Source code for NuRadioReco.modules.RNO_G.crRNOGTemplateCreator

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from NuRadioReco.utilities import units
import astropy
import numpy as np
import NuRadioReco.detector.detector as detector
import NuRadioReco.modules.efieldToVoltageConverter
import logging
import NuRadioReco.modules.RNO_G.hardwareResponseIncorporator
import datetime
from NuRadioReco.framework.event import Event
from NuRadioReco.framework.station import Station
from import Channel
from NuRadioReco.framework.sim_station import SimStation
from NuRadioReco.framework.sim_channel import SimChannel
from NuRadioReco.framework.parameters import stationParameters
from NuRadioReco.framework.parameters import electricFieldParameters
from NuRadioReco.framework.electric_field import ElectricField
import pickle
import os
import NuRadioReco.modules.channelBandPassFilter
from NuRadioReco.modules.base.module import register_run

[docs] class crRNOGTemplateCreator: """ Creates CR templates by assuming a gaussian function for the electric field """ def __init__(self): self.logger = logging.getLogger("NuRadioReco.crRNOGTemplateCreator") self.__detector_file = None self.__template_run_id = None self.__template_channel_id = None self.__template_station_id = None self.__sampling_rate = None self.__template_sample_number = None self.__antenna_rotation = None self.__efield_width = None self.__efield_amplitudes = None self.__template_event_id = None self.__cr_zenith = None self.__cr_azimuth = None self.__debug = None self.__template_save_path = None self.__efieldToVoltageConverter = NuRadioReco.modules.efieldToVoltageConverter.efieldToVoltageConverter() self.__hardwareResponseIncorporator = NuRadioReco.modules.RNO_G.hardwareResponseIncorporator.hardwareResponseIncorporator() self.__channelBandPassFilter = NuRadioReco.modules.channelBandPassFilter.channelBandPassFilter()
[docs] def begin(self, detector_file:str, template_save_path:str, debug:bool=False, logger_level:logging.Logger=logging.NOTSET) -> None: """ begin method Parameters ---------- detector_file: str path to the detector file used for the template set template_save_path: str path to a folder where the templates are stored debug: bool, default: False enable/disable debug mode logger_level: str or int, optional Set verbosity level for logger (default: logging.NOTSET) """ self.__detector_file = detector_file self.logger.setLevel(logger_level) # set up the efield to voltage converter self.__efieldToVoltageConverter.begin(debug=debug) self.__debug = debug self.__template_save_path = template_save_path
[docs] def set_template_parameter(self, template_run_id:list[int]=[0, 0, 0], template_event_id:list[int]=[0, 1, 2], template_station_id:list[int]=[101, 101, 101], template_channel_id:list[int]=[0, 0, 0], efield_width:list[float]=[5, 4, 2], antenna_rotation:list[float]=[160, 160, 160], efield_amplitudes:list[float]=[-0.2, 0.8], cr_zenith:list[float]=[55, 55, 55], cr_azimuth:list[float]=[0, 0, 0], sampling_rate:float=3.2 * units.GHz, number_of_samples:int=2048) ->None: """ set_parameter_templates method sets the parameter to create the template set Parameters ---------- template_run_id: list of int, default: [0,0,0] run ids of the artificial templates template_event_id: list of int, default: [0,1,2] event ids of the artificial templates template_station_id: list of int, default: [101,101,101] station ids of the artificial templates template_channel_id: list of int, default: [0,0,0] channel ids of the artificial templates efield_width: list of int, default: [5,4,2] width (in samples) of the gaussian function used to create the Efield antenna_rotation: list of int, default: [160,160,160] rotation angle of the LPDA efield_amplitudes: list of float, default:[-0.2,0.8] array with the amplitudes of the Efield components [E_theta, E_phi] cr_zenith: list of int, default: [55,55,55] zenith angle of the cr for the template cr_azimuth: list of int, default: [0,0,0] azimuth angle of the cr for the template sampling_rate: float, default: 3.2 sampling rate used to build the template number_of_samples: int, default: 2048 number of samples used for the trace """ self.__template_run_id = template_run_id self.__template_event_id = template_event_id self.__template_station_id = template_station_id self.__template_channel_id = template_channel_id self.__efield_width = efield_width self.__efield_amplitudes = efield_amplitudes self.__antenna_rotation = antenna_rotation self.__sampling_rate = sampling_rate self.__template_sample_number = number_of_samples self.__cr_zenith = cr_zenith self.__cr_azimuth = cr_azimuth
[docs] @register_run() def run(self, template_filename:str='templates_cr_station_101.pickle', include_hardware_response:bool=True, hardware_response_source:str='json', return_templates:bool=False, bandpass_filter:None|dict[str,Any]=None) -> None|list[Event]: """ run method creates a pickle file with the Efield trace of the artificial templates Parameters ---------- template_filename: str, default: 'templates_cr_station_101.pickle' filename of the pickle file that will be used to store the templates include_hardware_response: bool, default: True if true, the hardware response of the surface amps (hardwareResponseIncorporator) is applied hardware_response_source: str, default: "json" define if the hardware response is loaded from the json ('json') or from the database ('database') return_templates: bool, default: False if true, the template traces are returned in an addition to saving them in a pickle file bandpass_filter: dict, optional If a dictionary is given, a bandpass filter will be applied to the templates. The dictionary should hold all arguments that are needed for the channelBandPassFilter. Returns ------- template_event: list of `NuRadioReco.framework.event.Event` or None If return templates is True, a list with the templates is returned. """ # if no parameters are set, the standard parameters are used if self.