution parameter of m = 3.4, a spectral index of the injection spectrum of α = 2.5, a cut-off rigidity of R = 100 EeV, and a proton fraction of 10% at E = 10^19.6 eV """ from NuRadioMC.examples.Sensitivities.E2_fluxes3 import get_proton_10 energies = get_energy_from_flux(Emin, Emax, n_events, get_proton_10, rnd) elif(spectrum_type == "IceCube-nu-2017"): energies = get_energy_from_flux(Emin, Emax, n_events, ice_cube_nu_fit, rnd) elif(spectrum_type == "IceCube-nu-2022"): energies = get_energy_from_flux(Emin, Emax, n_events, ice_cube_nu_fit_2022, rnd) elif(spectrum_type == "GZK-1+IceCube-nu-2017"): from NuRadioMC.examples.Sensitivities.E2_fluxes3 import get_proton_10 def J(E): return ice_cube_nu_fit(E) + get_proton_10(E) energies = get_energy_from_flux(Emin, Emax, n_events, J, rnd) elif(spectrum_type == "GZK-1+IceCube-nu-2022"): from NuRadioMC.examples.Sensitivities.E2_fluxes3 import get_proton_10 def J(E): return ice_cube_nu_fit_2022(E) + get_proton_10(E) energies = get_energy_from_flux(Emin, Emax, n_events, J, rnd) elif(spectrum_type == "GZK-2+IceCube-nu-2022"): from NuRadioMC.examples.Sensitivities.E2_fluxes3 import get_TAGZK_flux_ICRC2021 def J(E): return ice_cube_nu_fit_2022(E) + get_TAGZK_flux_ICRC2021(E) energies = get_energy_from_flux(Emin, Emax, n_events, J, rnd) else: logger.error("spectrum {} not implemented".format(spectrum_type)) raise NotImplementedError("spectrum {} not implemented".format(spectrum_type)) return energies
[docs]def set_volume_attributes(volume, proposal, attributes): """ Helper function that interprets the volume settings and sets the relevant quantities as attributes dictinary. The relevant quantities to define the volume in which neutrinos are generated are (rmin, rmax, zmin, zmax) or (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax) based on the user settings (see explanation blow). The user can specify a "fiducial" (mandatory) and "full" (optional) volume. In the end only events are considered (= passed to radio simulation) which produce a shower (over a configurable energy threshold) within the fiducial volume. However, neutrino vertices might be generated outside this fiducial volume but the generated charge lepton (mu or tau) reaches the fiducial volume and produces a trigger (this obviously only makes sense when running proposal). Hence, a "full" volume can be defined in which neutrinos interactions are generated. If the "full" volume is not specified in the case you run proposal, the volume is determind using the energy dependent mean-free-path length of the tau. TL;DR - The fiducial volume needs to be chosen large enough such that no events outside of it will trigger. - The full volume is optional and most of the times it is not necessary to specify it (because it is automatically determined). Parameters ---------- volume: dict A dictionary specifying the simulation volume. Can be either a cylinder (specified with min/max radius and z-coordinate) or a cube (specified with min/max x-, y-, z-coordinates). Cylinder: * fiducial_{rmin,rmax,zmin,zmax}: float lower r / upper r / lower z / upper z coordinate of fiducial volume * full_{rmin,rmax,zmin,zmax}: float (optional) lower r / upper r / lower z / upper z coordinate of simulated volume Cube: * fiducial_{xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax}: float lower / upper x-, y-, z-coordinate of fiducial volume * full_{xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax}: float (optional) lower / upper x-, y-, z-coordinate of simulated volume Optinal you can also define the horizontal center of the volume (if you want to displace it from the origin) * x0, y0: float x-, y-coordinate this shift the center of the simulation volume proposal: bool specifies if secondary interaction via proposal are calculated attributes: dictionary dict storing hdf5 attributes """ n_events = attributes['n_events'] attributes["x0"] = volume.get('x0', 0) attributes["y0"] = volume.get('y0', 0) if "fiducial_rmax" in volume: # user specifies a cylinder attributes['fiducial_rmin'] = volume.get('fiducial_rmin', 0) # copy keys for key in ['fiducial_rmax', 'fiducial_zmin', 'fiducial_zmax']: attributes[key] = volume[key] rmin = attributes['fiducial_rmin'] rmax = attributes['fiducial_rmax'] zmin = attributes['fiducial_zmin'] zmax = attributes['fiducial_zmax'] volume_fiducial = np.pi * (rmax ** 2 - rmin ** 2) * (zmax - zmin) if 'full_rmax' in volume: rmax = volume['full_rmax'] if 'full_rmin' in volume: rmin = volume['full_rmin'] if 'full_zmax' in volume: zmax = volume['full_zmax'] if 'full_zmin' in volume: zmin = volume['full_zmin'] # We increase the radius of the cylinder according to the tau track length if proposal:"simulation