from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from six import iteritems
import cPickle as pickle
except ImportError:
import pickle
import numpy as np
[docs]def deserialize(triggers_pkl):
triggers = {}
for data_pkl in triggers_pkl:
trigger_type = pickle.loads(data_pkl)['_trigger_type']
if(trigger_type == 'default'):
trigger = Trigger(None)
elif(trigger_type == 'simple_threshold'):
trigger = SimpleThresholdTrigger(None, None)
elif(trigger_type == 'high_low'):
trigger = HighLowTrigger(None, None, None, None, None)
elif(trigger_type == 'simple_phased'):
trigger = SimplePhasedTrigger(None, None)
elif(trigger_type == 'envelope_trigger'):
trigger = EnvelopeTrigger(None, None, None, None)
elif trigger_type == 'int_power':
trigger = IntegratedPowerTrigger(None, None, None)
elif trigger_type == 'envelope_phased':
trigger = EnvelopePhasedTrigger(None, None, None, None)
elif(trigger_type == 'rnog_surface_trigger'):
trigger = RNOGSurfaceTrigger(None, None, None, None)
raise ValueError("unknown trigger type")
triggers[trigger.get_name()] = trigger
return triggers
[docs]class Trigger:
base class to store different triggers
def __init__(self, name, channels=None, trigger_type='default'):
initialize trigger class
name: string
unique name of the trigger
channels: array of ints
the channels that are involved in the trigger
trigger_type: string
the trigger type
self._name = name
self._channels = channels
self._triggered = False
self._trigger_time = None
self._trigger_times = None
self._trigger_type = trigger_type
self._triggered_channels = []
self._pre_trigger_times = None
[docs] def has_triggered(self):
returns true if station has trigger, false otherwise
return self._triggered
[docs] def set_triggered(self, triggered=True):
""" set the trigger to True or False """
self._triggered = triggered
[docs] def set_trigger_time(self, time):
""" set the trigger time
time: float
the trigger time from the beginning of the trace
self._trigger_time = time
[docs] def get_trigger_time(self):
get the trigger time (absolute time with respect to the beginning of the event)
return self._trigger_time
[docs] def set_trigger_times(self, times):
""" set the trigger times
times: array
all trigger times
self._trigger_times = times
[docs] def get_trigger_times(self):
get the trigger times (time with respect to beginning of trace)
if self._trigger_times is None and not np.isnan(self._trigger_time):
return np.array(self._trigger_time)
return self._trigger_times
[docs] def get_name(self):
""" get trigger name """
return self._name
[docs] def get_type(self):
""" get trigger type """
return self._trigger_type
[docs] def get_triggered_channels(self):
""" get IDs of channels that have triggered """
return self._triggered_channels
[docs] def set_triggered_channels(self, triggered_channels):
self._triggered_channels = triggered_channels
[docs] def set_pre_trigger_times(self, pre_trigger_times):
Set the pre-trigger times
This parameter should only be set if this trigger
determines the readout windows (e.g. by :class:`NuRadioReco.modules.triggerTimeAdjuster`)
pre_trigger_times: dict
keys are the channel_ids, and the value is the pre_trigger_time between the
start of the trace and the trigger time.
self._pre_trigger_times = pre_trigger_times
[docs] def get_pre_trigger_times(self):
Return the pre_trigger_time between the start of the trace and the (global) trigger time
If this trigger has not been used to adjust the readout windows, returns None instead
pre_trigger_times: dict | None
If this trigger has been used to set the readout windows, returns a
dictionary where the keys are the channel ids and the values are the
time between the start of the channel trace and the trigger time. Otherwise,
returns None
return self._pre_trigger_times
[docs] def serialize(self):
return pickle.dumps(self.__dict__, protocol=4)
[docs] def deserialize(self, data_pkl):
for key, value in iteritems(pickle.loads(data_pkl)):
setattr(self, key, value)
def __str__(self):
output = ""
for key, value in iteritems(self.__dict__):
output += "{}: {}\n".format(key[1:], value)
return output
[docs] def get_trigger_settings(self):
output = {}
for key, value in iteritems(self.__dict__):
output[key[1:]] = value
return output
[docs]class SimpleThresholdTrigger(Trigger):
def __init__(self, name, threshold, channels=None, number_of_coincidences=1,
initialize trigger class
name: string
unique name of the trigger
threshold: float or dict of floats
the threshold
channels: array of ints or None
the channels that are involved in the trigger
default: None, i.e. all channels
number_of_coincidences: int
the number of channels that need to fulfill the trigger condition
default: 1
channel_coincidence_window: float or None (default)
the coincidence time between triggers of different channels
Trigger.__init__(self, name, channels, 'simple_threshold')
self._threshold = threshold
self._number_of_coincidences = number_of_coincidences
self._coinc_window = channel_coincidence_window
[docs]class EnvelopePhasedTrigger(Trigger):
def __init__(self, name, threshold_factor, power_mean, power_std,
triggered_channels=None, phasing_angles=None, trigger_delays=None,
output_passband=(None, None)):
initialize trigger class
name: string
unique name of the trigger
threshold_factor: float
the threshold factor
power_mean: float
mean of the noise trace after being filtered with the diode
power_std: float
standard deviation of the noise trace after being filtered with the
diode. power_mean and power_std can be calculated with the function
calculate_noise_parameters from utilities.diodeSimulator
triggered_channels: array of ints or None
the channels that are involved in the main phased beam
default: None, i.e. all channels
phasing_angles: array of floats or None
the angles for each beam
trigger_delays: dictionary
the delays for the channels that have caused a trigger.
