import numpy as np
import os
from NuRadioReco.utilities import units
import logging
import pickle
logger = logging.getLogger('NuRadioReco.analog_components')
def save_preprocessed_Amps(response, amp_name):
output_filename = '{}.pkl'.format(amp_name)
with open(output_filename, 'wb') as fout:'saving output to {}'.format(output_filename))
pickle.dump(response, fout, protocol=4)
def preprocess_300Amp(amp, channel, path="HardwareResponses/"):
preprocess individual 300 series measurements
amp: string
amp series - box number - and channel. Ex: 300-01
channel: int
channel id
path: string
directory where amp responses are located. Default is "HardwareResponses/"
# load null measurement
amp_gain_db = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(path, 'LOGMAG_NULL.CSV'), skiprows=3, delimiter=',')
ph = os.path.join(path, 'PHASE_NULL.CSV')
amp_phase_discrete = np.loadtxt(ph, skiprows=3, delimiter=',')
# Convert to GHz and add 40dB for attenuation in measurement circuit
amp_gain_db[:, 0] *= units.Hz
amp_phase_discrete[:, 0] *= units.Hz
amp_phase_discrete[:, 1] *= units.deg
if not np.allclose(amp_gain_db[:, 0], amp_phase_discrete[:, 0]):
raise ValueError("frequencies of gain and phase measurement are not equal for NULL measurement")
amp_gain_db[:, 1] += 40 # 300 series amps
gain_lin = 10 ** (amp_gain_db[:, 1] / 20.)
response_null = gain_lin * np.exp(1j * amp_phase_discrete[:, 1])
# read in individual amp measurement
path = os.path.join(path, 'Box' + amp)
ch_name = '_CH{:d}.CSV'.format(channel)
amp_gain_db = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(path, 'LOGMAG' + ch_name), skiprows=3, delimiter=',')
ph = os.path.join(path, 'PHASE' + ch_name)
amp_phase_discrete = np.loadtxt(ph, skiprows=3, delimiter=',')
# Convert to GHz and add 40dB for attenuation in measurement circuit
amp_gain_db[:, 0] *= units.Hz
amp_phase_discrete[:, 0] *= units.Hz
amp_phase_discrete[:, 1] *= units.deg
ff = amp_gain_db[:, 0]
if not np.allclose(amp_gain_db[:, 0], amp_phase_discrete[:, 0]):
raise ValueError("frequencies of gain and phase measurement are not equal for {}-{:02d}".format(amp, channel))
amp_gain_db[:, 1] += 40 # 300 series amps
gain_lin = 10 ** (amp_gain_db[:, 1] / 20.)
r = gain_lin * np.exp(1j * amp_phase_discrete[:, 1])
response = {}
response['freqs'] = ff
response['response'] = r / response_null
amplifier_response = {}
amp_name = '{}-{:02d}'.format(amp, channel)
amplifier_response[amp_name] = response
# checkGroupDelay(get_amp_gain(ff)*get_amp_phase(ff),ff,ch_name,path)
save_preprocessed_Amps(amplifier_response, amp_name)
if __name__ == "__main__":
for i in range(8):
preprocess_300Amp('300-03', i, path='HardwareResponses/300SeriesAmpBoxes')