from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
from NuRadioReco.modules.base.module import register_run
from scipy import signal, fftpack
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from NuRadioReco.utilities import geometryUtilities as geo_utl
from NuRadioReco.utilities import units
from NuRadioReco.framework.parameters import stationParameters as stnp
from NuRadioReco.framework.parameters import electricFieldParameters as efp
import scipy.optimize as opt
from radiotools import helper as hp
import logging
[docs]class correlationDirectionFitter:
Fits the direction using correlation of parallel channels.
def __init__(self):
self.__zenith = []
self.__azimuth = []
self.__delta_zenith = []
self.__delta_azimuth = []
self.logger = logging.getLogger('NuRadioReco.correlationDirectionFitter')
self.__debug = None
[docs] def begin(self, debug=False, log_level=logging.NOTSET):
self.__debug = debug
[docs] @register_run()
def run(self, evt, station, det, n_index=None, ZenLim=None,
channel_pairs=((0, 2), (1, 3)),
reconstruct signal arrival direction for all events
evt: Event
The event to run the module on
station: Station
The station to run the module on
det: Detector
The detector description
n_index: float
the index of refraction
ZenLim: 2-dim array/list of floats (default: [0 * units.deg, 90 * units.deg])
the zenith angle limits for the fit
AziLim: 2-dim array/list of floats (default: [0 * units.deg, 360 * units.deg])
the azimuth angle limits for the fit
channel_pairs: pair of pair of integers
specify the two channel pairs to use, default ((0, 2), (1, 3))
use_envelope: bool (default False)
if True, the hilbert envelope of the traces is used
if ZenLim is None:
ZenLim = [0 * units.deg, 90 * units.deg]
if AziLim is None:
AziLim = [0 * units.deg, 360 * units.deg]
use_correlation = True
def ll_regular_station(angles, corr_02, corr_13, sampling_rate, positions, trace_start_times):
Likelihood function for a four antenna ARIANNA station, using correction.
Using correlation, has no built in wrap around, pulse needs to be in the middle
zenith = angles[0]
azimuth = angles[1]
times = []
for pos in positions:
tmp = [geo_utl.get_time_delay_from_direction(zenith, azimuth, pos[0], n=n_index),
geo_utl.get_time_delay_from_direction(zenith, azimuth, pos[1], n=n_index)]
delta_t_02 = times[0][1] - times[0][0]
delta_t_13 = times[1][1] - times[1][0]
# take different trace start times into account
delta_t_02 -= (trace_start_times[0][1] - trace_start_times[0][0])
delta_t_13 -= (trace_start_times[1][1] - trace_start_times[1][0])
delta_t_02 *= sampling_rate
delta_t_13 *= sampling_rate
pos_02 = int(corr_02.shape[0] / 2 - delta_t_02)
pos_13 = int(corr_13.shape[0] / 2 - delta_t_13)
# weight_02 = np.sum(corr_02 ** 2) # Normalize crosscorrelation
# weight_13 = np.sum(corr_13 ** 2)
# likelihood = -1 * (corr_02[pos_02] ** 2 / weight_02 + corr_13[pos_13] ** 2 / weight_13)
# After deliberating a bit, I don't think we should use the square because anti-correlating
# pulses would be wrong, given that it is not a continous waveform
weight_02 = np.sum(np.abs(corr_02)) # Normalize crosscorrelation
weight_13 = np.sum(np.abs(corr_13))
likelihood = -1 * (corr_02[pos_02] / weight_02 + corr_13[pos_13] / weight_13)
