Source code for NuRadioReco.framework.base_shower

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from NuRadioReco.framework.parameters import showerParameters
import NuRadioReco.framework.parameter_storage
from radiotools import helper as hp, coordinatesystems
import pickle

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('NuRadioReco.Shower')

[docs] class BaseShower(NuRadioReco.framework.parameter_storage.ParameterStorage): def __init__(self, shower_id=0): super().__init__(showerParameters) self._id = shower_id
[docs] def get_id(self): return self._id
[docs] def get_axis(self): """ Returns the (shower) axis. The axis is antiparallel to the movement of the shower particla and point towards the origin of the shower. Returns ------- np.array(3,) Shower axis """ if not self.has_parameter(showerParameters.azimuth) or \ not self.has_parameter(showerParameters.zenith): logger.error( "Azimuth or zenith angle not set! Can not return shower axis.") raise ValueError( "Azimuth or zenith angle not set! Can not return shower axis.") return hp.spherical_to_cartesian(self.get_parameter(showerParameters.zenith), self.get_parameter(showerParameters.azimuth))
[docs] def get_coordinatesystem(self): """ Returns radiotools.coordinatesystem.cstrafo for shower geometry. Can be used to transform the radio pulses or the observer coordiates in the shower frame. Requieres the shower arrival direction (azimuth and zenith angle) and magnetic field vector (showerParameters). Returns ------- radiotools.coordinatesystem.cstrafo """ if not self.has_parameter(showerParameters.azimuth) or \ not self.has_parameter(showerParameters.zenith) or \ not self.has_parameter(showerParameters.magnetic_field_vector): logger.error( "Magnetic field vector, azimuth or zenith angle not set! Can not return shower coordinatesystem.") raise ValueError( "Magnetic field vector, azimuth or zenith angle not set! Can not return shower coordinatesystem.") return coordinatesystems.cstrafo(self.get_parameter(showerParameters.zenith), self.get_parameter(showerParameters.azimuth), self.get_parameter(showerParameters.magnetic_field_vector))
[docs] def serialize(self): data = NuRadioReco.framework.parameter_storage.ParameterStorage.serialize(self) data['_id'] = self._id return pickle.dumps(data, protocol=4)
[docs] def deserialize(self, data_pkl): data = pickle.loads(data_pkl) NuRadioReco.framework.parameter_storage.ParameterStorage.deserialize(self, data) self._id = data.get('_id', None)