Source code for NuRadioMC.utilities.fluxes

import numpy as np
import scipy.constants
from NuRadioReco.utilities import units
from NuRadioMC.utilities import cross_sections
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('fluxes')

[docs]def get_limit_from_aeff(energy, aeff, livetime, signalEff=1.00, energyBinsPerDecade=1.000, upperLimOnEvents=2.44): """ Limit from effective volume Parameters ---------- energy: array of floats neutrino energy veff: array of floats effective volumes livetime: float time used signalEff: float efficiency of signal reconstruction energyBinsPerDecade: float 1 for decade bins, 2 for half-decade bins, etc. upperLimOnEvents: float 2.3 for Neyman UL w/ 0 background, 2.44 for F-C UL w/ 0 background, etc """ evtsPerFluxPerEnergy = aeff * signalEff evtsPerFluxPerEnergy *= livetime ul = upperLimOnEvents / evtsPerFluxPerEnergy ul *= energyBinsPerDecade / np.log(10) ul /= energy return ul
[docs]def get_limit_flux(energy, veff_sr, livetime, signalEff=1.00, energyBinsPerDecade=1.000, upperLimOnEvents=2.44, nuCrsScn='ctw', inttype="total"): """ Limit from effective volume Parameters ---------- energy: array of floats neutrino energy veff_sr: array of floats effective volume x solid angle livetime: float time used signalEff: float efficiency of signal reconstruction energyBinsPerDecade: float 1 for decade bins, 2 for half-decade bins, etc. upperLimOnEvents: float 2.3 for Neyman UL w/ 0 background, 2.44 for F-C UL w/ 0 background, etc nuCrsScn: str type of neutrino cross-section """ evtsPerFluxPerEnergy = veff_sr * signalEff evtsPerFluxPerEnergy *= livetime evtsPerFluxPerEnergy /= cross_sections.get_interaction_length(energy, cross_section_type=nuCrsScn, inttype=inttype) ul = upperLimOnEvents / evtsPerFluxPerEnergy ul *= energyBinsPerDecade / np.log(10) ul /= energy return ul
# def get_integrated_limit_flux(energy, veff, # livetime, # signalEff = 1.00, # upperLimOnEvents=2.44, # nuCrsScn='ctw'): # # """ # Limit from effective volume on E^2 flux plot # # Parameters: # -------------- # energy: array of floats # energies (the bin centers), the binning in log10(E) must be equidistant! # veff: array of floats # effective volumes # livetime: float # time used # signalEff: float # efficiency of signal reconstruction # energyBinsPerDecade: float # 1 for decade bins, 2 for half-decade bins, etc. # upperLimOnEvents: float # 2.3 for Neyman UL w/ 0 background, # 2.44 for F-C UL w/ 0 background, etc # nuCrsScn: str # type of neutrino cross-section # # # """ # energy = np.array(energy) # veff = np.array(veff) # logE = np.log10(energy) # dlogE = logE[1] - logE[0] # # L = get_interaction_length(energy, cross_section_type = nuCrsScn) # # N = np.sum(veff/L/E) * np.log(10) * livetime * signalEff * dlogE # ul = upperLimOnEvents * dlogE/ (livetime * signalEff * np.log(10)) * np.sum(L/veff * energy) / len(energy) # # return ul
[docs]def get_limit_e1_flux(energy, veff_sr, livetime, signalEff=1.00, energyBinsPerDecade=1.000, upperLimOnEvents=2.44, nuCrsScn='ctw', inttype="total"): """ Limit from effective volume on E^1 flux plot Parameters ---------- energy: array of floats neutrino energy veff_sr: array of floats effective volume x solid angle livetime: float time used signalEff: float efficiency of signal reconstruction energyBinsPerDecade: float 1 for decade bins, 2 for half-decade bins, etc. upperLimOnEvents: float 2.3 for Neyman UL w/ 0 background, 2.44 for F-C UL w/ 0 background, etc nuCrsScn: str type of neutrino cross-section """ evtsPerFluxPerEnergy = veff_sr * signalEff evtsPerFluxPerEnergy *= livetime evtsPerFluxPerEnergy /= cross_sections.get_interaction_length(energy, cross_section_type=nuCrsScn, inttype=inttype) ul = upperLimOnEvents / evtsPerFluxPerEnergy ul *= energyBinsPerDecade / np.log(10) return ul
