Source code for NuRadioReco.modules.channelGalacticNoiseAdder

from NuRadioReco.utilities import units, fft, ice, geometryUtilities
from NuRadioReco.modules.base.module import register_run
import NuRadioReco.detector.antennapattern
import logging
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.constants
import scipy.interpolate
import pygdsm
import healpy
import astropy.coordinates
import astropy.units

logger = logging.getLogger('channelGalacticNoiseAdder')

[docs]class channelGalacticNoiseAdder: """ Class that simulates the noise produced by galactic radio emission Uses the pydgsm package (, which provides radio background data based on Oliveira-Costa et al. (2008) ( and Zheng et al. (2016) ( The radio sky model is evaluated on a number of points above the horizon folded with the antenna response. Since evaluating every frequency individually would be too slow, the model is evaluated for a few frequencies and the log10 of the brightness temperature is interpolated in between. """ def __init__(self): self.__debug = None self.__zenith_sample = None self.__azimuth_sample = None self.__n_side = None self.__interpolaiton_frequencies = None self.__gdsm = None self.__antenna_pattern_provider = NuRadioReco.detector.antennapattern.AntennaPatternProvider() self.begin()
[docs] def begin( self, debug=False, n_side=4, interpolation_frequencies=np.arange(10, 1100, 100) * units.MHz ): """ Set up important parameters for the module Parameters ---------- debug: bool, default: False It True, debug plots will be shown n_side: int, default: 4 The n_side parameter of the healpix map. Has to be power of 2 The radio skymap is downsized to the resolution specified by the n_side parameter and for every pixel above the horizon the radio noise coming from that direction is calculated. The number of pixels used is 12 * n_side ** 2, so a larger value for n_side will result better accuracy but also greatly increase computing time. interpolation_frequencies: array of float The sky brightness temperature will be evaluated for the frequencies in this list. Brightness temperature for frequencies in between are calculated by interpolation the log10 of the temperature The interpolation_frequencies have to cover the entire passband specified in the run method. """ self.__debug = debug self.__n_side = n_side self.__interpolaiton_frequencies = interpolation_frequencies
[docs] @register_run() def run( self, event, station, detector, passband=None ): """ Adds noise resulting from galactic radio emission to the channel traces Parameters ---------- event: Event object The event containing the station to whose channels noise shall be added station: Station object The station whose channels noise shall be added to detector: Detector object The detector description passband: list of float Lower and upper bound of the frequency range in which noise shall be added """ if passband is None: passband = [10 * units.MHz, 1000 * units.MHz] self.__gdsm = pygdsm.pygsm.GlobalSkyModel() site_latitude, site_longitude = detector.get_site_coordinates(station.get_id()) site_location = astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation(lat=site_latitude * astropy.units.deg, lon=site_longitude * astropy.units.deg) station_time = station.get_station_time() station_time.format = 'iso' noise_temperatures = np.zeros((len(self.__interpolaiton_frequencies), healpy.pixelfunc.nside2npix(self.__n_side))) local_cs = astropy.coordinates.AltAz(location=site_location, obstime=station_time) solid_angle = healpy.pixelfunc.nside2pixarea(self.__n_side, degrees=False) pixel_longitudes, pixel_latitudes = healpy.pixelfunc.pix2ang(self.__n_side, range(healpy.pixelfunc.nside2npix(self.__n_side)), lonlat=True) pixel_longitudes *= units.deg pixel_latitudes *= units.deg galactic_coordinates = astropy.coordinates.Galactic(l=pixel_longitudes * astropy.units.rad, b=pixel_latitudes * astropy.units.rad) local_coordinates = galactic_coordinates.transform_to(local_cs) n_ice = ice.get_refractive_index(-0.01, detector.get_site(station.get_id())) # save noise temperatures for all directions and frequencies for i_freq, noise_freq in enumerate(self.__interpolaiton_frequencies): radio_sky = self.__gdsm.generate(noise_freq / units.MHz) radio_sky = healpy.pixelfunc.ud_grade(radio_sky, self.__n_side) noise_temperatures[i_freq] = radio_sky for channel in station.iter_channels(): antenna_pattern = self.__antenna_pattern_provider.load_antenna_pattern(detector.get_antenna_model(station.get_id(), channel.get_id())) freqs = channel.get_frequencies() d_f = freqs[2] - freqs[1] sampling_rate = channel.get_sampling_rate() channel_spectrum = channel.get_frequency_spectrum() passband_filter = (freqs > passband[0]) & (freqs < passband[1]) noise_spec_sum = np.zeros_like(channel.get_frequency_spectrum()) flux_sum = np.zeros(freqs[passband_filter].shape) efield_sum = np.zeros((3, freqs.shape[0]), dtype=complex) if self.