return likelihood
def ll_regular_station_fft(angles, corr_02_fft, corr_13_fft, sampling_rate, positions, trace_start_times):
Likelihood function for a four antenna ARIANNA station, using FFT convolution
Using FFT convolution, has built-in wrap around, but ARIANNA signals are too short for it to be accurate
will show problems at zero time delay
zenith = angles[0]
azimuth = angles[1]
times = []
for pos in positions:
tmp = [geo_utl.get_time_delay_from_direction(zenith, azimuth, pos[0], n=n_index) * sampling_rate,
geo_utl.get_time_delay_from_direction(zenith, azimuth, pos[1], n=n_index) * sampling_rate]
delta_t_02 = (times[0][1] + trace_start_times[0][1] * sampling_rate) - (times[0][0] + trace_start_times[0][0] * sampling_rate)
delta_t_13 = (times[1][1] + trace_start_times[1][1] * sampling_rate) - (times[1][0] + trace_start_times[1][0] * sampling_rate)
if delta_t_02 < 0:
pos_02 = int(delta_t_02 + corr_02_fft.shape[0])
pos_02 = int(delta_t_02)
if delta_t_13 < 0:
pos_13 = int(delta_t_13 + corr_13_fft.shape[0])
pos_13 = int(delta_t_13)
weight_02 = np.sum(np.abs(corr_02_fft)) # Normalize crosscorrelation
weight_13 = np.sum(np.abs(corr_13_fft))
likelihood = -1 * (np.abs(corr_02_fft[pos_02]) ** 2 / weight_02 + np.abs(corr_13[pos_13]) ** 2 / weight_13)
return likelihood
station_id = station.get_id()
positions_pairs = [[det.get_relative_position(station_id, channel_pairs[0][0]), det.get_relative_position(station_id, channel_pairs[0][1])],
[det.get_relative_position(station_id, channel_pairs[1][0]), det.get_relative_position(station_id, channel_pairs[1][1])]]
sampling_rate = station.get_channel(channel_pairs[0][0]).get_sampling_rate() # assume that channels have the same sampling rate
trace_start_time_pairs = [[station.get_channel(channel_pairs[0][0]).get_trace_start_time(), station.get_channel(channel_pairs[0][1]).get_trace_start_time()],
[station.get_channel(channel_pairs[1][0]).get_trace_start_time(), station.get_channel(channel_pairs[1][1]).get_trace_start_time()]]
# determine automatically if one channel has an inverted waveform with respect to the other
signs = [1., 1.]
for iPair, pair in enumerate(channel_pairs):
antenna_type = det.get_antenna_type(station_id, pair[0])
if("LPDA" in antenna_type):
otheta, ophi, rot_theta, rot_azimuth = det.get_antenna_orientation(station_id, pair[0])
otheta2, ophi2, rot_theta2, rot_azimuth2 = det.get_antenna_orientation(station_id, pair[1])
if(np.isclose(np.abs(rot_azimuth - rot_azimuth2), 180 * units.deg, atol=1 * units.deg)):
signs[iPair] = -1
if use_correlation:
# Correlation
if not use_envelope:
corr_02 = signal.correlate(station.get_channel(channel_pairs[0][0]).get_trace(),
signs[0] * station.get_channel(channel_pairs[0][1]).get_trace())
corr_13 = signal.correlate(station.get_channel(channel_pairs[1][0]).get_trace(),
signs[1] * station.get_channel(channel_pairs[1][1]).get_trace())
corr_02 = signal.correlate(np.abs(signal.hilbert(station.get_channel(channel_pairs[0][0]).get_trace())),
corr_13 = signal.correlate(np.abs(signal.hilbert(station.get_channel(channel_pairs[1][0]).get_trace())),
# FFT convolution
corr_02_fft = fftpack.ifft(-1 * fftpack.fft(station.get_channel(channel_pairs[0][0]).get_trace()).conjugate() * fftpack.fft(station.get_channel(channel_pairs[0][1]).get_trace()))
