Source code for NuRadioMC.utilities.medium_base

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import numpy as np
from scipy import integrate, linalg
from NuRadioReco.utilities import units
from scipy import interpolate
import os
import logging

    import radiopropa as RP
    radiopropa_is_imported = True
except ImportError:
    radiopropa_is_imported = False

logger = logging.getLogger('ice_model')

[docs]class IceModel(): """ Base class from which all ice models should inheret """ def __init__(self, z_air_boundary=0*units.meter, z_bottom=None): """ initiaion of a basic ice model The bottom defined here is a boundary condition used in simulations and should always be defined. Note: it is not the same as reflective bottom. The latter can be added using the `add_reflective_layer` function. Parameters ---------- z_air_boundary: float, NuRadio length units z coordinate of the surface of the glacier z_bottom: float, NuRadio length units z coordinate of the bedrock/bottom of the glacier. """ self.z_air_boundary = z_air_boundary self.z_bottom = z_bottom self.reflection = None self.reflection_coefficient = None self.reflection_phase_shift = None self._ice_model_radiopropa = None
[docs] def add_reflective_bottom(self, refl_z, refl_coef, refl_phase_shift): """ function which adds a reflective bottom to your ice model Parameters ---------- refl_z: float, NuRadio length units z coordinate of the bottom reflective layer refl_coef: float between 0 and 1 fraction of the electric field that gets reflected refl_phase_shift: float, NuRadio angukar units phase shoft that the reflected electric field receives """ self.reflection = refl_z self.reflection_coefficient = refl_coef self.reflection_phase_shift = refl_phase_shift if not ((self.z_bottom != None) and (self.z_bottom < self.reflection)): # bottom should always be below the reflective layer self.z_bottom = self.reflection - 1*units.m
[docs] def get_index_of_refraction(self, position): """ returns the index of refraction at position. Reimplement everytime in the specific model Parameters ---------- position: 3dim np.array point Returns ------- n: float index of refraction """ logger.error('function not defined') raise NotImplementedError('function not defined')
[docs] def get_average_index_of_refraction(self, position1, position2): """ returns the average index of refraction between two points Reimplement everytime in the specific model Parameters ---------- position1: 3dim np.array point position2: 3dim np.array point Returns ------- n_average: float averaged index of refraction between the two points """ logger.warning('Using general implementation of function which might be slow. For faster calculation, overwrite with an ice model specific function') def get_index_of_refraction(x,y,z): pos = np.array([x,y,z]) return self.get_index_of_refraction(pos) ranges = [[position1[0],position2[0]], [position1[1],position2[1]], [position1[2],position2[2]]] int_result = integrate.nquad(get_index_of_refraction,ranges) n_average = int_result[0] / linalg.norm(position2-position1) return n_average
[docs] def get_gradient_of_index_of_refraction(self, position): """ returns the gradient of index of refraction at position Reimplement everytime in the specific model Parameters ---------- position: 3dim np.array point Returns ------- n_nabla: (3,) np.array gradient of index of refraction at the point """ logger.error('function not defined') raise NotImplementedError('function not defined')
def _compute_default_ice_model_radiopropa(self): """ Computes a default object holding the radiopropa scalarfield and necessary radiopropa moduldes that define the medium in radiopropa. It uses the parameters of the medium object to contruct some modules, like a discontinuity object for the air boundary. Additional modules can be added in this function This is the default and should always be overriden/implemented in new ice model! Returns ------- ice_model_radiopropa: RadioPropaIceWrapper object holding the radiopropa scalarfield and modules """ if not radiopropa_is_imported: logger.error('The radiopropa dependancy was not import and can therefore not be used. \nMore info on') raise ImportError('RadioPropa could not be imported') # when implementing a new ice_model this part of the function should be ice model specific # if the new ice_model cannot be used in RadioPropa, this function should throw an error logger.error('function not defined') raise NotImplementedError('function not defined')
