from NuRadioReco.utilities import units
from NuRadioReco.modules.base.module import register_run
import numpy as np
import logging
from NuRadioReco.framework.trigger import IntegratedPowerTrigger
from NuRadioReco.utilities.diodeSimulator import diodeSimulator
logger = logging.getLogger('NuRadioReco.ARA.triggerSimulator')
class triggerSimulator:
Calculates the trigger of an event.
Uses the ARA trigger logic of a tunnel diode.
Implementation similar to PyRex by Ben Hokanson-Fasig/
def __init__(self):
self.__t = 0
self._power_mean = None
self._power_std = None
self._diode = diodeSimulator()
self.power_threshold = None
logger.warning("This module does not contain cutting the trace to ARA specific parameters.")
def has_triggered(self, channel):
Check if the detector system triggers on a given channel.
Passes the signal through the tunnel diode. Then compares the maximum
and minimum values to a tunnel diode noise signal. Triggers if one of
the maximum or minimum values exceed the noise mean +/- the noise rms
times the power threshold.
channel : Channel
`Channel` object on which to test the trigger condition.
Whether or not the antenna triggers on `channel`.
# Send signal through tunnel_diode
after_tunnel_diode = self._diode.tunnel_diode(channel)
low_trigger = (self._power_mean - self._power_std * np.abs(self.power_threshold))
return np.min(after_tunnel_diode) < low_trigger
def run(self, evt, station, det,
coinc_window=110 * units.ns,
simulate ARA trigger logic
evt: Event
The event on which to run the module
station: Station
The station on which to run the module
det: Detector or GenericDetector
The detector description
power_threshold: float
The factor of sigma that the signal needs to exceed the noise
coinc_window: float
time window in which number_concidences channels need to trigger
number_concidences: int
number of channels that are requried in coincidence to trigger a station
triggered_channels: array of ints
channels ids that are triggered on
power_mean : float
Parameter extracted in ARA from noise.
If not given, it is calculated from generic noise
power_std : float
Parameter extracted in ARA from noise.
If not given, it is calculated from generic noise
trigger_name: string
a unique name of this particular trigger
# if the run method specifies power mean and rms we use these values,
# if the parameters are None, the power mean and rms gets calculated for
# some standard assumptions on the noise RMS and it needs to be done only once
if triggered_channels is None:
triggered_channels = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
if(power_mean is not None and power_std is not None):
self._power_mean = power_mean
self._power_std = power_std
error_msg = 'The power_mean and power_std parameters are not defined. '
error_msg += 'Please define them. You can use the calculate_noise_parameters '
error_msg += 'function in utilities.diodeSimulator to do so.'
raise ValueError(error_msg)
self.power_threshold = power_threshold
# No coincidence requirement yet
trigger = {}
trigger_times = []
times_min = []
times_max = []
sampling_rates = []
number_triggered_channels = 0
for channel in station.iter_channels():
channel_id = channel.get_id()
if channel_id not in triggered_channels:
trigger[channel_id] = self.has_triggered(channel)
if trigger[channel_id]:
number_triggered_channels += 1
times = channel.get_times()
trace_after_diode = self._diode.tunnel_diode(channel)
arg_trigger = np.argmin(trace_after_diode)
has_triggered = False
trigger_time = None
if (number_triggered_channels >= number_concidences):
trace_times = np.arange(np.min(times_min), np.max(times_max),
1 / np.min(sampling_rates))
trigger_times = np.array(trigger_times)
slice_left = int(coinc_window / 2 / (trace_times[1] - trace_times[0]))
slice_right = len(trace_times) - slice_left
for trace_time in trace_times[slice_left:slice_right]:
if (np.sum(np.abs(trace_time - trigger_times) <= coinc_window / 2) >= number_concidences):
has_triggered = True
trigger_time = np.min(trigger_times)
trigger = IntegratedPowerTrigger(trigger_name, power_threshold,
coinc_window, channels=triggered_channels,
power_mean=self._power_mean, power_std=self._power_std)
if not has_triggered:
trigger.set_triggered(False)"Station has NOT passed trigger")
trigger_time = 0
trigger.set_trigger_time(trigger_time)"Station has passed trigger, trigger time is {:.1f} ns (sample {})".format(
trigger.get_trigger_time() / units.ns, trigger_time))
def end(self):
from datetime import timedelta
dt = timedelta(seconds=self.__t)"total time used by this module is {}".format(dt))
return dt