corr_13_fft = fftpack.ifft(-1 * fftpack.fft(station.get_channel(channel_pairs[1][0]).get_trace()).conjugate() * fftpack.fft(station.get_channel(channel_pairs[1][1]).get_trace()))
if use_correlation:
# Using correlation
ll = opt.brute(
ranges=(slice(ZenLim[0], ZenLim[1], 0.01), slice(AziLim[0], AziLim[1], 0.01)),
args=(corr_02, corr_13, sampling_rate, positions_pairs, trace_start_time_pairs),
full_output=True, finish=opt.fmin) # slow but does the trick
ll = opt.brute(ll_regular_station_fft, ranges=(slice(ZenLim[0], ZenLim[1], 0.05),
slice(AziLim[0], AziLim[1], 0.05)),
args=(corr_02_fft, corr_13_fft, sampling_rate, positions_pairs, trace_start_time_pairs), full_output=True, finish=opt.fmin) # slow but does the trick
if self.__debug:
import peakutils
zenith = ll[0][0]
azimuth = ll[0][1]
times = []
for pos in positions_pairs:
tmp = [geo_utl.get_time_delay_from_direction(zenith, azimuth, pos[0], n=n_index),
geo_utl.get_time_delay_from_direction(zenith, azimuth, pos[1], n=n_index)]
delta_t_02 = times[0][1] - times[0][0]
delta_t_13 = times[1][1] - times[1][0]
# take different trace start times into account
delta_t_02 -= (trace_start_time_pairs[0][1] - trace_start_time_pairs[0][0])
delta_t_13 -= (trace_start_time_pairs[1][1] - trace_start_time_pairs[1][0])
delta_t_02 *= sampling_rate
delta_t_13 *= sampling_rate
toffset = -(np.arange(0, corr_02.shape[0]) - corr_02.shape[0] / 2) / sampling_rate
fig, (ax, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True)
ax.plot(toffset, corr_02)
ax.axvline(delta_t_02 / sampling_rate, label='time', c='k')
indices = peakutils.indexes(corr_02, thres=0.8, min_dist=5)
ax.plot(toffset[indices], corr_02[indices], 'o')
imax = np.argmax(corr_02[indices])
self.logger.debug("offset 02= {:.3f}".format(toffset[indices[imax]] - (delta_t_02 / sampling_rate)))
ax2.plot(toffset, corr_13)
indices = peakutils.indexes(corr_13, thres=0.8, min_dist=5)
ax2.plot(toffset[indices], corr_13[indices], 'o')
ax2.axvline(delta_t_13 / sampling_rate, label='time', c='k')
ax2.set_ylabel("Correlation Ch 1/ Ch3", fontsize='small')
ax.set_ylabel("Correlation Ch 0/ Ch2", fontsize='small')
# plt.close("all")
station[stnp.zenith] = max(ZenLim[0], min(ZenLim[1], ll[0][0]))
station[stnp.azimuth] = ll[0][1]
output_str = "reconstucted angles theta = {:.1f}, phi = {:.1f}".format(station[stnp.zenith] / units.deg, station[stnp.azimuth] / units.deg)
if station.has_sim_station():
sim_zen = None
sim_az = None
sim_zen = station.get_sim_station()[stnp.zenith]
sim_az = station.get_sim_station()[stnp.azimuth]
elif(station.get_sim_station().is_neutrino()): # in case of a neutrino simulation, each channel has a slightly different arrival direction -> compute the average
sim_zen = []
sim_az = []
for efield in station.get_sim_station().get_electric_fields_for_channels(ray_path_type='direct'):
sim_zen = np.array(sim_zen)
sim_az = hp.get_normalized_angle(np.array(sim_az))
ops = "average incident zenith {:.1f} +- {:.1f}".format(np.mean(sim_zen) / units.deg, np.std(sim_zen) / units.deg)
ops += " (individual: "
for x in sim_zen:
ops += "{:.1f}, ".format(x / units.deg)
ops += ")"
ops = "average incident azimuth {:.1f} +- {:.1f}".format(np.mean(sim_az) / units.deg, np.std(sim_az) / units.deg)
