Source code for NuRadioReco.framework.sim_station

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import NuRadioReco.framework.base_station
import NuRadioReco.framework.sim_channel
import collections
import pickle
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('NuRadioReco.SimStation')

[docs] class SimStation(NuRadioReco.framework.base_station.BaseStation): def __init__(self, station_id): NuRadioReco.framework.base_station.BaseStation.__init__(self, station_id) self.__magnetic_field_vector = None self.__simulation_weight = None self.__channels = collections.OrderedDict() self.__candidate = None
[docs] def set_candidate(self, candidate_status): """ Set the candidate for the simulation station. True means the station is a candidate for producing a trigger. Parameters ---------- candidate_status : bool If the station is a candidate for producing a trigger. Returns ------- None """ if not isinstance(candidate_status, bool) and candidate_status is not None: raise ValueError("The candidate_status must be a bool or None.") self.__candidate = candidate_status
[docs] def is_candidate(self): """ Returns whether the station is a candidate for producing a trigger. Returns ------- bool True if the station is a candidate for producing a trigger, False otherwise. """ if self.__candidate is None: raise ValueError("The candidate status has not been set.") return self.__candidate
[docs] def get_magnetic_field_vector(self): return self.__magnetic_field_vector
[docs] def set_magnetic_field_vector(self, magnetic_field_vector): self.__magnetic_field_vector = magnetic_field_vector
[docs] def get_simulation_weight(self): return self.__simulation_weight
[docs] def set_simulation_weight(self, simulation_weight): self.__simulation_weight = simulation_weight
[docs] def iter_channels(self): for channel in self.__channels.values(): yield channel
[docs] def add_channel(self, channel, overwrite=False): """ Add a `SimChannel` to the `SimStation`. Parameters ---------- channel: `NuRadioReco.framework.sim_channel.SimChannel` Channel to be added. overwrite: bool (Default: False) If True, allow to overwrite a existing channel (i.e., a channel with the same unique identifier). If False, raise AttributeError if a channel with the same identifier is being added """ if not isinstance(channel, NuRadioReco.framework.sim_channel.SimChannel): raise AttributeError("`Channel` needs to be of type `NuRadioReco.framework.sim_channel.SimChannel`") if not overwrite and channel.get_unique_identifier() in self.__channels: raise AttributeError( f"Channel with the unique identifier {channel.get_unique_identifier()} is already present in SimStation") self.__channels[channel.get_unique_identifier()] = channel
[docs] def get_channel(self, unique_identifier): """ returns channel identified by the triple (channel_id, shower_id, ray_tracing_id) """ return self.__channels[unique_identifier]
[docs] def get_channel_ids(self): """ returns a list with the channel IDs of all simChannels of the simStation """ channel_ids = [] for unique_identifier in self.__channels.keys(): if unique_identifier[0] not in channel_ids: channel_ids.append(unique_identifier[0]) channel_ids.sort() return channel_ids
[docs] def get_shower_ids(self): """ returns a list with the shower IDs of all simChannels of the simStation """ shower_ids = [] for unique_identifier in self.__channels.keys(): if unique_identifier[1] not in shower_ids: shower_ids.append(unique_identifier[1]) shower_ids.sort() return shower_ids
[docs] def get_ray_tracing_ids(self): """ returns a list with the raytracing IDs of all simChannels of the simStation """ ray_tracing_ids = [] for unique_identifier in self.__channels.keys(): if unique_identifier[2] not in ray_tracing_ids: ray_tracing_ids.append(unique_identifier[2]) ray_tracing_ids.sort() return ray_tracing_ids
[docs] def get_channels_by_channel_id(self, channel_id): """ returns all simChannels that have the given channel_id """ for channel in self.__channels.values(): if channel.get_id() == channel_id: yield channel
[docs] def get_channels_by_shower_id(self, shower_id): """ returns all simChannels that have the given shower_id """ for channel in self.__channels.values(): if channel.get_shower_id() == shower_id: yield channel
[docs] def get_channels_by_ray_tracing_id(self, ray_tracing_id): """ returns all simChannels that have the given ray_tracing_id """ for channel in self.__channels.values(): if channel.get_ray_tracing_solution_id() == ray_tracing_id: yield channel
[docs] def serialize(self, save_channel_traces, save_efield_traces): base_station_pkl = NuRadioReco.framework.base_station.BaseStation.serialize(self, save_efield_traces=save_efield_traces) channels_pkl = [] for channel in self.iter_channels(): channels_pkl.append(channel.serialize(save_trace=save_channel_traces)) data = {'__magnetic_field_vector': self.__magnetic_field_vector, '__simulation_weight': self.__simulation_weight, 'channels': channels_pkl, 'base_station': base_station_pkl} return pickle.dumps(data, protocol=4)
[docs] def deserialize(self, data_pkl): data = pickle.loads(data_pkl) NuRadioReco.framework.base_station.BaseStation.deserialize(self, data['base_station']) self.__magnetic_field_vector = data['__magnetic_field_vector'] self.__simulation_weight = data['__simulation_weight'] if 'channels' in data.keys(): for channel_pkl in data['channels']: channel = NuRadioReco.framework.sim_channel.SimChannel(0, 0, 0) channel.deserialize(channel_pkl) self.add_channel(channel)
def __add__(self, x): """ adds a SimStation object to another SimStation object WARNING: Only channel and efield objects are added but no other meta information """ if not isinstance(x, SimStation): raise AttributeError("Can only add SimStation to SimStation") if self.get_id() != x.get_id(): raise AttributeError("Can only add SimStations with the same ID") for channel in x.iter_channels(): if channel.get_unique_identifier() in self.__channels: raise AttributeError(f"Channel with ID {channel.get_unique_identifier()} already present in SimStation") self.add_channel(channel) efield_ids = self.get_electric_field_ids() for efield in x.get_electric_fields(): if efield.get_unique_identifier() in efield_ids: raise AttributeError(f"Electric field with unique identifier {efield.get_unique_identifier()} already present in SimStation") self.add_electric_field(efield) return self