Source code for NuRadioReco.modules.LOFAR.beamformingDirectionFitter_LOFAR
import logging
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import radiotools.helper as hp
from scipy import constants
from scipy.signal import hilbert
from scipy.optimize import fmin_powell
from NuRadioReco.utilities import fft
from NuRadioReco.utilities import units
from NuRadioReco.framework.parameters import stationParameters, channelParameters, showerParameters
from NuRadioReco.modules.base.module import register_run
from NuRadioReco.modules.voltageToEfieldConverter import voltageToEfieldConverter
from NuRadioReco.modules.LOFAR.beamforming_utilities import beamformer
lightspeed = constants.c * units.m / units.s
[docs]def geometric_delays(ant_positions, sky):
Returns geometric delays in a matrix.
ant_positions : np.ndarray
The antenna positions to use, formatted as a (nr_of_ant, 3) shaped array.
sky : np.ndarray
The unit vector pointing to the arrival direction, in cartesian coordinates.
delays : np.ndarray
delays =, sky)
delays /= -1 * lightspeed
return delays
[docs]class beamformingDirectionFitter:
Fits the direction per station using interferometry between all the channels with a good enough signal.
def __init__(self):
self.logger = logging.getLogger("NuRadioReco.LOFAR.beamFormingDirectionFitter")
self.__max_iter = None
self.__cr_snr = None
[docs] def begin(self, max_iter, cr_snr=3, logger_level=logging.NOTSET):
Set the values for the fitting procedures.
max_iter : int
The maximum number of iterations to use during the fitting procedure
cr_snr : float, default=3
The minimum SNR a channel should have to be considered having a CR signal.
logger_level : int, default=logging.NOTSET
Use this parameter to override the logging level for this module.
self.__max_iter = max_iter
self.__cr_snr = cr_snr
def _direction_fit(self, station, ant_positions):
Fit the arrival direction by iteratively beamforming the signal and maximising the peak of the time trace.
station : Station object
The station for which to fit the direction
ant_positions : np.ndarray, 2D
The array of antenna positions, to be extracted from the detector description.
freq = station.get_electric_fields()[0].get_frequencies()
# Determine dominant polarisation in Efield by looking for strongest signal in 5 randomly selected traces
random_traces = np.random.choice(station.get_electric_fields(), size=5)
dominant_pol_traces = []
for trace in random_traces:
trace_envelope = np.abs(hilbert(trace.get_trace(), axis=0))
dominant_pol_traces.append(np.argmax(np.max(trace_envelope, axis=1)))
dominant_pol = np.argmax(np.bincount(dominant_pol_traces))
self.logger.debug(f"Dominant polarisation is {dominant_pol}")
# Collect the Efield traces - the e-field from the converter has eR as [0] component -> do +1 in index
fft_traces = np.array([trace.get_frequency_spectrum()[dominant_pol + 1]
for trace in station.get_electric_fields()])
def negative_beamed_signal(direction):
theta = direction[0]
phi = direction[1]
direction_cartesian = hp.spherical_to_cartesian(theta, phi)
delays = geometric_delays(ant_positions, direction_cartesian)
out = beamformer(fft_traces, freq, delays)
timeseries = fft.freq2time(out, 200 * units.MHz) # TODO: is this really necessary?
return -100 * np.max(timeseries ** 2)
start_direction = np.array([station.get_parameter(stationParameters.zenith) / units.rad,
station.get_parameter(stationParameters.azimuth) / units.rad])
fit_direction = fmin_powell(negative_beamed_signal, start_direction,
maxiter=self.__max_iter, xtol=1.0, disp=False)
direction_cartesian = hp.spherical_to_cartesian(*fit_direction)
delays = geometric_delays(ant_positions, direction_cartesian)
out = beamformer(fft_traces, freq, delays)
fit_direction = hp.cartesian_to_spherical(*direction_cartesian)
theta = fit_direction[0]
phi = fit_direction[1]
if phi < 0:
# Radiotools uses np.arctan2, which returns phi in the interval [-pi, pi] -> map to [0, 2*pi]
phi += 360 * units.deg
return [theta, phi], out
[docs] @register_run()
def run(self, event, detector):
reconstruct signal arrival direction for all events through beam forming.
event: Event
The event to run the module on
detector: Detector
The detector object
converter = voltageToEfieldConverter()
for station in event.get_stations():
if not station.get_parameter(stationParameters.triggered):
# Not triggered means no reliable pulse found or not enough antennas to do the fit
zenith = event.get_hybrid_information().get_hybrid_shower("LORA").get_parameter(showerParameters.zenith)
azimuth = event.get_hybrid_information().get_hybrid_shower("LORA").get_parameter(showerParameters.azimuth)
# TODO: get this from Detector description
station_channel_group_ids = set([channel.get_group_id() for channel in station.iter_channels()])
position_array = []
good_antennas = []
for group_id in station_channel_group_ids:
channels = [channel for channel in station.iter_channel_group(group_id)]
# Only use the channels with an acceptable SNR
good_snr = False
for channel in channels:
if channel.get_parameter(channelParameters.SNR) > self.__cr_snr:
good_snr = True
if good_snr:
detector.get_absolute_position(station.get_id()) +
detector.get_relative_position(station.get_id(), channels[0].get_id())
) # the position are the same for every polarisation
good_antennas.append((channels[0].get_id(), channels[1].get_id()))
station.set_parameter(stationParameters.zenith, zenith)
station.set_parameter(stationParameters.azimuth, azimuth)
direction_difference = np.asarray([100, 100])
while direction_difference[0] > 0.5 * units.deg and direction_difference[1] > 0.5 * units.deg:
# Make sure all the previously calculated Efields are removed
# Unfold antenna response for good antennas
for ant in good_antennas:, station, detector, use_channels=ant)
# Perform the direction fit on the station
direction_fit, freq_spectrum = self._direction_fit(
station, position_array
# Check if fit produced unphysical results
if direction_fit[0] > 90 * units.deg:
self.logger.warning(f"Zenith angle {direction_fit[0] / units.deg} is larger than 90 degrees!")
self.logger.error(f"Direction fit could not be completed for station CS{station.get_id():03d}")
# See if the fit converged
zenith_diff = np.abs(station.get_parameter(stationParameters.zenith) / units.rad - direction_fit[0])
azimuth_diff = np.abs(station.get_parameter(stationParameters.azimuth) / units.rad - direction_fit[1])
direction_difference = [zenith_diff, azimuth_diff]
# Bookkeeping
station.set_parameter(stationParameters.zenith, direction_fit[0])
station.set_parameter(stationParameters.azimuth, direction_fit[1])
self.logger.debug('Difference after another fit iteration is %s;' % direction_difference)
self.logger.debug('Direction after this fit iteration is %s;' % direction_fit)"Azimuth (wrt to North) and elevation for station CS{station.get_id():03d}:") - station.get_parameter(stationParameters.azimuth) / units.deg,
90 - station.get_parameter(stationParameters.zenith) / units.deg))
station.set_parameter(stationParameters.cr_zenith, station.get_parameter(stationParameters.zenith))
station.set_parameter(stationParameters.cr_azimuth, station.get_parameter(stationParameters.azimuth))