of second interactions via PROPOSAL activated") rmin = volume.get('full_rmin', attributes['fiducial_rmin'] / 3.) if 'full_rmax' in volume: rmax = volume['full_rmax'] else: tau_95_length = get_tau_95_length(attributes['Emax']) # check if thetamax/thetamin are in same quadrant is_same_quadrant = np.sign(np.cos(attributes['thetamin'])) == np.sign(np.cos(attributes['thetamax'])) if is_same_quadrant: max_horizontal_dist = np.abs(max(np.abs(np.tan(attributes['thetamin'])), np.abs(np.tan(attributes['thetamax']))) * volume['fiducial_zmin']) # calculates the maximum horizontal distance through the ice else: # not same quadrant: theta range surpasses pi/2 -> horizontal trajectories # geometric trajectory is infinite, but not acutally used. distance is limited by the min() to allowed length below max_horizontal_dist = np.inf d_extent = min(tau_95_length, max_horizontal_dist)"95% quantile of tau decay length is {tau_95_length/}km. Maximum horizontal " f"distance for zenith range of {attributes['thetamin']/units.deg:.0f} - " f"{attributes['thetamax']/units.deg:.0f}deg and depth of {volume['fiducial_zmin']/}km " f"is {max_horizontal_dist/}km -> extending horizontal volume by {d_extent/}km") rmax = d_extent + attributes['fiducial_rmax'] zmax = volume.get('full_zmax', attributes['fiducial_zmax'] / 3.) zmin = volume.get('full_zmin', attributes['fiducial_zmin']) volume_full = np.pi * (rmax ** 2 - rmin ** 2) * (zmax - zmin) # increase the total number of events such that we end up with the same number of events in the fiducial volume n_events = int(n_events * volume_full / volume_fiducial)"increasing rmax from {attributes['fiducial_rmax'] /}km to {rmax /}km, " f"zmax from {attributes['fiducial_zmax'] /}km to {zmax /}km") if attributes['fiducial_rmin'] != rmin:"decreasing rmin from {attributes['fiducial_rmin'] /}km to {rmin /}km") if attributes['fiducial_zmin'] != zmin:"decreasing zmin from {attributes['fiducial_zmin'] /}km to {zmin /}km") n_events = int(n_events * volume_full / volume_fiducial)"increasing number of events from {attributes['n_events']:.6g} to {n_events:.6g}") attributes['n_events'] = n_events attributes['rmin'] = rmin attributes['rmax'] = rmax attributes['zmin'] = zmin attributes['zmax'] = zmax V = np.pi * (rmax ** 2 - rmin ** 2) * (zmax - zmin) attributes['volume'] = V # save full simulation volume to simplify effective volume calculation attributes['area'] = np.pi * (rmax ** 2 - rmin ** 2) elif "fiducial_xmax" in volume: # user specifies a cube # copy keys for key in ['fiducial_xmin', 'fiducial_xmax', 'fiducial_ymin', 'fiducial_ymax', 'fiducial_zmin', 'fiducial_zmax']: attributes[key] = volume[key] xmin = attributes['fiducial_xmin'] xmax = attributes['fiducial_xmax'] ymin = attributes['fiducial_ymin'] ymax = attributes['fiducial_ymax'] zmin = attributes['fiducial_zmin'] zmax = attributes['fiducial_zmax'] volume_fiducial = (xmax - xmin) * (ymax - ymin) * (zmax - zmin) if 'full_xmax' in volume: xmin = volume['full_xmin'] xmax = volume['full_xmax'] ymin = volume['full_ymin'] ymax = volume['full_ymax'] zmin = volume['full_zmin'] zmax = volume['full_zmax'] # We increase the simulation volume according to the tau track length if proposal:"simulation of second interactions via PROPOSAL activated") if 'full_xmax' not in volume: # assuming that also full_xmin, full_ymin, full_ymax are not set. # extent fiducial by tau decay length tau_95_length = get_tau_95_length(attributes['Emax']) # check if thetamax/thetamin are in same quadrant is_same_quadrant = np.sign(np.cos(attributes['thetamin'])) == np.sign(np.cos(attributes['thetamax'])) if is_same_quadrant: max_horizontal_dist = np.abs(max(np.abs(np.tan(attributes['thetamin'])), np.abs(np.tan(attributes['thetamax']))) * volume['fiducial_zmin']) # calculates the maximum horizontal distance through the ice else: # not same quadrant: theta range surpasses pi/2 -> horizontal trajectories # geometric trajectory is infinite, but not acutally used. distance is limited by the min() to allowed length below max_horizontal_dist = np.inf d_extent = min(tau_95_length, max_horizontal_dist)"95% quantile of tau decay length is {tau_95_length/}km. Maximum horizontal distance for zenith range of " f"{attributes['thetamin']/units.deg:.0f} - {attributes['thetamax']/units.deg:.0f}deg and depth of " f"{volume['fiducial_zmin']/}km is {max_horizontal_dist/}km -> extending horizontal volume by {d_extent/}km") xmax += d_extent xmin -= d_extent ymax += d_extent ymin -= d_extent"increasing xmax from {attributes['fiducial_xmax'] /}km to {xmax /}km, " f"ymax from {attributes['fiducial_ymax'] /}km to {ymax /}km, " f"zmax from {attributes['fiducial_zmax'] /}km to {zmax /}km")"decreasing