import numpy as np
from NuRadioReco.utilities import units
import os
import MySQLdb
import inspect
import datetime
import json
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('NuRadioReco.sql_detector')
class Detector(object):
__instance = None
def __new__(cls):
if Detector.__instance is None:
Detector.__instance = object.__new__(cls)
return Detector.__instance
def __init__(self):
dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) # get the directory of this file
filename = os.path.join(dir_path, "detector_sql_auth.json")
fin = open(filename, 'r')
mysql_opts = json.load(fin)
self.__mysql = MySQLdb.connect(host=mysql_opts['host'],
self.__mysql.apilevel = "2.0"
self.__mysql.threadsafety = 2
self.__mysql.paramstyle = "format""database connection to {} established".format(mysql_opts['DB']))
self.__current_time = None
# just for testing
self.__current_time =
def __error(self, frame):
args, _, _, values = inspect.getargvalues(frame)
out = 'request {} with arguments\n'.format(inspect.getframeinfo(frame)[2])
for i in args[1:]:
out += " {} = {}\n".format(i, values[i])
out += " at time {}\n returned not result.".format(self.__current_time)
def update(self, timestamp):"updating detector time to {}".format(timestamp))
self.__current_time = timestamp
def get_everything(self, station_id):
cursor = self.__mysql.cursor()
fields = ['st.station_id', 'st.commission_time', 'st.decommission_time',
'st.position', 'st.board_number', 'st.MAC_address', 'st.MBED_type',
'ch.channel_id', 'ch.commission_time', 'ch.decommission_time',
'ant.antenna_type', 'ant.orientation_phi', 'ant.orientation_theta',
'ant.rotation_phi', 'ant.rotation_theta', 'ant.position_x',
'ant.position_y', 'ant.position_z', 'ant.deployment_time', 'ant.comment',
'cab.cable_type', 'cab.cable_length', 'cab.reference_measurement',
'cab.time_delay', 'cab.cable_id', 'cab.comment',
'pos.position', 'pos.measurement_time', 'pos.easting', 'pos.northing',
'pos.altitude', '',
'amps.amp_type', 'amps.reference_measurement',
'adcs.adc_id', 'adcs.time_delay', 'adcs.nbits', 'adcs.sampling_frequency', 'adcs.n_samples'
field_str = ""
for field in fields:
field_str += field + ", "
field_str = field_str[:-2]
query = """
SELECT {fields} FROM stations AS st
JOIN channels AS ch USING(station_uid)
JOIN antennas AS ant USING(antenna_uid)
JOIN cables AS cab USING(cable_uid)
JOIN positions AS pos USING(position)
JOIN amps USING(amp_uid)
JOIN adcs USING(adc_uid)
WHERE CAST('{time}' AS DATETIME) between ch.commission_time and ch.decommission_time
AND CAST('{time}' AS DATETIME) between st.commission_time and st.decommission_time
AND st.station_id = {station_id};
""".format(fields=field_str, time=self.__current_time, station_id=station_id)
result = np.array(cursor.fetchall())
if len(result) == 0:
frame = inspect.currentframe()
result_dict = []
for r in np.squeeze(result):
t = {}
for i, field_name in enumerate(fields):
t[field_name] = r[i]
return result_dict
def get_everything_channels(self):
cursor = self.__mysql.cursor()
fields = ['st.station_id', 'ch.channel_id', 'ch.commission_time', 'ch.decommission_time',
'ant.antenna_type', 'ant.orientation_phi', 'ant.orientation_theta',
'ant.rotation_phi', 'ant.rotation_theta', 'ant.position_x',
'ant.position_y', 'ant.position_z', 'ant.deployment_time', 'ant.comment',
'cab.cable_type', 'cab.cable_length', 'cab.reference_measurement',
'cab.time_delay', 'cab.cable_id', 'cab.comment',
'amps.amp_type', 'amps.reference_measurement',
'adcs.adc_id', 'adcs.time_delay', 'adcs.nbits', 'adcs.sampling_frequency', 'adcs.n_samples'
field_str = ""
for field in fields:
field_str += field + ", "
field_str = field_str[:-2]
