Source code for NuRadioReco.framework.event

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import pickle
import NuRadioReco.framework.station
import NuRadioReco.framework.radio_shower
import NuRadioReco.framework.emitter
import NuRadioReco.framework.sim_emitter
import NuRadioReco.framework.hybrid_information
import NuRadioReco.framework.particle
import NuRadioReco.framework.parameters as parameters
import NuRadioReco.utilities.version
from six import itervalues
import collections
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('Event')

[docs]class Event: def __init__(self, run_number, event_id): self._parameters = {} self.__run_number = run_number self._id = event_id self.__stations = collections.OrderedDict() self.__radio_showers = collections.OrderedDict() self.__sim_showers = collections.OrderedDict() self.__sim_emitters = collections.OrderedDict() self.__event_time = 0 self.__particles = collections.OrderedDict() # stores a dictionary of simulated MC particles in an event self._generator_info = {} # copies over the relevant information on event generation from the input file attributes self.__hybrid_information = NuRadioReco.framework.hybrid_information.HybridInformation() self.__modules_event = [] # saves which modules were executed with what parameters on event level self.__modules_station = {} # saves which modules were executed with what parameters on station level
[docs] def register_module_event(self, instance, name, kwargs): """ registers modules applied to this event Parameters ---------- instance: module instance the instance of the module that should be registered name: module name the name of the module kwargs: the key word arguments of the run method """ self.__modules_event.append([name, instance, kwargs])
[docs] def register_module_station(self, station_id, instance, name, kwargs): """ registers modules applied to this event Parameters ---------- station_id: int the station id instance: module instance the instance of the module that should be registered name: module name the name of the module kwargs: the key word arguments of the run method """ if station_id not in self.__modules_station: self.__modules_station[station_id] = [] iE = len(self.__modules_event) self.__modules_station[station_id].append([iE, name, instance, kwargs])
[docs] def iter_modules(self, station_id=None): """ returns an interator that loops over all modules. If a station id is provided it loops over all modules that are applied on event or station level (on this particular station). If no station_id is provided, the loop is only over the event modules. The order follows the sequence these modules were applied """ iE = 0 iS = 0 while True: if(station_id in self.__modules_station and (len(self.__modules_station[station_id]) > iS) and self.__modules_station[station_id][iS][0] == iE): iS += 1 yield self.__modules_station[station_id][iS - 1][1:] else: if(len(self.__modules_event) == iE): break iE += 1 yield self.__modules_event[iE - 1]
[docs] def get_parameter(self, key): if not isinstance(key, parameters.eventParameters): logger.error("parameter key needs to be of type NuRadioReco.framework.parameters.eventParameters") raise ValueError("parameter key needs to be of type NuRadioReco.framework.parameters.eventParameters") return self._parameters[key]
[docs] def set_parameter(self, key, value): if not isinstance(key, parameters.eventParameters): logger.error("parameter key needs to be of type NuRadioReco.framework.parameters.eventParameters") raise ValueError("parameter key needs to be of type NuRadioReco.framework.parameters.eventParameters") self._parameters[key] = value
[docs] def has_parameter(self, key): if not isinstance(key, parameters.eventParameters): logger.error("parameter key needs to be of type NuRadioReco.framework.parameters.eventParameters") raise ValueError("parameter key needs to be of type NuRadioReco.framework.parameters.eventParameters") return key in self._parameters
[docs] def get_generator_info(self, key): if not isinstance(key, parameters.generatorAttributes): logger.error("generator information key needs to be of type NuRadioReco.framework.parameters.generatorAttributes") raise ValueError("generator information key needs to be of type NuRadioReco.framework.parameters.generatorAttributes") return self._generator_info[key]
[docs] def set_generator_info(self, key, value): if not isinstance(key, parameters.generatorAttributes): logger.error("generator information key needs to be of type NuRadioReco.framework.parameters.generatorAttributes") raise ValueError("generator information key needs to be of type NuRadioReco.framework.parameters.generatorAttributes") self._generator_info[key] = value
[docs] def has_generator_info(self, key): if not isinstance(key, parameters.generatorAttributes): logger.error("generator information key needs to be of type NuRadioReco.framework.parameters.generatorAttributes") raise ValueError("generator information key needs to be of type NuRadioReco.framework.parameters.generatorAttributes") return key in self._generator_info