xmin from {attributes['fiducial_xmin'] /}km to " f"{xmin /}km, ymin from {attributes['fiducial_ymin'] /}km to {ymin /}km")"decreasing zmin from {attributes['fiducial_zmin'] /}km to {zmin /}km") volume_full = (xmax - xmin) * (ymax - ymin) * (zmax - zmin) n_events = int(n_events * volume_full / volume_fiducial)"increasing number of events from {attributes['n_events']} to {n_events:.6g}") attributes['n_events'] = n_events attributes['xmin'] = xmin attributes['xmax'] = xmax attributes['ymin'] = ymin attributes['ymax'] = ymax attributes['zmin'] = zmin attributes['zmax'] = zmax V = (xmax - xmin) * (ymax - ymin) * (zmax - zmin) attributes['volume'] = V # save full simulation volume to simplify effective volume calculation attributes['area'] = (xmax - xmin) * (ymax - ymin) else: raise AttributeError("'fiducial_xmax' or 'fiducial_rmax' is not part of 'volume'. Can not define a volume")
[docs]def generate_vertex_positions(attributes, n_events, rnd=None): """ Helper function that generates the vertex position randomly distributed in simulation volume. The relevant quantities are also saved into the hdf5 attributes. Parameters ---------- attributes: dicitionary dict storing hdf5 attributes rnd: random generator object if None is provided, a new default random generator object is initialized """ if rnd is None: rnd = np.random.default_rng() if "fiducial_rmax" in attributes: # user specifies a cylinder rr_full = rnd.uniform(attributes['rmin'] ** 2, attributes['rmax'] ** 2, n_events) ** 0.5 phiphi = rnd.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi, n_events) xx = rr_full * np.cos(phiphi) yy = rr_full * np.sin(phiphi) zz = rnd.uniform(attributes['zmin'], attributes['zmax'], n_events) elif "fiducial_xmax" in attributes: # user specifies a cube xx = rnd.uniform(attributes['xmin'], attributes['xmax'], n_events) yy = rnd.uniform(attributes['ymin'], attributes['ymax'], n_events) zz = rnd.uniform(attributes['zmin'], attributes['zmax'], n_events) else: raise AttributeError(f"'fiducial_xmax' or 'fiducial_rmax' is not part of 'attributes'") return xx + attributes["x0"], yy + attributes["y0"], zz
[docs]def intersection_box_ray(bounds, ray): """ this function calculates the intersection between a ray and an axis-aligned box code adapted from Parameters ---------- box: array with shape (2,3) definition of box with two points ray: array with shape (2,3) definiton of ray using origin and direction 3-dim vectors """ orig = np.array(ray[0]) direction = np.array(ray[1]) invdir = 1 / direction sign = np.zeros(3, dtype=int) sign[0] = (invdir[0] < 0) sign[1] = (invdir[1] < 0) sign[2] = (invdir[2] < 0) tmin = (bounds[sign[0]][0] - orig[0]) * invdir[0] tmax = (bounds[1 - sign[0]][0] - orig[0]) * invdir[0] tymin = (bounds[sign[1]][1] - orig[1]) * invdir[1] tymax = (bounds[1 - sign[1]][1] - orig[1]) * invdir[1] if ((tmin > tymax) or (tymin > tmax)): return False if (tymin > tmin): tmin = tymin if (tymax < tmax): tmax = tymax tzmin = (bounds[sign[2]][2] - orig[2]) * invdir[2] tzmax = (bounds[1 - sign[2]][2] - orig[2]) * invdir[2] if ((tmin > tzmax) or (tzmin > tmax)): return False if (tzmin > tmin): tmin = tzmin if (tzmax < tmax): tmax = tzmax t = tmin if (t < 0): t = tmax if (t < 0): return False # I think this removes events where the box is behind the the neutrino interaction which is what we want return True
[docs]def get_intersection_volume_neutrino(attributes, vertex, direction): if('xmax' in attributes): # cube volume bounds = np.array([[attributes['fiducial_xmin'], attributes['fiducial_ymin'], attributes['fiducial_zmin']], [attributes['fiducial_xmax'], attributes['fiducial_ymax'], attributes['fiducial_zmax']]]) ray = np.array([vertex, direction]) cut = intersection_box_ray(bounds, ray) # if(cut == False): # print(f"rejecting event with vertex {vertex[0]:.0f}, {vertex[1]:.0f}, {vertex[2]:.0f} and direction {direction[0]:.1f}, {direction[1]:.1f}, {direction[2]:.1f}") return cut else: # cylinder volume, not yet implemented return True
[docs]def is_in_fiducial_volume(attributes, X): r = (X[0] ** 2 + X[1] ** 2) ** 0.5 if('fiducial_rmin' in attributes): if(r >= attributes['fiducial_rmin'] and r <= attributes['fiducial_rmax'] and X[2] >= attributes['fiducial_zmin'] and X[2] <= attributes['fiducial_zmax']): return True else: return False elif('fiducial_xmax' in attributes): low = np.array([attributes['fiducial_xmin'], attributes['fiducial_ymin'], attributes['fiducial_zmin']]) up = np.array([attributes['fiducial_xmax'], attributes['fiducial_ymax'], attributes['fiducial_zmax']]) return np.all(np.logical_and(low <= X, X <= up)) else: raise AttributeError("neither 'fiducial_rmin' nor 'fiducial_xmax' is in attributes.")
