import logging
import NuRadioReco.detector.detector
import NuRadioReco.detector.detector_base
from NuRadioReco.utilities import units
logger = logging.getLogger('NuRadioReco.DetectorSysUncertainties')
class DetectorSysUncertainties(NuRadioReco.detector.detector_base.DetectorBase):
def __init__(self, source='json', json_filename='ARIANNA/arianna_detector_db.json',
dictionary=None, assume_inf=True, antenna_by_depth=True):
Initialize the stations detector properties.
source : str
'json', 'dictionary' or 'sql'
default value is 'json'
if dictionary is specified, the dictionary passed to __init__ is used
if 'sql' is specified, the file 'detector_sql_auth.json' file needs to be present in this folder that
specifies the sql server credentials (see 'detector_sql_auth.json.sample' for an example of the syntax)
json_filename : str
the path to the json detector description file (if first checks a path relative to this directory, then a
path relative to the current working directory of the user)
default value is 'ARIANNA/arianna_detector_db.json'
assume_inf : Bool
Default to True, if true forces antenna madels to have infinite boundary conditions, otherwise the antenna madel will be determined by the station geometry.
antenna_by_depth: bool (default True)
if True the antenna model is determined automatically depending on the depth of the antenna. This is done by
appending e.g. '_InfFirn' to the antenna model name.
if False, the antenna model as specified in the database is used.
self = NuRadioReco.detector.detector.Detector(json_filename, source, dictionary, assume_inf, antenna_by_depth)
self._antenna_orientation_override = {}
self._antenna_position_override = {}
def set_antenna_orientation_offsets(self, ori_theta, ori_phi, rot_theta, rot_phi, station_id=None, channel_id=None):
sets a systematic offset for the antenna orientation
ori_theta: float
orientation of the antenna, as a zenith angle (0deg is the zenith, 180deg is straight down); for LPDA: outward along boresight; for dipoles: upward along axis of azimuthal symmetry
ori_phi: float
orientation of the antenna, as an azimuth angle (counting from East counterclockwise); for LPDA: outward along boresight; for dipoles: upward along axis of azimuthal symmetry
rot_theta: float
rotation of the antenna, is perpendicular to 'orientation', for LPDAs: vector perpendicular to the plane containing the the tines
rot_phi: float
rotation of the antenna, is perpendicular to 'orientation', for LPDAs: vector perpendicular to the plane containing the the tines
station_id: int or None
the station id, if None offset will be applied to all stations/channels
channel_id: int or None
the channel id, if None offset will be applied to all channels
key = "any"
if station_id is not None:
if channel_id is not None:
key = (station_id, channel_id)
key = station_id
self._antenna_orientation_override[key] = [ori_theta, ori_phi, rot_theta, rot_phi]
def reset_antenna_orientation_offsets(self):
resets all previously set antenna orientation offsets
self._antenna_orientation_override = {}
def get_antenna_orientation(self, station_id, channel_id):
returns the orientation of a specific antenna + a systematic offset
station_id: int
the station id
channel_id: int
the channel id
Returns typle of floats
* orientation theta: orientation of the antenna, as a zenith angle (0deg is the zenith, 180deg is straight down); for LPDA: outward along boresight; for dipoles: upward along axis of azimuthal symmetry
* orientation phi: orientation of the antenna, as an azimuth angle (counting from East counterclockwise); for LPDA: outward along boresight; for dipoles: upward along axis of azimuthal symmetry
* rotation theta: rotation of the antenna, is perpendicular to 'orientation', for LPDAs: vector perpendicular to the plane containing the the tines
* rotation phi: rotation of the antenna, is perpendicular to 'orientation', for LPDAs: vector perpendicular to the plane containing the the tines
ori = super().get_antenna_orientation(station_id, channel_id)
if "any" in self._antenna_orientation_override:
tmp = self._antenna_orientation_override["any"]
ori += tmp"adding orientation theta = {tmp[0]/units.deg:.1f} deg, phi = {tmp[1]/units.deg:.1f} deg, rotation theta = {tmp[2]/units.deg:.1f} deg, phi = {tmp[3]/units.deg:.1f} deg to all channels of any station")
if station_id in self._antenna_orientation_override:
tmp = self._antenna_orientation_override[station_id]
ori += tmp"adding orientation theta = {tmp[0]/units.deg:.1f} deg, phi = {tmp[1]/units.deg:.1f} deg, rotation theta = {tmp[2]/units.deg:.1f} deg, phi = {tmp[3]/units.deg:.1f} deg to all channels of station {station_id}")
if (station_id, channel_id) in self._antenna_orientation_override:
tmp = self._antenna_orientation_override[(station_id, channel_id)]"adding orientation theta = {tmp[0]/units.deg:.1f} deg, phi = {tmp[1]/units.deg:.1f} deg, rotation theta = {tmp[2]/units.deg:.1f} deg, phi = {tmp[3]/units.deg:.1f} deg to channel {channel_id} of station {station_id}")
ori += tmp
return ori
def set_antenna_position_offsets(self, x, y, z, station_id=None, channel_id=None):
sets a systematic offset for the antenna position
x: float
x-position of antenna
y: float
y-position of antenna
z: float
z-position of antenna ( (-) is below the surface)
station_id: int or None
the station id, if None offset will be applied to all stations/channels
channel_id: int or None
the channel id, if None offset will be applied to all channels
key = "any"
if station_id is not None:
if channel_id is not None:
key = (station_id, channel_id)
key = station_id
self._antenna_position_override[key] = [x, y, z]
def reset_antenna_position_offsets(self):
resets all previously set antenna position offsets
self._antenna_position_override = {}
def get_relative_position(self, station_id, channel_id):
returns the orientation of a specific antenna + a systematic offset
station_id: int
the station id
channel_id: int
the channel id
Returns tuple of floats
* x-position of antenna
* y-position of antenna
* z-position of antenna
pos = super().get_relative_position(station_id, channel_id)
if "any" in self._antenna_position_override:
tmp = self._antenna_position_override["any"]
pos += tmp"adding position x = {tmp[0]/units.m:.1f} m, y = {tmp[1]/units.m:.1f} m, z = {tmp[2]/units.m:.1f} m to all channels of any station")
if station_id in self._antenna_position_override:
tmp = self._antenna_position_override[station_id]
pos += tmp"adding position x = {tmp[0]/units.m:.1f} m, y = {tmp[1]/units.m:.1f} m, z = {tmp[2]/units.m:.1f} m to all channels of station {station_id}")
if (station_id, channel_id) in self._antenna_position_override:
tmp = self._antenna_position_override[(station_id, channel_id)]"adding position x = {tmp[0]/units.m:.1f} m, y = {tmp[1]/units.m:.1f} m, z = {tmp[2]/units.m:.1f} m to channel {channel_id} of station {station_id}")
pos += tmp
return pos