query = """
SELECT {fields} FROM stations AS st
JOIN channels AS ch USING(station_uid)
JOIN antennas AS ant USING(antenna_uid)
JOIN cables AS cab USING(cable_uid)
JOIN positions AS pos USING(position)
JOIN amps USING(amp_uid)
JOIN adcs USING(adc_uid);
result = np.array(cursor.fetchall())
if len(result) == 0:
frame = inspect.currentframe()
result_dict = []
for r in np.squeeze(result):
t = {}
for i, field_name in enumerate(fields):
t[field_name] = r[i]
return result_dict
def get_everything_stations(self):
cursor = self.__mysql.cursor()
fields = ['st.station_id', 'st.commission_time', 'st.decommission_time',
'st.position', 'st.board_number', 'st.MAC_address', 'st.MBED_type',
'pos.position', 'pos.measurement_time', 'pos.easting', 'pos.northing', '',
'pos.altitude', '']
field_str = ""
for field in fields:
field_str += field + ", "
field_str = field_str[:-2]
query = """
SELECT {fields} FROM stations AS st
JOIN positions AS pos USING(position);
result = np.array(cursor.fetchall())
if len(result) == 0:
frame = inspect.currentframe()
result_dict = []
for r in np.squeeze(result):
t = {}
for i, field_name in enumerate(fields):
t[field_name] = r[i]
return result_dict
def get_everything_positions(self):
cursor = self.__mysql.cursor()
fields = ['pos.position', 'pos.measurement_time', 'pos.easting', 'pos.northing', '',
'pos.altitude', '', 'pos.comment']
field_str = ""
for field in fields:
field_str += field + ", "
field_str = field_str[:-2]
query = """
SELECT {fields} FROM positions AS pos;
result = np.array(cursor.fetchall())
if len(result) == 0:
frame = inspect.currentframe()
result_dict = []
for r in np.squeeze(result):
t = {}
for i, field_name in enumerate(fields):
t[field_name] = r[i]
return result_dict
def get_absolute_position_site(self, pos):
returns the UTM coordinates
pos: string
the position identifier (e.g. "A" or "X")
* easting (float)
* northing (float)
* UTM zone (string)
* altitude
* measurement time
cursor = self.__mysql.cursor()
query = """
SELECT easting, northing, zone, altitude, measurement_time FROM positions
WHERE position = '{position}' ORDER BY measurement_time DESC;
position = np.array(cursor.fetchall())
if len(position) == 0:
frame = inspect.currentframe()
return np.squeeze(position)
def get_relative_position(self, station_id, channel_id):
cursor = self.__mysql.cursor()
query = """
SELECT position_x, position_y, position_z FROM stations AS st
JOIN channels AS ch USING(station_uid)
JOIN antennas USING(antenna_uid)
WHERE CAST('{time}' AS DATETIME) between ch.commission_time and ch.decommission_time
AND CAST('{time}' AS DATETIME) between st.commission_time and st.decommission_time
AND st.station_id = {station_id} AND ch.channel_id = {channel_id:d} ;
""".format(time=self.__current_time, station_id=station_id, channel_id=channel_id)
position = np.array(cursor.fetchall())
if len(position) == 0:
frame = inspect.currentframe()
return np.squeeze(position)
def get_relative_positions(self, station_id):
cursor = self.__mysql.cursor()
query = """
SELECT position_x, position_y, position_z FROM stations AS st
JOIN channels AS ch USING(station_uid)
JOIN antennas USING(antenna_uid)
WHERE CAST('{time}' AS DATETIME) between ch.commission_time and ch.decommission_time
AND CAST('{time}' AS DATETIME) between st.commission_time and st.decommission_time
AND st.station_id = {station_id};
""".format(time=self.__current_time, station_id=station_id)
position = np.array(cursor.fetchall())
if len(position) == 0:
frame = inspect.currentframe()
# logger.debug('station {}: {}'.format(station_id, position))
return position
def get_site(self, station_id):
cursor = self.__mysql.cursor()
query = """