ops += " (individual: "
for x in sim_az:
ops += "{:.1f}, ".format(x / units.deg)
ops += ")"
sim_zen = np.mean(np.array(sim_zen))
sim_az = np.mean(np.array(sim_az))
if(sim_zen is not None):
dOmega = hp.get_angle(hp.spherical_to_cartesian(sim_zen, sim_az), hp.spherical_to_cartesian(station[stnp.zenith], station[stnp.azimuth]))
output_str += " MC theta = {:.2f}, phi = {:.2f}, dOmega = {:.2f}, dZen = {:.1f}, dAz = {:.1f}".format(sim_zen / units.deg, hp.get_normalized_angle(sim_az) / units.deg, dOmega / units.deg, (station[stnp.zenith] - sim_zen) / units.deg, (station[stnp.azimuth] - hp.get_normalized_angle(sim_az)) / units.deg)
self.__delta_zenith.append(station[stnp.zenith] - sim_zen)
self.__delta_azimuth.append(station[stnp.azimuth] - hp.get_normalized_angle(sim_az))
# Still have to add fit quality parameter to output
if self.__debug:
import peakutils
# access simulated efield and high level parameters
sim_present = False
sim_station = station.get_sim_station()
azimuth_orig = sim_station[stnp.azimuth]
zenith_orig = sim_station[stnp.zenith]
sim_present = True
self.logger.debug("True CoREAS zenith {0}, azimuth {1}".format(zenith_orig, azimuth_orig))
self.logger.debug("Result of direction fitting: [zenith, azimuth] {}".format(np.rad2deg(ll[0])))
# Show fit space
zen = np.arange(ZenLim[0], ZenLim[1], 1 * units.deg)
az = np.arange(AziLim[0], AziLim[1], 2 * units.deg)
x_plot = np.zeros(zen.shape[0] * az.shape[0])
y_plot = np.zeros(zen.shape[0] * az.shape[0])
z_plot = np.zeros(zen.shape[0] * az.shape[0])
i = 0
for a in az:
for z in zen:
# Evaluate fit function for grid
if use_correlation:
z_plot[i] = ll_regular_station([z, a], corr_02, corr_13, sampling_rate, positions_pairs, trace_start_time_pairs)
z_plot[i] = ll_regular_station_fft([z, a], corr_02_fft, corr_13_fft, sampling_rate, positions_pairs, trace_start_time_pairs)
x_plot[i] = a
y_plot[i] = z
i += 1
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
ax.scatter(np.rad2deg(x_plot), np.rad2deg(y_plot), c=z_plot, cmap='gnuplot2_r', lw=0)
# ax.imshow(z_plot, cmap='gnuplot2_r', extent=(0, 360, 90, 180))
if sim_present:
ax.plot(np.rad2deg(hp.get_normalized_angle(azimuth_orig)), np.rad2deg(zenith_orig), marker='d', c='g', label="True")
ax.scatter(np.rad2deg(ll[0][1]), np.rad2deg(ll[0][0]), marker='o', c='k', label='Fit')
# ax.colorbar(label='Fit parameter')
ax.set_ylabel('Zenith [rad]')
ax.set_xlabel('Azimuth [rad]')
# plot allowed solution separately for each pair of channels
toffset = -(np.arange(0, corr_02.shape[0]) - corr_02.shape[0] / 2.) / sampling_rate
indices = peakutils.indexes(corr_02, thres=0.8, min_dist=5)
t02s = toffset[indices][np.argsort(corr_02[indices])[::-1]] + (trace_start_time_pairs[0][1] - trace_start_time_pairs[0][0])
toffset = -(np.arange(0, corr_13.shape[0]) - corr_13.shape[0] / 2.) / sampling_rate
indices = peakutils.indexes(corr_13, thres=0.8, min_dist=5)
t13s = toffset[indices][np.argsort(corr_13[indices])[::-1]] + (trace_start_time_pairs[1][1] - trace_start_time_pairs[1][0])
from scipy import constants
c = constants.c * units.m / units.s
dx = -6 * units.m
def get_deltat13(dt, phi):
t = -1. * dt * c / (dx * np.cos(phi) * n_index)
t[t < 0] = np.nan