If there is no trigger, it's an empty dictionary
output_passband: (float, float) tuple
Frequencies for a 6th-order Butterworth filter to be applied after
the diode filtering.
Trigger.__init__(self, name, triggered_channels, 'envelope_phased')
self._triggered_channels = triggered_channels
self._phasing_angles = phasing_angles
self._threshold_factor = threshold_factor
self._power_mean = power_mean
self._power_std = power_std
self._trigger_delays = trigger_delays
self._output_passband = output_passband
[docs]class SimplePhasedTrigger(Trigger):
def __init__(self, name, threshold, channels=None, secondary_channels=None,
primary_angles=None, secondary_angles=None,
trigger_delays=None, sec_trigger_delays=None,
window_size=None, step_size=None,
initialize trigger class
name: string
unique name of the trigger
threshold: float
the threshold
channels: array of ints or None
the channels that are involved in the main phased beam
default: None, i.e. all channels
secondary_channels: array of ints or None
the channels involved in the secondary phased beam
primary_angles: array of floats or None
the angles for each subbeam of the primary phasing
secondary_angles: array of floats or None
the angles for each subbeam of the secondary phasing
trigger_delays: dictionary
the delays for the primary channels that have caused a trigger.
If there is no trigger, it's an empty dictionary
sec_trigger_delays: dictionary
the delays for the secondary channels that have caused a trigger.
If there is no trigger or no secondary channels, it's an empty dictionary
window_size: int
the size of the integration window (units of ADC time ticks)
step_size: int
the size of the stride between calculating the phasing (units of ADC time ticks)
maximum_amps: list of floats (length equal to that of `phasing_angles`)
the maximum value of all the integration windows for each of the phased waveforms
Trigger.__init__(self, name, channels, 'simple_phased')
self._primary_channels = channels
self._primary_angles = primary_angles
self._secondary_channels = secondary_channels
self._secondary_angles = secondary_angles
self._threshold = threshold
self._trigger_delays = trigger_delays
self._sec_trigger_delays = sec_trigger_delays
self._window_size = window_size
self._step_side = step_size
self._maximum_amps = maximum_amps
[docs]class HighLowTrigger(Trigger):
def __init__(self, name, threshold_high, threshold_low, high_low_window,
channel_coincidence_window, channels=None, number_of_coincidences=1):
initialize trigger class
name: string
unique name of the trigger
threshold_high: float or dict of floats
the high threshold
threshold_low: float or dict of floats
the low threshold
high_low_window: float
the coincidence time between a high and low per channel
channel_coincidence_window: float
the coincidence time between triggers of different channels
channels: array of ints or None
the channels that are involved in the trigger
default: None, i.e. all channels
number_of_coincidences: int
the number of channels that need to fulfill the trigger condition
default: 1
Trigger.__init__(self, name, channels, 'high_low')
self._number_of_coincidences = number_of_coincidences
self._threshold_high = threshold_high
self._threshold_low = threshold_low
self._high_low_window = high_low_window
self._coinc_window = channel_coincidence_window
[docs]class IntegratedPowerTrigger(Trigger):
def __init__(self, name, threshold, channel_coincidence_window, channels=None, number_of_coincidences=1,
power_mean=None, power_std=None, integration_window=None):
initialize trigger class
name: string
unique name of the trigger
threshold: float
the threshold
channel_coincidence_window: float
the coincidence time between triggers of different channels
channels: array of ints or None
the channels that are involved in the trigger
default: None, i.e. all channels
number_of_coincidences: int
the number of channels that need to fulfill the trigger condition
default: 1
Trigger.__init__(self, name, channels, 'int_power')
self._number_of_coincidences = number_of_coincidences
self._threshold = threshold
self._coinc_window = channel_coincidence_window
self._power_mean = power_mean
self._power_std = power_std
self._integration_window = integration_window
[docs]class EnvelopeTrigger(Trigger):
def __init__(self, name, passband, order, threshold, number_of_coincidences=2,
channel_coincidence_window=None, channels=None):
initialize trigger class
name: string
unique name of the trigger
passband: array
the passband in which the trigger should apply
order: int
order of filtertype 'butterabs'
threshold: float
the threshold
channels: array of ints or None
the channels that are involved in the trigger
default: None, i.e. all channels
number_of_coincidences: int
the number of channels that need to fulfill the trigger condition
default: 1
channel_coincidence_window: float or None (default)
the coincidence time between triggers of different channels
Trigger.__init__(self, name, channels, 'envelope_trigger')
self._passband = passband
self._order = order
self._threshold = threshold
self._number_of_coincidences = number_of_coincidences
self._coinc_window = channel_coincidence_window
[docs]class RNOGSurfaceTrigger(Trigger):
from NuRadioReco.utilities import units
def __init__(self, name, threshold, number_of_coincidences=1,
channel_coincidence_window=60*units.ns, channels=[13, 16, 19], temperature=250*units.kelvin, Vbias=2*units.volt):
initialize trigger class
name: string
unique name of the trigger
threshold: float
the threshold
number_of_coincidences: int
the number of channels that need to fulfill the trigger condition
default: 1
channel_coincidence_window: float or None (default)
the coincidence time between triggers of different channels
channels: array of ints or None
the channels that are involved in the trigger
default: None, i.e. all channels
temperature: float
temperature of the trigger board
Vbias: float
bias voltage on the trigger board
Trigger.__init__(self, name, channels, 'rnog_surface_trigger')
self._threshold = threshold
self._number_of_coincidences = number_of_coincidences
self._coinc_window = channel_coincidence_window
self._temperature = temperature
self._Vbias = Vbias