[docs]def get_limit_e2_flux(energy, veff_sr, livetime, signalEff=1.00, energyBinsPerDecade=1.000, upperLimOnEvents=2.44, nuCrsScn='ctw', inttype="total"): """ Limit from effective volume on E^2 flux plot Parameters ---------- energy: array of floats neutrino energy veff_sr: array of floats effective volumes x solid angle livetime: float time used signalEff: float efficiency of signal reconstruction energyBinsPerDecade: float 1 for decade bins, 2 for half-decade bins, etc. upperLimOnEvents: float 2.3 for Neyman UL w/ 0 background, 2.44 for F-C UL w/ 0 background, etc nuCrsScn: str type of neutrino cross-section """ return energy ** 2 * get_limit_flux(energy, veff_sr, livetime, signalEff, energyBinsPerDecade, upperLimOnEvents, nuCrsScn, inttype)
[docs]def get_number_of_events_for_flux(energies, flux, Veff, livetime, nuCrsScn='ctw'): """ calculates the number of expected neutrinos for a certain flux assumption Parameters ---------- energies: array of floats energies (the bin centers), the binning in log10(E) must be equidistant! flux: array of floats the flux at energy logE Veff: array of floats the effective volume per energy logE livetime: float the livetime of the detector (including signal efficiency) Returns ------- array of floats: number of events per energy bin """ energies = np.array(energies) Veff = np.array(Veff) logE = np.log10(energies) dlogE = logE[1] - logE[0] return np.log(10) * livetime * flux * energies * Veff / cross_sections.get_interaction_length(energies, cross_section_type=nuCrsScn) * dlogE
[docs]def get_exposure(energy, Veff, field_of_view=2 * np.pi): """ calculate exposure from effective volume Parameters ---------- energy: float neutrino energy (needed to calculate interaction length) Veff: float effective volume field_of_view: float the field of view of the detector Returns ------- float: exposure """ return Veff / field_of_view / cross_sections.get_interaction_length(energy)
[docs]def get_integrated_exposure(exp_func, E_low, E_high): """ calculates the integral int(E^-2 * exposure(E) dE) integration is performed in log space """ def f(logE): E = 10 ** logE return exp_func(E) * np.log(E) / E from scipy import integrate i = integrate.quad(f, np.log10(E_low), np.log10(E_high)) return i[0]
[docs]def get_fluence_limit(int_exp): """ calculates the fluence limit for a integrated exposure """ return 2.39 / int_exp
if __name__ == "__main__": # this part of the code gets only executed it the script is directly called energy = 10 ** 18 * units.eV veff = 2150 * ** 3 * livetime = 5 * units.year print("Cross section: {} cm^2".format(cross_sections.get_nu_cross_section(energy, cross_section_type='ctw'))) print("interaction length: {} km".format(cross_sections.get_interaction_length(energy, cross_section_type='ctw') / print("calculating flux limit for {time} years and Veff of {veff} km^3 sr".format(time=livetime / units.year, veff=veff / ( ** 3 * print("Flux limit: {} GeV/(cm^2 s sr)".format(get_limit_e2_flux(energy, veff, livetime) / (units.GeV * ** -2 * units.second ** -1 * ** -1))) aeff = np.array([0.0032, 0.033, 0.43, 3.1, 21, 68, 167]) * ** 2 * energies = 10 ** np.array([18, 18.5, 19, 19.5, 20, 20.5, 21]) * units.eV print("Flux limit: {} GeV/(cm^2 s sr)".format(energies ** 2 * get_limit_from_aeff(energies, aeff, livetime) / (units.GeV * ** -2 * units.second ** -1 * ** -1)))