from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
import NuRadioReco.framework.base_trace
import NuRadioReco.framework.trigger
import NuRadioReco.framework.electric_field
import NuRadioReco.framework.parameters as parameters
import NuRadioReco.framework.parameter_storage
from NuRadioReco.utilities import io_utilities
import datetime
import astropy.time
import logging
import collections
import pickle
logger = logging.getLogger('NuRadioReco.BaseStation')
class BaseStation(NuRadioReco.framework.parameter_storage.ParameterStorage):
def __init__(self, station_id):
self._station_id = station_id
self._station_time = None
self._triggers = collections.OrderedDict()
self._triggered = False
self._electric_fields = []
self._particle_type = ''
def set_station_time(self, time, format=None):
Set the (absolute) time for the station (stored as astropy.time.Time).
time: astropy.time.Time or datetime.datetime or float
If "time" is a float, you have to specify its format.
format: str
Only used when "time" is a float. Format to interpret "time". (Default: None)
if isinstance(time, datetime.datetime):
self._station_time = astropy.time.Time(time)
elif isinstance(time, astropy.time.Time):
self._station_time = time
elif time is None:
self._station_time = None
if format is None:
logger.error("If you provide a float for the time, you have to specify the format.")
raise ValueError("If you provide a float for the time, you have to specify the format.")
self._station_time = astropy.time.Time(time, format=format)
def get_station_time(self, format='isot'):
Returns the station time as an astropy.time.Time object
The station time corresponds to the absolute time at which the event
starts, i.e. all times in Channel, Trigger and ElectricField objects
are measured relative to this time.
format: str
Format in which the time object is displayed. (Default: isot)
station_time: astropy.time.Time
if self._station_time is None:
return None
self._station_time.format = format
return self._station_time
def get_id(self):
return self._station_id
def remove_triggers(self):
removes all triggers from the station
self._triggers = collections.OrderedDict()
def get_trigger(self, name):
returns the trigger with the name 'name'
name: string
the name of the trigger
trigger: Trigger
if name not in self._triggers:
raise ValueError("trigger with name {} not present".format(name))
return self._triggers[name]
def get_primary_trigger(self):
Returns the primary trigger of the station. If no primary trigger exists, it returns None
trigger = None
primary_trigger_count = 0
# test if only one primary trigger exists
for trig in self.get_triggers().values():
if trig.is_primary():
primary_trigger_count += 1
trigger = trig
if primary_trigger_count > 1:
'More than one primary trigger exists. Only one trigger can be the primary trigger. '
'Please check your code.')
raise ValueError
return trigger
def get_first_trigger(self):
Returns the first/earliest trigger. Returns None if no trigger fired.
if not self._triggered:
return None
min_trigger_time = float('inf')
for trig in self._triggers.values():
if trig.has_triggered() and trig.get_trigger_time() < min_trigger_time:
min_trigger_time = trig.get_trigger_time()
min_trig = trig
return min_trig
def has_trigger(self, trigger_name):
Checks if station has a trigger with a certain name.
WARNING: This function does not check if the trigger has triggered.
trigger_name: string
the name of the trigger
Returns bool
return trigger_name in self._triggers
def get_triggers(self):
Returns a dictionary of the triggers. key is the trigger name, value is a trigger object
return self._triggers
def set_trigger(self, trigger):
sets a trigger for the station. If a trigger with the same name already exists, it will be overridden
trigger: Trigger
the trigger object to set
if trigger.get_name() in self._triggers:
f"Station has already a trigger with name {trigger.get_name()}. The previous trigger will be overridden!")
self._triggers[trigger.get_name()] = trigger
self._triggered = trigger.has_triggered() or self._triggered
def has_triggered(self, trigger_name=None):
Checks if the station has triggered. If trigger_name is set, check if the trigger with that name has triggered.
trigger_name: string or None (default None)
* if None: The function returns False if not trigger was set. If one or multiple triggers were set,
it returns True if any of those triggers triggered
* if trigger name is set: return if the trigger with name 'trigger_name' has a trigger
if trigger_name is None:
return self._triggered
return self.get_trigger(trigger_name).has_triggered()
def set_triggered(self, triggered=True):
Convenience function to set a simple trigger. The recommended interface is to set triggers through the
set_trigger() interface.