[docs] def get_ice_model_radiopropa(self): """ Returns an object holding the radiopropa scalarfield and necessary radiopropa moduldes that define the medium in radiopropa. If no specific model is set by the user it returns the default implemented model using the '_compute_default_ice_model_radiopropa' function. This seperation allows having the posibility to set a more specific/adjusted radiopropa ice model in case they need it, without losing the access to the default model. DO NOT OVERRIDE THIS FUNCTION Returns ------- ice: RadioPropaIceWrapper object holding the radiopropa scalarfield and modules """ if not radiopropa_is_imported: logger.error('The radiopropa dependancy was not import and can therefore not be used. \nMore info on') raise ImportError('RadioPropa could not be imported') if self._ice_model_radiopropa is None: self._ice_model_radiopropa = self._compute_default_ice_model_radiopropa() return self._ice_model_radiopropa
[docs] def set_ice_model_radiopropa(self, ice_model_radiopropa): """ If radiopropa is installed, this function can be used to set a specific RadioPropaIceWrapper object as the ice model used for RadioPropa. DO NOT OVERRIDE THIS FUNCTION Parameters ---------- ice_model_radioprop: RadioPropaIceWrapper object holding the radiopropa scalarfield and modules """ if not radiopropa_is_imported: logger.error('The radiopropa dependancy was not import and can therefore not be used. \nMore info on') raise ImportError('RadioPropa could not be imported') self._ice_model_radiopropa = ice_model_radiopropa
[docs]class IceModelSimple(IceModel): """ predefined ice model (to inherit from) with exponential shape """ def __init__(self, n_ice, delta_n, z_0, z_shift=0*units.meter, z_air_boundary=0*units.meter, z_bottom=None ): """ initiaion of a simple exponential ice model The bottom defined here is a boundary condition used in simulations and should always be defined. Note: it is not the same as reflective bottom. The latter can be added using the `add_reflective_layer` function. The z_shift is a variable introduced to be able to shift the exponential up or down along the z direction. For simple models this is almost never but it is used to construct more complex ice models which rely on exp. profiles also Parameters ---------- z_air_boundary: float, NuRadio length units z coordinate of the surface of the glacier z_bottom: float, NuRadio length units z coordinate of the bedrock/bottom of the glacier. n_ice: float, dimensionless refractive index of the deep bulk ice delta_n: float, NuRadio length units difference between n_ice and the refractive index of the snow at the surface z_0: float, NuRadio length units scale depth of the exponential z_shift: float, NuRadio length units up or down shift od the exponential profile """ super().__init__(z_air_boundary, z_bottom) self.n_ice = n_ice self.delta_n = delta_n self.z_0 = z_0 self.z_shift = z_shift
[docs] def get_index_of_refraction(self, position): """ returns the index of refraction at position. Overwrites function of the mother class Parameters ---------- position: 1D (3,) or 2D (n,3) numpy array Either one position or an array of positions for which the indices of refraction are returned Returns ------- n: float or 1D numpy array (n,) index of refraction """ if isinstance(position, list) or position.ndim == 1: if (position[2] - self.z_air_boundary) <= 0: return self.n_ice - self.delta_n * np.exp((position[2] - self.z_shift) / self.z_0) else: return 1 else: ior = self.n_ice - self.delta_n * np.exp((position[:, 2] - self.z_shift) / self.z_0) ior[position[:, 2] >= 0] = 1. return ior
[docs] def get_average_index_of_refraction(self, position1, position2): """ returns the average index of refraction between two points Overwrites function of the mother class Parameters ---------- position1: 1D (3,) or 2D (n,3) numpy array Either one position or an array of positions for which the indices of average refraction are returned position2: 1D (3,) or 2D (n,3) numpy array Either one position or an array of positions for which the indices of average refraction are returned Returns ------- n_average: float of 1D numpy array (n,) averaged index of refraction between the two points """ def exp_average(z_max, z_min): return (self.n_ice - self.delta_n * self.z_0 / (z_max - z_min) * (np.exp((z_max-self.z_shift) / self.z_0) - np.exp((z_min-self.z_shift) / self.z_0))) if (isinstance(position1, list) or position1.ndim == 1) and (isinstance(position2, list) or position2.ndim == 1): zmax = max(position1[2], position2[2]) zmin = min(position1[2], position2[2]) if ((zmax - self.z_air_boundary) <=0): return exp_average(zmax, zmin) elif ((zmin - self.z_air_boundary) <=0): n1 = exp_average(self.z_air_boundary, zmin) n2 = 1 return (n1 * (self.z_air_boundary - zmin) + n2 * (zmax - self.z_air_boundary)) / (zmax - zmin) else: return 1 else: if all((position1[:,2] - self.z_air_boundary) <= 0) and all((position2[:,2] - self.z_air_boundary) <= 0): return exp_average(position1[:,2], position2[:,2]) elif all((position1[:,2] - self.z_air_boundary) > 0) and all((position2[:,2] - self.z_air_boundary) > 0): return np.ones_like(position1[:,2]) else: raise NotImplementedError('function cannot handle averages accros boundary when using arrays of positions.')
