Source code for NuRadioReco.modules.LOFAR.beamforming_utilities

import numpy as np

from scipy import constants

from NuRadioReco.utilities import units

lightspeed = constants.c * units.m / units.s

[docs] def mini_beamformer(fft_data, frequencies, positions, direction): """ Beamforms the spectra given the arrival direction and antenna positions. This function is a wrapper around the `beamformer()` function, which beamforms the spectra given the timedelay. Here we first calculate the geometric delays in the far field, based on the arrival direction. Parameters ---------- fft_data : np.ndarray The Fourier transformed time traces of all antennae, shaped as (nr_of_ant, nr_of_freq_samples) frequencies : np.ndarray The values of the frequencies samples, shaped as (nr_of_freq_samples,) positions : np.ndarray The position of antenna, shaped as (nr_of_ant, 3) direction : np.ndarray The arrival direction in the sky, in cartesian coordinates, shape (3,) Returns ------- beamformed : np.ndarray The beamformed (ie summed) frequency spectrum Notes ----- Adapted from PyCrTools hBeamformBlock """ delays = geometric_delay_far_field(positions, direction) return beamformer(fft_data, frequencies, delays)
[docs] def beamformer(fft_data, frequencies, delays): """ Beamform the spectra according to the given delays, by phase shifting them according to the time delays and summing up the resulting spectra. Parameters ---------- fft_data : np.ndarray The Fourier transformed time traces of all antennae, shaped as (nr_of_ant, nr_of_freq_samples) frequencies : np.ndarray The values of the frequencies samples, shaped as (nr_of_freq_samples,) delays : np.ndarray The delay per antenna, shaped as (nr_of_ant,) Returns ------- beamformed : np.ndarray The beamformed (ie summed) frequency spectrum """ real = 1.0 * np.cos(2 * np.pi * frequencies[np.newaxis, :] * delays[:, np.newaxis]) imag = 1.0 * np.sin(2 * np.pi * frequencies[np.newaxis, :] * delays[:, np.newaxis]) de = real + 1j * imag output = fft_data * de return np.sum(output, axis=0) # sum all the antennas together to beamform
[docs] def geometric_delays_near_field(ant_pos, sky): """ Calculate the geometric delays of given antenna position, given a source location in the sky. Parameters ---------- ant_pos : array_like Antenna positions sky : array_like Source location in the sky Returns ------- delays : array_like The geometric delays for all antenna positions. """ delays = np.linalg.norm(ant_pos - sky, axis=1) / lightspeed return delays
[docs] def geometric_delay_far_field(ant_positions, direction): """ Calculate the geometric delays in the far field approximation, by projecting the positions onto the arrival direction vector and dividing by the lightspeed. If the `direction` vector points towards the incoming direction (as usually calculated using zenith and azimuth), then positive delays correspond to later times compared to the [0, 0, 0] location. Parameters ---------- ant_positions : array_like The positions of the antennae, with shape (nr_of_ant, 3) direction : array_like The arrival direction, in cartesian coordinates """ direction_normalised = np.asarray(direction) / np.linalg.norm(direction) delays =, direction_normalised) delays /= -1 * lightspeed return delays