__efield_width is None:"The default parameters are used for template creation.") self.set_template_parameter() template_events = [] save_dic = {} for crz in list(set(self.__cr_zenith)): save_dic_help = {} for cra in list(set(self.__cr_azimuth)): # loop over the different antenna rotation angles: templates = {} for rid, eid, sid, cid, e_width, antrot, cr_zen, cr_az in zip(self.__template_run_id, self.__template_event_id, self.__template_station_id, self.__template_channel_id, self.__efield_width, self.__antenna_rotation, self.__cr_zenith, self.__cr_azimuth): if cr_zen == crz and cr_az == cra: # create the detector det_temp = detector.generic_detector.GenericDetector(json_filename=self.__detector_file, antenna_by_depth=False, create_new=True, log_level='ERROR') det_temp.update(datetime.datetime(2025, 10, 1)) det_temp.get_channel(sid, cid)['ant_rotation_phi'] = antrot station_time = datetime.datetime(2025, 10, 1) temp_evt = _create_Efield(det_temp, rid, eid, cid, sid, station_time, self.__template_sample_number, e_width, self.__efield_amplitudes[1], self.__efield_amplitudes[0], cr_zen, cr_az, self.__sampling_rate, self.__debug), temp_evt.get_station(sid), det_temp) if include_hardware_response: if hardware_response_source == 'json':"The placeholder hardware response from NuRadioMC is applied to the templates."), temp_evt.get_station(sid), det_temp, sim_to_data=True) elif hardware_response_source == 'database':"The hardware response from the database is applied to the templates.") # create a rno-g detetcor to load the hardware response rnog_det = detector.Detector(source="rnog_mongo", log_level=logging.WARNING, always_query_entire_description=False, database_connection='RNOG_public', select_stations=sid) rnog_det.update(datetime.datetime(2023, 3, 4, 0, 0)), temp_evt.get_station(sid), rnog_det, sim_to_data=True) if bandpass_filter is not None: # apply the channelBandPassFilter"The channelBandPassFilter is applied."), temp_evt.get_station(sid), det_temp, **bandpass_filter) if self.__debug: plt.plot(temp_evt.get_station(sid).get_channel(cid).get_times() / units.ns, temp_evt.get_station(sid).get_channel(cid).get_trace()) plt.xlabel('times [ns]') plt.ylabel('amplitudes') plt.plot(temp_evt.get_station(sid).get_channel(cid).get_frequencies() / units.MHz, np.abs(temp_evt.get_station(sid).get_channel(cid).get_frequency_spectrum())) plt.xlabel('frequency [MHz]') plt.ylabel('amplitudes') template_events.append(temp_evt) templates[e_width] = temp_evt.get_station(sid).get_channel(cid).get_trace() if templates != {}: save_dic_help[np.deg2rad(cra)] = templates if save_dic_help != {}: save_dic[np.deg2rad(crz)] = save_dic_help # write as pickle file with open(os.path.join(self.__template_save_path, template_filename), "wb") as pickle_file: pickle.dump([save_dic], pickle_file)"The templates are saved to {os.path.join(self.__template_save_path, template_filename)}") if return_templates: return template_events
def _gaussian_func(x, A, mu, sigma): return A * np.exp(-(x - mu) ** 2 / (2 * sigma ** 2)) def _create_Efield(detector:detector.generic_detector.GenericDetector, run_id:int, event_id:int, channel_id:int, station_id:int, station_time:datetime.datetime, trace_samples:int, gaussian_width:float, e_phi:float, e_theta:float, cr_zenith:float, cr_azimuth:float, sampling_rate:float, debug:bool) -> Event: """ function that creates an event with a gaussian electric field """ event = Event(run_id, event_id) station = Station(station_id) event.set_station(station) station.set_station_time(astropy.time.Time(station_time)) channel = Channel(channel_id) station.add_channel(channel) sim_station = SimStation(station_id) station.set_sim_station(sim_station) sim_channel = SimChannel(channel_id, 0, 0) sim_station.add_channel(sim_channel) detector.set_event(run_id, event_id) electric_field = ElectricField([channel_id]) e_field = [np.zeros(trace_samples), np.zeros(trace_samples), np.zeros(trace_samples)] x_data = np.arange(0, trace_samples, 1) for ii, x in enumerate(x_data): e_field[1][ii] = _gaussian_func(x, e_theta, 1000, gaussian_width) e_field[2][ii] = _gaussian_func(x, e_phi, 1000, gaussian_width) e_field = np.asarray(e_field) electric_field.set_trace(e_field, sampling_rate=sampling_rate) sim_station.add_electric_field(electric_field) if debug: # plot the electric field plt.plot(electric_field.get_times() / units.ns, electric_field.get_trace()[0]) plt.plot(electric_field.get_times() / units.ns, electric_field.get_trace()[1]) plt.plot(electric_field.get_times() / units.ns, electric_field.get_trace()[2]) plt.xlabel('time [ns]') plt.ylabel('electric field') sim_station.set_is_cosmic_ray() val_zenith = cr_zenith * (np.pi / 180) val_azimuth = cr_azimuth * (np.pi / 180) sim_station.set_parameter(stationParameters.zenith, val_zenith) sim_station.set_parameter(stationParameters.azimuth, val_azimuth) electric_field.set_parameter(electricFieldParameters.ray_path_type, 'direct') electric_field.set_parameter(electricFieldParameters.zenith, val_zenith) electric_field.set_parameter(electricFieldParameters.azimuth, val_azimuth) return event