from functools import wraps
from timeit import default_timer as timer
import NuRadioReco.framework.event
import NuRadioReco.framework.base_station
import NuRadioReco.detector.detector as detectors
import inspect
import pickle
[docs]def setup_logger(name="NuRadioReco", level=None):
Set up the parent logger which all module loggers should pass their logs on to. Any handler which was
previously added to the logger is cleared, and a single new `logging.StreamHandler()` with a custom
formatter is added. Next to this, an extra logging level STATUS is added with level=`LOGGING_STATUS`,
which is defined in `` (as of February 2024, its value is 25). Then STATUS is also set as
the default logging level.
.. deprecated:: 2.3.0
`module.setup_logger()` will be removed in v2.4.0 and replaced by
`logging.setup_logger()` from the NuRadioReco utilities folder.
name : str, default="NuRadioReco"
The name of the base logger
level : int, default=25
The logging level to use for the base logger
raise DeprecationWarning("Please update import, the logging module has moved to NuRadioReco.utilities.logging ."
"This function will be removed in v2.4.0 .")
[docs]def register_run(level=None):
Decorator for run methods. This decorator registers the run methods. It allows to keep track of
which module is executed in which order and with what parameters. Also the execution time of each
module is tracked.
def run_decorator(run):
def register_run_method(self, *args, **kwargs):
# the following if/else part finds out if this module operates on full events or on a specific station
# In principle, different modules can be executed on different stations, so we keep it general and save the
# modules station specific.
# The logic is: If the first two arguments are event and station -> station module
# if the first argument is an event and the second not a station -> event module
# if the first argument is not an event -> reader module that creates events. In this case, the module
# returns an event and we use this event to store the module information (but the module actually returns a
# generator, so not sure how to access the event.
evt = None
station = None
signature = inspect.signature(run)
parameters = signature.parameters
# convert args to kwargs to facilitate easier bookkeeping
keys = [key for key in parameters.keys() if key != 'self']
all_kwargs = {key: value for key, value in zip(keys, args)}
all_kwargs.update(kwargs) # this silently overwrites positional args with kwargs, but this is probably okay as we still raise an error later
# include parameters with default values
for key,value in parameters.items():
if key not in all_kwargs.keys():
if value.default is not inspect.Parameter.empty:
all_kwargs[key] = value.default
store_kwargs = {}
for idx, (key, value) in enumerate(all_kwargs.items()):
# event should be the first argument
if isinstance(value, NuRadioReco.framework.event.Event) and idx == 0:
evt = value
# station should be second argument
elif isinstance(value, NuRadioReco.framework.base_station.BaseStation) and idx == 1:
station = value
elif isinstance(value, (detectors.detector_base.DetectorBase, detectors.rnog_detector.Detector)):
pass # we don't try to store detectors
else: # we try to store other arguments IF they are pickleable
pickle.dumps(value, protocol=4)
store_kwargs[key] = value
except (TypeError, AttributeError): # object couldn't be pickled - we store the error instead
store_kwargs[key] = TypeError(f"Argument of type {type(value)} could not be serialized")
if station is not None:
module_level = "station"
elif evt is not None:
module_level = "event"
module_level = "reader"
start = timer()
if module_level == "event":
evt.register_module_event(self, self.__class__.__name__, store_kwargs)
elif module_level == "station":
evt.register_module_station(station.get_id(), self, self.__class__.__name__, store_kwargs)
elif module_level == "reader":
# not sure what to do... function returns generator, not sure how to access the event...
res = run(self, *args, **kwargs)
end = timer()
if self not in register_run_method.time:
# keep track of timing of modules. We use the module instance as key to time different module instances separately.
register_run_method.time[self] = 0
register_run_method.time[self] += (end - start)
return res
register_run_method.time = {}
return register_run_method
return run_decorator