SELECT site FROM stations AS st
JOIN channels AS ch USING(station_uid)
JOIN positions USING(position)
WHERE CAST('{time}' AS DATETIME) between ch.commission_time and ch.decommission_time
AND CAST('{time}' AS DATETIME) between st.commission_time and st.decommission_time
AND st.station_id = {station_id};
""".format(time=self.__current_time, station_id=station_id)
site = np.array(cursor.fetchall())
if len(site) == 0:
frame = inspect.currentframe()
# logger.debug('station {}: {}'.format(station_id, position))
return site[0][0]
def get_number_of_channels(self, station_id):
cursor = self.__mysql.cursor()
query = """
SELECT channel_id FROM stations AS st
JOIN channels AS ch USING(station_uid)
WHERE CAST('{time}' AS DATETIME) between ch.commission_time and ch.decommission_time
AND CAST('{time}' AS DATETIME) between st.commission_time and st.decommission_time
AND st.station_id = {station_id};
""".format(time=self.__current_time, station_id=station_id)
channel_ids = np.array(cursor.fetchall())
if len(channel_ids) == 0:
frame = inspect.currentframe()
return len(channel_ids)
def get_cable_delay(self, station_id, channel_id):
cursor = self.__mysql.cursor()
query = """
SELECT time_delay FROM stations AS st
JOIN channels AS ch USING(station_uid)
JOIN cables USING(cable_uid)
WHERE CAST('{time}' AS DATETIME) between ch.commission_time and ch.decommission_time
AND CAST('{time}' AS DATETIME) between st.commission_time and st.decommission_time
AND st.station_id = {station_id} AND ch.channel_id = {channel_id:d} ;
""".format(time=self.__current_time, station_id=station_id, channel_id=channel_id)
delay = np.array(cursor.fetchall())
if len(delay) == 0:
frame = inspect.currentframe()
return None
return np.squeeze(delay)
def get_cable_type_and_length(self, station_id, channel_id):
cursor = self.__mysql.cursor()
query = """
SELECT cable_type, cable_length FROM stations AS st
JOIN channels AS ch USING(station_uid)
JOIN cables USING(cable_uid)
WHERE CAST('{time}' AS DATETIME) between ch.commission_time and ch.decommission_time
AND CAST('{time}' AS DATETIME) between st.commission_time and st.decommission_time
AND st.station_id = {station_id} AND ch.channel_id = {channel_id:d} ;
""".format(time=self.__current_time, station_id=station_id, channel_id=channel_id)
type_length = np.array(cursor.fetchall())
if len(type_length) == 0:
frame = inspect.currentframe()
return None
return np.squeeze(type_length)[0], float(np.squeeze(type_length)[1]) * units.m
def get_antenna_type(self, station_id, channel_id):
cursor = self.__mysql.cursor()
query = """
SELECT antenna_type FROM stations AS st
JOIN channels AS ch USING(station_uid)
JOIN antennas USING(antenna_uid)
WHERE CAST('{time}' AS DATETIME) between ch.commission_time and ch.decommission_time
AND CAST('{time}' AS DATETIME) between st.commission_time and st.decommission_time
AND st.station_id = {station_id} AND ch.channel_id = {channel_id:d} ;
""".format(time=self.__current_time, station_id=station_id, channel_id=channel_id)
antenna_type = np.array(cursor.fetchall())
if len(antenna_type) == 0:
frame = inspect.currentframe()
if len(antenna_type[0]) != 1:
"more than one antenna type return for station channel combination -> bug in detector description, only first element is returned")
return antenna_type[0][0]
def get_antenna_deployment_time(self, station_id, channel_id):
cursor = self.__mysql.cursor()
query = """
SELECT deployment_time FROM stations AS st
JOIN channels AS ch USING(station_uid)
JOIN antennas USING(antenna_uid)
WHERE CAST('{time}' AS DATETIME) between ch.commission_time and ch.decommission_time
AND CAST('{time}' AS DATETIME) between st.commission_time and st.decommission_time
