import logging
logger = logging.getLogger("NuRadioReco.channelCWNotchFilter")
import time
import numpy as np
from scipy import signal
from NuRadioReco.utilities import units
from NuRadioReco.utilities import fft
Contains module to filter continuous wave out of the signal using notch filters
on peaks in frequency spectrum
[docs]def find_frequency_peaks_from_trace(trace : np.ndarray, fs : float, threshold : float = 4):
Function fo find the frequency peaks in the real fourier transform of the input trace.
trace : np.ndarray
fs : float
Sampling frequency, (input should be taking from the channel object)
threshold : float, default = 4
Threshold for peak definition. A peak is defined as a point in the frequency spectrum
that exceeds threshold * rms(real fourier transform)
freq_peaks : np.ndarray
Frequencies at which a peak was found
freq = np.fft.rfftfreq(len(trace), d=1/fs)
ft = fft.time2freq(trace, fs)
freq_peaks = find_frequency_peaks(freq, ft, fs=fs, threshold=threshold)
return freq_peaks
[docs]def find_frequency_peaks(freq: np.ndarray, spectrum : np.ndarray, threshold : float = 4):
Function fo find the frequency peaks in the real fourier transform of the input trace.
freq : np.ndarray
Frequencies of a NuRadio time trace
spectrum : np.ndarray
Spectrum of a NuRadio time trace
threshold : float, default = 4
Threshold for peak definition. A peak is defined as a point in the frequency spectrum
that exceeds threshold * rms(real fourier transform)
freq : np.ndarray
Frequencies at which a peak was found
rms = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.abs(spectrum)**2))
peak_idxs = np.where(np.abs(spectrum) > threshold * rms)[0]
return freq[peak_idxs]
[docs]def get_filter(freq : int, fs, quality_factor=1e3, cache=None):
Function to get single notch filter for a given frequency.
freq : np.ndarray
fs : float,
sampling frequency in MHz
quality_factor : int, default = 1000
quality factor of the notch filter, defined as the ratio f0/bw, where f0 is the centre frequency
and bw the bandwidth of the filter at (f0,-3 dB)
cache : dict, default = None,
Optional caching dictionary. The function will check whether the frequency to be filtered
is in the dictionary values and will otherwise add it
!!! Note this does not cache the quality factor information
filter : list, shape (6)
second order IIR notch filter at frequency freq
if cache is not None:
if freq in cache.keys():
return cache[freq]
filter = signal.iirnotch(freq, quality_factor, fs=fs)
if cache is not None:
# Check to avoid cache dictionary overflowing the memory,
# set to roughly stay below 6 MB (every filter is 6 floats + freq = 7 floats ~ 56B)
if len(cache.keys()) < 1e5:
cache[freq] = filter
return filter
[docs]def filter_cws(trace : np.ndarray, freq : np.ndarray, spectrum : np.ndarray, fs : float, quality_factor=1e3, threshold=4,
cache : dict = None,
filters : list = None):
Function that applies a notch filter at the frequency peaks of a given time trace
using the scipy library
trace : np.ndarray
waveform (shape: [2048])
freq : np.ndarray
Frequency of the trace's real fourier transform
the trace's real fourier transform
fs : float
sampling frequency in MHz
quality_factor : int, default = 1000
quality factor of the notch filter, defined as the ratio f0/bw, where f0 is the centre frequency
and bw the bandwidth of the filter at (f0,-3 dB)
threshold : int, default = 4
threshold for peak definition. A peak is defined as a point in the frequency spectrum
that exceeds threshold * rms(real fourier transform)
cache : dict, default = None,
Optional caching dictionary. The function will check whether the frequency to be filtered
is in the dictionary values and will otherwise add it
!!! Note this assumes the quality_factor is the same for all notch filters!!!
