Source code for NuRadioMC.EvtGen.generator_skeleton

import numpy as np
from NuRadioReco.utilities import units
from NuRadioMC.EvtGen.generator import write_events_to_hdf5
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger("EventGen")


[docs]def generate_my_events(filename, n_events): """ Event generator skeleton Parameters ---------- filename: string the output filename of the hdf5 file n_events: int number of events to generate """ # first set the meta attributes attributes = {} n_events = int(n_events) attributes['n_events'] = n_events # the number of events contained in this file attributes['start_event_id'] = 0 # define the fiducial simulation volume. Instead of specifying fiducial_rmin and fiducial_rmin one can also specify # fiducial_xmin, fiducial_xmax, fiducial_ymin and fiducial_ymax # the concept of the diducial volume is described in the NuRadioMC paper. In short: only interactions in this smaller # fiducial volume are saved. This is useful for the simulation of secondary interactions. For this dummy example # the fiduial volume is the same as the full volume. attributes['fiducial_rmin'] = 0 attributes['fiducial_rmax'] = 1 * attributes['fiducial_zmin'] = 0 * units.m attributes['fiducial_zmax'] = -2 * # define the full simulation volume. Instead of specifying rmin and rmin one can also specify # xmin, xmax, ymin and ymax attributes['rmin'] = 0 attributes['rmax'] = 1 * attributes['zmin'] = 0 * units.m attributes['zmax'] = -2 * attributes['volume'] = attributes['rmax'] ** 2 * np.pi * np.abs(attributes['zmax']) # if only interactions on a surface (e.g. for muons from air showers) are generated, the surface area needs to be # specified attributes['area'] # define the minumum and maximum energy attributes['Emin'] = 1 * units.EeV attributes['Emax'] = 1 * units.EeV # the interval of zenith directions attributes['thetamin'] = 0 attributes['thetamax'] = np.pi # the interval of azimuths directions attributes['phimin'] = 0 attributes['phimax'] = 2 * np.pi # now generate the events and fill all required data sets # here we fill all data sets with dummy values # each line/entry specified a particle shower of certain energy. # In principle only the shower direction (zeniths, azimuths fields), the shower position (xx, yy, zz fields) # the shower energy, the shower type and the event group id are required. We set them first data_sets = {} # the direction of the shower data_sets["azimuths"] = np.ones(n_events) data_sets["zeniths"] = np.ones(n_events) # the position of the shower data_sets["xx"] = np.ones(n_events) data_sets["yy"] = np.ones(n_events) data_sets["zz"] = np.ones(n_events) # the shower energy data_sets["shower_energies"] = np.ones(n_events) * 1 * units.EeV # the shower type (here we only generate hadronic showers). This infomration is needed for the Askaryan emission model data_sets["shower_type"] = ['had'] * n_events # give each shower a unique id (we can also have multiple showers for a single event by just giving several showers # the same event_group_id) data_sets["event_group_ids"] = np.arange(n_events) data_sets["shower_ids"] = np.arange(n_events) # there are a couple of additional parameters that are required to run a NuRadioMC simulations. These parameters # don't influence the simulated radio signals but are required for other post analysis tasks. If these parameters # are not relevant for the type of data you're generating, just set them to any value. # specify which interaction it is (only relevant if multiple showers from the same initial neutrino are simulated) # here it is just 1 for all events. data_sets["n_interaction"] = np.ones(n_events, dtype=int) # the neutrino flavor. Here we only generate electron neutinos which have the integer code 12. # the neutrino flavor is only used in the calculation of the "weight", i.e. the probability of the neutrino reaching # the detector. If other particles than a neutrino are simulated, just set the flavor to the corresponding particle code # following or just set it to zero. data_sets["flavors"] = 12 * np.ones(n_events, dtype=int) # the neutrino energy. This field is also only used for the weight calculation. data_sets["energies"] = np.ones(n_events) * 1 * units.EeV # optionally one can also directly set the event weight here (useful if particles other than neutrinos, or calibration # setups are simulated # data_sets["weights"] = np.ones(n_events) # the interaction type. For neutrino interactions is can be either CC or NC. This parameter is not used but passed # to the output file for information purposes. data_sets["interaction_type"] = np.full(n_events, "nc", dtype='U2') # The inelasiticiy, i.e. the fraction of the neutrino energy that is transferred into the hadronic shower. # This parameter is not used but saved into the output file for information purposes. data_sets["inelasticity"] = np.ones(n_events) # write events to file write_events_to_hdf5(filename, data_sets, attributes)
# add some test code if __name__ == "__main__": generate_my_events("testfile.hdf5", 20)