[docs] def get_id(self): return self._id
[docs] def set_id(self, evt_id): self._id = evt_id
[docs] def get_run_number(self): return self.__run_number
[docs] def get_station(self, station_id=None): """ Returns the station for a given station id. Parameters ---------- station_id: int Id of the station you want to get. If None and event has only one station return it, otherwise raise error. (Default: None) Returns ------- station: NuRadioReco.framework.station """ if station_id is None: if len(self.get_station_ids()) == 1: return self.__stations[self.get_station_ids()[0]] else: err = "Event has more than one station, you have to specify \"station_id\"" logger.error(err) raise ValueError(err) return self.__stations[station_id]
[docs] def get_stations(self): for station in itervalues(self.__stations): yield station
[docs] def get_station_ids(self): return list(self.__stations.keys())
[docs] def set_station(self, station): self.__stations[station.get_id()] = station
[docs] def has_triggered(self, trigger_name=None): """ Returns true if any station has been triggered. Parameters ---------- trigger_name: string or None (default None) * if None: The function returns False if not trigger was set. If one or multiple triggers were set, it returns True if any of those triggers triggered * if trigger name is set: return if the trigger with name 'trigger_name' has a trigger Returns ------- has_triggered : bool """ for station in self.get_stations(): if station.has_triggered(trigger_name): return True # if it reaches this point, no station has a trigger return False
[docs] def add_particle(self, particle): """ Adds a MC particle to the event Parameters ---------- particle : NuRadioReco.framework.particle.Particle The MC particle to be added to the event """ if not isinstance(particle, NuRadioReco.framework.particle.Particle): logger.error("Requested to add non-Particle item to the list of particles. {particle} needs to be an instance of Particle.") raise TypeError("Requested to add non-Particle item to the list of particles. {particle} needs to be an instance of Particle.") if particle.get_id() in self.__particles: logger.error("MC particle with id {particle.get_id()} already exists. Simulated particle id needs to be unique per event") raise AttributeError("MC particle with id {particle.get_id()} already exists. Simulated particle id needs to be unique per event") self.__particles[particle.get_id()] = particle
[docs] def get_particles(self): """ Returns an iterator over the MC particles stored in the event """ for particle in self.__particles.values(): yield particle
[docs] def get_particle(self, particle_id): """ returns a specific MC particle identified by its unique id """ if particle_id not in self.__particles: raise AttributeError(f"MC particle with id {particle_id} not present") return self.__particles[particle_id]
[docs] def get_primary(self): """ returns a first MC particle """ if len(self.__particles) == 0: return None return self.get_particle(0)
[docs] def get_parent(self, particle_or_shower): """ returns the parent of a particle or a shower """ if isinstance(particle_or_shower, NuRadioReco.framework.base_shower.BaseShower): par_id = particle_or_shower[parameters.showerParameters.parent_id] elif isinstance(particle_or_shower, NuRadioReco.framework.particle.Particle): par_id = particle_or_shower[parameters.particleParameters.parent_id] else: raise ValueError("particle_or_shower needs to be an instance of NuRadioReco.framework.base_shower.BaseShower or NuRadioReco.framework.particle.Particle") if par_id is None:"did not find parent for {particle_or_shower}") return None return self.get_particle(par_id)
[docs] def has_particle(self, particle_id=None): """ Returns true if at least one MC particle is stored in the event If particle_id is given, it checks if this particular MC particle exists """ if particle_id is None: return len(self.__particles) > 0 return particle_id in self.__particles.keys()
[docs] def get_interaction_products(self, parent_particle, showers=True, particles=True): """ Return all the daughter particles and showers generated in the interaction of the <parent_particle> Parameters ---------- showers: bool Include simulated showers in the list showers: bool Include simulated particles in the list """ parent_id = parent_particle.get_id() # iterate over sim_showers to look for parent id if showers is True: for shower in self.get_showers(): if shower[parameters.showerParameters.parent_id] == parent_id: yield shower # iterate over secondary particles to look for parent id if particles is True: for particle in self.get_particles(): if particle[parameters.particleParameters.parent_id] == parent_id: yield particle