[docs]def mask_arrival_azimuth(data_sets, fiducial_rmax): # Now we filter the events as a function of their arrival direction to # save computing time. Those events that won't make it to the fiducial # cylinder are discarded. rhos = np.sqrt(data_sets['xx'] ** 2 + data_sets['yy'] ** 2) # Let us considered our problem seen from above, projected on the z = vertex_z plane. # tangent_angle is the angle a tangent to the cylinder that reaches the vertex makes # with the antenna-vertex line on that plane. sine_tangent_angles = fiducial_rmax / rhos sine_tangent_angles[sine_tangent_angles > 1] = 1 tangent_angles = np.arcsin(sine_tangent_angles) phis_low = 2 * np.pi - tangent_angles phis_high = tangent_angles phis_0 = np.arctan2(data_sets['yy'], data_sets['xx']) # NuRadioMC azimuth angles span [0, 2pi), unlike the result of arctan2: [-pi, pi) phis_0[phis_0 < 0] += 2 * np.pi phis = data_sets["azimuths"] - phis_0 # phi is the azimuth angle of the incoming neutrino if # we take phi = 0 as the vertex position phis[phis < 0] += 2 * np.pi mask_phi = [ (phi > phi_low and phi < 2 * np.pi) or (phi < phi_high and phi > 0) or rho < fiducial_rmax for phi, phi_low, phi_high, rho in zip(phis, phis_low, phis_high, rhos) ] mask_phi = np.array(mask_phi) return mask_phi
[docs]def generate_surface_muons(filename, n_events, Emin, Emax, volume, thetamin=0.*units.rad, thetamax=np.pi * units.rad, phimin=0.*units.rad, phimax=2 * np.pi * units.rad, start_event_id=1, plus_minus='mix', n_events_per_file=None, spectrum='log_uniform', start_file_id=0, config_file='SouthPole', tables_path=None, proposal_kwargs={}, log_level=None, max_n_events_batch=1e5, seed=None): """ Event generator for surface muons Generates muons at the surface for the atmospheric muon acceptance studies. All events are saved in an hdf5 file. Parameters ---------- filename: string the output filename of the hdf5 file n_events: int number of events to generate Emin: float the minimum neutrino energy (energies are randomly chosen assuming a uniform distribution in the logarithm of the energy) Emax: float the maximum neutrino energy (energies are randomly chosen assuming a uniform distribution in the logarithm of the energy) volume: dict A dictionary specifying the simulation volume. Can be either a cylinder (specified with min/max radius and z-coordinate) or a cube (specified with min/max x-, y-, z-coordinates). For more information see set_volume_attributes Cylinder: * fiducial_{rmin,rmax,zmin,zmax}: float lower r / upper r / lower z / upper z coordinate of fiducial volume * full_{rmin,rmax,zmin,zmax}: float (optional) lower r / upper r / lower z / upper z coordinate of simulated volume Cube: * fiducial_{xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax}: float lower / upper x-, y-, z-coordinate of fiducial volume * full_{xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax}: float (optional) lower / upper x-, y-, z-coordinate of simulated volume Optinal you can also define the horizontal center of the volume (if you want to displace it from the origin) * x0, y0: float x-, y-coordinate this shift the center of the simulation volume thetamin: float lower zenith angle for neutrino arrival direction thetamax: float upper zenith angle for neutrino arrival direction phimin: float lower azimuth angle for neutrino arrival direction phimax: float upper azimuth angle for neutrino arrival direction start_event: int default: 1 event number of first event plus_minus: string if 'plus': generates only positive muons if 'minus': generates only negative muons else generates positive and negative muons randomly n_events_per_file: int or None the maximum number of events per output files. Default is None, which means that all events are saved in one file. If 'n_events_per_file' is smaller than 'n_events' the event list is split up into multiple files. This is useful to split up the computing on multiple cores. spectrum: string defines the probability distribution for which the neutrino energies are generated * 'log_uniform': uniformly distributed in the logarithm of energy * 'E-?': E to the -? spectrum where ? can be any float * 'IceCube-nu-2017': astrophysical neutrino flux measured with IceCube muon sample ( * 'GZK-1': GZK neutrino flux model from van Vliet et al., 2019, for 10% proton fraction (see get_proton_10 in examples/Sensitivities/ for details) * 'GZK-1+IceCube-nu-2017': a combination of the cosmogenic (GZK-1) and astrophysical (IceCube nu 2017) flux start_file_id: int (default 0) in case the data set is distributed over several files, this number specifies the id of the first file (useful if an existing data set is extended) if True, generate deposited energies instead of primary neutrino energies config_file: string The user can specify the path to their own config file or choose among the available options: * 'SouthPole', a config file for the South Pole (spherical Earth). It consists of a 2.7 km deep layer of ice, bedrock below and air above. * 'MooresBay', a config file for Moore's Bay (spherical Earth). It consists of a 576 m deep ice layer with a 2234 m deep water layer below, and bedrock below that. * 'InfIce', a config file with a medium of infinite ice * 'Greenland', a config file for Summit Station, Greenland (spherical Earth), same as SouthPole but with a 3 km deep ice layer. tables_path: path path where the proposal cross section tables are stored or should be generated proposal_kwargs: dict additional kwargs that are passed to the get_secondaries_array function of the NuRadioProposal class log_level: logging log level or None sets the log level in the event generation. None means system default. max_n_events_batch: int (default 1e6) the maximum numbe of events that get generated per batch. Relevant if a fiducial volume cut is applied) seed: None of int seed of the random state """ rnd = Generator(Philox(seed)) if(log_level is not None): logger.setLevel(log_level) t_start = time.time() max_n_events_batch = int(max_n_events_batch) from NuRadioMC.EvtGen.NuRadioProposal import ProposalFunctions proposal_functions = ProposalFunctions(config_file=config_file, tables_path=tables_path) attributes = {} n_events = int(n_events) # save current NuRadioMC version as attribute # save NuRadioMC and NuRadioReco versions attributes['NuRadioMC_EvtGen_version'] = NuRadioMC.