Source code for NuRadioMC.utilities.medium

from NuRadioMC.utilities import medium_base
import itertools
import numpy as np
import os
from NuRadioReco.utilities import units
from scipy import interpolate
import logging

logger = medium_base.logger

    import radiopropa as RP
    radiopropa_is_imported = True
except ImportError:
    radiopropa_is_imported = False

1) When implementing a new model it should at least inherit from
'IceModel' from the module 'medium_base'. Overwrite all the function. 
Inheritance from daughter classes like 'IceModelSimple' is also 
possible and overwriting functions may not be needed in this case.

2) When implementing a new model and using the radiopropa numerical
tracer, do not forget to implement scalar field of the refractive index
also in the c++ code of radiopropa for a fast simulation. Implement the 
model in IceModel.cpp and IceModel.h. Then edit the function to get the
radiopropa ice model, so it can be used in NuRadioMC. For example

        def get_ice_model_radiopropa(self):
            #args is a placeholder for the arguments needed by the specific module
            scalar field = radiopropa.New_IceModel(*args)
            return RadioPropaIceWrapper(self,scalar_field)

3) You can also choose to only implement the new ice model in radiopropa if
radiopropa is always necessary and make the new model in this script access
the c++ implemented model (e.g. green_firn model)

4) If you want to adjust (add, replace, remove) predefined modules 
in the a RadioPropaIceWrapper object, you can do this by redefining the 
'get_ice_model_radiopropa()' in your IceModel object. For exemple

        def get_ice_model_radiopropa(self):
            scalar field = radiopropa.IceModelSimple(*args)
            ice = RadioPropaIceWrapper(self,scalar_field)
            extra_dicontinuity = radiopropa.Discontinuity(*args)
            return ice