__debug: plt.close('all') fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8)) ax_1 = fig.add_subplot(221) ax_2 = fig.add_subplot(222) ax_3 = fig.add_subplot(223) ax_4 = fig.add_subplot(224) ax_1.grid() ax_1.set_yscale('log') ax_2.grid() ax_2.set_yscale('log') ax_3.grid() ax_3.set_yscale('log') ax_4.grid() ax_4.set_yscale('log') ax_1.set_xlabel('f [MHz]') ax_2.set_xlabel('f [MHz]') ax_3.set_xlabel('f [MHz]') ax_4.set_xlabel('f [MHz]') ax_1.set_ylabel('T [K]') ax_2.set_ylabel('S [W/m²/MHz]') ax_3.set_ylabel('E [V/m]') ax_4.set_ylabel('U [V]') ax_4.plot(channel.get_frequencies() / units.MHz, np.abs(channel.get_frequency_spectrum()), c='C0') ax_4.set_ylim([1.e-8, None]) fig1 = plt.figure() ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(211) ax2 = fig1.add_subplot(212) ax1.plot(channel.get_times(), channel.get_trace(), label='original trace') ax2.plot(channel.get_frequencies() / units.MHz, np.abs(channel.get_frequency_spectrum()), label='original spectrum') ax1.grid() ax2.grid() for i_pixel in range(healpy.pixelfunc.nside2npix(self.__n_side)): azimuth = local_coordinates[i_pixel].az.rad zenith = np.pi / 2. - local_coordinates[i_pixel].alt.rad if zenith > 90. * units.deg: continue temperature_interpolator = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(self.__interpolaiton_frequencies, np.log10(noise_temperatures[:, i_pixel]), kind='quadratic') noise_temperature = np.power(10, temperature_interpolator(freqs[passband_filter])) # calculate spectral radiance of radio signal using rayleigh-jeans law S = (2. * (scipy.constants.Boltzmann * units.joule / units.kelvin) * freqs[passband_filter]**2 / (scipy.constants.c * units.m / units.s)**2 * (noise_temperature) * solid_angle) S[np.isnan(S)] = 0 # calculate radiance per energy bin S_per_bin = S * d_f flux_sum += S_per_bin # calculate electric field per energy bin from the radiance per bin E = np.sqrt(S_per_bin / (scipy.constants.c * units.m / units.s * scipy.constants.epsilon_0 * (units.coulomb / units.V / units.m))) / (d_f) if self.__debug: ax_1.scatter(self.__interpolaiton_frequencies / units.MHz, noise_temperatures[:, i_pixel] / units.kelvin, c='k', alpha=.01) ax_1.plot(freqs[passband_filter] / units.MHz, noise_temperature, c='k', alpha=.02) ax_2.plot(freqs[passband_filter] / units.MHz, S_per_bin / d_f / (units.watt / units.m**2 / units.MHz), c='k', alpha=.02) ax_3.plot(freqs[passband_filter] / units.MHz, E / (units.V / units.m), c='k', alpha=.02) # assign random phases and polarizations to electric field noise_spectrum = np.zeros((3, freqs.shape[0]), dtype=complex) phases = np.random.uniform(0, 2. * np.pi, len(S)) polarizations = np.random.uniform(0, 2. * np.pi, len(S)) noise_spectrum[1][passband_filter] = np.exp(1j * phases) * E * np.cos(polarizations) noise_spectrum[2][passband_filter] = np.exp(1j * phases) * E * np.sin(polarizations) efield_sum += noise_spectrum antenna_orientation = detector.get_antenna_orientation(station.get_id(), channel.get_id()) # consider signal reflection at ice surface if detector.get_relative_position(station.get_id(), channel.get_id())[2] < 0: t_theta = geometryUtilities.get_fresnel_t_p(zenith, n_ice, 1) t_phi = geometryUtilities.get_fresnel_t_s(zenith, n_ice, 1) fresnel_zenith = geometryUtilities.get_fresnel_angle(zenith, n_ice, 1.) if fresnel_zenith is None: continue else: t_theta = 1 t_phi = 1 fresnel_zenith = zenith # fold electric field with antenna response antenna_response = antenna_pattern.get_antenna_response_vectorized(freqs, fresnel_zenith, azimuth, *antenna_orientation) channel_noise_spectrum = antenna_response['theta'] * noise_spectrum[1] * t_theta + antenna_response['phi'] * noise_spectrum[2] * t_phi if self.__debug: ax_4.plot(freqs / units.MHz, np.abs(channel_noise_spectrum) / units.V, c='k', alpha=.01) channel_spectrum += channel_noise_spectrum noise_spec_sum += channel_noise_spectrum channel.set_frequency_spectrum(channel_spectrum, sampling_rate) if self.__debug: ax_2.plot(freqs[passband_filter] / units.MHz, flux_sum / d_f / (units.watt / units.m**2 / units.MHz), c='C0', label='total flux') ax_3.plot(freqs[passband_filter] / units.MHz, np.sqrt(np.abs(efield_sum[1])**2 + np.abs(efield_sum[2])**2)[passband_filter] / (units.V / units.m), c='k', linestyle='-', label='sum of E-fields') ax_3.plot(freqs[passband_filter] / units.MHz, np.sqrt(flux_sum / (scipy.constants.c * (units.m / units.s)) / (scipy.constants.epsilon_0 * (units.farad / units.m))) / d_f / (units.V / units.m), c='C2', label='E-field from total flux') ax_4.plot(channel.get_frequencies() / units.MHz, np.abs(noise_spec_sum), c='k', linestyle=':', label='total noise') ax_2.legend() ax_3.legend() ax_4.legend() fig.tight_layout() ax1.plot(channel.get_times(), channel.get_trace(), label='new trace') ax1.plot(channel.get_times(), fft.freq2time(noise_spec_sum, channel.get_sampling_rate()), label='noise') ax2.plot(channel.get_frequencies() / units.MHz, np.abs(channel.get_frequency_spectrum()), label='new spectrum') ax2.plot(channel.get_frequencies() / units.MHz, np.abs(noise_spec_sum), label='noise') ax1.legend() ax2.legend()