filters : NoneType or list, default = None
Optional list to which the filters used in this function can be appended for future reference
trace : np.ndarray
CW-filtered trace
freqs = find_frequency_peaks(freq, spectrum, threshold=threshold)
if len(freqs):
# the array is reshaped to (nr_of_filters, nr_of_coefficients), since iirnotch is a second order IIR,
# the nr_of_coefficients will be 6: 3 for the numerator and 3 for the denumerator, in that order
notch_filters = np.array([get_filter(freq, fs, quality_factor, cache=cache) for freq in freqs]).reshape(-1, 6)
if filters is not None:
logging.debug(f"Shape of notch filters for one channel is: {notch_filters.shape}")
trace_notched = signal.sosfiltfilt(notch_filters, trace, padtype = None)
return trace_notched
# append empty list when filters is specified to ensure
# filters list is shape 24 when looping over channels
if filters is not None:
return trace
[docs]def plot_trace(channel, ax, fs=3.2e9*units.Hz, label=None, plot_kwargs=dict()):
Function to plot trace of given channel
channel : NuRadio channel class
channel from which to get trace
ax : matplotlib.axes
ax on which to plot
fs : float, default = 3.2 Hz
sampling frequency
label : string
plot_kwargs : dict
options for plotting
times = np.arange(2048)/fs / units.ns
trace = channel.get_trace()
legendloc = 2
ax.plot(times, trace, label=label, **plot_kwargs)
ax.set_xlabel("time / ns")
ax.set_ylabel("trace / V")
[docs]def plot_ft(channel, ax, label=None, plot_kwargs=dict()):
Function to plot real frequency spectrum of given channel
channel : NuRadio channel class
channel from which to get trace
ax : matplotlib.axes
ax on which to plot
label : string
plot_kwargs : dict
options for plotting
freqs = channel.get_frequencies()
spec = channel.get_frequency_spectrum()
legendloc = 2
ax.plot(freqs, np.abs(spec), label=label, **plot_kwargs)
ax.set_xlabel("freq / GHz")
ax.set_ylabel("amplitude / V/GHz")
ax.legend(loc = legendloc)
[docs]class channelCWNotchFilter():
""" Continuous wave (CW) filter module. Uses notch filters from the scipy library """
def __init__(self):
[docs] def begin(self, quality_factor=1e3, threshold=4, save_filters=False):
self.quality_factor = quality_factor
self.threshold = threshold
self.filters = [] if save_filters else None
# dictionary to cache known notch filters at specific frequencies
self.filter_cache = {}
[docs] def run(self, event, station, det):
for channel in station.iter_channels():
fs = channel.get_sampling_rate()
freq = channel.get_frequencies()
spectrum = channel.get_frequency_spectrum()
trace = channel.get_trace()
trace_fil = filter_cws(
trace, freq, spectrum, fs, quality_factor=self.quality_factor, threshold=self.threshold,
cache=self.filter_cache, filters=self.filters)
channel.set_trace(trace_fil, fs)
# Standard test for people playing around with module settings, applies the module as one would in a data reading pipeline
# using one event in RNO_G_DATA (choose station and run) as a test
if __name__ == "__main__":
import os
import logging
import argparse
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from import readRNOGData
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="%(prog)s", usage="cw filter test")
parser.add_argument("--station", type=int, default=24)
parser.add_argument("--channel", type = int, default = 0)
parser.add_argument("--run", type=int, default=1)
parser.add_argument("--quality_factor", type=int, default=1e3)
parser.add_argument("--threshold", type=int, default=4)
parser.add_argument("--fs", type=float, default=3.2e9 * units.Hz)
parser.add_argument("--save_dir", type=str, default=None,
help="Directory where to save plot produced by the test.\
If None, saves to NuRadioReco test directory")
args = parser.parse_args()
data_dir = os.environ["RNO_G_DATA"]
rnog_reader = readRNOGData(log_level = logging.DEBUG)
root_dirs = f"{data_dir}/station{args.station}/run{}"
# linear voltage calibration
channelCWNotchFilter = channelCWNotchFilter()
channelCWNotchFilter.begin(quality_factor=args.quality_factor, threshold=args.threshold)
for event in
station_id = event.get_station_ids()[0]
station = event.get_station(station_id)
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(14, 6))
plot_trace(station.get_channel(, axs[0], label="before")
plot_ft(station.get_channel(, axs[1], label="before")
t0 = time.time(), station, det=0)
logger.debug(f"Filter took {time.time() - t0} s to run.")
plot_trace(station.get_channel(, axs[0], label="after")
plot_ft(station.get_channel(, axs[1], label="after")
if args.save_dir is None:
fig_dir = os.path.abspath(f"{__file__}/../../test")
fig_dir = args.save_dir
fig.savefig(f"{fig_dir}/test_cw_filter", bbox_inches="tight")