AND st.station_id = {station_id} AND ch.channel_id = {channel_id:d} ;
""".format(time=self.__current_time, station_id=station_id, channel_id=channel_id)
deployment_time = np.array(cursor.fetchall())
if len(deployment_time) == 0:
frame = inspect.currentframe()
if len(deployment_time[0]) != 1:
"more than one antenna deployment_time return for station channel combination -> bug in detector description, only first element is returned")
return deployment_time[0][0]
def get_antenna_orientation(self, station_id, channel_id):
""" returns the orientation of a specific antenna
* orientation theta: boresight direction (zenith angle, 0deg is the zenith, 180deg is straight down)
* orientation phi: boresight direction (azimuth angle counting from East counterclockwise)
* rotation theta: rotation of the antenna, vector in plane of tines pointing away from connector
* rotation phi: rotation of the antenna, vector in plane of tines pointing away from connector
cursor = self.__mysql.cursor()
query = """
SELECT orientation_theta, orientation_phi, rotation_theta, rotation_phi FROM stations AS st
JOIN channels AS ch USING(station_uid)
JOIN antennas USING(antenna_uid)
WHERE CAST('{time}' AS DATETIME) between ch.commission_time and ch.decommission_time
AND CAST('{time}' AS DATETIME) between st.commission_time and st.decommission_time
AND st.station_id = {station_id} AND ch.channel_id = {channel_id:d} ;
""".format(time=self.__current_time, station_id=station_id, channel_id=channel_id)
result = np.array(cursor.fetchall())
if len(result) == 0:
frame = inspect.currentframe()
return np.deg2rad(result.flatten())
def get_amplifier_type(self, station_id, channel_id):
cursor = self.__mysql.cursor()
query = """
SELECT amp_type FROM stations AS st
JOIN channels AS ch USING(station_uid)
JOIN amps USING(amp_uid)
WHERE CAST('{time}' AS DATETIME) between ch.commission_time and ch.decommission_time
AND CAST('{time}' AS DATETIME) between st.commission_time and st.decommission_time
AND st.station_id = {station_id} AND ch.channel_id = {channel_id:d} ;
""".format(time=self.__current_time, station_id=station_id, channel_id=channel_id)
amp_type = np.array(cursor.fetchall())
if len(amp_type) == 0:
frame = inspect.currentframe()
logger.debug("get_amplifier_type({},{}) returns {}".format(station_id, channel_id, amp_type.flatten()[0]))
return amp_type.flatten()[0]
def get_sampling_frequency(self, station_id, channel_id):
cursor = self.__mysql.cursor()
query = """
SELECT sampling_frequency FROM stations AS st
JOIN channels AS ch USING(station_uid)
JOIN adcs USING(adc_uid)
WHERE CAST('{time}' AS DATETIME) between ch.commission_time and ch.decommission_time
AND CAST('{time}' AS DATETIME) between st.commission_time and st.decommission_time
AND st.station_id = {station_id} AND ch.channel_id = {channel_id:d} ;
""".format(time=self.__current_time, station_id=station_id, channel_id=channel_id)
sampling_frequency = np.array(cursor.fetchall())
if len(sampling_frequency) == 0:
frame = inspect.currentframe()
return sampling_frequency.flatten()[0] * units.GHz
def get_number_of_samples(self, station_id, channel_id):
cursor = self.__mysql.cursor()
query = """
SELECT n_samples FROM stations AS st
JOIN channels AS ch USING(station_uid)
JOIN adcs USING(adc_uid)
WHERE CAST('{time}' AS DATETIME) between ch.commission_time and ch.decommission_time
AND CAST('{time}' AS DATETIME) between st.commission_time and st.decommission_time
AND st.station_id = {station_id} AND ch.channel_id = {channel_id:d} ;
""".format(time=self.__current_time, station_id=station_id, channel_id=channel_id)
n_samples = np.array(cursor.fetchall())