[docs] def get_gradient_of_index_of_refraction(self, position): """ returns the gradient of index of refraction at position Overwrites function of the mother class Parameters ---------- position: 1D or 2D numpy array Either one position or an array of positions for which the gradient of index of refraction is returned Returns ------- n_nabla: 1D (3,) or 2D (n,3) numpy array gradient of index of refraction at the point """ def gradient_z(z): return -self.delta_n / self.z_0 * np.exp((z - self.z_shift) / self.z_0) if (isinstance(position, list) or position.ndim == 1): gradient = np.array([0,0,0]) if (position[2] - self.z_air_boundary) <= 0: gradient[2] = gradient_z(position[2]) else: gradient = gradient_z(position[:,2]) gradient[position[:, 2] >= 0] = 0 gradient = np.stack((np.zeros_like(gradient),np.zeros_like(gradient),gradient),axis=1) return gradient
def _compute_default_ice_model_radiopropa(self): """ If radiopropa is installed this will compute and return a default object holding the radiopropa scalarfield and necessary radiopropa moduldes that define the medium in radiopropa. It uses the parameters of the medium object to contruct the scalar field using the simple ice model implementation in radiopropa and some modules, like a discontinuity object for the air boundary. Overwrites function of the mother class Returns ------- ice: RadioPropaIceWrapper object holding the radiopropa scalarfield and modules """ if not radiopropa_is_imported: logger.error('The radiopropa dependency was not import and can therefore not be used.' +'\nMore info on') raise ImportError('RadioPropa could not be imported') scalar_field = RP.IceModel_Simple(z_surface=self.z_air_boundary*RP.meter/units.meter, n_ice=self.n_ice, delta_n=self.delta_n, z_0=self.z_0*RP.meter/units.meter, z_shift=self.z_shift*RP.meter/units.meter) return RadioPropaIceWrapper(self, scalar_field)
[docs]class IceModelBirefringence(IceModelSimple): """ predefined birefringence ice model (to inherit from) including different indieces of refraction for differnt directions """ def __init__(self, bir_model): """ initiaion of a birefringent ice model with an interpolation of the data as described in: Parameters ---------- bire_model: string choose the interpolation to fit the measured refractive index data options include (A, B, C, D, E) description can be found under: NuRadioMC/NuRadioMC/utilities/birefringence_models/model_description """ self.f1 = interpolate.UnivariateSpline._from_tck(bir_model[0]) self.f2 = interpolate.UnivariateSpline._from_tck(bir_model[1]) self.f3 = interpolate.UnivariateSpline._from_tck(bir_model[2])
[docs] def get_birefringence_index_of_refraction(self, position): """ returns the birefringent index of refraction at any position, no density effects are included at this point. Parameters ---------- position: 3dim np.array [x, y, z] position at which the ice model should be evaluated Returns ------- n: list [nx, ny, nz] index of refraction for every direction """ nx = self.f1( - position[2]) ny = self.f2( - position[2]) nz = self.f3( - position[2]) return nx, ny, nz
if radiopropa_is_imported: """ RadioPropa is a C++ module dedicated for ray tracing. It is a seperate module and it has its own unit system. However, all object within NuRadio ecosystem are in the NuRadio uit system. Therefore, when passing argument from NuRadio to RadioPropa, or when receiving object from RadioPropa into NuRadio the units of object needed to be converted to the right unit system. Below is an example given for an object 'distance' - from NuRadio to RadioPropa: distance_in_meter = distance_in_nuradio / units.meter --> this converts the distance from NuRadio units into SI unit meter distance_in_radiopropa = distance_in_meter * radiopropa.meter --> this converts the distance from SI unit meter into RadioPropa units - from RadioPropa to NuRadio: distance_in_meter = distance_in_radiopropa / radiopropa.meter --> this converts the distance from RadioPropa units into SI unit meter distance_in_nuradio = distance_in_meter * units.meter --> this converts the distance from SI unit meter into NuRadio units """
[docs] class RadioPropaIceWrapper(): """ This class holds all the necessary variables for the radiopropa raytracer to work. When radiopropa is installed, this object will automatically be generated for a smooth handeling of the radiopropa ice model. """ def __init__(self, ice_model_nuradio, scalar_field): # the ice model of NuRadioMC on which this object is based self.__ice_model_nuradio = ice_model_nuradio # this hold a radiopropa.scalarfield of the refractive index self.__scalar_field = scalar_field # these are predined modules that are inherent to the ice model like # discontinuities in the refractive index, reflective or transmissive # layers, observers to confine the model in a certain space ... self.__modules = {} step = np.array([0, 0, 1])*units.centimeter air_boundary_pos = np.array([0, 0, self.__ice_model_nuradio.z_air_boundary]) air_boundary = RP.Discontinuity(RP.Plane(RP.Vector3d(*(air_boundary_pos*(RP.meter/units.meter))), RP.Vector3d(0,0,1), ), self.__ice_model_nuradio.get_index_of_refraction(air_boundary_pos-step), self.__ice_model_nuradio.get_index_of_refraction(air_boundary_pos+step), ) self.