[docs] def add_shower(self, shower): """ Adds a radio shower to the event Parameters ---------- shower: RadioShower object The shower to be added to the event """ if(shower.get_id() in self.__radio_showers): logger.error("shower with id {shower.get_id()} already exists. Shower id needs to be unique per event") raise AttributeError("shower with id {shower.get_id()} already exists. Shower id needs to be unique per event") self.__radio_showers[shower.get_id()] = shower
[docs] def get_showers(self, ids=None): """ Returns an iterator over the showers stored in the event Parameters ---------- ids: list of integers A list of station IDs. Only showers that are associated with all stations in the list are returned """ for shower in self.__radio_showers.values(): if ids is None: yield shower elif shower.has_station_ids(ids): yield shower
[docs] def get_shower(self, shower_id): """ returns a specific shower identified by its unique id """ if(shower_id not in self.__radio_showers): raise AttributeError(f"shower with id {shower_id} not present") return self.__radio_showers[shower_id]
[docs] def has_shower(self, shower_id=None): """ Returns true if at least one shower is stored in the event If shower_id is given, it checks if this particular shower exists """ if(shower_id is None): return len(self.__radio_showers) > 0 else: return shower_id in self.__radio_showers.keys()
[docs] def get_first_shower(self, ids=None): """ Returns only the first shower stored in the event. Useful in cases when there is only one shower in the event. Parameters ---------- ids: list of integers A list of station IDs. The first shower that is associated with all stations in the list is returned """ if len(self.__radio_showers) == 0: return None if ids is None: shower_ids = list(self.__radio_showers.keys()) return self.__radio_showers[shower_ids[0]] for shower in self.__radio_showers: if shower.has_station_ids(ids): return shower return None
[docs] def add_sim_shower(self, sim_shower): """ Add a simulated shower to the event Parameters ---------- sim_shower: RadioShower object The shower to be added to the event """ if not isinstance(sim_shower, NuRadioReco.framework.radio_shower.RadioShower): raise AttributeError("sim_shower needs to be of type NuRadioReco.framework.radio_shower.RadioShower") if(sim_shower.get_id() in self.__sim_showers): logger.error(f"sim shower with id {sim_shower.get_id()} already exists. Shower id needs to be unique per event") raise AttributeError(f"sim shower with id {sim_shower.get_id()} already exists. Shower id needs to be unique per event") self.__sim_showers[sim_shower.get_id()] = sim_shower
[docs] def get_sim_showers(self): """ Get an iterator over all simulated showers in the event """ for shower in self.__sim_showers.values(): yield shower
[docs] def get_sim_shower(self, shower_id): """ returns a specific shower identified by its unique id """ if(shower_id not in self.__sim_showers): raise AttributeError(f"sim shower with id {shower_id} not present") return self.__sim_showers[shower_id]
[docs] def get_first_sim_shower(self, ids=None): """ Returns only the first sim shower stored in the event. Useful in cases when there is only one shower in the event. Parameters ---------- ids: list of integers A list of station IDs. The first shower that is associated with all stations in the list is returned """ if len(self.__sim_showers) == 0: return None if ids is None: shower_ids = list(self.__sim_showers.keys()) return self.__sim_showers[shower_ids[0]] for shower in self.__sim_showers: if shower.has_station_ids(ids): return shower return None
[docs] def has_sim_shower(self, shower_id=None): """ Returns true if at least one simulated shower is stored in the event If shower_id is given, it checks if this particular shower exists """ if(shower_id is None): return shower_id in self.__sim_showers.keys() else: return len(self.__sim_showers) > 0
[docs] def add_sim_emitter(self, sim_emitter): """ Add a simulated emitter to the event Parameters ---------- sim_emitter: SimEmitter object The emitter to be added to the event """ if not isinstance(sim_emitter, NuRadioReco.framework.sim_emitter.SimEmitter): raise AttributeError(f"emitter needs to be of type NuRadioReco.framework.sim_emitter.SimEmitter but is of type {type(sim_emitter)}") if(sim_emitter.get_id() in self.__sim_emitters): logger.error(f"sim emitter with id {sim_emitter.get_id()} already exists. Emitter id needs to be unique per event") raise AttributeError(f"sim emitter with id {sim_emitter.get_id()} already exists. Emitter id needs to be unique per event") self.__sim_emitters[sim_emitter.get_id()] = sim_emitter
[docs] def get_sim_emitters(self): """ Get an iterator over all simulated emitters in the event """ for emitter in self.__sim_emitters.values(): yield emitter