[docs]class southpole_simple(medium_base.IceModelSimple): def __init__(self): # from RICE2014/SP model # define model parameters (RICE 2014/southpole) super().__init__( z_bottom = -2820*units.meter, n_ice = 1.78, z_0 = 71.*units.meter, delta_n = 0.426, )
[docs]class southpole_2015(medium_base.IceModelSimple): def __init__(self): # from SPICE2015/SP model super().__init__( z_bottom = -2820*units.meter, n_ice = 1.78, z_0 = 77.*units.meter, delta_n = 0.423, )
[docs]class ARAsim_southpole(medium_base.IceModelSimple): def __init__(self): # define model parameters (SPICE 2015/southpole) super().__init__( z_bottom = -2820*units.meter, n_ice = 1.78, z_0 = 75.75757575757576*units.meter, delta_n = 0.43, )
[docs]class ARA_2022(medium_base.IceModelSimple): def __init__(self): # define model parameters (ARA/southpole) -> super().__init__( z_bottom = -2820*units.meter, n_ice = 1.78, z_0 = 49.5049505*units.meter, delta_n = 0.454, )
[docs]class birefringence_medium(medium_base.IceModelBirefringence): def __init__(self, bir_model='southpole_A'): # from filepath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/birefringence_models/birefringence_' + bir_model + '.npy' super().__init__(bir_model=np.load(filepath, allow_pickle=True))
[docs]class mooresbay_simple(medium_base.IceModelSimple): def __init__(self): # from MB1 model super().__init__( n_ice = 1.78, z_0 = 34.5*units.meter, delta_n = 0.46, ) # from self.add_reflective_bottom( refl_z = -576*units.m, refl_coef = 0.82, refl_phase_shift = 180*units.deg, )
[docs]class mooresbay_simple_2(medium_base.IceModelSimple): def __init__(self):\ # from MB2 model super().__init__( n_ice = 1.78, z_0 = 37*units.meter, delta_n = 0.481, ) # from self.add_reflective_bottom( refl_z = -576*units.m, refl_coef = 0.82, refl_phase_shift = 180*units.deg, )
[docs]class greenland_simple(medium_base.IceModelSimple): def __init__(self): # from C. Deaconu, fit to data from Hawley '08, Alley '88 # rho(z) = 917 - 602 * exp (-z/37.25), using n = 1 + 0.78 rho(z)/rho_0 super().__init__( z_bottom = -3000*units.meter, n_ice = 1.78, z_0 = 37.25*units.meter, delta_n = 0.51, )
[docs]class greenland_firn(medium_base.IceModel): """ This model can only be used with the radiopropa raytracer. Therefor, the model is implemented through radiopropa. """ def __init__(self): """ initiation of a double exponential ice model at summit, Greenland The bottom defined here is a boundary condition used in simulations and should always be defined. Note: it is not the same as reflective bottom. The latter can be added using the `add_reflective_layer` function. The z_shift is a variable introduced to be able to shift the exponential up or down along the z direction. For simple models this is almost never but it is used to construct more complex ice models which rely on exp. profiles also Parameters ---------- z_air_boundary: float, NuRadio length units z coordinate of the surface of the glacier z_bottom: float, NuRadio length units z coordinate of the bedrock/bottom of the glacier. z_firn: float, NuRadio length units z coordinate of the transition from the upper exponential profile to the lower one The following parameters can be found without (lower) and with (upper) the suffix of `_firn` n_ice: float, dimensionless refractive index of the deep bulk ice delta_n: float, NuRadio length units difference between n_ice and the refractive index of the snow at the surface z_0: float, NuRadio length units scale depth of the exponential z_shift: float, NuRadio length units up or down shift od the exponential profile """ if not medium_base.radiopropa_is_imported: logger.error('This ice model depends fully on RadioPropa, which was not import, and can therefore not be used.'+ '\nMore info on') raise ImportError('This ice model depends fully on RadioPropa, which could not be imported') super().__init__(z_bottom = -3000*units.meter) self.z_firn = -14.9*units.meter self._scalarfield = RP.IceModel_Firn( z_surface = self.z_air_boundary*RP.meter/units.meter, z_firn = self.z_firn*RP.meter/units.meter, n_ice = 1.78, delta_n = 0.310, z_0 = 40.9*RP.meter, z_shift = -14.9*RP.meter, n_ice_firn = 1.78, delta_n_firn = 0.502, z_0_firn = 30.8*RP.meter, z_shift_firn = 0.*RP.meter, )
[docs] def get_index_of_refraction(self, position): """ returns the index of refraction at position. Overwrites function of the mother class Parameters ---------- position: 3dim np.array point Returns ------- n: float index of refraction """ position = RP.Vector3d(*(position * RP.meter/units.meter)) return self._scalarfield.getValue(position)
[docs] def get_average_index_of_refraction(self, position1, position2): """ returns the average index of refraction between two points Overwrites function of the mother class Parameters ---------- position1: 3dim np.array point position2: 3dim np.array point Returns ------- n_average: float averaged index of refraction between the two points """ position1 = RP.Vector3d(*(position1 * RP.meter/units.meter)) position2 = RP.Vector3d(*(position2 * RP.meter/units.meter)) return self._scalarfield.getAverageValue(position1, position2)
[docs] def get_gradient_of_index_of_refraction(self, position): """ returns the gradient of index of refraction at position Overwrites function of the mother class Parameters ---------- position: 3dim np.array point Returns ------- n_nabla: (3,) np.array gradient of index of refraction at the point """ pos = RP.Vector3d(*(position * RP.meter/units.meter)) return self._scalarfield.getGradient(pos) * (1 / (units.meter/RP.meter))
def _compute_default_ice_model_radiopropa(self): """ Computes a default object holding the radiopropa scalarfield and necessary radiopropa moduldes that define the medium in radiopropa. It uses the parameters of the medium object to contruct the scalar field (using the firn ice model implementation in radiopropa) and some modules (like a discontinuity object for the air boundary). Overwrites function of the mother class Returns ------- ice_model_radiopropa: RadioPropaIceWrapper object holding the radiopropa scalarfield and modules """ return medium_base.RadioPropaIceWrapper(self, self._scalarfield)
[docs]class greenland_perturbation(greenland_firn): def __init__(self): greenland_firn.__init__(self) def _compute_default_ice_model_radiopropa(self,discontinuity=False): """ Computes a default object holding the radiopropa scalarfield and necessary radiopropa moduldes that define the medium in radiopropa. It uses the parameters of the medium object to contruct some modules using the default computation of the firn model. An additional module for the perturbation layer is then added to the object. Overwrites function of the mother class Returns ------- ice_model_radiopropa: RadioPropaIceWrapper object holding the radiopropa scalarfield and modules """ ice = greenland_firn._compute_default_ice_model_radiopropa(self) #fraction from ArXiv 1805.12576 table IV last row perturbation_horz = RP.PerturbationHorizontal(-100*RP.meter,2*RP.meter, fraction=1) ice.add_module('horizontal perturbation',perturbation_horz) return ice
[docs]class uniform_ice(medium_base.IceModelSimple): """ uniform ice with refractive index of typical deep ice (1.78) """ def __init__(self, z_bottom=None): super().__init__( z_bottom = z_bottom, n_ice = 1.78, z_0 = 1*units.meter, delta_n = 0, )
[docs]def get_ice_model(name): """ function to access the right ice model class by name of the class Parameters ---------- name: string name of the class of the requested ice model Returns ------- ice_model: IceModel object object of the class with the name of the requested model """ if globals()[name]() == None: logger.error('The ice model you are trying to use is not implemented. Please choose another ice model or implement a new one.') raise NotImplementedError('The ice model you are trying to use is not implemented. Please choose another ice model or implement a new one.') else: return globals()[name]()