__version__ attributes['NuRadioMC_EvtGen_version_hash'] = version.get_NuRadioMC_commit_hash() attributes['n_events'] = n_events attributes['start_event_id'] = start_event_id if (plus_minus == 'plus'): flavor = [-13] elif (plus_minus == 'minus'): flavor = [13] else: flavor = [13, -13] attributes['flavors'] = flavor attributes['Emin'] = Emin attributes['Emax'] = Emax attributes['thetamin'] = thetamin attributes['thetamax'] = thetamax attributes['phimin'] = phimin attributes['phimax'] = phimax attributes['deposited'] = False data_sets_fiducial = {} proposal_time = 0 set_volume_attributes(volume, proposal=False, attributes=attributes) n_events = attributes['n_events'] # important! the number of events might have been increased by the set_volume_attributes function n_batches = int(np.ceil(n_events / max_n_events_batch)) for i_batch in range(n_batches): # do generation of events in batches data_sets = {} n_events_batch = max_n_events_batch if(i_batch + 1 == n_batches): # last batch? n_events_batch = n_events - (i_batch * max_n_events_batch) data_sets["xx"], data_sets["yy"], data_sets["zz"] = generate_vertex_positions(attributes=attributes, n_events=n_events_batch, rnd=rnd) data_sets["zz"] = np.zeros_like(data_sets["yy"]) # muons interact at the surface # generate neutrino vertices randomly data_sets["azimuths"] = rnd.uniform(phimin, phimax, n_events_batch) # zenith directions are distruted as sin(theta) (to make the distribution istotropic) * cos(theta) (to account for the projection onto the surface) data_sets["zeniths"] = np.arcsin(rnd.uniform(np.sin(thetamin) ** 2, np.sin(thetamax) ** 2, n_events_batch) ** 0.5) data_sets["event_group_ids"] = np.arange(i_batch * max_n_events_batch, i_batch * max_n_events_batch + n_events_batch, dtype=int) + start_event_id data_sets["n_interaction"] = np.ones(n_events_batch, dtype=int) data_sets["vertex_times"] = np.zeros(n_events_batch, dtype=float) # generate neutrino flavors randomly data_sets["flavors"] = np.array([flavor[i] for i in rnd.integers(0, high=len(flavor), size=n_events_batch)]) data_sets["energies"] = get_energies(n_events_batch, Emin, Emax, spectrum, rnd) # generate charged/neutral current randomly data_sets["interaction_type"] = [ '' ] * n_events_batch # generate inelasticity data_sets["inelasticity"] = np.zeros(n_events_batch) data_sets["energies"] = np.array(data_sets["energies"]) data_sets["muon_energies"] = np.copy(data_sets["energies"]) # create dummy entries for shower energies and types data_sets['shower_energies'] = np.zeros(n_events_batch) data_sets['shower_type'] = ['had'] * n_events_batch init_time = time.time() # Initialising data_sets_fiducial with empty values for key in data_sets: if(key not in data_sets_fiducial): data_sets_fiducial[key] = []"processing batch {i_batch+1:.4g}/{n_batches:.4g} with {n_events_batch:.6g} events ({len(data_sets_fiducial['event_group_ids'])} showers in fiducial volume so far.)") E_all_leptons = data_sets["energies"] lepton_codes = data_sets["flavors"] lepton_positions = [ (x, y, z) for x, y, z in zip(data_sets["xx"], data_sets["yy"], data_sets["zz"]) ] lepton_directions = [ (-np.sin(theta) * np.cos(phi), -np.sin(theta) * np.sin(phi), -np.cos(theta)) for theta, phi in zip(data_sets["zeniths"], data_sets["azimuths"])] if('fiducial_rmax' in attributes): mask_phi = mask_arrival_azimuth(data_sets, attributes['fiducial_rmax']) # this currently only works for cylindrical volumes else: mask_phi = np.ones(len(data_sets["event_group_ids"]), dtype=bool) # TODO: combine with `get_intersection_volume_neutrino` function for iE, event_id in enumerate(data_sets["event_group_ids"]): if not mask_phi[iE]: continue # calculate if the lepton/neutrino direction intersects the fiducial simulation volume geometry_selection = get_intersection_volume_neutrino(attributes, [data_sets['xx'][iE], data_sets['yy'][iE], data_sets['zz'][iE]], lepton_directions[iE]) # geometry_selection = True if geometry_selection: products_array = proposal_functions.get_secondaries_array(np.array([E_all_leptons[iE]]), np.array([lepton_codes[iE]]), np.array([lepton_positions[iE]]), np.array([lepton_directions[iE]]), **proposal_kwargs) products = products_array[0] # get secondaries from first (and only) lepton n_interaction = 1 for product in products: x, y, z, vertex_time = get_product_position_time(data_sets, product, iE) if(is_in_fiducial_volume(attributes, np.array([x, y, z]))): # the energy loss or particle is in our fiducial volume # save parent muon if one of its induced showers interacts in the fiducial volume if(n_interaction == 1): for key in iterkeys(data_sets): data_sets_fiducial[key].append(data_sets[key][iE]) n_interaction = 2 for key in iterkeys(data_sets): data_sets_fiducial[key].append(data_sets[key][iE]) data_sets_fiducial['n_interaction'][-1] = n_interaction # specify that new event is a secondary interaction n_interaction += 1 data_sets_fiducial['shower_energies'][-1] = data_sets_fiducial['inelasticity'][-1] = 1 # interaction_type is either 'had' or 'em' for proposal products data_sets_fiducial['interaction_type'][-1] = product.shower_type data_sets_fiducial['shower_type'][-1] = product.shower_type data_sets_fiducial['xx'][-1] = x data_sets_fiducial['yy'][-1] = y data_sets_fiducial['zz'][-1] = z # Calculating vertex interaction time with respect to the primary neutrino data_sets_fiducial['vertex_times'][-1] = vertex_time # Flavors are particle codes taken from data_sets_fiducial['flavors'][-1] = product.code proposal_time += time.time() - init_time time_per_evt = proposal_time / len(data_sets_fiducial['flavors'])"Time per event: {time_per_evt*1e3:.01f}ms")"Total time {pretty_time_delta(proposal_time)}") logger.status(f"number of fiducial showers {len(data_sets_fiducial['flavors'])}") # If there are no fiducial showers, passing an empty data_sets_fiducial to # write_events_to_hdf5 will cause the program to crash. However, we need # the output file to have empty data sets but also to have the total # number of input muons even though none of them triggers, so as not to # bias an effective volume calculation done with several files. # As a solution, we take a muon neutrino event (not an atmospheric muon) # at the top of the ice, and since its inelasticity is zero, it won't create # an electric field or trigger. if len(data_sets_fiducial["event_group_ids"]) == 0: for key, value in data_sets.items(): data_sets_fiducial[key] = np.array([data_sets[key][0]]) data_sets_fiducial['flavors'] = np.array([14]) data_sets_fiducial['shower_energies'] = np.array([0]) data_sets_fiducial["shower_ids"] = np.arange(0, len(data_sets_fiducial['shower_energies']), dtype=int) write_events_to_hdf5(filename, data_sets_fiducial, attributes, n_events_per_file=n_events_per_file, start_file_id=start_file_id) logger.status(f"finished in {pretty_time_delta(time.time() - t_start)}") return None
[docs]def generate_eventlist_cylinder(filename, n_events, Emin, Emax, volume, thetamin=0.*units.rad, thetamax=np.pi * units.rad, phimin=0.*units.rad, phimax=2 * np.pi * units.rad, start_event_id=1, flavor=[12, -12, 14, -14, 16, -16], n_events_per_file=None, spectrum='log_uniform', deposited=False, proposal=False, proposal_config='SouthPole', proposal_tables_path=None, start_file_id=0, log_level=None, proposal_kwargs={}, max_n_events_batch=1e5, write_events=True, seed=None, interaction_type="ccnc"): """ Event generator Generates neutrino interactions, i.e., vertex positions, neutrino directions, neutrino flavor, charged currend/neutral current and inelastiviy distributions. All events are saved in an hdf5 file. Parameters ---------- filename: string the output filename of the hdf5 file n_events: int number of events to generate Emin: float the minimum neutrino energy Emax: float the maximum neutrino energy volume: dict A dictionary specifying the simulation volume. Can be either a cylinder (specified with min/max radius and z-coordinate) or a cube (specified with min/max x-, y-, z-coordinates). For more information see set_volume_attributes Cylinder: * fiducial_{rmin,rmax,zmin,zmax}: float lower r / upper r / lower z / upper z coordinate of fiducial volume * full_{rmin,rmax,zmin,zmax}: float (optional) lower r / upper r / lower z / upper z coordinate of simulated volume Cube: * fiducial_{xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax}: float lower / upper x-, y-, z-coordinate of fiducial volume * full_{xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax}: float (optional) lower / upper x-, y-, z-coordinate of simulated volume Optinal you can also define the horizontal center of the volume (if you want to displace it from the origin) * x0, y0: float x-, y-coordinate this shift the center of the simulation volume thetamin: float lower zenith angle for neutrino arrival direction (default 0deg) thetamax: float upper zenith angle for neutrino arrival direction phimin: float lower azimuth angle for neutrino arrival direction phimax: float upper azimuth angle for neutrino arrival direction start_event_id: int default: 1 event number of first event flavor: array of ints default: [12, -12, 14, -14, 16, -16] specify which neutrino flavors to generate. A uniform distribution of all specified flavors is assumed. The neutrino flavor (integer) encoded as using PDF numbering scheme, particles have positive sign, anti-particles have negative sign, relevant for us are: * 12: electron neutrino * 14: muon neutrino * 16: tau neutrino n_events_per_file: int or None the maximum number of events per output files. Default is None, which means that all events are saved in one file. If 'n_events_per_file' is smaller than 'n_events' the event list is split up into multiple files. This is useful to split up the computing on multiple cores. spectrum: string defines the probability distribution for which the neutrino energies are generated * 'log_uniform': uniformly distributed in the logarithm of energy * 'E-?': E to the -? spectrum where ? can be any float * 'IceCube-nu-2017': astrophysical neutrino flux measured with IceCube muon sample ( * 'IceCube-nu-2022': astrophysical neutrino flux measured with IceCube muon sample ( * 'GZK-1': GZK neutrino flux model from van Vliet et al., 2019, for 10% proton fraction (see get_proton_10 in examples/Sensitivities/ for details) * 'GZK-2': GZK neutrino flux model from fit to TA data ( * 'GZK-1+IceCube-nu-2017': a combination of the cosmogenic (GZK-1) and astrophysical (IceCube nu 2017) flux * 'GZK-1+IceCube-nu-2022': a combination of the cosmogenic (GZK-1) and astrophysical (IceCube nu 2022) flux * 'GZK-2+IceCube-nu-2022': a combination of the cosmogenic (GZK-2) and astrophysical (IceCube nu 2022) flux deposited: bool if True, generate deposited energies instead of primary neutrino energies proposal: bool if True, the tau and muon secondaries are calculated using PROPOSAL proposal_config: string or path The user can specify the path to their own config file or choose among the available options: * 'SouthPole', a config file for the South Pole (spherical Earth). It consists of a 2.7 km deep layer of ice, bedrock below and air above. * 'MooresBay', a config file for Moore's Bay (spherical Earth). It consists of a 576 m deep ice layer with a 2234 m deep water layer