[docs] def get_sim_emitter(self, emitter_id): """ returns a specific emitter identified by its unique id """ if(emitter_id not in self.__sim_emitters): raise AttributeError(f"sim emitter with id {emitter_id} not present") return self.__sim_emitters[emitter_id]
[docs] def get_first_sim_emitter(self, ids=None): """ Returns only the first sim emitter stored in the event. Useful in cases when there is only one emitter in the event. Parameters ---------- station_ids: list of integers A list of station IDs. The first emitter that is associated with all stations in the list is returned """ if len(self.__sim_emitters) == 0: return None if ids is None: emitter_ids = list(self.__sim_emitters.keys()) return self.__sim_emitters[emitter_ids[0]] for emitter in self.__sim_emitters: if emitter.has_station_ids(ids): return emitter return None
[docs] def has_sim_emitter(self, emitter_id=None): """ Returns true if at least one simulated emitter is stored in the event If emitter_id is given, it checks if this particular emitter exists """ if(emitter_id is None): return emitter_id in self.__sim_emitters.keys() else: return len(self.__sim_emitters) > 0
[docs] def get_hybrid_information(self): """ Get information about hybrid detector data stored in the event. """ return self.__hybrid_information
[docs] def serialize(self, mode): stations_pkl = [] try: commit_hash = NuRadioReco.utilities.version.get_NuRadioMC_commit_hash() self.set_parameter(parameters.eventParameters.hash_NuRadioMC, commit_hash) except: logger.warning("Event is serialized without commit hash!") self.set_parameter(parameters.eventParameters.hash_NuRadioMC, None) for station in self.get_stations(): stations_pkl.append(station.serialize(mode)) showers_pkl = [shower.serialize() for shower in self.get_showers()] sim_showers_pkl = [shower.serialize() for shower in self.get_sim_showers()] sim_emitters_pkl = [emitter.serialize() for emitter in self.get_sim_emitters()] particles_pkl = [particle.serialize() for particle in self.get_particles()] hybrid_info = self.__hybrid_information.serialize() modules_out_event = [] for value in self.__modules_event: # remove module instances (this will just blow up the file size) modules_out_event.append([value[0], None, value[2]]) invalid_keys = [key for key,val in value[2].items() if isinstance(val, BaseException)] if len(invalid_keys): logger.warning(f"The following arguments to module {value[0]} could not be serialized and will not be stored: {invalid_keys}") modules_out_station = {} for key in self.__modules_station: # remove module instances (this will just blow up the file size) modules_out_station[key] = [] for value in self.__modules_station[key]: modules_out_station[key].append([value[0], value[1], None, value[3]]) invalid_keys = [key for key,val in value[3].items() if isinstance(val, BaseException)] if len(invalid_keys): logger.warning(f"The following arguments to module {value[0]} could not be serialized and will not be stored: {invalid_keys}") data = {'_parameters': self._parameters, '__run_number': self.__run_number, '_id': self._id, '__event_time': self.__event_time, 'stations': stations_pkl, 'showers': showers_pkl, 'sim_showers': sim_showers_pkl, 'sim_emitters': sim_emitters_pkl, 'particles': particles_pkl, 'hybrid_info': hybrid_info, 'generator_info': self._generator_info, '__modules_event': modules_out_event, '__modules_station': modules_out_station } return pickle.dumps(data, protocol=4)
[docs] def deserialize(self, data_pkl): data = pickle.loads(data_pkl) for station_pkl in data['stations']: station = NuRadioReco.framework.station.Station(0) station.deserialize(station_pkl) self.set_station(station) if 'showers' in data.keys(): for shower_pkl in data['showers']: shower = NuRadioReco.framework.radio_shower.RadioShower(None) shower.deserialize(shower_pkl) self.add_shower(shower) if 'sim_showers' in data.keys(): for shower_pkl in data['sim_showers']: shower = NuRadioReco.framework.radio_shower.RadioShower(None) shower.deserialize(shower_pkl) self.add_sim_shower(shower) if 'sim_emitters' in data.keys(): for emmitter_pkl in data['sim_emitters']: emitter = NuRadioReco.framework.sim_emitter.SimEmitter(None) emitter.deserialize(emmitter_pkl) self.add_sim_emitter(emitter) if 'particles' in data.keys(): for particle_pkl in data['particles']: particle = NuRadioReco.framework.particle.Particle(None) particle.deserialize(particle_pkl) self.add_particle(particle) self.__hybrid_information = NuRadioReco.framework.hybrid_information.HybridInformation() if 'hybrid_info' in data.keys(): self.__hybrid_information.deserialize(data['hybrid_info']) self._parameters = data['_parameters'] self.__run_number = data['__run_number'] self._id = data['_id'] self.__event_time = data['__event_time'] if 'generator_info' in data.keys(): self._generator_info = data['generator_info'] if "__modules_event" in data: self.__modules_event = data['__modules_event'] if "__modules_station" in data: self.__modules_station = data['__modules_station']