if len(self._triggers) > 1:
raise ValueError("more then one trigger were set. Request is ambiguous")
trigger = NuRadioReco.framework.trigger.Trigger('default')
def set_electric_fields(self, electric_fields):
self._electric_fields = electric_fields
def get_electric_fields(self):
return self._electric_fields
def get_electric_field_ids(self):
returns a sorted list with the electric field IDs of all simElectricFields of the simStation
efield_ids: list
efield_ids = []
for efield in self._electric_fields:
return efield_ids
def add_electric_field(self, electric_field):
def get_electric_fields_for_channels(self, channel_ids=None, ray_path_type=None):
for e_field in self._electric_fields:
channel_ids2 = channel_ids
if channel_ids is None:
channel_ids2 = e_field.get_channel_ids()
if e_field.has_channel_ids(channel_ids2):
if ray_path_type is None:
yield e_field
elif ray_path_type == e_field.get_parameter(parameters.electricFieldParameters.ray_path_type):
yield e_field
def is_neutrino(self):
if self._particle_type == '':
msg = "Stations particle type has not been set. Please call the module `, station, mode='forced', forced_event_type='neutrino'/'cosmic_ray')`."
msg += " This flag is used to differentiate between signals that originate from air vs. signals that originate from within the ice which is needed to e.g. determine if refraction "
msg += "into the ice needs to be considered."
raise ValueError(msg)
return self._particle_type == 'nu'
def is_cosmic_ray(self):
if self._particle_type == '':
msg = "Stations particle type has not been set. Please call the module `, station, mode='forced', forced_event_type='neutrino'/'cosmic_ray')`."
msg += " This flag is used to differentiate between signals that originate from air vs. signals that originate from within the ice which is needed to e.g. determine if refraction "
msg += "into the ice needs to be considered."
raise ValueError(msg)
return self._particle_type == 'cr'
def set_is_neutrino(self):
set station type to neutrino
self._particle_type = 'nu'
def set_is_cosmic_ray(self):
set station type to cosmic rays (relevant e.g. for refraction into the snow)
self._particle_type = 'cr'
def serialize(self, save_efield_traces):
trigger_pkls = []
for trigger in self._triggers.values():
efield_pkls = []
for efield in self.get_electric_fields():
station_time_dict = io_utilities._astropy_to_dict(self.get_station_time())
data = NuRadioReco.framework.parameter_storage.ParameterStorage.serialize(self)
'_station_id': self._station_id,
'_station_time': station_time_dict,
'_particle_type': self._particle_type,
'triggers': trigger_pkls,
'_triggered': self._triggered,
'electric_fields': efield_pkls
return pickle.dumps(data, protocol=4)
def deserialize(self, data_pkl):
data = pickle.loads(data_pkl)
NuRadioReco.framework.parameter_storage.ParameterStorage.deserialize(self, data)
if 'triggers' in data:
self._triggers = NuRadioReco.framework.trigger.deserialize(data['triggers'])
if 'triggers' in data:
self._triggered = data['_triggered']
for electric_field in data['electric_fields']:
efield = NuRadioReco.framework.electric_field.ElectricField([])
# For backward compatibility, now ARIANNA parameters are stored in `_parameters`.
if '_ARIANNA_parameters' in data:
for key in data['_ARIANNA_parameters']:
self.set_parameter(key, data['_ARIANNA_parameters'][key])
self._station_id = data['_station_id']
if data['_station_time'] is not None:
station_time = io_utilities._time_object_to_astropy(data['_station_time'])
self._particle_type = data['_particle_type']
def __add__(self, x):
adds a BaseStation object to another BaseStation object
WARNING: Only channel and efield objects are added but no other meta information
x: BaseStation
the BaseStation object to add
if not isinstance(x, BaseStation):
raise AttributeError("Can only add BaseStation to BaseStation")
if self.get_id() != x.get_id():
raise AttributeError("Can only add BaseStations with the same ID")
for trigger in x.get_triggers().values():
for efield in x.get_electric_fields():
for key, value in x.get_parameters().items():
self.set_parameter(key, value)
return self
######## Deprecated functions ########
def get_ARIANNA_parameter(self, key):
logger.warning("`get_ARIANNA_parameter` is deprecated. Use `get_parameter` instead.")
raise NotImplementedError("`get_ARIANNA_parameter` is deprecated. Use `get_parameter` instead.")
def get_ARIANNA_parameters(self):
logger.warning("`get_ARIANNA_parameters` is deprecated. Use `get_parameters` instead.")
raise NotImplementedError("`get_ARIANNA_parameters` is deprecated. Use `get_parameters` instead.")
def has_ARIANNA_parameter(self, key):
logger.warning("`has_ARIANNA_parameter` is deprecated. Use `has_parameter` instead.")
raise NotImplementedError("`has_ARIANNA_parameter` is deprecated. Use `has_parameter` instead.")
def set_ARIANNA_parameter(self, key, value):
logger.warning("`set_ARIANNA_parameter` is deprecated. Use `set_parameter` instead.")
raise NotImplementedError("`set_ARIANNA_parameter` is deprecated. Use `set_parameter` instead.")