below, and bedrock below that. * 'InfIce', a config file with a medium of infinite ice * 'Greenland', a config file for Summit Station, Greenland (spherical Earth), same as SouthPole but with a 3 km deep ice layer. proposal_tables_path: path path where the proposal cross section tables are stored or should be generated start_file_id: int (default 0) in case the data set is distributed over several files, this number specifies the id of the first file (useful if an existing data set is extended) log_level: logging log level or None sets the log level in the event generation. None means system default. proposal_kwargs: dict additional kwargs that are passed to the get_secondaries_array function of the NuRadioProposal class max_n_events_batch: int (default 1e6) the maximum numbe of events that get generated per batch. Relevant if a fiducial volume cut is applied) write_events: bool if True (default) the event list is written to an output file if False the event datasets + atrributes are returned seed: None of int seed of the random state interaction_type: string the interaction type. default is "ccnc" which randomly choses neutral current (NC) or charged-current (CC) interactions. The use can also specify "nc" or "cc" to exclusively simulate NC or CC interactions """ rnd = Generator(Philox(seed)) t_start = time.time() if log_level is not None: logger.setLevel(log_level) if proposal: from NuRadioMC.EvtGen.NuRadioProposal import ProposalFunctions proposal_functions = ProposalFunctions(config_file=proposal_config, tables_path=proposal_tables_path) max_n_events_batch = int(max_n_events_batch) attributes = {} n_events = int(n_events) # sanity check for f in flavor: if f not in [12, -12, 14, -14, 16, -16]: logger.error(f"Input illegal flavor: {flavor}") raise ValueError(f"Input illegal flavor: {flavor}") # save current NuRadioMC version as attribute # save NuRadioMC and NuRadioReco versions attributes['NuRadioMC_EvtGen_version'] = NuRadioMC.__version__ attributes['NuRadioMC_EvtGen_version_hash'] = version.get_NuRadioMC_commit_hash() attributes['start_event_id'] = start_event_id attributes['n_events'] = n_events attributes['flavors'] = flavor attributes['Emin'] = Emin attributes['Emax'] = Emax attributes['thetamin'] = thetamin attributes['thetamax'] = thetamax attributes['phimin'] = phimin attributes['phimax'] = phimax attributes['deposited'] = deposited data_sets = {} data_sets_fiducial = {} time_proposal = 0 set_volume_attributes(volume, proposal=proposal, attributes=attributes) n_events = attributes['n_events'] # important! the number of events might have been increased by the generate vertex function n_batches = int(np.ceil(n_events / max_n_events_batch)) for i_batch in range(n_batches): # do generation of events in batches n_events_batch = max_n_events_batch if i_batch + 1 == n_batches: # last batch? n_events_batch = n_events - (i_batch * max_n_events_batch)"processing batch {i_batch+1:.2g}/{n_batches:.2g} with {n_events_batch:.2g} events") data_sets["xx"], data_sets["yy"], data_sets["zz"] = generate_vertex_positions(attributes=attributes, n_events=n_events_batch, rnd=rnd) data_sets["azimuths"] = rnd.uniform(phimin, phimax, n_events_batch) data_sets["zeniths"] = np.arccos(rnd.uniform(np.cos(thetamax), np.cos(thetamin), n_events_batch)) # fmask = (rr_full >= fiducial_rmin) & (rr_full <= fiducial_rmax) & (data_sets["zz"] >= fiducial_zmin) & (data_sets["zz"] <= fiducial_zmax) # fiducial volume mask logger.debug("generating event ids") data_sets["event_group_ids"] = np.arange(i_batch * max_n_events_batch, i_batch * max_n_events_batch + n_events_batch) + start_event_id logger.debug("generating number of interactions") data_sets["n_interaction"] = np.ones(n_events_batch, dtype=int) data_sets["vertex_times"] = np.zeros(n_events_batch, dtype=float) # generate neutrino flavors randomly logger.debug("generating flavors") data_sets["flavors"] = np.array([flavor[i] for i in rnd.integers(0, high=len(flavor), size=n_events_batch)]) # generate energies randomly data_sets["energies"] = get_energies(n_events_batch, Emin, Emax, spectrum, rnd) # generate charged/neutral current randomly logger.debug("interaction type") if interaction_type == "ccnc": data_sets["interaction_type"] = inelasticities.get_ccnc(n_events_batch, rnd=rnd) elif interaction_type == "cc" or interaction_type == "nc": data_sets["interaction_type"] = np.full(n_events_batch, interaction_type, dtype='U2') else: logger.error(f"Input illegal interaction type: {interaction_type}") raise ValueError(f"Input illegal interaction type: {interaction_type}") # generate inelasticity logger.debug("generating inelasticities") data_sets["inelasticity"] = inelasticities.get_neutrino_inelasticity(n_events_batch, rnd=rnd) if deposited: data_sets["energies"] = [primary_energy_from_deposited(Edep, ccnc, flavor, inelasticity) \ for Edep, ccnc, flavor, inelasticity in \ zip(data_sets["energies"], data_sets["interaction_type"], \ data_sets["flavors"], data_sets["inelasticity"])] data_sets["energies"] = np.array(data_sets["energies"]) # all interactions will produce a hadronic shower, add this information to the input file data_sets['shower_energies'] = data_sets['energies'] * data_sets['inelasticity'] data_sets['shower_type'] = ['had'] * n_events_batch logger.debug("adding EM showers") # now add EM showers if appropriate em_shower_mask = (data_sets["interaction_type"] == "cc") & (np.abs(data_sets['flavors']) == 12) # transform datatype to list so that inserting elements is faster for key in data_sets: data_sets[key] = list(data_sets[key]) # loop over all events where an EM shower needs to be inserted # Create a shower for each CC electron interaction. The primary of this shower is still the neutrino for n_inserted, orig_idx in enumerate(np.arange(n_events_batch, dtype=int)[em_shower_mask]): idx_to_copy = orig_idx + n_inserted # orig idx in array with already inserted entries idx_to_insert = idx_to_copy + 1 for key in data_sets: data_sets[key].insert(idx_to_insert, data_sets[key][idx_to_copy]) # copy event data_sets['shower_energies'][idx_to_insert] = \ (1 - data_sets['inelasticity'][idx_to_copy]) * data_sets['energies'][idx_to_copy] data_sets['shower_type'][idx_to_insert] = 'em' logger.debug("converting to numpy arrays") # make all arrays numpy arrays for key in data_sets: data_sets[key] = np.array(data_sets[key]) if proposal: logger.debug("starting proposal simulation") init_time = time.time() # Initialising data_sets_fiducial with empty values for key, value in iteritems(data_sets): if(key not in data_sets_fiducial): data_sets_fiducial[key] = [] # we need to be careful to not double cound events. electron CC interactions apear twice in the event list # because of the two distinct showers that get created. Because second interactions are only calculated # for mu and tau cc interactions, this is not a problem. mask_tau_cc = np.logical_and(data_sets["interaction_type"] == 'cc', np.abs(data_sets["flavors"]) == 16) mask_mu_cc = np.logical_and(data_sets["interaction_type"] == 'cc', np.abs(data_sets["flavors"]) == 14) mask_tracks = mask_tau_cc | mask_mu_cc E_all_leptons = (1 - data_sets["inelasticity"]) * data_sets["energies"] lepton_codes = copy.copy(data_sets["flavors"]) # convert neutrino flavors (makes only sense for cc interaction which is ensured with "mask_leptons") lepton_codes = lepton_codes - 1 * np.sign(lepton_codes) if "fiducial_rmax" in attributes: mask_phi = mask_arrival_azimuth(data_sets, attributes['fiducial_rmax']) mask_tracks = mask_tracks & mask_phi # TODO: combine with `get_intersection_volume_neutrino` function lepton_positions = np.array([data_sets["xx"], data_sets["yy"], data_sets["zz"]]).T lepton_directions = np.array([ [-np.sin(theta) * np.cos(phi), -np.sin(theta) * np.sin(phi), -np.cos(theta)] for theta, phi in zip(data_sets["zeniths"], data_sets["azimuths"])]) for iE, event_id in enumerate(data_sets["event_group_ids"]): first_inserted = False x_nu = data_sets['xx'][iE] y_nu = data_sets['yy'][iE] z_nu = data_sets['zz'][iE] # Appending event if it interacts within the fiducial volume if is_in_fiducial_volume(attributes, np.array([x_nu, y_nu, z_nu])): for key in iterkeys(data_sets): data_sets_fiducial[key].append(data_sets[key][iE]) first_inserted = True if mask_tracks[iE]: geometry_selection = get_intersection_volume_neutrino( attributes, [x_nu, y_nu, z_nu], lepton_directions[iE]) if geometry_selection: products_array = proposal_functions.get_secondaries_array( np.array([E_all_leptons[iE]]), np.array([lepton_codes[iE]]), np.array([lepton_positions[iE]]), np.array([lepton_directions[iE]]), **proposal_kwargs) products = products_array[0] n_interaction = 2 for product in products: x, y, z, vertex_time = get_product_position_time(data_sets, product, iE) if is_in_fiducial_volume(attributes, np.array([x, y, z])): # the energy loss or particle is in our fiducial volume # If the energy loss or particle is in the fiducial volume but the parent # neutrino does not interact there, we add it to know its properties. if not first_inserted: copies = 2 first_inserted = True else: copies = 1 for icopy in range(copies): for key in iterkeys(data_sets): data_sets_fiducial[key].append(data_sets[key][iE]) data_sets_fiducial['n_interaction'][-1] = n_interaction # specify that new event is a secondary interaction n_interaction += 1 # store energy of parent lepton before producing the shower data_sets_fiducial['energies'][-1] = product.parent_energy data_sets_fiducial['shower_energies'][-1] = data_sets_fiducial['inelasticity'][-1] = np.nan # For neutrino interactions 'interaction_type' contains 'cc' or 'nc' # For energy losses of leptons use name of produced particle data_sets_fiducial['interaction_type'][-1] = particle_names.particle_name(product.code) data_sets_fiducial['shower_type'][-1] = product.shower_type data_sets_fiducial['xx'][-1] = x data_sets_fiducial['yy'][-1] = y data_sets_fiducial['zz'][-1] = z # Calculating vertex interaction time with respect to the primary neutrino data_sets_fiducial['vertex_times'][-1] = vertex_time # Store flavor/particle code of parent particle data_sets_fiducial['flavors'][-1] = lepton_codes[iE] time_proposal = time.time() - init_time else: if(n_batches == 1): data_sets_fiducial = data_sets else: for key in data_sets: if(key not in data_sets_fiducial): data_sets_fiducial[key] = [] data_sets_fiducial[key].extend(data_sets[key]) time_per_evt = time_proposal / (n_events + 1)"Time per event (PROPOSAL only): {time_per_evt*1e3:.4f} ms")"Total time (PROPOSAL only) {pretty_time_delta(time_proposal)}")"number of fiducial showers {len(data_sets_fiducial['xx'])}") # assign every shower a unique id data_sets_fiducial["shower_ids"] = np.arange(0, len(data_sets_fiducial['shower_energies']), dtype=int) # make the event group ids consecutive, this is useful if secondary interactions are simulated where many of the # initially generated neutrinos don't end up in the fiducial volume data_sets_fiducial['event_group_ids'] = np.asarray(data_sets_fiducial['event_group_ids']) egids = data_sets_fiducial['event_group_ids'] uegids, uegids_inverse = np.unique(egids, return_inverse=True) data_sets_fiducial['event_group_ids'] = uegids_inverse + start_event_id if write_events: write_events_to_hdf5(filename, data_sets_fiducial, attributes, n_events_per_file=n_events_per_file, start_file_id=start_file_id) logger.status(f"finished in {pretty_time_delta(time.time() - t_start)}") else: for key, value in data_sets_fiducial.items(): if value.dtype.kind == 'U': data_sets_fiducial[key] = np.array(value, dtype=h5py.string_dtype(encoding='utf-8')) logger.status(f"finished in {pretty_time_delta(time.time() - t_start)}") return data_sets_fiducial, attributes