__modules["air boundary"]=air_boundary boundary_above_surface = RP.ObserverSurface(RP.Plane(RP.Vector3d(*((air_boundary_pos+100*step) *(RP.meter/units.meter)), ), RP.Vector3d(0,0,1)), ) air_observer = RP.Observer() air_observer.setDeactivateOnDetection(True) air_observer.add(boundary_above_surface) self.__modules["air observer"] = air_observer bottom_boundary_pos = np.array([0, 0, self.__ice_model_nuradio.z_bottom]) boundary_bottom = RP.ObserverSurface(RP.Plane(RP.Vector3d(*((bottom_boundary_pos) *(RP.meter/units.meter)), ), RP.Vector3d(0,0,1)), ) bottom_observer = RP.Observer() bottom_observer.setDeactivateOnDetection(True) bottom_observer.add(boundary_bottom) self.__modules["bottom observer"] = bottom_observer if hasattr(self.__ice_model_nuradio, 'reflection') and self.__ice_model_nuradio.reflection is not None: reflection_pos = np.array([0, 0, self.__ice_model_nuradio.reflection]) bottom_reflection = RP.ReflectiveLayer(RP.Plane(RP.Vector3d(*(reflection_pos*(RP.meter/units.meter))), RP.Vector3d(0,0,1), ), self.__ice_model_nuradio.reflection_coefficient, ) self.__modules["bottom reflection"]=bottom_reflection
[docs] def get_modules(self): """ returns the predefined modules (like reflective or transmissive layers, a discontinuity in refractive index, observers ...) of the ice for to use in the radiopropa tracer Returns ------- modules: dictionary {name:module object} dictionary of modules to run in radiopropa """ return self.__modules
[docs] def get_module(self, name): """ returns the predefined module with that name (like reflective or transmissive layers, a discontinuity in refractive index, observers ...) of the ice for to use in the radiopropa tracer Returns ------- module: module with this name radiopropa.module object """ if name not in self.__modules.keys(): logger.error('Module with name {} does not exist.'.format(name)) raise AttributeError('Module with name {} does not already exist.'.format(name)) else: return self.__modules[name]
[docs] def add_module(self, name, module): """ add predefined modules (like reflective or transmissive layers, a discontinuity in refractive index, observers ...) of the ice to the dictionary Parameters ---------- name: string name to identify the module module: radiopropa.Module (and all the daugther classes) module to run in radiopropa """ if name in self.__modules.keys(): logger.error('Module with name {} does already exist, use the replace_module function if you want to replace this module'.format(name)) raise AttributeError('Module with name {} does already exist, use the replace_module function if you want to replace this module'.format(name)) else: self.__modules[name]=module
[docs] def remove_module(self, name): """ removes predefined modules (like reflective or transmissive layers, a discontinuity in refractive index, observers ...) of the ice to the dictionary Parameters ---------- name: string name to identify the module to be removed """ if name in self.__modules.keys(): self.__modules.pop(name)
[docs] def replace_module(self, name, new_module): """ replaces predefined modules (like reflective or transmissive layers, a discontinuity in refractive index, observers ...) of the ice to the dictionary Parameters ---------- name: string name to identify the module to be replaced module: radiopropa.Module (and all the daugther classes) new module to run in radiopropa """ if name not in self.__modules.keys():'Module with name {} does not exist yet and thus cannot be replaced, module just added'.format(name)) self.__modules[name] = new_module
[docs] def get_scalar_field(self): """ add predefined modules (like reflective or transmissive layers, a discontinuity in refractive index, observers ...) of the ice to the dictionary Parameters ---------- scalar_field: radiopropa.ScalarField scalar field that holds the refractive index to use in radiopropa """ return self.__scalar_field
[docs] class ScalarFieldBuilder(RP.ScalarField): """ If the requested ice model does not exist in radiopropa, this class can build one in stead. It is a radiopropa object but constructed through the python wrapper which is much slower. """ def __init__(self, ice_model_nuradio): RP.ScalarField.__init__(self) self.__ice_model_nuradio = ice_model_nuradio
[docs] def getValue(self,position): #name may not be changed because linked to c++ radiopropa module """ returns the index of refraction at position for radiopropa tracer Parameters ---------- position: radiopropa.Vector3d point Returns ------- n: float index of refraction """ pos = np.array([position.x, position.y, position.z])*(units.meter/RP.meter) return self.__ice_model_nuradio.get_index_of_refraction(pos)
[docs] def getGradient(self,position): #name may not be changed because linked to c++ radiopropa module """ returns the gradient of index of refraction at position for radiopropa tracer Parameters ---------- position: radiopropa.Vector3d point Returns ------- n_nabla: radiopropa.Vector3d gradient of index of refraction at the point """ pos = np.array([position.x, position.y, position.z])*(units.meter/RP.meter) gradient = self.__ice_model_nuradio.get_gradient_of_index_of_refraction(pos)*(1 / (RP.meter/units.meter)) return RP.Vector3d(*gradient)