if len(n_samples) == 0:
frame = inspect.currentframe()
return n_samples.flatten()[0]
def get_antenna_model(self, station_id, channel_id):
determine correct antenna model from antenna type, position and orientation of antenna
so far only infinite firn and infinite air cases are differentiated
antenna_type = self.get_antenna_type(station_id, channel_id)
antenna_relative_position = self.get_relative_position(station_id, channel_id)
if antenna_relative_position[2] > 0:
antenna_model = "{}_infiniteair".format(antenna_type)
antenna_model = "{}_infinitefirn".format(antenna_type)
return antenna_model
relative_positions = {0: np.array([0, 3, 0]) * units.m, 1: np.array([3, 0, 0]) * units.m,
2: np.array([0, -3, 0]) * units.m, 3: np.array([-3, 0, 0]) * units.m}
station_types = ['HRA_4', 'CR_4', 'HRA_8', 'dummy']
number_of_channels_for_station_type = {'HRA_4': 4, 'CR_4': 4, 'HRA_8': 8}
antenna_types_for_station_type = {'CR_4': ['UEW', 'UNS', 'UEW', 'UNS'],
'HRA_4': ['DEW', 'DNS', 'DEW', 'DNS'],
'dummy': ['DEW', 'DEW', 'DEW']}
def get_cable_delays(station_id):
if station_id == 41:
cable_delays = [19.95 * units.ns, 19.86 * units.ns, 18.82 * units.ns, 19.86 * units.ns]
elif station_id == 51:
cable_delays = [19.8 * units.ns, 19.8 * units.ns, 19.8 * units.ns, 19.7 * units.ns, 27.3 * units.ns,
27.5 * units.ns, 27.3 * units.ns, 19.6 * units.ns]
logger.warning("Cable delays not implemented for other stations. Using defaults from 41.")
cable_delays = [19.95 * units.ns, 19.86 * units.ns, 18.82 * units.ns, 19.86 * units.ns]
return cable_delays
def get_antenna_model_file(station_type):
# dummy module
dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) # get the directory of this file
antenna_model = 'WIPLD_antennamodel_firn_v2.root'
antenna_model_file = os.path.join(dir_path, 'AntennaModels', antenna_model)
return antenna_model_file
def get_relative_positions(station):
# default 4 antenna station
if station == 41:
rel_pos = {0: np.array([0, 4, 0]) * units.m, 1: np.array([4, 0, 0]) * units.m,
2: np.array([0, -4, 0]) * units.m, 3: np.array([-4, 0, 0]) * units.m}
logger.debug("Getting antenna positions for default station.")
rel_pos = {0: np.array([0, 3, 0]) * units.m, 1: np.array([3, 0, 0]) * units.m,
2: np.array([0, -3, 0]) * units.m, 3: np.array([-3, 0, 0]) * units.m}
return rel_pos
def get_relative_position(station, channel):
rel_pos = get_relative_positions(station)
return rel_pos[channel]
def get_antenna_type(station_type, channel):
if station_type not in antenna_types_for_station_type.keys():
logger.error("Station type {} not known".format(station_type))
antenna_type = None
config = antenna_types_for_station_type[station_type]
if len(config) < channel:
logger.error("Requested channel {} not present in station".format(channel))
antenna_type = None
antenna_type = config[channel]
return antenna_type
def get_amplifier_type(station_id, channel):
# dummy module
# currently a choice of 100, 200 and 300 series
return '100'
def get_station_type(station_id, time):
# dummy module
if station_id == 41:
station_type = station_types[1]
elif station_id == 30:
station_type = station_types[0]
elif station_id == 52:
station_type = station_types[2]
elif station_id == 0: # dummy station
station_type = 'dummy'
logger.error("Station id {} not assigned a station type".format(station_id))
station_type = None
return station_type
def get_number_of_channels(station_type):
# dummy module
if station_type not in number_of_channels_for_station_type.keys():
logger.error("Station type {} not known".format(station_type))
n_channels = None
n_channels = number_of_channels_for_station_type[station_type]
return n_channels