return np.arcsin(t)
def get_deltat02(dt, phi):
t = -1 * dt * c / (dx * np.sin(phi) * n_index)
t[t < 0] = np.nan
return np.arcsin(t)
def getDeltaTCone(r, dt):
dist = np.linalg.norm(r)
t0 = -dist * n_index / c
Phic = np.arccos(dt / t0) # cone angle for allowable solutions
self.logger.debug('dist = {}, dt = {}, t0 = {}, phic = {}'.format(dist, dt, t0, Phic))
nr = r / dist # normalize
p = np.cross([0, 0, 1], nr) # create a perpendicular normal vector to r
p = p / np.linalg.norm(p)
q = np.cross(nr, p) # nr, p, and q form an orthonormal basis
self.logger.debug('nr = {}\np = {}\nq = {}\n'.format(nr, p, q))
ThetaC = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 1000)
Phis = np.zeros(len(ThetaC))
Thetas = np.zeros(len(ThetaC))
for i, thetac in enumerate(ThetaC):
# create a set of vectors that point along the cone defined by r and PhiC
rc = nr + np.tan(Phic) * (np.sin(thetac) * p + np.cos(thetac) * q)
nrc = rc / np.linalg.norm(rc)
theta = np.arccos(nrc[2])
phi = np.arctan2(nrc[1], nrc[0])
Phis[i] = phi
Thetas[i] = theta
return Phis, Thetas
# phis = np.deg2rad(np.linspace(0, 360, 10000))
r0_2 = positions_pairs[0][1] - positions_pairs[0][0] # vector pointing from Ch2 to Ch0
r1_3 = positions_pairs[1][1] - positions_pairs[1][0] # vector pointing from Ch3 to Ch1
self.logger.debug('r02 {}\nr13 {}'.format(r0_2, r1_3))
linestyles = ['-', '--', ':', '-.']
for i, t02 in enumerate(t02s):
# theta02 = get_deltat02(t02, phis)
phi02, theta02 = getDeltaTCone(r0_2, t02)
theta02[theta02 < 0] += np.pi
phi02[phi02 < 0] += 2 * np.pi
jumppos02 = np.where(np.abs(np.diff(phi02)) >= 5.0)
for j, pos in enumerate(jumppos02):
phi02 = np.insert(phi02, pos + 1 + j, np.nan)
theta02 = np.insert(theta02, pos + 1 + j, np.nan)
# mask02 = ~np.isnan(theta02)
ax.plot(np.rad2deg(phi02), np.rad2deg(theta02), '{}C3'.format(linestyles[i % 4]), label='c 0+2 dt = {}'.format(t02))
for i, t13 in enumerate(t13s):
# theta13 = get_deltat13(t13, phis)
phi13, theta13 = getDeltaTCone(r1_3, t13)
theta13[theta13 < 0] += np.pi
phi13[phi13 < 0] += 2 * np.pi
jumppos13 = np.where(np.abs(np.diff(phi13)) >= 5.0)
for j, pos in enumerate(jumppos13):
phi13 = np.insert(phi13, pos + 1 + j, np.nan)
theta13 = np.insert(theta13, pos + 1 + j, np.nan)
# mask13 = ~np.isnan(theta13)
ax.plot(np.rad2deg(phi13), np.rad2deg(theta13), '{}C2'.format(linestyles[i % 4]), label='c 1+3 dt = {}'.format(t13))
ax.set_ylim(ZenLim[0] / units.deg, ZenLim[1] / units.deg)
ax.set_xlim(AziLim[0] / units.deg, AziLim[1] / units.deg)
# plot expectation
# import expectation as e
# zenith_expected = np.pi - e.get_arrival_angle(time.mktime(station.get_station_time().timetuple()))
# ax.plot(225.5, np.rad2deg(zenith_expected), 'xr', label='expectation')
# plt.legend()
[docs] def end(self):
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
mask = np.abs(self.__delta_azimuth) < (1 * units.deg)
ax.scatter(np.array(self.__zenith)[mask] / units.deg, np.array(self.__delta_zenith)[mask] / units.deg, s=20)
ax.set_xlabel("zenith angle (MC) [deg]")
ax.set_ylabel("(zenith_rec - zenith_MC) [deg]")
from radiotools import plthelpers as php
bins = np.arange(-10, 10, .1)
fig, ax = php.get_histogram(np.array(self.__delta_azimuth) / units.deg, bins=bins, xlabel="delta azimuth [deg]")